
&&& &&& &&& &A fully compliant ZigBee 2012 solution: Z-Stack
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Z-Stack(TM)Linux Ubuntu Gateway installer
Please see below for the descriptions of the ZigBee 2012 solutions downloads.
ZigBee Home Automation Solutions
Please see below for the descriptions of the ZigBee 2012 solutions downloads.
ZigBee Light Link Solutions
Please see below for the descriptions of the ZigBee 2012 solutions downloads.
ZigBee Mesh Solutions
Please see below for the descriptions of the ZigBee 2012 solutions downloads.
ZigBee Smart Energy Solutions
Please see below for the descriptions of the ZigBee 2012 solutions downloads.
Z-Stack& Linux Gateway
Z-Stack Linux Gateway is TI's ZigBee Home Gateway solution for Linux systems.
Z-Stack Linux Gateway notables include:
Ease of ZigBee integration into the IP (Internet Protocol) world, with simplified APIs over socket
ZigBee middleware, abstracting a variety of Home and Building Automation use cases
Lighting control
Alarm and security
Energy management
Network management and Over-The-Air firmware upgrade
Fast prototyping on
platform, powered by TI&s leading
Ability to run on most Linux or Android-based platforms
Based on Z-Stack, ZigBee Pro 2012 protocol stack with ZCP (Zigbee Compliant Platform) certification and 802.15.4 MAC certification
Leveraging TI&s ZNP (ZigBee Network Processor) firmware
Based on Z-Stack and ZigBee PRO 2012 protocol stack with ZCP (ZigBee Compliant Platform) certification
Available low-power devices: low cost&SimpleLink& ZigBee &and high performance&SimpleLink ZigBee
Incorporated support for the SimpleLink Range Extenders& and& These RF front ends support +22dBm and +14dBm transmit power respectively and provide improved receive sensitivity (3-dB typical Improved RX sensitivity on CC253X devices).
Get Z-Stack Linux Gateway by clicking on the Download button above.
Z-Stack Home
Z-Stack Home is TI's ZigBee Home Automation (ZHA) compliant protocol stack for the CC2630, CC2530 and CC2538 System-on-Chip.
Z-Stack Home notables include:
Based on Z-Stack, ZigBee PRO 2012 protocol stack with ZCP (ZigBee Compliant Platform) certification and 802.15.4 MAC certification
Support for low-power SoCs: ultra-low power , cost-effective
SoC and high performance
The CC2630 implementation is written on top of TI-RTOS to fully utilize the low-power features of CC2630
Incorporated support for the
RF front ends which support respectively +22dBm and +14dBm transmit power and provide improved receive sensitivity
Examples and building blocks for the following end product categories:
Consumer Home Lighting Control
Commercial (professional install) Lighting Control System
Alarm and Security
Home Energy Management
Module Supplier for Home Automation Applications
Golden unit (reference specifications) for the latest
Sample applications
Over-the-air firmware upgrade, allowing future updates of deployed systems
Easy integration with TI's
Additional examples available from:
Get Z-Stack Home by clicking on the Download button above.
Z-Stack Lighting
Z-Stack Lighting is TI's ZigBee Light Link (ZLL) compliant protocol stack for the CC2530 System-on-Chip.
Z-Stack Lighting notables include:
Based on Z-Stack, ZigBee PRO 2012 protocol stack with ZCP (ZigBee Compliant Platform) certification
Support for low-cost, low-power
Incorporated support for the
and , RF front ends which support respectively +20dBm and +14dBm transmit power and provide improved receive sensitivity
Foundations and examples for the following end product categories:
Consumer Home Wireless Lighting Control: LED or CFL Light
Consumer Home Wireless Lighting Control: Switch/Occupancy Sensor/Lumen Sensor
Commercial (professional install) Lighting Control System
Module Supplier for Lighting Applications
Industrial Building Lighting Applications
Highway Infrastructure Lighting Control
Golden unit (reference specifications) for the
profile, golden unit implementation
ZLL certified applications for:
Color scene remote controller
Color light, dimmable light, on/off light
Control Bridge
ZLL&Kit (including ZLL certified Color Light Reference HW) available from:
Examples and FAQ available from:
Get Z-Stack Lighting by clicking on the Download button above.
Z-Stack Mesh
The new Z-Stack Mesh software is a ZigBee PRO 2012 compliant and certified protocol stack that simplifies the development of standards-based ZigBee mesh products for
Z-Stack Mesh notables include:
Self-healing, robust and proven network stack capable of connecting over 400 nodes
Compatible with many-to-many or many-to-one application routing
Includes secure over-the-air software download capability for easy in-field updates
Compact solution that can be run either in a
configuration with the SimpleLink ZigBee ,
enabling flexible host processor options and a variety of memory configurations.
