🤘Je t'je t aime my destinyYx🤘是什么意思

Je vous aime 这句法语是什么意思?谢谢啊!讲下动词变位。_百度知道我的2006年度非主流音乐总结报告 :: &center&◆◇◆三 千 世 界◇◆◇&/c...
我的2006年度非主流音乐总结报告 :: &center&◆◇◆三 千 世 界◇◆◇&/c...
截至日为止,我所听过的2006年度的非主流音乐新专辑/EP/单曲的总结。 主要以非主流音乐为主,不排除记小部分的主流和流行音乐,清单中一共有552张,已经听过551张,听过的以星数打分,5星为最高。 排列顺序按照乐队的首字母。 补充几点: 1。这些都是MP3,不是买的CD清单,虽然06年买了不少正版,但是还没有富裕到这个程度。 2。年份有可能会出错,不是2006年出的也放到这里面了,如果有这种错误的话请见谅。 3。因为截止日期为日,因为在此之后下到的东西就没有放在这张单子里面。 4。星级评定纯属本人一己之间,仅供参考。不代表除了自己以外的任何人的观点,你完全可以不同意。 5。特别感谢Music!以及花边非主流音乐论坛,因为很多音乐都是在这里听到下到的 Music Won‘t Save You From Anything But Silence - Not From Heartbreak, Not From Violence. 0-9(2) 1.& & 12Twelve - L‘univers(2006) ★★★☆ 2.& & 1908 - Demo(2006) ★★★★ A(44) 3.& & A Red Season Shade - The Outcome Fosters Detachment(2006) 4.& & A.J. Croce - Cantos(2006) ★★★ 5.& & About - Bongo(2006) ★★★☆ 6.& & Acetate Zero - Somehow About Perfection(2006) ★★★☆ 7.& & Adem - Love and Other Planets(2006) ★★★☆ 8.& & Aether - i.l.m[EP] (2006) ★★★★ 9.& & Alexi Murdoch - Time Without Consequence(2006) ★★★★ 10.& & Alias & Tarsier - Brookland Oaklyn(2006) ★★★★ 11.& & Alias & Tarsier - Dr.C Five Year Eve[EP](2006) ★★★★ 12.& & Alif Tree - French Cuisine(2006) ★★★★ 13.& & Alpha - Lost in a Garden of Clouds(Part 2)(2006) ★★★☆ 14.& & Always the runner & Snowbeast - The framed[EP1](2006) ★★★★ 15.& & Amandine - Leave Out the Sad Parts[EP](2006) ★★★★ 16.& & Amber Asylum - Garden Of Love(2006) ★★★★ 17.& & Ambulance Ltd - New English[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 18.& & American Princes - Less And Less(2006) ★★★★ 19.& & Amit - Never Ending(2006) ★★★ 20.& & Amusement Parks On Fire - Out of the Angeles(2006) ★★★★ 21.& & aMute - The Sea Horse Limbo(2006) ★★★★ 22.& & An Pierle - An Pierle And White Velvet(2006) ★★★★ 23.& & Ana never - Ana never(2006) ★★★★☆ 24.& & Anathallo - Floating World(2006) ★★★☆ 25.& & And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead - So Divided(2006) ★★★☆ 26.& & Andydicktracymorganfreeman - so to say, not to say, and these are things[EP] ★★★★ 27.& & Annemarie - The Living Model[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 28.& & Anoice - Remmings(2006) ★★★★ 29.& & Ant - Footprints through the snow(2006) ★★★☆ 30.& & Antennas to Heaven - The Line Between Myth and Reality Has Always Been in Finland(2006) ★★★★ 31.& & Antigen Shift - the way of the north(2006) ★★★☆ 32.& & Arab Strap - Ten Years of Tears(2006) ★★★★ 33.& & Archie Bronson Outfit - Derdang Derdang(2006) ★★★ 34.& & Archive - Lights(2006) ★★★★ 35.& & Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That‘s What I‘m Not(2006) ★★★★ 36.& & Arctica - Selected Sessions(2006) ★★★★ 37.& & Ariel Kill Him - Named After You(2006) ★★★★ 38.& & Ariel pink‘s haunted graffiti - House arrest(2006) ★★★ 39.& & Artesia - Hilvern[Prik101](2006) ★★★★ 40.& & As Tall as Lions - As Tall as Lions(2006) ★★★★☆ 41.& & Ashram - Shining Silver Skies(2006) ★★★★★ 42.& & Asuna - Room Note(2006) ★★ 43.& & Ataraxia + Madame Bistouri + CircuZ KumP - Paris Spleen(2006) ★★★★ 44.