AMD phenom ii x6 1100t045T 4G内存 显卡是AMD HD67501G 能不能玩

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AMD Phenom II X6 1065T specifications
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Here are examples of searches: 1065T, HDT65TWFK6DGR, AMD Phenom II X6 2.9GHz, Thuban Socket AM3
Historical price chart
The chart below shows official prices of AMD Phenom II X6 1055T, 1065T and 1075T processors:
Q: Can I upgrade my 1065T microprocessor?
A: Probably yes. CPU compatibility is determined by your motherboard. Please see
website for CPU support list for your board.
Phenom II X6 1065T Overclocking
Sorry, we do not have overclocking data for this processor at this time.
Related news stories
AMD drops prices on Phenom II models
Feb 01, 2011: At the beginning of January, AMD announced three Phenom II
microprocessors, quad-core X4 840 and 975 Black Edition, and hexa-core
1065T. Although the launch of these models was extensively covered by
hardware news sites, and accompanied by large number of published
reviews of new Phenom IIs, none of the processors appeared in the
retail up to this moment. Today, these Phenom II models were added to
AMD price list. At the same time, AMD dropped prices by %2 - 13% on a
number of Phenom II chips.
AMD Phenom II X4 840 and 975: two weeks later
Jan 17, 2011: On January 4th at CES show in Las Vegas AMD
announced three new desktop microprocessors - quad-core Phenom II
X4 840 and 975, and hexa-core 1065T. Quite a few hardware review sites
posted reviews of two quad-core Phenom IIs. Two weeks later, boxed
versions of Phenom II models are not yet available anywhere in the US.
Mouse Computer introduces PCs with Phenom II 1065T
Dec 19, 2010: Less than two weeks ago, AMD launched two new six-core
microprocessors. AMD flagship model, 1100T Black Edition, almost
immediately cropped up in stores. The second introduced X6 processor,
Phenom II X6 1065T, is not as fast as the 1100T due to 400 MHz lower core
frequency, but requires about 25% lower power. The
1065T at this time is not available even for pre-order, although it
just made its first appearance in OEM systems.
AMD introduced Sempron 150, Athlon II B28 and Phenom II X6 1065T
Dec 08, 2010: Yesterday we reported on the launch of three new AMD desktop
microprocessors, Athlon II 445, Phenom II X2 565 BE and Phenom II X6
1100T, which quickly became a focus of many hardware reviews all over
the net. The CPUs also appeared in official AMD price list, and their
specifications were added to product pages on the AMD website. Today,
AMD added specifications of three additional models - Sempron 150,
Athlon II X2 B28 and Phenom II X6 1065T.
New AMD Phenom II processors - bits and pieces
Dec 01, 2010: Two weeks ago, we published a story about AMD Phenom II X6 1100T
model appearing on pre-order lists of online stores. Since then we
discovered a few other interesting tidbits about forthcoming Phenom II
CPUs, including Phenom II information on AMD website, Phenom II 565
model pre-order, and CPU support updates for new Phenom IIs.
AMD 1065T Benchmarks and Performance evaluation
Compare AMD 1065T benchmark results with all tested CPUs from one of the following families:
Athlon II X4
Core 2 Quad
Phenom II X3
Phenom II X4
Phenom II X6
You can also compare this model with other tested CPUs in our
For 1065T charts, comparing multi- and single-threaded performance of this
microprocessor with other Phenom II X6 processors and the fastest AMD and Intel x86 chips,
please visit
For averaged performance in integer, floating-point, SIMD and memory-intensive applications please see the next section.
Integer, Floating-Point, SIMD and Memory performance
The graphs below show up to 10 microprocessors with
approximately the same level of performance in integer (CPU),
floating-point (FPU), SIMD and memory
benchmarks. All processors were not overclocked, and were tested at
a nominal frequency, with a stock heatsink and default BIOS settings.
Click on the '?' mark next to each model name to see specifications of
that model, and details of the test platform.
