为什么我的世界worldguard手机版会出现my world dont be open 呢 一直都是这样 求大

我的手机里下载我的世界0.10.4点击创造世界总是出现My world can&t be opeded我重装很多遍都没用,在百度上,百度手机助手,360,电脑上下载都是这,我认识5个人,他们的都能玩啊,我这是为什么,内存绝对够啊!直接说原因怎么办!
我的手机里下载我的世界0.10.4点击创造世界总是出现My world can&t be opeded我重装很多遍都没用,在百度上,百度手机助手,360,电脑上下载都是这,我认识5个人,他们的都能玩啊,我这是为什么,内存绝对够啊!直接说原因怎么办! 30
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号My world is not open to anyone any more. 我的世界不再允许任何人的出现。
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假如我的世界不再有你如果我的世界不再有你会是什么样呢?――题记有些痛,一直悄无声息的蔓延在我内心深处…两个人之间的相处经不起时光的打磨,慕然回首,爱到心痛。当发现你的世界我已经变得可有可无,我就想快点逃离你那边,越远越好……我只是一个再平凡不过的人了,你的一点点疏忽我的心就会很痛很痛,当然你不会再觉。我们都是平凡的人,我没有那么伟大,看着你厌倦我的样子我怎么也装不出来洒脱,生也如此,死不过也如此,即使没有了你,这个地球还是不停的一直在转、在转……如果我的世界不再有你,我手心的眼泪就不会突然落下来,也不会无缘无故心疼,如果我的世界不再有你,我就不会期待你的温柔。当满脑子的情绪像疯子一样,我才知道自己有多失落,老天在我的情绪里种下了伤痛,我也没有办法这种突如其来的心酸、无助、心痛、失落……我对你到底还有多少舍不得可以这样折磨着我自己?如果我的世界没有你,我会找到从前哪个我吗?每个人的执着都是无能为力的述说,就像永不回头的曾经,再也回不去的过往,即使你对我不好,我还要一如既往的去原谅你。我该有多纠结!如果我的世界不再有你,我又怎么会在最失落的时候依赖上你,让自己错了又错……有些刻骨铭心的痛我不想再提起,已经没有意义,我不怪任何人,只怪自己作茧自缚……让自己的故事变成痛上加痛,如果我的世界不再有你,我相信我会永远消失在你的世界里,永不再见!就像这黑夜它终究是黑夜,躲不过寂寞的洗礼,逃不过暗淡的忧伤…是夜、寂寞了忧伤,还是忧伤、感知了夜的凄凉?我怎么弄的清?我也只是个普通人而已,错综复杂的感情、难以割舍的无奈,剪不断、理、似乎更乱…如果我的世界不再有你……今天,我想把自己最后一次交给文字,任凭思绪张扬,随笔墨纷飞,这样失落无助的感觉已经很久没有了,我把文字当生活一样写了这么久,其实真的有点累了。那段时间我们一起写文字的人们,一起留过的微笑,突然的,有种莫名的悲哀,虽然明知这是现实的规则,但还是忍不住为它黯然神伤,谁在谁的心里,谁又在谁的记忆里,突然很想就此罢笔,去追寻新的生活,也许,那才是属于我该存在的地方,此时,我很感伤……而你不会察觉…我走在遥远的时光里,想起了以前的种种,那些一起相处过的人,一起走过的风景,经历了又被遗忘,遗忘了又被想起,反反复复,我想,我是真的真的怀念曾经了……打开尘封已久的随笔,突然发现,里面竟然满满的都是你我曾经的经历,时间只是短短的过去一年半载,那么多相遇的美好,记忆的喧嚣,快乐的,感伤的,甚至是不好的记忆,就这样化为了时光的泡沫,我不是难过,只是很不甘心,这些形形色色的经历,我们是花了多大的代价跟眼泪才把它走完……原来,不知不觉的自己真的改变了很多,以前写文字从来不会感觉孤单,因为有你跟我一起创作,后来的后来,仿佛只是一个恍惚的瞬间,突然就变成了一个人了,原来,这趟旅途的列车,一个一个都到站了,只有我还在一站又一站的路过,看着你看过的风景,这一看,便看了很久很久……我忘记怎么回头了?如果我的世界不再有你……每一次累的时候,我都是一个人安慰自己,希望被人关心,每次快乐总是那么的短暂。我写再多的文字也写不出那种失落、无助的境界。流再多的眼泪也读不懂多愁善感的心痛,有多少人跟我一样半夜自己舔砥伤口,将自己的眼泪再一次奉献给黑夜。如果我的世界不再有你,还有谁能这样懂我的无助跟落寞?我将思念枕在手心上,原来对你的爱不仅仅是痛跟疼,竟然还有欣喜。如果我的世界不再有你,我改怎么习惯这种痛并快乐的生活……有时候,我们总感觉与一些人和事已经走到了尽头。也许不是事和物、只是心感觉走到了尽头…每个人的相遇、相知都不是随意或是刻意,而是历尽多少心酸、心痛才走到今天,不论相处的时间短暂还是长久,也不论真心还是假意,这都是我们自己的选择。因生活本身就是撕心裂肺的感悟,所以遗憾常伴我们左右…有时候在某一段时间里,发现对着电脑的时间过多,哪怕不写文字,不工作,不与别人聊天,也宁愿傻傻的坐着,听歌然后心跟着伤感音乐到了别样世界里去的境界。突然有种恍然若失的感悟,会怀念曾经美好的回忆,只是回忆再美好也只是曾经了,过去的再也回不来,纵然我们万般无奈,千般不舍…但它依然会不由分说决然离去……那么是不是所有走过曾经的人都是这个样子。和喜欢的人吵架,和陌生人讲心里话,看别人幸福的戏,流着自己悲伤的泪,最初不相识,最终不相认……如果我的世界不再有你……曾为了你,伤害了自己,曾为了你,不知道流了多少泪!没有到最后,没有谁愿意放弃两个人之间的相处,走到今天实属不易,我们曾经深深的爱过,然后深深的痛过!爱一个人不容易,因为会受伤、会心痛、、可放弃一个人是真的更不容易,因为爱了整整一个曾经…也许痛是最凄美的脆弱。当眼泪越酿越浓,人生过客都是太匆匆,我该怎么形容我们之间的故事呢??说爱都太庸俗,如果我的世界不再有你,我该什么时候才学会勇敢,学会坚强…我怕我们之间的故事到了最后变成剧终,什么都没有留下,唯有留下心痛给我,呵呵!那样的话是不是我就注定伤感了……原来你终究是我最痛的感动,如果我的世界不再有你,我也不想再快乐的笑了…我不想我们有这样一天:我们不再是朋友,我们只是有着共同回忆的陌生人……是谁错过了谁,又是谁遗忘了谁??我们总是在面对失去的时候,任何挽留、任何文字都是那么的无能为力,不是不想用力去抓住你,而是残酷的现实总是让我们无处下手,在更多的时候,我们就像一个看客一样,明明知道自己在乎的东西正慢慢离我们远去,但就是无法去左右它,无能为力是多么的力不从心啊…如果真的有那么一天,我的世界不再有你,我决定放手,放你走,让你追寻你渴望的方向,只是,既然你决定要走的哪一天,请不要再回头看我…因为我没有任何理由将你挽留,我也不想让你看到我泣不成声的那一刻……那种场景太无助了。与其到那时安慰自己说:向来缘浅,奈何情深,不如安慰自己说:放开过去,放了你,也同时放了我自己…这一辈子,我们生活在这个悲欢离合的人世间,总要去接受许多的离别,有突然的,也有刻意离开的、最后都变成了顺其自然的离去……时间,它很温柔,也很无情,见证在历史的车轮下,它带走了我们所有经历的故事,最后,又送来了全部的回忆……也许学会遗忘,是最好的选择,即使无奈,即使不甘……如果我的世界不再有你,我再不甘心,也已经满足,曾经你视我唯一,因为最好的幸福是你曾经给的在乎…如果我的世界有你,纵使心痛也无悔……我是――创意―朵朵希望我的文字,能给你带来共鸣°If my world no longer have youIf my world no longer have you what is it?