& & Audrey - Visible Forms(2006) ★★★★☆ 45.& & Autumn‘s grey solace - Shades of grey(2006) ★★★★☆ 46.& & Avia Gardner - Mill Farm(2006) ★★★☆ B(32) 47.& & Band Of Horses - Everything All The Time(2006) ★★★☆ 48.& & Barbara Morgenstern - The Grass Is Always Greener(2006) ★★★☆ 49.& & Bardo Pond - Ticket Crystals(2006) ★★★☆ 50.& & Barry Adamson - Stranger on the Sofa(2006) ★★★★ 51.& & Barzin - My Life In Rooms(2006) ★★★★ 52.& & Bauchklang - Many People(2006) ★★★☆ 53.& & Because Of Ghosts - No More Reason, No More Doubt - Selected Recordings 06) ★★★★☆ 54.& & Beck - The Information(2006) ★★★☆ 55.& & Behind The Scenes - Pure(2006) ★★★★☆ 56.& & Beirut - Gulag Orkestar(2006) ★★★☆ 57.& & Belborn & Rose Rovine e Amanti - Grain[WOP24](2006) ★★★★ 58.& & Belegost & The Sea, Like Lead - Split LP(2006) ★★★☆ 59.& & Belle And Sebastian - The Life Pursuit(2006) ★★★★ 60.& & Ben lee - Were all in this together(2006) ★★★☆ 61.& & Bent - Intercept(2006) ★★★☆ 62.& & Bernard - A View Beyond The Cave(2006) ★★★☆ 63.& & Beth Orton - Comfort Of Strangers(2006) ★★★☆ 64.& & Bexar Bexar - Tropism(2006) ★★★★ 65.& & Birch Book - Fortune & Folly(2006) ★★★☆ 66.& & Bitcrush - In Distance(2006) ★★★☆ 67.& & Black Happy Day - In the Garden of Ghostflowers(2006) ★★★★ 68.& & Blackbud - From the Sky(2006) ★★★★☆ 69.& & Blanket Music - The Love,Love Translation(2006) ★★★☆ 70.& & Blow up hollywood - The diaries of private henry hill(2006) ★★★★ 71.& & Blueneck - Scars of the Midwest(2006) ★★★★★ 72.& & Bonobo - Days To Come(2006) ★★★★ 73.& & Bravo Silva - Bravo Silva(2006) ★★★★ 74.& & Brazzaville - East L.A. Breeze(2006) ★★★★ 75.& & Brief Candles - They Live We Sleep(2006) ★★★★☆ 76.& & Bright Channel - Self-Propelled(2006) ★★★★ 77.& & Broadcast - Future Crayon(2006) ★★★☆ 78.& & Bypass - Mighty sounds pristine(2006) ★★★★☆ C(34) 79.& & Calexico - Garden Ruin(2006) ★★★★ 80.& & Califone - Roots and Crowns(2006) ★★★☆ 81.& & Camera Obscura - Let‘s Get Out Of This Country(2006) ★★★☆ 82.& & Camera Obscura - Lloyd, I‘m ready to be heartbroken[Single](2006) ★★★☆ 83.& & Camerata Mediolanense - Pankration(Best Of)(2006) ★★★★ 84.& & Candy - Last night(2006) ★★★☆ 85.& & Caroline - Murmurs(2006) ★★★★ 86.& & Carrie - Honey Blue Star(2006) ★★★ 87.& & Casiotone For The Painfully Alone - Young Shields[single](2006) ★★★☆ 88.& & Cat Power - The Greatest(2006) ★★★☆ 89.& & Catastrophe Ballet - All Beauty Dies(2006) ★★★★☆ 90.& & Cawatana & Storm of Capricorn - Split(2006) ★★★☆ 91.& & Cheer - Night Map(2006) ★★★☆ 92.& & CHESSIE - Dual Mode(2006) ★★★☆ 93.& & Chevreuil - Capoeira(2006) ★★★☆ 94.& & Chris Herbert - Mezzotint(2006) ★★☆ 95.& & Christina Carter - Electrice(2006) ★★★☆ 96.& & Christopher Willits - Surf Boundaries(2006) ★★★☆ 97.& & Clan Of Xymox - Breaking Point(2006) ★★★★ 98.& & Clearlake - Amber(2006) ★★★ 99.& & Clue To Kalo - Man Who Took A Step Expecting A Stair But Instead Got Level Ground[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 100.