Benchmarked processor:
CPU vendor string:AuthenticAMD
CPU name string:AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1065T Processor
Integer performance
Model / Part number
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T
AMD Phenom II X6 1075T (non-BE)
AMD Phenom II X6 1065T
Intel Core i7-875K
Intel Core i7-870
Intel Core i7-2600S
Floating Point performance
Model / Part number
Intel Core i7-940
Intel Core i7-2600S
Intel Core i7-860
AMD Phenom II X6 1075T (non-BE)
Intel Core i7-920
AMD Phenom II X6 1065T
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T (125W)
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T (95W)
AMD Phenom II X6 1045T
MMX / SSE / SSE2 performance
Model / Part number
AMD Phenom II X6 1075T (non-BE)
A10 PRO-7850B
AMD Phenom II X6 1065T
A6 PRO-7400B
A8 PRO-7600B
Memory-intensive program performance
Model / Part number
AMD Athlon X4 760K
AMD Phenom II X4 960T
AMD Phenom II X4 955 (125W, rev. C2)
AMD Phenom II X4 B97
AMD Phenom II X4 955 (125W, rev. C3, BE)
AMD Phenom II X6 1065T
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T (125W)
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T (95W)
CPU ID information for the Phenom II X6 1065T
Our CPUID database contains 3 records for this microprocessor. .
to check features of your processor.
Manufacturer:AMDMeasured frequency:3277 MHz
CPU Family:Phenom II X6Comment:
Model Number:1065T&
Part number (supplied):Submitted by:
Part number (guessed):HDT65TWFK6DGRSubmitted on:
Stepping Code:CWID version:0.5
General information
Processor name (BIOS):AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1065T Processor
Processor name (CWID):Phenom II(tm) X6 1065T
Logical processors:6
Processor type:Original OEM Processor
Core stepping:PH-E0
CPUID signature:100FA0
Family:16 (010h)
Model:10 (0Ah)
Stepping: 0 (00h)
Socket:AM2+ and/or AM3
L1 instruction
6 x 512 KB
2-way setassociative
2-way setassociative
16-way setassociative
48-way setassociative
Line size:
Lines per tag:
Shared between all cores
Instruction set extensionsAdditional instructions
Advanced Bit manipulation
AMD extensions to MMX
Extensions to 3DNow!
Major featuresOther features
On-chip Floating Point Unit
1 GB large page support
64-bit / Intel 64
100MHz multiplier control
NX bit/XD-bit
128-bit SSE instructions
Secure Virtual Machine (Virtualization)
36-bit page-size extensions
Turbo Core
Advanced programmable interrupt controller
PowerNow! / Cool'n'Quiet
Core multi-processing legacy mode
Debugging extensions
Extended APIC space
FXSAVE/FXRSTOR optimizations
Hardware P-state control
Hardware thermal control
Instruction based sampling
LAHF/SAHF support in 64-bit mode
LBR virtualization
Machine check architecture
Machine check exception
Memory-type range registers
Misaligned SSE mode
Model-specific registers
Nested page tables
OS visible workaround
Page attribute table
Page global extension
Page-size extensions (4MB pages)
Physical address extensions
Software thermal control
Support for NRIP save
TSC rate is ensured to be invariant across all states
Temperature sensor
Time stamp counter
Virtual 8086-mode enhancements
Watchdog timer support
CPUs, related to AMD Phenom II X6 1065T
Please see
page for the enhanced list with extra options.
Cores /Threads
AMD Phenom II X6 family, Socket AM3
&& 6 / 62.6 GHz3.1 GHz6 MB95W&
&& 6 / 62.7 GHz3.2 GHz6 MB95W&
&& 6 / 62.8 GHz3.3 GHz6 MB95W&
&& 6 / 62.8 GHz3.3 GHz6 MB125W&
&& Phenom II X6 1065T6 / 62.9 GHz3.4 GHz6 MB95W&
&& 6 / 63 GHz3.5 GHz6 MB125W&
&& 6 / 63.2 GHz3.6 GHz6 MB125WUnlock&
&& 6 / 63.3 GHz3.7 GHz6 MB125WUnlock&
&& Within each category, the CPUs are sorted from slower (at the top) to faster (at the bottom)
&& Background color of specs and features indicate whether they are better or worse than similar spec/feature of the Phenom II X6 1065T
&& Click on the & icon to compare any CPU in the table with the AMD Phenom II X6 1065T (Javascript required).
&& Features abbreviations:
Unlock - Unlocked multiplier
Pictures (4)
Posted by: gshv
Bottom view
Posted by: gshv
Top view. Stepping code is ACBBE CB 1035DPMW. The processor was manufactured in the middle of August 2010.