Incorporated support for the
RF front ends which support respectively +22 dBm and +14 dBm transmit power and provide improved receive sensitivity
Get Z-Stack Mesh by clicking on the Download button above.
Z-Stack Energy
Z-Stack Energy is TI's ZigBee Smart Energy (ZSE) compliant protocol stack for the CC2530 and CC2538 System-on-Chip and for the MSP430 + CC2520 dual-chip solution.
Z-Stack Energy notables include:
Based on Z-Stack, ZigBee PRO 2012 protocol stack with ZCP (ZigBee Compliant Platform) certification and 802.15.4 MAC certification
Support for low-power SoCs: low cost
SoC and high performance
Support for and an extensive family of MSP430 microcontrollers coupled with the &transceiver
Incorporated support for the
and , RF front ends which support respectively +20dBm and +14dBm transmit power and provide improved receive sensitivity
Examples and building blocks for the following end product categories:
Smart Meter
Energy Service Interface
In Home Display
Smart Plugs and Load Controllers
Module Supplier for Smart Energy Applications
Compliance with the
Sample applications
Over-the-air firmware upgrade, allowing future updates of deployed systems
Get Z-Stack Energy by clicking on the Download button above.
Protocol Analyzers
Texas Instruments is collaborating with
to provide an advanced protocol analyzer for IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee. Ubilogix’ Ubiqua Protocol Analyzer supports TI’s CC2531 USB Dongle which can be ordered as the . Ubiqua is a full featured analyzer that supports IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee 2007, ZigBee 2007 PRO, ZigBee RF4CE and 6LoWPAN protocols. Ubiqua can import TI's SmartRF Packet Sniffer capture files.
Texas Instruments also works with Perytons to provide an analyzer for the IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee protocols. The Perytons Protocol Analyzer supports the TI’s CC2531 USB Dongle which can be ordered as the CC2531EMK kit. Perytons provides protocol analyzers with several views, features and add-ons, providing detailed analysis of ZigBee sessions. You can also use the Perytons Protocol Analyzer to look at your TI SmartRF Packet Sniffer capture files (.psd) with this online converter:
IAR Workbench:
Z-Stack is developed and tested using compilers from IAR (). IAR versions used in Z-Stack are available to TI customers for 30 days evaluation at the following link: .
Please contact your local IAR office for further details on license purchasing.
Technical Documents
Application notes&(6)
Multiple Files
04 Jun 2014
07 Apr 2014
Multiple Files
28 Sep 2012
16 Dec 2009
09 Nov 2009
10 Sep 2009
User guides&(1)
30 Jan 2006
Related Products
Part Number
Software Type
IEEE802.15.4 Medium Access control (MAC) software stack&
Software Libraries&
Design Kits & Evaluation Modules&(5)
CC2520 Development Kit&
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CC2530 ZigBee Development Kit&
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CC2530 ZigBee Light Link Development Kit&
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TI Devices&(6)
Second generation 2.4 GHz ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 RF transceiver&
Wireless Connectivity&
Second Generation System-on-Chip Solution for 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / RF4CE / ZigBee&
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A Powerful System-On-Chip for 2.4-GHz IEEE 802.15.4-2006 and ZigBee Applications&
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SimpleLink ultra-low power wireless MCU for 2.4-GHz IEEE 802.15.4-based RF Protocols&
Wireless Connectivity&
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TI E2E™ community
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where you can ask questions, share ideas and collaborate with fellow engineers and TI experts
Contents are provided "AS IS" by the respective TI and Community contributors and do not constitute TI specifications. See .
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CC2530怎么样& && &?
正常AP模式不是都不能扫描周边的其他AP的么?没见过手机开wifi热点后,还能同时看周边AP的吧? ...
CC2530怎么样& && &?
CC2530RAM小了,做协调器,如果节点多,带不动~~跑协议栈,主频不够,只能coor-rotuer方式,不然实时性很 ...
有兴趣的可以去看看NXP的 ...
实时性呢?远程-以太网/WIFI-串口给协调器-终端,,一个来回一应一答要多久?如果不修改TI的协议栈,在网 ...
应答速度看是组播还是单播,组播限定每秒只能9条 ...
一般的组播,还是不要响应的好,不然在终端很难处理,rand()%3000也解决不了问题,我一般广播都没有响应 ...
