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How to use rsync over FTP - Server Fault
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I have the following cmd line which works fine.
rsync -avr -e ssh /home/dir :/home/
But I need to set it up now to rsync to a remote server that only has an FTP server on it.
How do I go about that?
I looked at the rsync help but quickly got lost (I don't do this stuff very often).
You don't. rsync can't do that for you, it is a protocol of its own and doesn't work over FTP.
You might, however, want to try . IIRC it provides rsync-like behaviour over HTTP. I can't comment on whether it works over FTP, you'll have to try it.
Rsync definitely isn't going to work for you for the reasons others have mentioned.
However, lftp and ncftp both have "mirror" modes that will probably meet your needs.
I use this to push stuff from my local directory to a ftp or sftp web host:
lftp -c "set ftp:list-options -a;
open ftp://user:password@;
cd /web/public_
mirror --reverse --delete --use-cache --verbose --allow-chown
--allow-suid --no-umask --parallel=2 --exclude-glob .svn"
As written by
lftp is very good tool.
I suggest you to parametrize the script, and make use of the
options, that excludes filenames using the glob feature (*,? ..) of your shell:
lftp -c "set ftp:list-options -a;
open '$FTPURL';
mirror --reverse \
--verbose \
--exclude-glob a-dir-to-exclude/ \
--exclude-glob a-file-to-exclude \
--exclude-glob a-file-group-to-exclude* \
--exclude-glob other-files-to-exclude"
Warning: make sure that the target directory exists, otherwise the cd command will fail, so operation including deleting trees of files
will take place at wrong directory (root)!
I have updated script so that --delete option is disabled by defaut, enable it by uncommenting the DELETE= command.
Depending of what you're actually trying to do, another completely different approach could be use curlftps to mount a ftp folder, and then maybe rsync the two "local" folders.
The installation is different depending on your distro so I can't generalize on that, but you need to installfuse and curlftpfs (prolly Debian already has fuse install by default), then:
sudo apt-get install curlftpfs
Make sure the fuse module is loaded (modprobe fuse)
sudo curlftpfs
/path/to/ftp/folder/ -o user=username:password,allow_other
Note that there's no space after the last comma (it's not a typo!). If you're satisfied with that or don't want to make that every time, you can add it to your fstab (usually in /etc/fstab):
curlftpfs#user:password@ /path/to/ftp/folder/ fuse auto,user,uid=1000,allow_other 0 0
In that case, you have to make sure the fuse module is loaded before.
Be advised though, of two things:
That the developer dropped the project one or two years ago, so I don't know how usable/stable for the time being.
If the password contains a weird character curlftpfs could fail (maybe you can do something with the .netrc).
There is ...
Weex is an utility designed to
automate the task of remotely
maintaining a web page or other FTP
archive. It will synchronize a set of
local files to a remote server by
performing uploads and remote deletes
as required.
rsync does not work over ftp. On the remote side it needs either the rsync daemon or a shell that it can call rsync from. Ftp generally allows you to call a few commands and rsync is not one of them. There are other tools meant for automating ftp tasks like "lftp".
This seems like a good and free fit:
I am using GVFS/FTP.
I mount my remote FTP servers with gigolo.
As they are seen as local directories almost anything working on local files works.
rsync is designed to compute file hashes remotely to compare files without transferring them, but doing that with virtual files transfers the files anyway.
unison and freefilesync normally work well but I met a problem when they want to rename a file thy uploaded, no problem downloading.
This could be a problem with gvfs 1.6.1.
You can use curlftpfs to mount ftp and use rsync after
For what it appears you are trying to do, you could also use wget.
Jonas S's solution can be useful depending on the circumstance, for example if you have a high download speed and slow upload, checking the files on the server might be relatively faster than uploading files unnecessarily.
You probably want to use CurlFTPFS, though:
Although, generally, it is better to use a regular FTP client altogether instead of rsync.
I don't believe you will be able to do this, the server you are trying to Rsync to will only have an FTP server running, it will not understand the commands that Rsync is sending it.
If the reason you want to do this is that you only have access to port 21, but you have control of the server, you can change the port Rsync listens on, on the server, but this is obviously only useful if you don't want to use FTP on that port.