--.Some pain, has been quietly spread deep in my heart...Between two people get along with the time of grinding, and then look back, love to heartache. When you find the world I have become not essential, I just want to get away from your side, as far as possible...... I'm just an ordinary man, you a little bit of neglect of my heart will be very painful, of course, you will not have a feeling. We are all ordinary people, I do not have so great. Look at you I'm tired of the way I did not install it clear that life is so, death, but also so, even without you, the earth will not stop the has in turn, in turn......If my world no longer have you, the tears of my heart will not suddenly fall, it will not be for no reason at all, if my world no longer have you, I will not expect your gentle. When the head is full of emotions like a madman, I /ykcqtx890 /qxquxiantx know you have lost, God in my mind the pain, I also have no way to solve this sudden sadness, helplessness, pain, loss... How many of you still have my own to do so? If my world without you, I will find the past which I?Each person's dedication is unable to tell, just like never back, never go back to the past, even if you are not good for me, I will always go to forgive you. I should have more tangled, if my world no longer have you, how can I rely on you, so that you are wrong again...... Some of the pain imprint is engraved on /bierendeairenzai /diudiu8303 my heart. I don't want to talk about, have no meaning, I don't blame anyone, can only blame themselves in a cocoon around oneself...... Make your story a pain in the pain, if my world no longer have you, I believe that I will never disappear in your world, never goodbye!Like this night it is the night, hide but the baptism of the lonely, but the sad... That night, lonely, sad, sorrow, perception of the night of the desolate? How do I get? I'm just a normal person, but complicated feelings, inseparable, cut ceaseless, manage, appear to be more chaos. If my world no longer has you......Today, I want to take one last time to /quxiankekao /quxianchongqing the text, just let my thoughts publicity, essays ink fly, so lost and helpless feeling has not in a long time, I put text when life as written so long, in fact, really have a little tired. During that time we together to write the text people to stay with a smile, suddenly, a sense of sadness, although /chengdouxi9872 /chengduxykdh knowing that this is the reality of the rule, but still could not help it feel dejected, who in whose heart, who in one of the memory, suddenly wanted to this writing, to go /zhou /wwx in search of a new life, perhaps, that is belong to me the existence of a place, at this moment, I am very sad...... And you don't notice...I walked in the distant time, remembered before all those who together before, together through the scenery, through the /u//chongqingxykdh then forgotten, forgotten and remembered, repeatedly, I think, I am really really miss once...... Open the dusty already a long