
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[YearPlan]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[YearPlan]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[YearPlan] (
[Id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Org_Id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Category_Id] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Years] [int] NULL ,
[Moth] [int] NULL ,
[Plans] [decimal](18, 0) NULL ,
[Complete] [decimal](18, 0) NULL ,
[CompleteRatio] [nvarchar] (8) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,
[SubmitTime] [datetime] NULL ,
[Status] [char] (4) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,
[Operator_Id] [nvarchar] (16) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL
------解决方案--------------------哎呀这年头 数据库都 这么复杂了真愁死我了
学学~~~~~~~~~我 死进
------解决方案--------------------sql 2000还是2005?
------解决方案--------------------C# code
set nocount on
create table test(ID varchar(20),年 int,月 int,计划
int,完成 int,完成率 float)
insert into test select '1','2008','3','100','80','80'
insert into test select '2','2008','1','100','3','3'
sum(case when 月=1 then 计划 else 0 end )[1月],
sum(case when 月=2 then 计划 else 0 end )[2月],
sum(case when 月=3 then 计划 else 0 end )[3月],
sum(case when 月=12 then 计划 else 0 end )[12月]
group by 年
sum(case when 月=1 then 完成 else 0 end )[1月],
sum(case when 月=2 then 完成 else 0 end )[2月],
sum(case when 月=3 then 完成 else 0 end )[3月],
sum(case when 月=12 then 完成 else 0 end )[12月]
group by 年
sum(case when 月=1 then 完成率 else 0 end )[1月],
sum(case when 月=2 then 完成率 else 0 end )[2月],
sum(case when 月=3 then 完成率 else 0 end )[3月],
sum(case when 月=12 then 完成率 else 0 end )[12月]
group by 年
drop table test
set nocount off
------解决方案--------------------if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[YearPlan]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [dbo].[YearPlan]GOCREATE TABLE YearPlan (
[Id] [int] NOT NULL identity(1,1),
[Years] [int] NULL ,
[Moth] [int] NULL ,
[Plans] [decimal](18, 0) NULL ,
[Complete] [decimal](18, 0) NULL ,
[CompleteRatio] [nvarchar] (8) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOinsert into YearPlanselect ,80,'80' union allselect ,80,'40' union allselect ,80,'40' union allselect ,80,'100' union allselect ,80,'40' union allselect ,80,'10' union allselect ,80,'20' union allselect ,80,'20' union allselect ,80,'20' union allselect ,80,'20' union allselect ,80,'40' union allselect ,80,'40' union allselect ,80,'40' union allselect ,80,'40' union allselect ,80,'40' union allselect ,80,'80' union all
select ,80,'40' union allselect ,80,'20' union allselect ,80,'10'--select * from YearPlan--declare @t table([Moth] int,--
[Plans] [decimal](18, 0) ,--
[Complete] [decimal](18, 0),--
[CompleteRatio] [nvarchar](8))select [Moth],[Plans],[Complete],[CompleteRatio] into #1 from YearPlan where [Years]=2007declare @sql varchar(8000)set @sql='select 'select @sql=@sql+'sum(case when [Moth]='+cast(a.[Moth] as varchar(1000))+' then [Plans] else 0 end) as ['+cast(a.[Moth] as varchar(100)) +'月],'from(select distinct [Moth] from #1) a
set @sql=substring(@sql,1,len(@sql)-1)+' from #1 'create table #11([1月] [decimal](18, 0),[2月] [decimal](18, 0),[3月] [decimal](18, 0),[4月] [decimal](18, 0),[5月] [decimal](18, 0),[6月] [decimal](18, 0),[7月] [decimal](18, 0),[8月] [decimal](18, 0),[9月] [decimal](18, 0),[10月] [decimal](18, 0),[11月] [decimal](18, 0),[12月] [decimal](18, 0))insert into #11exec(@sql)declare @sq2 varchar(8000)set @sq2='select 'select @sq2=@sq2+'sum(case when [Moth]='+cast(a.[Moth] as varchar(1000))+' then [Complete] else 0 end) as ['+cast(a.[Moth] as varchar(100)) +'月],'from(select distinct [Moth] from #1) a
set @sq2=substring(@sq2,1,len(@sq2)-1)+' from #1 'print @sq2create table #12([1月] [decimal](18, 0),[2月] [decimal](18, 0),[3月] [decimal](18, 0),[4月] [decimal](18, 0),[5月] [decimal](18, 0),[6月] [decimal](18, 0),[7月] [decimal](18, 0),[8月] [decimal](18, 0),[9月] [decimal](18, 0),[10月] [decimal](18, 0),[11月] [decimal](18, 0),[12月] [decimal](18, 0))insert into #12exec(@sq2)
select '计划',* from #11 a union allselect '完成',* from #12drop table #11drop table #12drop table #1这个不完善,而且完成率还没有实现比较麻烦
sum(case Moth when 1 then plans else 0 end) '1月份',