If you want to automate the task then use lftp as you can create a script as some people have posted above, you can script it all really easily to your liking, if your looking for a one time solution (i.e. you need download an entire website via ftp / move it to another server) use ncftp, its simple, install it if its not already installed:
apt-get install ncftp
yum install ncftp
(sorry non debian/red hat based distros..)
once installed, open ncftp in the terminal then type:
open -u ftpusername
It'll ask you for the password, enter it, and then:
get -R /home/remotewebsite/public_html/ /home/localwebsite/public_html/
It'll do the rest pf the work for you.. good luck
Using “sitecopy” or “mirror” can save you lots of bandwidth.
They both handle efficient incremental update.
There's also wput:
wput --timestamping --reupload --dont-continue source-files
The username and password are read from ~/.netrc. Otherwise, if you're not particularly concerned with security, you may supply them as .
and then you can use rsync.
I use the following one.
rsync --delete --times --recursive --perms --owner --group --verbose --progress --stats -e ssh root@ /folder2/
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Rsync 使用简单介绍之完整性检测
Rsync 使用简单介绍之完整性检测
通常,文件系统的完整性检查是通过操作特定的安全工具来完成的,比如tripwire。这类工具的操作十分彻底,功能非常强大,并提供一系列 灵活的策略,来帮助系统管理员完成文件系统的完整性检测。
对系统管理员来说,可能由于诸多原因而倾向于采用另外的方法来完成完 整性检测。Rsync 使用工具就具备这个功能。它所具有的校验功能能够将原始文件和拷贝后的文件进行对比,可以判断并检查出哪些文件被改变,还 可以判断这些文件的更改操作是否合法,是否具备足够的授权。
对文件系统的完整性检测来说,Rsync 使用所做的第一件事情是为文件系统创建一份 快照。这必须在检查文件系统的完整性之前完成,因为必须有一份完好无缺的拷贝用于检查文件系统是否正确。
完成上述操作之后,在命令行简单地运行一条Rsync 使用复制命令。这里需要注意一下:为了确保所使用Rsync 使用版本不可被入侵者用于和他自己的版 本进行比较,这样文件系统的变化就无法被检测出,需要拷贝一个rsync的二进制文件版本(可能位于/usr/bin/rsync)到一个可写的媒介上,如 光盘上。然后,当使用rsync时,还需要指定rsync二进制文件位于哪个媒介上,而不是指向计算机上的某个版本。例如,如CD安装/mnt/cdrom ,运行如下命令,可从一台计算机上复制文件到另外一台主机上:
rsync -av --rsync-path=/mnt/cdrom/rsync -e ssh host:/ localdir
上述命令表示,从远端主机上复制整个文件系统(期望被检查的文件系统)到运行Rsync 使用所在机器的一个本地文件目录中,一旦拥有了文件系统 的快照,就可以使用如下的命令来检查文件系统的完整性了:
rsync -avn --rsync-path=/mnt/cdrom/rsync -e ssh host:/ localdir
前面提到的-n选项是用来确保没有任何文件被拷贝。而在Rsync 使用工具中则有所不同,它仅报告拷贝之前和拷贝之后的差别所在。如果不希望两者 间出现差别,就应该对它们进行仔细检查,确保没有发生未授权的更改。bin/ls, /bin/bash, 和/bin/sshd等文件若发生改变的话是需要特别 留意一下的,如果它们本来是不应该被更改的但却被改动了,这可能表示系统已遭受了某种安全威胁。但是,如果系统自动更新程序正在运行 ,这些文件被更新进程所改变就是很正常的了。因此,最好让更新程序做好日志记录,将那些更新进程替换过的包或文件都做好标记,再和 rsync的完整性检测报告中列出来的所有被更改过的文件进行对照,这样就可以检测出哪些文件已经被非法更改了。
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说到在Linux和*BSD系统上进行备份,我们可是有好多的选择:Bacula、Amanda、Arkeia及更多工具。我的最爱却是Rsnapshot,它基于出色的Rsync文件镜像实用工具。Rsnapshot使用Unix硬链接,为每一个快照有效地保留一个完全备份,却只耗用差异备份的网络带宽和磁盘空间。备份内容则被保存到备份服务器硬盘上的普通文件系统,而不是备份到磁带上,所以根本不需要更换存储介质。由于rsnapshot使用常见的Unix工具,比如Perl、Rsync和硬链接,它可以在几乎任何类似Unix的操作系统上运行,甚至可以在Mac OS X、Solaris和Irix上运行。
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