我们的节点有Router 有End device, Coordinator 只是随机选用的一个Switch或者Dimmer来担当的,gateway只是后来加进来作为一个router而已。除Gateway外的控制是组播的方式,配置的时候gateway用到了广播、组播和单播,上位机通过gateway一个广播出去就几十个设备返回消息了 。
阿莫电子论坛, 原"中国电子开发网"LG 代工 Nexus5 作为谷歌有史以来最热卖的“亲儿子”曾受广大安卓爱好者的广泛好评,优秀的设计,低廉的价格,并拥有谷歌原生系统的加持,一时间成为安卓手机的标杆,Nexus ...
关注官方微信& X
德州仪器(TI)5月23日在北京宣布,推出集成ARMCortex-M3MCU的ZigBee SoC芯片CC2538,适于智能电表、HVAC控制、恒温控制与显示、传感器网络,及智能照明网关应用。
TI中国区MCU业务拓展经理吴健鸿表示,CC2538符合ZigBee PRO、ZigBee Smart Energy、ZigBee Home Automation及ZigBee Light Link照明标准。还支持6LoWPANIPv6网络的IP标准化开发。&ZigBee CC2538与WiFi网络处理器CC3300可组成一个双芯片的&微小网关&方案,用在核心节点上,而普通节点设备上采用此前的CC2530即可。CC2538与CC2530相比,主要是升级了MCU部分。&吴健鸿补充道。
采用8mmx8mm QFN56封装的CC2538现已上市
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未经版权所有人明确的书面许可,不得以任何方式或媒体翻印或转载本网站的部分或全部内容。&&& &&& &&& &Z-Stack - ZigBee 协议栈
从德州仪器 (TI) 或第三方购买
Z-Stack(TM)Linux Ubuntu Gateway installer
ZigBee Home Automation Solutions
ZigBee Light Link Solutions
ZigBee Mesh Solutions
ZigBee Smart Energy Solutions
Z-Stack& Linux Gateway
Z-Stack Linux Gateway is TI's ZigBee Home Gateway solution for Linux systems.
Z-Stack Linux Gateway notables include:
Ease of ZigBee integration into the IP (Internet Protocol) world, with simplified APIs over socket
ZigBee middleware, abstracting a variety of Home and Building Automation use cases
Lighting control
Alarm and security
Energy management
Network management and Over-The-Air firmware upgrade
Fast prototyping on
platform, powered by TI&s leading
Ability to run on most Linux or Android-based platforms
Based on Z-Stack, ZigBee Pro 2012 protocol stack with ZCP (Zigbee Compliant Platform) certification and 802.15.4 MAC certification
Leveraging TI&s ZNP (ZigBee Network Processor) firmware
Based on Z-Stack and ZigBee PRO 2012 protocol stack with ZCP (ZigBee Compliant Platform) certification
Available low-power devices: low cost&SimpleLink& ZigBee &and high performance&SimpleLink ZigBee
Incorporated support for the SimpleLink Range Extenders& and& These RF front ends support +22dBm and +14dBm transmit power respectively and provide improved receive sensitivity (3-dB typical Improved RX sensitivity on CC253X devices).
Get Z-Stack Linux Gateway by clicking on the Download button above.
Z-Stack Home
Z-Stack Home is TI's ZigBee Home Automation (ZHA) compliant protocol stack for the CC2630, CC2530 and CC2538 System-on-Chip.
Z-Stack Home notables include:
Based on Z-Stack, ZigBee PRO 2012 protocol stack with ZCP (ZigBee Compliant Platform) certification and 802.15.4 MAC certification
Support for low-power SoCs: ultra-low power , cost-effective
SoC and high performance
The CC2630 implementation is written on top of TI-RTOS to fully utilize the low-power features of CC2630
Incorporated support for the
RF front ends which support respectively +22dBm and +14dBm transmit power and provide improved receive sensitivity
Examples and building blocks for the following end product categories:
Consumer Home Lighting Control
Commercial (professional install) Lighting Control System
Alarm and Security
Home Energy Management
Module Supplier for Home Automation Applications
Golden unit (reference specifications) for the latest
Sample applications
Over-the-air firmware upgrade, allowing future updates of deployed systems
Easy integration with TI's
Additional examples available from:
Get Z-Stack Home by clicking on the Download button above.
Z-Stack Lighting
Z-Stack Lighting is TI's ZigBee Light Link (ZLL) compliant protocol stack for the CC2530 System-on-Chip.