sum(case Moth when 2 then plans else 0 end)'2月份',
sum(case Moth when 3 then plans else 0 end) '3月份',
sum(case Moth when 4 then plans else 0 end) '4月份' , sum(case Moth when 5 then plans else 0 end) '5月份' , sum(case Moth when 6 then plans else 0 end) '6月份' , sum(case Moth when 7 then plans else 0 end) '7月份' ,
sum(case Moth when 8 then plans else 0 end)
'8月份',sum(case Moth when 9 then plans else 0 end)
'9月份',sum(case Moth when 10 then plans else 0 end) '10月份' ,sum(case Moth when 11 then plans else 0 end)
'11月份',sum(case Moth when 12 then plans else 0 end) '12月份'
from YearPlan where Years='2000'可以实现
...........12月 合计计划 100
sum(case Moth when 1 then complete else 0 end) '1月份',
sum(case Moth when 2 then complete else 0 end)'2月份',
sum(case Moth when 3 then complete else 0 end) '3月份',
sum(case Moth when 4 then complete else 0 end) '4月份' , sum(case Moth when 5 then complete else 0 end) '5月份' , sum(case Moth when 6 then complete else 0 end) '6月份' , sum(case Moth when 7 then complete else 0 end) '7月份' ,
sum(case Moth when 8 then complete else 0 end)
'8月份',sum(case Moth when 9 then complete else 0 end)
'9月份',sum(case Moth when 10 then complete else 0 end) '10月份' ,sum(case Moth when 11 then complete else 0 end)
'11月份',sum(case Moth when 12 then complete else 0 end) '12月份'
from YearPlan where Years='2000'可以实现
...........12月 合计完成
sum(case Moth when 1 then completeratio else 0 end) '1月份',
sum(case Moth when 2 then completeratio else 0 end)'2月份',
sum(case Moth when 3 then completeratio else 0 end) '3月份',
sum(case Moth when 4 then completeratio else 0 end) '4月份' , sum(case Moth when 5 then completeratio else 0 end) '5月份' , sum(case Moth when 6 then completeratio else 0 end) '6月份' , sum(case Moth when 7 then completeratio else 0 end) '7月份' ,
sum(case Moth when 8 then completeratio else 0 end)
'8月份',sum(case Moth when 9 then completeratio else 0 end)
'9月份',sum(case Moth when 10 then completeratio else 0 end) '10月份' ,sum(case Moth when 11 then completeratio else 0 end)
'11月份',sum(case Moth when 12 then completeratio else 0 end) '12月份'
from YearPlan where Years='2000'
------解决方案--------------------select '计划',IsNull(sum(case when moth = 1 then plans end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 2 then plans end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 3 then plans end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 4 then plans end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 5 then plans end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 6 then plans end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 7 then plans end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 8 then plans end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 9 then plans end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 10 then plans end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 11 then plans end),0) ,IsNull(sum(case when moth = 12 then plans end),0),IsNull(sum(plans),0) from YearPlan where Years = '2008'unionselect '完成',IsNull(sum(case when moth = 1 then Complete end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 2 then Complete end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 3 then Complete end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 4 then Complete end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 5 then Complete end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 6 then Complete end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 7 then Complete end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 8 then Complete end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 9 then Complete end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 10 then Complete end),0),IsNull(sum(case when moth = 11 then Complete end),0) ,IsNull(sum(case when moth = 12 then Complete end),0),IsNull(sum(Complete),0) from YearPlan where Years = '2008'