Posted by: gshv
CPU-Z screenshot
Posted by: Hyena
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You're welcome to post suggestions, corrections, your own personal
AMD Phenom II X6 1065T review, or your experience with the microprocessor.
Please do not ask upgrade and troubleshooting questions, and do not start
(c) Copyright 2003 - 2010 Gennadiy Shvets技嘉 P41-ES3G的主板如果配AMD Phenom II X6 T 羿龙原生六核 台式机CPU 95W 6ML3 和显卡_百度知道
技嘉 P41-ES3G的主板如果配AMD Phenom II X6 T 羿龙原生六核 台式机CPU 95W 6ML3 和显卡
技嘉 P41-ES3G的主板如果配AMD Phenom II X6 T 羿龙原生六核 台式机CPU 95W 6ML3 和显卡铭瑄 GTX650 巨无霸 真实 1G 显存 GDDR5 显卡 新版本 替GTX560 配不配
//c.jpg" esrc="/zhidao/wh%3D600%2C800/sign=8c4c30e5daa1de43719c2/bd315c6034a85edfb700adc5475f0.baidu不配.hiphotos。另外GTX560比GTX650要好,上不了AMD的CPU.hiphotos://,主板是英特尔的平台://c.jpg" target="_blank" title="点击查看大图" class="ikqb_img_alink"><img class="ikqb_img" src="http,换什么.com/zhidao/wh%3D450%2C600/sign=ad9ab68434fae6cd0ce1a//zhidao/pic/item/bd315c6034a85edfb700adc5475f0?<a href="http
出门在外也不愁[我来问个专业的] AMD Phenom II X6 1045T比AMD Phenom II X4 955要好 - NGA玩家社区 - [2405][f334]
:: [我来问个专业的] AMD Phenom II X6 1045T比AMD Phenom II X4 955要好 ::
[我来问个专业的] AMD Phenom II X6 1045T比AMD Phenom II X4 955要好
AMD Phenom II X6 1045T比AMD Phenom II X4 955要好不少吧,为啥T大不推荐,我想多开!才贵几十块
955才575块啊 国行原包啊 魂淡
只有推荐你才买?[url=/store/apps/details?id=gov.pianzong.androidnga]----sent from my HUAWEI S8600,Android 2.3.4[/url]
多开的话老实说这两者几乎没差别……不要以为核多就能开更多啊 AMD家的东西……
不可能 最少贵150!说的是行货原盒吗??这个1045T 的700多
开得少看频率 开得多看核心数 极限多开看缓存
只要把955超频玩会了· 回头玩什么3820 什么2500K 不在话下啊
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by 一起_玩吧 ( 19:22):[/b]其实我一直想问问955相当于intel里哪颗cpu?求高手解答!如果现在的话用955组个AMD平台性价比怎样?[/quote]在同45nm时代955是和i5-760比的
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by 一起_玩吧 ( 19:22):[/b]其实我一直想问问955相当于intel里哪颗cpu?求高手解答!如果现在的话用955组个AMD平台性价比怎样?[/quote]我看过一篇955大战i3 2120的的文章,忘了是在太平洋还是ZOL看到的
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by rosicky10 ( 20:34):[/b]我看过一篇955大战i3 2120的的文章,忘了是在太平洋还是ZOL看到的[/quote]955超起来可以把2120打出翔的。。2120我觉得就是个预算比较宽裕的懒人办公用机专用的u,核显正好能匹配他这个价位的常规应用。
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by 我是一个兵 ( 19:30):[/b]只要把955超频玩会了· 回头玩什么3820 什么2500K 不在话下啊[/quote]不就是倍频拉到20吗,还什么会不会的……最多就是不稳定加点电压……
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by wjndante ( 20:39):[/b]955超起来可以把2120打出翔的。。2120我觉得就是个预算比较宽裕的懒人办公用机专用的u,核显正好能匹配他这个价位的常规应用。[/quote]意思就是说同价位无二之选?
