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3秒自动关闭窗口Transactions on Robotics (T-RO)
The IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO) publishes research papers that represent major advances in the state-of-the-art in all areas of robotics. The Transactions welcomes original papers that report on any combination of theory, design, experimental studies, analysis, algorithms, and integration and application case studies involving all aspects of robotics.
Presenting Your Accepted Transactions Paper at ICRA 2018 Authors of papers that are accepted for publication in the Transactions now have the opportunity to present their work at ICRA 2018. Those of you interested in this option should submit your original work to the Transactions as soon as possible. Full details are being worked out with the ICRA 2018 program committee, and will be announced shortly. The basic guidelines are as follows:-Papers that are published, or accepted for publication, in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics between the period June 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017 (this period may be subject to slight adjustment), and that are not based in large part on previously published conference proceedings papers involving the same authors, are eligible. -Authors of qualified papers will be invited to submit their work for possible presentation at ICRA 2018. Candidate papers will then be reviewed by the ICRA 2018 program committee. Final selection will be announced at the same time as regular submissions to ICRA 2018. -Authors of accepted papers are subject to the same requirements as those of regular conference submissions, i.e., full registration by at least one author is required, with up to two papers allo the papers will be assigned to sessions and presented in the same manner as regular conference submissions. -Those TRO papers accepted for presentation at ICRA 2018 will not appear in the Xplore ICRA 2018 proceedings, since they will be published as TRO papers. Background: For the 2017 edition of ICRA, 15 papers that were recently published in the Transactions, and that are not evolved versions of previously published conference papers, were selected for oral presentation in three specially designated T-RO sessions. Authors of papers accepted for publication in the Transactions will continue to be given an opportunity to present their work at future RAS-sponsored conferences like ICRA and IROS.Roughly half of the papers being published these days in the Transactions are evolved versions of previously published conference papers. To be sure, such conference-to-journal submissions do have their place. Ideally the journal paper is a considerably value-added and improved version of the original conference paper: from the feedback obtained via the review process as well as from participants at the conference, valuable insights can be gained, and the research enhanced considerably, leading to a much-improved final version of the paper.&In practice, however, such papers increasingly seem to be more the exception rather than the rule. It goes without saying that robotics is a fast-moving field, and researchers today face the double pressure of publishing their work rapidly in high-quality, peer-reviewed archival journals like the Transactions, and at the same time presenting and promoting their work to the community at conferences like ICRA. For researchers who wish to both present their work at a conference and also to publish in an archival journal, a common dilemma is how much to put into the journal, and how much to set aside for the extended journal version--put too much into the conference version and risk not having enough for the journal version, or set aside too much for the journal version and risk having the conference version rejected for lack of substance.&The newly launched Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) was intended precisely to address this quandary, by allowing authors to simultaneously publish their work in the archival RA-L and to present their work at ICRA. In keeping with this spirit, the Transactions also is developing a mechanism that will allow authors to present their original work published in the Transactions to the research community at ICRA. 2017 is a pilot study as we explore a more sustainable and permanent mechanism for this Transactions-to-ICRA presentation route for future ICRAs (and eventually involving other IEEE-sponsored conferences). Once established, our hope is that researchers can now submit their original unpublished work directly to the Transactions, and if accepted, then immediately present their work at ICRA.&We will be announcing details of the criteria and procedures for the Transactions-to-ICRA presentation for the 2018 edition of ICRA later on these webpages. In the meantime, for those planning to attend ICRA 2017 in Singapore, we invite you to attend the special TRO sessions, and also to offer your feedback and suggestions on this new publication mechanism. Please send yous comments to the editor-in-chief at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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