time of essays, suddenly found, which turned out to be full of is you and I have the experience of time just past just Yinianbanzai, so meet the beautiful, the hustle and bustle of the memory, happy, sad, even bad memory, so that to light foam, I'm not sad, just very unwilling, these kinds of experiences, we are spent much of the price with tears to go through it...The original, unconsciously, I really changed a lot, before writing the text will not feel lonely,because you are with /chengdutaoxian /chengdouxi9135 me, and later, as if only a moment of trance, suddenly became a person, the train of this journey, one is the arrival, only I am still standing at a passing through, watching you see the scenery, this look, they looked for a long time...... I forgot how to turn around? If my world no longer have you......Every time I /love_oneT /cdtaoxiangongsi am tired, I am a person to comfort myself, I hope to be concerned about, always so brief. I write more of the text also write the kind of lost, helpless state. Flow of tears also read don't understand sentimental heart, many people with me as their night //u/ their wounds, his tears once again dedicated to night. If you are no longer in my world, and who can so that to understand my helpless and lonely? I will /cqxyktaoxiangs /cqxykdaihuan miss the pillow in the //chengduxyktaoxian palm of the hand, original love for you is not just a pain with pain, unexpectedly and joy. If my world no longer has you, I change how to get used to this kind of pain and happy life......Sometimes, we always feel with some people and things have come to an end. Perhaps not things and things, but //chengduxyktixian heart feels the end... Everyone met, acquaintance are not random or deliberate, but experienced how sad, heartache leave today, regardless of time together short or long, whether true or false, this is our own choice. Because /u//u/ itself is piercing feeling, so we always regret about... Sometimes in a certain period of time, found in front of the computer too much, even if not writing, does not work, do not chat with others, would rather silly sat, listening to music and heart follow sad music to the realm of a different kind of world.Suddenly feel lost the sentiment, will miss the once beautiful memories, but memories of beautiful only once, of the past will never come back, even if we madly helpless, like don't give up...... But it will still leave allowing no explanation...... So it's not all the people who have passed through this way. And like to fight, and strangers speak truth, the well-being of other people to see the show, his sad tears, initially did not know, and ultimately do not recognize... If my world no longer has you......Had to you, hurt themselves. Once in order to you, I do not know how many tears flow! Did not make it to the final, who is not willing to give up between two people to get along, go to today is not easy, we have deeply //chengduxykquxian and deeply pain! Is not easy to love a person, because it will hurt or pain, and can give a person is really not easy, because of love