有哪些 google font 中文字体镜像可以使用

由于某些众所周知的原因,谷歌已在国内被屏蔽,有哪些国内可用的搜索引擎可以提供不输于谷歌的搜索体验?(在不使用 VPN 的情况下)7月30日补充:我其实很后悔提这个问题。。所有镜像站现在基本已经关闭。。大家不要再回答了,自行去找高速VPN吧。。这个国家已经连最后一层底裤都不要了。。
bing 切到英文全球yahoo,搜日本和台湾的资料特别好使懒得开vpn时我都用bing全球英文。上面两家的webmaster已经整合为bing的后台,大体和google webmaster没太大区别。有人说bing不好用,因为你搜索的中文。由于许多简中的站长可能忽略掉bing,因此没有在后台提交抓取。自然bing的整体搜索结果没有其他语言有优势。站长后台提交地址供蜘蛛抓取是最快的收录方式。算法肯定没 Google好,我指的是对搜索结果的自动优化,比如对数据化结构(谷歌关联服务太多所以牛逼)、table转为items的优化等,但对应日常使用足矣。对了,某些google的镜像麻烦大家别分享,已被墙-----------------以下是有关搜索引擎的延伸阅读,感兴趣的朋友可以下拉----------------------写延伸阅读的原因是其实你只要明白了大多数搜索引擎的运作模式,基本就能在各种引擎中切换。目前几乎所有引擎的运作模式大同小异(也有例外),而其中最先进的是谷歌,所以说谷歌就好了。谷歌的整个运作网络由:webmaster-Google Ad-GA-GTM 组成。当你新建网站后希望尽快被谷歌收录,必然会使用webmaster提交sitemap,并且在抓取方式提交尽可能多的页面。一般而言被收录的时间快的在一个月,慢的在三个月。至于收录与否,官方的教程是 搜索关键词或页面标题 + site:你的网址。有就是被收录。然后是排名,现在谷歌不断在优化算法,具体的不透露。但是可以肯定的一点,谷歌之所以先进,是因为它的搜索结果能够客观的反映结果对被搜索关键词的影响力。当然你可以通过各种手段把排名刷上去,但那样只会导致过高的弹出率。因此所有的seo心得最后都会告诉你,内容才是王道。这就是百度为什么一直被吐槽的根源,因为百度的搜索结果体现的不是客观地,有价值的页面。而是其客户。其次是各种平台级网站的垄断,真正有趣的,个性的,含金量高的小站点,除非真的已经做出影响力来,否则用百度要找很久。除了算法的优劣,再来是本地化。知道为什么国内的用户嫌弃bing么?根源不是搜索结果质量,而是本地化。一方面本来提交页面的站长就偏少,加上微软根本没投入资源做bing的本地化。没有本地化许多当地的用户,自然会有限选择百度。而百度虽然搜索结果很功利,但是本地化是国内做的最好的。你会不用么?如果去掉本地化,单纯比较中文的搜索结果质量的话,除了bing、yahoo以外,只能用百度了。至于360、好搜等中文引擎,不能说不好。但就像上面说的那样,提交的站长本身就少,加上算法没优势,最终还是流失回百度上。至于英文,除了谷歌外,bing和yahoo在英语系是最好的替代了。像aol这些小众的引擎,还是算了吧,节约时间要紧。
要是日常, 百度。要是不日常,搜学术,VPN 翻墙谷歌。收费的就是稳定, 必应就是不好,这都是没办法的事。
哪天他们对你们不好了,记得还有雅虎这个备胎。https, 你懂得。
好像没有可替代的搜索引擎 。。
在百度的淫威之下,搜索已经变为了一种靠猜测、耐心、关联推断还有丰富经验的事情。将搜索回归本源,让信息更加顺畅的流通,这才是搜索引擎应该做的。排名第一的答案给了几个搜素引擎,这里对其中第一个进行简单检验和分析南搜 我试着搜索了一个最近的热词“基因诊断”百度给出了2,330,000个结果,南搜给出 1,980,000个结果* 结果数目上看,差距不大,证明南搜的搜索库不比百度小太多下面来看搜索结果的质量* 百度给出的第1,2个结果来自百度百科,3来自百度文库,4,来自南方财富网,5来自百度知道,8来自百度百科,但关键词已经变成了“基因检测”,9互动百科,10来自A+医学百科下图给出百度搜索前5个结果,注意看,第五个结果来自“百度知道”* 南搜 1,2百度百科,3医学百科,4,5互动百科,6来自MBA智库百科,7,来自CNKI知识元数据库,8是一片PDF,9来自36Kr,10是新闻* 谷歌搜索 1百度百科,2医学百科,3互动百科,4,生物病毒空间,5MBA智库百科,6是一个PDF,7维基百科,8科学网一篇博客,9,中华医学网,10新浪网新闻* 从第一页的搜索质量上来看,给出“基因诊断”概念解释的,谷歌给出了5个不同的百科,南搜给出4个不同的百科,百度给出3个不同的百科* 百度给出结果偏向性太大,来自百度自身产品的有5个,占了10个搜索结果的一半,排名第一的都是百度百科的结果是很容易理解的,但连百度知道的结果都排在了前5就不好解释了。百度知道的含金量太低,完全给出不了好的参考。* 百度,在10-20个搜索结果内有两个公司结果,明显的产品宣传,我们可以看做是广告。谷歌和南搜都没有。前30个搜索结果,百度共有4个广告看下图,第三页搜索结果,注意,最后三条搜索结果中的两条已经把关键词“基因诊断”单纯给出“基因”,我的“诊断”哪里去了???* 最重要的一点,在第20-30个结果中,我搜索用的关键词“基因诊断”在百度搜索时已经有只含有关键词“基因”却不含有“诊断”的结果,另外两个搜索引擎100个结果内都没有这种情况。这样的结果显示了百度太智能?还是太低估搜索人的意愿,强行把结果推送出来?这样的搜索效率会大大降低,因为关键词不关键。简单的分析,结果尽在展示,其余不再多说,考虑翻墙或者换个搜索引擎吧!
