
Ext GWT 网站 : /products/extgwt/ Ext GWT是Ext和GWT整合的一个工具,可以使用GWT编写EXT为前台的程序,该项目已改名为 Sencha GXT 授权协议: GPLv3 开发语言: Java JavaScript 操作系统: 跨平台
Ext 2.1.0于日正式发布稳定版,双重授权由原来的LGPL和商业授权(包括2.0.2以及之前的版本),改为GPL3.0和商业授权(从2.1.0开始).这也就意味着2.1.0这一版本开始,不能再以类库的形式引用Ext进行商业闭源开发了,必须开源(除非你花钱购买商业授权). 主要更新: Full REST support //完美支持REST Added Ext.StatusBar Component and Samples //添加状态条组件和例子. Added Ext.Sl
Ext Gwt now been doing development for a long time there has been no contact with Ext JS, and prior to contact with things that have been quickly forgotten clean, before completely forgotten to write this summary for reference, but also hoped to produce m
The good news coming! A day at the moment, we jQTouch and Rapha?l two major projects, combining the strengths of Sencha to create a new brand, so web sites on
renamed . jQTouch and Rapha?l can be said that in their
The relative prospects of development of JAVA JS not too convenient, a variety of optimization is also very irritating, GWT read the instructions, try a bit EXT-GWT development, write a simple tutorial for use. ================ ================== Div
GWT Designer 网站 : /gwtdesigner/ GWT Designer可以辅助开发者在Eclipse中快速构建GUI和GWT/Java应用并将其作为 Web应用部署,开发者无需了解JavaScript就能开发出高质量的RIA应用.该产品支持流行的widget库,如Ext GWT(GXT)和GWT-Ext,在最新版中还增加了对Smart GWT的支持.Smart GWT是个基于GWT的框架,拥有大量的widget库用于构建
在ExtJS license更改(和之后的商讨)后,sanjiv jivan决定辞去Gwt-Ext项目负责人一职,几天前,他宣布了Gwt-Ext项目新成员的名字.这里我们不评价sanjiv和Jack Slockum (Ext JS主要贡献者)之间的矛盾. 截止到目前,Gwt-Ext项目只支持LGPL的ExtJS 2.0.2,而不支持GPL2.1版本,我们强烈支持这一决定,如果Gwt-Ext项目仍然有前途.Gwt-Ext是一个 针对Ext JS的GWT包,因此应该做的就是,最好支持类库的现有版本.
本人最近开始研究 GWT(Google Web Toolkit) ,现将个人的一点心得贴出来,希望对刚开始接触 GWT 的程序员们有所帮助,也欢迎讨论,共同进步. 先说说本人的硬件环境,机器是 dell inspiron 1464 , i5 的处理器, 6G 内存.软件环境, Win7 32 位操作系统, MyEclipse9.0 , JDK1.7 , GWT2.3.0 . 所有资料全部来源于网络,主要是 Google 的官方手册.另外有一本中文的 GWT 教程,叫做& GWT 揭秘&,评价很
[Address] Original: /developerworks/cn/java/j-gaej1/ Google App Engine is Python developer once the patent. It was a dark years. Google Inc. In April 2009 Java (TM) developers to open its cloud computing platform. In this three-part se
Today received an email from Extjs, actually see the renamed ExtJS, and even changing his name, feeling very shaken as follows: June 14, 2010 Hello, As a valued member of the our community, we wanted you to be the first to know that exciting things a
GXT Component Tutorial 1 - Basic Grid Colleagues chatting today and start with EXT-GWT tutorial is relatively small. He would like to talk about writing a book, we laugh, I would like to write a book after potential technical not, then write a blog s
Recent gxt interest, it is a Rich Application Client, the interface is very beautiful, so try to set up the environment today, a program up to their own. I was gxt is gxt-2.2.0, gwt gwt-2.0.4 version is. Introduce my development tools are Myeclipse8.