Z-Stack Lighting notables include:
Based on Z-Stack, ZigBee PRO 2012 protocol stack with ZCP (ZigBee Compliant Platform) certification
Support for low-cost, low-power
Incorporated support for the
and , RF front ends which support respectively +20dBm and +14dBm transmit power and provide improved receive sensitivity
Foundations and examples for the following end product categories:
Consumer Home Wireless Lighting Control: LED or CFL Light
Consumer Home Wireless Lighting Control: Switch/Occupancy Sensor/Lumen Sensor
Commercial (professional install) Lighting Control System
Module Supplier for Lighting Applications
Industrial Building Lighting Applications
Highway Infrastructure Lighting Control
Golden unit (reference specifications) for the
profile, golden unit implementation
ZLL certified applications for:
Color scene remote controller
Color light, dimmable light, on/off light
Control Bridge
ZLL&Kit (including ZLL certified Color Light Reference HW) available from:
Examples and FAQ available from:
Get Z-Stack Lighting by clicking on the Download button above.
Z-Stack Mesh
The new Z-Stack Mesh software is a ZigBee PRO 2012 compliant and certified protocol stack that simplifies the development of standards-based ZigBee mesh products for
Z-Stack Mesh notables include:
Self-healing, robust and proven network stack capable of connecting over 400 nodes
Compatible with many-to-many or many-to-one application routing
Includes secure over-the-air software download capability for easy in-field updates
Compact solution that can be run either in a
configuration with the SimpleLink ZigBee ,
enabling flexible host processor options and a variety of memory configurations.
Incorporated support for the
RF front ends which support respectively +22 dBm and +14 dBm transmit power and provide improved receive sensitivity
Get Z-Stack Mesh by clicking on the Download button above.
Z-Stack Energy
Z-Stack Energy is TI's ZigBee Smart Energy (ZSE) compliant protocol stack for the CC2530 and CC2538 System-on-Chip and for the MSP430 + CC2520 dual-chip solution.
Z-Stack Energy notables include:
Based on Z-Stack, ZigBee PRO 2012 protocol stack with ZCP (ZigBee Compliant Platform) certification and 802.15.4 MAC certification
Support for low-power SoCs: low cost
SoC and high performance
Support for and an extensive family of MSP430 microcontrollers coupled with the &transceiver
Incorporated support for the
and , RF front ends which support respectively +20dBm and +14dBm transmit power and provide improved receive sensitivity
Examples and building blocks for the following end product categories:
Smart Meter
Energy Service Interface
In Home Display
Smart Plugs and Load Controllers
Module Supplier for Smart Energy Applications
Compliance with the
Sample applications
Over-the-air firmware upgrade, allowing future updates of deployed systems
Get Z-Stack Energy by clicking on the Download button above.
Protocol Analyzers
Texas Instruments is collaborating with
to provide an advanced protocol analyzer for IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee. Ubilogix’ Ubiqua Protocol Analyzer supports TI’s CC2531 USB Dongle which can be ordered as the . Ubiqua is a full featured analyzer that supports IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee 2007, ZigBee 2007 PRO, ZigBee RF4CE and 6LoWPAN protocols. Ubiqua can import TI's SmartRF Packet Sniffer capture files.
Texas Instruments also works with Perytons to provide an analyzer for the IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee protocols. The Perytons Protocol Analyzer supports the TI’s CC2531 USB Dongle which can be ordered as the CC2531EMK kit. Perytons provides protocol analyzers with several views, features and add-ons, providing detailed analysis of ZigBee sessions. You can also use the Perytons Protocol Analyzer to look at your TI SmartRF Packet Sniffer capture files (.psd) with this online converter:
IAR Workbench:
Z-Stack is developed and tested using compilers from IAR (). IAR versions used in Z-Stack are available to TI customers for 30 days evaluation at the following link: .
Please contact your local IAR office for further details on license purchasing.
2014年 6月 4日
2014年 4月 7日
2012年 9月 28日
2009年 12月 16日
2009年 11月 9日
2009年 9月 10日
2006年 1月 30日
IEEE802.15.4 Medium Access control (MAC) software stack&
CC2520 开发套件&
CC2530 ZigBee Light Link 开发套件&
CC2530 ZigBee 开发套件&
CC2530 开发套件&
CC2538 开发套件&
TI 器件&(6)
二代 2.4GHz ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 射频收发器&
用于 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / RF4CE / ZigBee 的第二代片上系统解决方案&
SimpleLink 解决方案&
用于 IEEE 802.15.4 和 ZigBee 应用的片上系统解决方案&
用于 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4-2006 和 ZigBee 应用的强大片上系统&
SimpleLink(TM) ZigBee 和 6LoWPAN 超低功耗无线微控制器&
SimpleLink 多标准 2.4 GHz 超低功耗无线 MCU&
德州仪器在线技术支持社区 ()


更多关于 cc2530有几个串口 的文章