貌似后台使用Google (powered by google),同时国内可访问
BingAOLYahoo! Search
和 ,前面2个分别被DNS污染和关键词filter了。
原帖地址: 日新增 [非原版] [非原版] [非原版]
[谷歌原版镜像] [谷歌原版镜像] [谷歌原版镜像] [非原版] [非原版] [非原版]反向代理实现的:
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[谷歌原版镜像] [谷歌原版镜像,谷歌德国代理]
[非原版]推荐使用的:衷心感谢这些无私提供镜像的好coder,也欢迎大家提供补充,我会及时更新~The average man considers which flavor of Doritos will taste good with his Heineken. The sophisticated man considers which cheese will pair well with his choice of wine. The designer of course considers which two fonts will look great on the same page.
Today we’re going to use the Google Font API as a playground for mixing fonts and finding ideal pairings. You’ll be able to skim through and instantly grab out selections that you think are appropriate for your projects. The best part? You need only to copy and paste our code to implement these fonts on your site. It’s completely free and there are no downloads required.
A couple of times each month, we re-publish one of our popular posts from the archives. This article was originally published in February, 2011, but is still just as useful today!
Why Google Fonts?
The web font game was up in the air a few years ago. Everyone had an idea and a solution but no one really knew which would be left standing when the dust settled. In my mind, this debate is over: @font-face won.
Here’s why @font-face wins. First, a pure CSS solution is one that developers can get on board with. Next, the fact that @font-face fully supports text selection and actions such as copy and paste means that usability experts love it. Finally, the fact that you can easily cook up an @font-face recipe for just about any font means that designers love it because they have a wide range of properly licensed fonts to choose from. If you get developers, designers and the usability guys on board, it’s game over for Flash, JavaScript and image-based solution.
Now, within the @font-face world there are many competitors. My personal favorite solution is just to use
@font-face kits, whether I’m downloading one of their pre-built options or uploading a font file so the site can churn out the rest for me.
However, I’ve used this solution several times on Design Shack before so I wanted to switch things up today and use something else. Since the
is free and has plenty of options, it seemed like a natural fit!
Quick Tips for Combining Fonts
Before we get started, there are a few basic rules that you can keep in mind when combining fonts. These aren’t absolutes that you must follow in every occasion but merely some guidelines to stick to when in doubt.
Use Font Families
First of all, when possible, check out the various fonts within a single family. These fonts have meticulously been designed to work together and are therefore the safest method of varying your font without creating visual discord.
Contrast is King
Next, when you’re combining two fonts, go for contrast. Try pairing a bold slab with a light sans-serif. If you mix two fonts that are fairly similar, the lack of contrast makes it look more like something is slightly off with the typography rather than the intended impression of two different typefaces. Make it clear to designers and non-designers alike that two distinct styles are present.
Also, limit yourself to only a few typefaces. If you can get by with two, do it, if not, stop at three. In all but the most experienced hands, lots of different fonts wreak havoc on the cohesiveness of a design. It’s easy to end up looking like a kid who just discovered the font menu in Photoshop for the first time.
Think About Which Fonts Are Appropriate
Finally, let the content play a big role in your font choice. If your content is modern and professional, stick to fonts that suggest these qualities. If it’s supposed to look like something from the 1700s, Helvetica Neue Ultra Light might not be the best way to go.
The Fonts!
Enough discussion already, let’s get down to business. Cruise over to the
and look for the following options.
If you’ve never worked with the Google Font Directory before, don’t worry, it’s the easiest custom font solution out there. All you have to do is drop a link into your page header and then reference the font in your CSS font-family just like you would anything else. For each font pairing below I’ll provide you with all the necessary snippets of code so that all you have to do is copy and paste!
Lobster & Cabin
is one of my favorite scripts of all time. It’s bold and beautiful while remaining quite readable, attributes not easily found in other scripts.
To complement this strong statement, you don’t want anything that competes for attention. Instead pick something plain and simple like .
font-family: 'Lobster', Georgia, Times,
font-size: 70
line-height: 100
font-family: 'Cabin', Helvetica, Arial, sans-
font-size: 15
line-height: 25
Raleway & Goudy Bookletter 1911
is a super attractive font, but it’s so thin that it doesn’t always work the best on body copy. For this reason, it’s best to keep it as large as possible whenever you can, which makes it a perfect font for your headers.