I am a new translation of the text, originally published InfoWorld open source software development this year, the best is from the Test Center editors and reviewers to assess the out. Winne
Sencha 网站 : / Sencha 是由 ExtJS.jQTouch 以及 Raphael 三个项目合并而成的一个新项目. Sencha Products Ext JS for web developers - for quickly building rich, sustainable web applications
Ext GWT for Java developers - enables Java
Sencha GXT 网站 : /products/gxt/ Sencha GXT 的前身就是 Ext GWT , 是一个非常受欢迎的 Java Web 应用框架,基于 Google Web Toolkit 开发,使用 Sencha GXT 开发者可方便的构建支持多浏览器的高性能 Web 应用. 授权协议: LGPL 开发语言: Java 操作系统: 跨平台
下面是一些常见ajax的一些属性与方法,大家一定要熟练掌握. 一.XMLHttpRequest 对象的三个重要的属性. onreadystatechange 属性 onreadystatechange 属性存有处理服务器响应的函数.下面的代码定义一个空的函数,可同时对 onreadystatechange 属性进行设置: xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=function() { // 我们需要在这里写一些代码 } readyState 属性 readyState 属性存有服
Jack Slocum-时下流行的Javascript库ExtJS的开发领导者,本周宣布为使用ExtJS 2.1及后续版本开发的开源软件开辟两个例外,这是社区努力的结果.这个举动是对最近围绕在ExtJS协议上的转换(从LGPL到GPLv3)引起的疑惑所做的一个回应.第一个例外将会覆盖社区开发的Ext JS扩展: 对我们来说,第一步是针对扩展的开源协议例外.当前该例外还处于草案状态,在最终定稿前我们还将寻求来自社区的建议. 起草这个例外的目的在于为扩展.语言包.主题及在各种开源协议下为Ext库开发
Web前端开发教程: (1)Web开发必备手册大集合 (2)Web前端开发人员和设计师必读文章推荐(系列一~系列八) (3)[特别推荐]Web前端开发人员和设计师必读文章推荐[系列十] (4)为Web设计和开发者准备的免费图书 (5)web开发必看教程 (6)对Web开发人员和设计师有用的10个流程图 (7)自适应网页设计(Responsive Web Design) (8)[译]How browsers work (9)四个新的 HTTP 状态码 (10)来自Yahoo的35个网页提速最佳实践
netbeans provided with the eclipse plugin gwt under the same, and the style and netbeans web (such as jsp + servlet) the same. The current version that is netbeans6.8 belt gwt Update Center plug-in is version 2.6.14. This version provides the most ba
Recently GWT + GAE python .. As for why it has GAE python? Course with GAE java code management more convenient, but there PyFetion, there is no good JavaFetion ... The document said: Because homologous restriction, so they need to gwt compiled for e
Integration of GWT application in GWT-EXT requires the following steps: 1, in the src \ com \ cjm \ public directory to create js directory, js directory created under the ext directory. Copy ext folder frame adapter, resources and documentation ext-
First, the definition of a table should have columns that define the header ColumnModel: / / Define a ColumnModel, there are four columns in the table header var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel ([ {Header: 'ID', dataIndex: 'id'}, {Header: 'sex', dataIn
I did not watch before writing any line on the comparison between the two is to not be able to influence other people's ideas, so the comparison is not large and, at best, but I feel nothing more. 1. The first is license problem, we all know, ExtJS i
A few days ago that the DBGP by Notepad + + plug-ins with the xdebug PHP PHP file extensions can debug at the same time, said that includes a single-step debugging, monitoring, there is variable cross-file debugging. Information on the network config
前些天发现通过Notepad++的DBGP插件结合PHP的xdebug扩展可以实现PHP文件调试,同时,介绍说包含了单步调试.监视变量还有跨文件调试. 按照网络上的资料配置好调试环境后实际试用了发现功能较为简陋,单文件调试还可,如果是跨文件调试项目就不那么舒服了,试用过程中因为DBGP插件也存在许多缺陷,烦恼不断,经常性地stack overflow,很是遗憾.后来想想Np++只是Editor,不要对它强求过多,插件的版本也比较低,存在许多BUG也是可以理解的,等它慢慢完善再说吧,开源社区的力量
上周Sun发布了Netbeans 6.1.在周一的CommunityOne会议上,Sun宣布在Netbeans的预览版中增加PHP支持.从该发布中我们看到: NetBeans IDE针对PHP的预览版包含了智能编辑特性,如带优先级的代码完成(prioritized code completion).即时重命名.标记出现(mark occurrences).动态代码模板及轻松导航( easy navigation).除了编辑器,它还支持调试:部署到本地服务器:动态帮助和示例项目以帮助开发人员尽快上
在JavaOne大会上预览之后,Oracle现在正式发布了NetBeans 7.4.新版本允许开发人员使用JDK 8预览版,支持在Java EE应用程序中集成HTML5,并提供了使用Apache Cordova开发移动应用程序的工具. Lambda表达式可能是JDK 8最重要的一个新特性,它为编写匿名内部类提供了另一种选择.NetBeans提供了匿名内部类的查找工具,还提供了用于Lambda表达式与匿名内部类相互转换的附加工具. JDK 8还引入了三个Compact Profile.后者是Jav
预览版:JavaFX Composer 插件 JavaFX Composer 是 一个用于创建JavaFX应用程序的可视化布局工具.有了这个工具,JavaFX开发人员可以创建标准JavaFX控件以及使用状态的GUIs来定义应用 流程等等.JavaFX Composer是一个预览版本,也是NetBeans IDE 6.8中可使用的一个插件,可以从NetBeans更新中心获取.(打开NetBeans IDE,找到工具-&插件-&可用插件-&JavaFX.)要了Compo
1.安装JDK 2. 下载和安装GWT 请访问/webtoolkit/下载GWT的最新版本,将下载的压缩文件解压缩到C:/GWT目录下.本书中的后续内容中将使用%GWT_HOME%变量来引用这个目录. 设置环境变量 path C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_07/%SystemRoot%/system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%/System32/WC:/Program File
Loading modules com.sencha.gxt.desktopapp.DesktopApp Loading inherited module 'com.sencha.gxt.desktop.Desktop' Loading inherited module 'com.sencha.gxt.ui.GXT' [ERROR] Unable to find 'com/sencha/gxt/ui/GXT.gwt.xml' could be a typo,