unionselect '完成率',IsNull(max(case when moth = 1 then CompleteRatio end),0),IsNull(max(case when moth = 2 then CompleteRatio end),0),IsNull(max(case when moth = 3 then CompleteRatio end),0),IsNull(max(case when moth = 4 then CompleteRatio end),0),IsNull(max(case when moth = 5 then CompleteRatio end),0),IsNull(max(case when moth = 6 then CompleteRatio end),0),IsNull(max(case when moth = 7 then CompleteRatio end),0),IsNull(max(case when moth = 8 then CompleteRatio end),0),IsNull(max(case when moth = 9 then CompleteRatio end),0),IsNull(max(case when moth = 10 then CompleteRatio end),0),IsNull(max(case when moth = 11 then CompleteRatio end),0) ,IsNull(max(case when moth = 12 then CompleteRatio end),0),(select case when sum(plans) = 0 then 0 else sum(complete)/sum(plans)*100 end from yearplan where years = '2008')
from YearPlan where Years = '2008'
group by years
完成率......................... select
sum(case Moth when 1 then plans else 0 end) '1月份',
sum(case Moth when 2 then plans else 0 end)'2月份',
sum(case Moth when 3 then plans else 0 end) '3月份',
sum(case Moth when 4 then plans else 0 end) '4月份' , sum(case Moth when 5 then plans else 0 end) '5月份' , sum(case Moth when 6 then plans else 0 end) '6月份' , sum(case Moth when 7 then plans else 0 end) '7月份' ,
sum(case Moth when 8 then plans else 0 end)
'8月份',sum(case Moth when 9 then plans else 0 end)
'9月份',sum(case Moth when 10 then plans else 0 end) '10月份' ,sum(case Moth when 11 then plans else 0 end)
'11月份',sum(case Moth when 12 then plans else 0 end) '12月份'
from YearPlan where Years='2000'unionselect
sum(case Moth when 1 then complete else 0 end) '1月份',
sum(case Moth when 2 then complete else 0 end)'2月份',
sum(case Moth when 3 then complete else 0 end) '3月份',
sum(case Moth when 4 then complete else 0 end) '4月份' , sum(case Moth when 5 then complete else 0 end) '5月份' , sum(case Moth when 6 then complete else 0 end) '6月份' , sum(case Moth when 7 then complete else 0 end) '7月份' ,
sum(case Moth when 8 then complete else 0 end)
'8月份',sum(case Moth when 9 then complete else 0 end)
'9月份',sum(case Moth when 10 then complete else 0 end) '10月份' ,sum(case Moth when 11 then complete else 0 end)
'11月份',sum(case Moth when 12 then complete else 0 end) '12月份'
from YearPlan where Years='2000'unionselect
sum(case Moth when 1 then completeratio else 0 end) '1月份',
sum(case Moth when 2 then completeratio else 0 end)'2月份',
sum(case Moth when 3 then completeratio else 0 end) '3月份',
sum(case Moth when 4 then completeratio else 0 end) '4月份' , sum(case Moth when 5 then completeratio else 0 end) '5月份' , sum(case Moth when 6 then completeratio else 0 end) '6月份' , sum(case Moth when 7 then completeratio else 0 end) '7月份' ,
sum(case Moth when 8 then completeratio else 0 end)
'8月份',sum(case Moth when 9 then completeratio else 0 end)
'9月份',sum(case Moth when 10 then completeratio else 0 end) '10月份' ,sum(case Moth when 11 then completeratio else 0 end)
'11月份',sum(case Moth when 12 then completeratio else 0 end) '12月份'
from YearPlan where Years='2000'------解决方案--------------------最终答案,把你的完成率改成decimal类型select
sum(case Moth when 1 then plans else 0 end) '1月份',
sum(case Moth when 2 then plans else 0 end)'2月份',
sum(case Moth when 3 then plans else 0 end) '3月份',
sum(case Moth when 4 then plans else 0 end) '4月份' , sum(case Moth when 5 then plans else 0 end) '5月份' , sum(case Moth when 6 then plans else 0 end) '6月份' , sum(case Moth when 7 then plans else 0 end) '7月份' ,
sum(case Moth when 8 then plans else 0 end)
'8月份',sum(case Moth when 9 then plans else 0 end)
'9月份',sum(case Moth when 10 then plans else 0 end) '10月份' ,sum(case Moth when 11 then plans else 0 end)
'11月份',sum(case Moth when 12 then plans else 0 end) '12月份' ,sum(plans) '合计'from YearPlan where Years='2000'unionselect
sum(case Moth when 1 then complete else 0 end) '1月份',
sum(case Moth when 2 then complete else 0 end)'2月份',
sum(case Moth when 3 then complete else 0 end) '3月份',
sum(case Moth when 4 then complete else 0 end) '4月份' , sum(case Moth when 5 then complete else 0 end) '5月份' , sum(case Moth when 6 then complete else 0 end) '6月份' , sum(case Moth when 7 then complete else 0 end) '7月份' ,
sum(case Moth when 8 then complete else 0 end)
'8月份',sum(case Moth when 9 then complete else 0 end)
'9月份',sum(case Moth when 10 then complete else 0 end) '10月份' ,sum(case Moth when 11 then complete else 0 end)
'11月份',sum(case Moth when 12 then complete else 0 end) '12月份' ,sum(complete) '合计'from YearPlan where Years='2000'
GG GL~~~~~~~
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