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by cltcsg ( 20:51):[/b]不就是倍频拉到20吗,还什么会不会的……最多就是不稳定加点电压……[/quote]要拉外频的
北桥和南桥跟着加点电压 而且这个 “加点电压” 加多少好
这个就要测几个小时。 P67什么都不用管,拉出4倍拉就走。
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by wjndante ( 20:39):[/b]955超起来可以把2120打出翔的。。2120我觉得就是个预算比较宽裕的懒人办公用机专用的u,核显正好能匹配他这个价位的常规应用。[/quote]我来上个传说中的i3秒全家的图 [s:25] [img]./mon_/334_f61.jpg.thumb.jpg[/img]其实955和2120对比那篇文章,评测了很多内容,我就记得BLZ是AMD黑,SC2,WOW项目955被2120碾压CPU : AMD955 主板:M5A97 显卡:迅影6750 2G 内存:金士顿4G 电源:300W 这个搭配的怎么样?_百度知道
CPU : AMD955 主板:M5A97 显卡:迅影6750 2G 内存:金士顿4G 电源:300W 这个搭配的怎么样?
所谓的2G显存,不过我也补充些吧,如果是小板,要便宜些。显卡就真心不怎么样。不超频,都是2百多的价格,主板型号看出来应该是华硕的。另外华擎极限玩家这款大板也不错,振华战蝶400w这一类,安钛克bp430,其实没必要弄个这么贵的(你说对电脑不是很懂,1线可以考虑技嘉,如果后面没有LE之类的后缀,电源可以考虑酷冷至尊战斧400w,那么就是大板,其实不过是商家的噱头罢了, 那么应该不玩超频吧),但是华硕的小板真心好不到哪里去,那未尝不可楼上的都答得很好。如果玩超频
微星970A-G46 ¥569,技嘉技嘉GA-970A-DS3、技嘉GA-970A-D3
这两款都是¥599,比华硕的便宜不少。显卡换迪兰HD6850 1G版,¥849,另外955原装风扇不太好用 ,可以另选一个几十块的。以上均是都是x东价格,如果实体店装机估计价格也相差不大。CPU*
AMD羿龙II X4 955&#47;黑盒
威刚万紫千红DDR3 1600 4G
西部数据500G 16M SATA3蓝盘
迪兰HD6850恒金 1G
40 价格总计:2753 元
这个价格跟广州电脑城装机价较为接近,你可以参考一下, 反正如果超过3000的价格就肯定卖贵了,其实3000价位可以考虑i3-0的配置了,默认情况下比955性能好些,而且更稳定
AMD 羿龙II X4 955(黑盒)
主板: 全汉黑骑士RA450 电源 额定450W&#47: 华硕(ASUS)M5A97 R2.0主板
(力荐楼主: 先马 绝影6 机箱(背板走线&#47.
【报价全部参考京东;电源下置&#47,配置参考如下:AMD955 配华硕 M5A97(970主板)是不错的选择;4000 1GB&#47,电源额定略小;全黑化)
¥119整机大约3000元;CPU:技嘉 GA-970A-D3 ¥599 )显卡:微星(MSI)R6850 HAWK 860&#47,只是显卡逊色、另配】以上配单但愿帮忙你;80Plus铜牌
WD 500GB 7200转 16MB SATA3 蓝盘
4GB DDR3 1600
¥139硬盘;256位 DDR5
¥949 内存
你的CPU在主板配的上来? AMD955:主芯片组:AMD A75 CPU插槽:Socket FM2 CPU类型:AMD A10/A8/A6/A4 内存类型:DDR3 集成芯片:声卡/网卡 显示芯片:CPU内置显示芯片(需要CPU支持) 主板板型:Micro ATX板型 USB接口:4×USB2.0接口(背板);2×USB3...SATA接口:5×SATA III接口 PCI插槽:2×PCI插槽 供电模式:五相 显卡插槽:PCI-E 3.0标准 M5A97:CPU平台:AMD纠错CPU类型:AMD FX/Phenom II/Athlon II/Sempron 100纠错CPU插槽:Socket AM3+纠错CPU描述:支持AMD 32nm 140W处理器纠错支持CPU数量:1颗纠错主板总线:HT3.0最大支持4.8GT/s
显卡弱了些,牌子还没听过!用久了可能出问题的,楼主要是预算有限,可以考虑APU的旗舰平台:A10 5800K的集显相当于AMD HD 6670 1G DDR3,内存可以上双通道4G DDR3 1600(OC到1866最好)不比6750弱多少。主板可以考虑A55,A75芯片的。
如果想玩游戏时不够的 但是如果只是影音 那推荐apu
讯景HD-687a-ZDF 雪狼上校版


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