I think the combination of Raleway and the fairly ornate old stye
make for a super classy pair. Be careful though, this particular Goudy is a little too complex for tons of body copy and I definitely wouldn’t want to read a big page full of copy written in it. This combination is probably best for scenarios with minimal copy.
font-family: 'Raleway', Helvetica, Arial, sans-
font-size: 50
line-height: 70
font-family: 'Goudy Bookletter 1911', Georgia, Times,
font-size: 15
line-height: 25
Allerta & Crimson Text
Allerta is a moderately bold sans-serif with a personality. If you don’t want something boring or something crazy, it’s a good middle ground that looks great in both a headline and body copy.
Crimson Text is a straightforward font with strong serifs but little to no differentiation between the thicks and thins. This makes is retain a good amount of readability even when its small.
font-family: 'Allerta', Helvetica, Arial, sans-
font-size: 50
line-height: 55
font-family: 'Crimson Text', Georgia, Times,
font-size: 16
line-height: 25
Arvo & PT Sans
No font selection would be complete without a good slab serif. The Google Font Directory only has a couple of these and
is currently one of the boldest options. I really like most of the characters but admit that the “S” feels a little awkward.
I paired this with yet another great sans-serif: . There are several variants of this available but the plain version is the best for body copy. I really like how round the characters are, it makes for a very friendly feel.
font-family: 'Arvo', Georgia, Times,
font-size: 59
line-height: 70
font-family: 'PT Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-
font-size: 16
line-height: 25
Dancing Script & Josefin Sans
Scripts are hard to implement properly, especially when they’re not as widely applicable as Lobster. , shown in the example above, definitely isn’t my favorite script but it’s one of the better ones available in the Google Font Directory.
Since Dancing Script is a lot more feminine than Lobster, I paired it with , a really thin sans-serif to further this style. This combination is definitely appropriate for any products or websites with a female skew.
font-family: 'Dancing Script', Georgia, Times,
font-size: 59
line-height: 60
font-family: 'Josefin Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-
font-size: 18
line-height: 25
margin-top: 15
Allan & Cardo
I typically hate comic-type fonts, but
is really eye-catching and attractive. I love the boldness of the font and the italicized feel.
My pairing with an old style font () seems almost a conflict of time periods but I really liked the way they looked together. Feel free to opt instead for a light sans-serif.
font-family: 'Allan', Helvetica, Arial, sans-
font-size: 70
line-height: 75
font-family: 'Cardo', Georgia, Times,
font-size: 18
line-height: 25
Molengo & Lekton
together feel like an old school attempt at a technical feel. Largely due to the typewriter feel of the latter of these.
This combination is something I would expect to see on a website with a parchment texture background along with photos with a polaroid effect and maybe even some coffee stains.
font-family: 'Molengo', Georgia, Times,
font-size: 56
line-height: 80
font-family: 'Lekton', Helvetica, Arial, sans-
font-size: 16
line-height: 25
Droid Serif & Droid Sans
One of our tips above suggested staying within a single family. I put this into practice here with the natural combination of
As you can see, both are beautiful typefaces that perfectly complement each other. These could easily be switched so that Droid Serif was the body font and Droid Sans the header font. You can spot Droid in the wild on a certain wildly popular .
font-family: 'Droid Serif', Georgia, Times,
font-size: 49
line-height: 65
font-family: 'Droid Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-
font-size: 14
line-height: 25
Corbin & Nobile
If you’re a fan of Cooper Black,
is an excellent free alternative. This fat and toony serif is perfect for anything that should have a 1920s feel to it.
is a more modern font with letter forms that appear vertically stretched. The minimal styling here keeps your focus on the bold headlines.
font-family: 'Corben', Georgia, Times,
font-size: 40
line-height: 55
font-family: 'Nobile', Helvetica, Arial, sans-
font-size: 13
line-height: 25
Ubuntu & Vollkorn
is a notably rounded sans that has a modern feel to it. I used the bold variant here to give extra contrast from the body text.
is definitely a very different typeface, mirroring a long past era. Again, always be careful about mixing fonts from different time periods. Make sure it’s intentional and with purpose!
font-family: 'Ubuntu', Helvetica, Arial, sans-
font-size: 50
line-height: 65
font-family: 'Vollkorn', Georgia, Times,
font-size: 16
line-height: 25
Tell Us Your Favorites!
This article is meant to be a tool that you can bookmark and refer back to every time you’re stuck and in need of a good font combination for the website you’re working on. Both web fonts and browsers have come a long way and these solutions should work really well across the board, but each include appropriate backup fonts in the case that the Google font doesn’t load.
Leave a comment below and tell us your favorite free font combinations. Google’s directory has no shortage of hideous offerings as well so feel free to also share your least favorites!
Other Posts in Google Font Combinations:10 Great Google Font Combinations You Can Copy
About the Author
Equal parts editor, writer, designer, & photographer. Hit me up on , read my
or check out my .


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