it for a whole once. Perhaps the pain is most vulnerable. When the tears the more the more, the life is too hasty, I should how to describe the story between us, love is too vulgar, if my world no longer have you, I should learn how to be brave and strong... I'm afraid our story to last into the end. There was nothing left. Only the left heart to me, ha ha! That is not I was doomed sad... The original you are my most painful, if my world no longer have you, I also don't want to be happy smile...I don't think we have this day: we are no longer friends, we just have a common memory of strangers......Is who missed the who, and who have forgotten who?? we always in the face of lost time, retain any, any words are so helpless, do not want to force to seize you, but the cruel reality always let us no place to start, /u//u/ most of the time, we are like a spectator, clearly know that you care about things are slowly away from us, but just can't go around it, helpless is how powerless ah...If there is one day, my world will not have you, I decided to let go, let you go, let you pursue the direction you want, but, since you decide which day to go, please don't look back at me... Because I don't have any reason to make you stay, I don't want to let you see the moment I choke with sobs...... That scene is too helpless. And then comfort myself, always shallow edge, helpless feeling, it is better to comfort /cdsfd9966 /dcddk88 their said: let go of the past, let you go, and put myself... In this life, we live in the joys and sorrows of the world to to accept many parting, there are sudden, deliberately left, have become the last naturally leave... Time, it is very gentle, but also very cruel, witness the history of the wheel, it took us all the story, and finally, and sent all the memories......Perhaps learn to forget, is the best choice, even if the helpless, even unwilling......If my world no longer have you, I will not be willing to, also have to meet, once you see me only, because the /chengdudaiwang/ /shenfenxiaodai happiness is you have to give...If my world has you, even if the heartache also has no regrets......I was - creative - after allI hope my words, can give you a resonance
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All Rights Reserved.我的世界手机版为什么每一次玩都会出现my world_百度知道
我的世界手机版为什么每一次玩都会出现my world
my world是minecraft PE版本的默认存档名。每一次在minecraft PE上建立新的存档,如果不手动更改,存档名都是my world。PE中的存档名是在创建游戏时可以更改的,一但取了名就不能更改了。如果不取名名字就会呈现my world。
my world的汉译是「我的世界的意思」,所以每次生成世界时都默认的my world。而我的世界英语为什么这个游戏叫minecraft呢?是因为
Minecraft 的命名当然有向两个经典游戏致敬的意味,不过更多的还是指向 craft 的第一层含义,即「合成物品」,前面的 mine 则是「挖矿」,两者结合起来正好代表了游戏的这两大核心元素。如果按字面意思直译的话,应该是「挖矿与合成」,当然这样的名字听起来很无趣。大陆民间常见的翻译「我的世界」很可能是个错译,就是把 mine 理解为「我的」的意思了,然后后面 craft 不知道怎么译,就干脆「我的世界」。这个翻译也不能说很差,但是确实没有比较全面的体现游戏的特点(任何 open-world 游戏都是一个「我的世界」,这不是 Minecraft 独有的特点),而且由于「我的世界」是一个...
my world 翻译过来就是我的世界,你也可以在创建新世界前编辑名字。
my 就是我的意思world 就是世界啊mine是我的宾格所以minecraft 是我的世界缩写MC
my world翻译=我的世界我的世界官方:minecraft
my world是PE版本的默认存档名,创建世界时可以更改
my world=我的世界在眼里就是你的世界
my world 不就是我的世界的意思么0.0--
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