Today was how to resolve the following complex json object to the difficult living over a long time .. did not find documentation how to read JsonReader Ways json object (possibly also because of their limited level of E the text did not correctly un
Ext.ux.UploadDialog the use of sample components Effect: Call to create HTML: &html& &head& &meta http-equiv=&Content-Type& content=&text/ charset=GBK& /& &title& &/ title& &link rel=&styleshe
scripts / ext / resources / css / ext-all.css / / EXT generic CSS, contains all the style (must) scripts / ext / resources / css / icon.css / / custom menu item or other storage page icon scripts / utils / HiTRUST-CMS.css / / old version of the payme
&Layman's language and Ext JS& 2.19 First National &Layman's language and Ext JS& Since self-selection project, and at JavaEye Garden blog Well-known techniques, such as the community has attracted wide attention and a strong response.
Returns the fields in this form as an object with key / value pairs as they would be submitted using a standard form submit. If multiple fields exist with the same name they are returned as an array. Parameters: * AsString: Boolean (optional) false t
&Private /topic/320633& Recently, ext finally make use of a small web project. Ext used for the first time to do the project, after all, lack of experience, just write down a number of development ideas and required attention.
Web20 are the cornerstone of AJAX, and now several online popular open source AJAX frameworks, such as: jQuery, Mootools, Dojo, Ext JS and so on, then we in the end of the circumstances under which the use of that framework? Following excerpt is a se
Reprint please specify the source, thank you. Recent look at Ext JS, Writing using ExtJS for a paging procedure, the background is the jsp code. ExtJS code: Ext.onReady (function () ( var sm = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel (); var cm = new Ext.
In fact, the use of Ext.Ajax not difficult, but first I have been unclear how to obtain its return value, Depressed for a while do , the following is a relatively simple example 1Ext.Ajax.request (( 2 url: 'Register.aspx', 3 params: ( 4 oper: 'login'
Ext introduce the expansion of one component - Ext. Drawing.Surface graphics components (vml / svg) Kimm King February 27, :15 Ext JS as a the fans, I have the UI for the Ext JS proud. However, the Ext JS library did not provide information
Through repeated follow-up, gwt-dev-windows used in the service container embedded version of Tomcat, as to how to run a lot of embedded Tomcat web here to say the least, this is only guide text, and guide how foreigners look the code is how to writt
Ext Js use experience 1. Using Ext add a pop-up window (components), the window (components) of the configuration object in the id and the page if the property on an element E of the id the same, the components will be played up to the elements of E
1, how to set up hyperlinks javasript &script type=&text/JavaScript&& / / Method 1: location.href = 'URL'; / / Two Ways: document.write ( '&a href=&Website && language &/ a&'); &/ script& 2, applied to the tree
First, at Ext directly using DWR 1, PoJO the Manager category public class CustomerManagerImpl extends HibernateDaoSupport implements CustomerManager { public PageModel allCustomers() { PageModel pageModel = new PageModel(); List datas = new ArrayLis
Recently, ext finally make use of a small web project. First project to use ext to do, after all, lack of experience, just write down a number of development ideas and required attention. Ext Js 2.2 + Spring 2.5, not using struts, hibernate 1) direct
Rails generates Ext Tree extjs integration rails
Overall, the use of EXT has been 3 years, the development of many projects, but has not been consistent because of the use, so each will have to use this or that problem, and now EXT put knowledge to do a systematic collection and collation Convenien
tree graph shows abnormal solutions 1, tree involved in the js or jsp page insert: Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = 'ext / resources / images / default / tree / s.gif'; Or (jsp Medium) &script type=&text/javascript&& Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = '/ ext / re
First download netbeans Install netbeans Re-download ruby, using the 1.8.7 version. Extract the ruby, at g: \ ruby, put g: \ ruby \ bin added to PATH in (if do not un
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