& & Cocosuma - Pointing Excitedly To The Sky(2006) ★★★☆ 101.& & Colin Meloy - Colin Meloy Sings Shirley Collins[EP](2006) ★★★ 102.& & Colleen - Mort Aux Vaches(2006) ★★★☆ 103.& & Condre SCR - jar marsen(2006) ★★★ 104.& & Corpus Delicti - From Dawn To Twilight(2006) ★★★☆ 105.& & Cortney Tidwell - Don‘t Let Stars Keep Us Tangled Up(2006) ★★★☆ 106.& & Cosmicdust - Snow noise assemblage(2006) ★★★☆ 107.& & Couch - Figur 5(2006) ★★★★ 108.& & Cougar - Law(2006) ★★★★ 109.& & Cult of luna - Somewhere along the highway(2006) ★★★★ 110.& & Current 93 - Black Ships Ate the Sky(2006) ★★★★ 111.& & Cyann & Ben - Sunny Morning[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 112.& & Cyann & Ben - Sweet Beliefs(2006) ★★★★ D(19) 113.& & DAAU - Domestic Wildlife(2006) ★★★★ 114.& & Damien Jurado - And Now That I‘m In Your Shadow(2006) ★★★★ 115.& & Darkel - Darkel(2006) ★★★ 116.& & Darkwood - Notwendfeuer(2006) ★★★★☆ 117.& & David Gilmour - On An Island(2006) ★★★★☆ 118.& & Death Chants - Ether Works Vol.2(2006) ★★★☆ 119.& & Death In June - Burial(Re-Release)(2006) ★★★★ 120.& & Deftones - Saturday Night Wrist(2006) ★★★★ 121.& & Delaware - Lost in the Beauty of Innocence(2006) ★★★★ 122.& & Delays - You see colours(2006) ★★★☆ 123.& & Denise James - Promises(2006) ★★★☆ 124.& & Destroyer - Destroyer‘s Rubies(2006) ★★★☆ 125.& & Devics - Push The Heart(2006) ★★★★☆ 126.& & Dictaphone - Vertigo ii(2006) ★★★ 127.& & Die Verbannten Kinder Evas - Dusk And Void Became Alive(2006) ★★★★☆ 128.& & Dirty on Purpose - Hallelujah Sirens(2006) ★★★★ 129.& & Donato Wharton - Body Isolations(2006) ★★★☆ 130.& & Dustin and The Furniture - Where The Trees Go(2006) ★★★☆ 131.& & Dustin and The Furniture - Where The Trees Go(Part 2)(2006) ★★★★ E(25) 132.& & Eagles Of Death Metal - Death By Sexy(2006) ★★★☆ 133.& & Early Day Miners - Offshore(2006) ★★★★ 134.& & East of the wall - East of the wall[EP](2006) ★★★★☆ 135.& & Ed Harcourt - The Beautiful Lie(2006) ★★★ 136.& & Eef Barzelay - Bitter Honey(2006) ★★★☆ 137.& & EF - Give Me Beauty...Or Give Me Death!(2006) ★★★★★ 138.& & Eleventh Dream Day - Zeroes And Ones(2006) ★★★ 139.& & Elf Power - Back To The Web(2006) ★★★☆ 140.& & Elika - Distance[EP](2006) ★★★★ 141.& & Elohymn - Illusions or Imagination[EP](2006) ★★★★ 142.& & Eluvium - When I Live By The Garden And The Sea[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 143.& & Embrace - This New Day(2006) ★★★★☆ 144.& & Empyrium - A Retrospective(2006) ★★★★ 145.& & Enablers - Output Negative Space(2006) ★★★ 146.& & Enduser - Form Without Function(2006) ★★★☆ 147.& & Envelopes - Demon(2006) ★★★ 148.& & Epic45 - Drakelow(EP)(2006) ★★★ 149.& & Eskimo Joe - Black Fingernails Red Wine(2006) ★★★★☆ 150.& & Ester Drang - Rocinate(2006) ★★★★ 151.& & Et Ret - Gasworks(2006) ★★★☆ 152.& & Euros Childs - Chops(2006) ★★★☆ 153.& & Evanescence - The Open Door(2006) ★★★★ 154.& & Evangelicals - So Gone(2006) ★★★ 155.& & Evolutionary Jass Band - Change Of Scene(2006) ★★★ 156.& & Exillon - The keening dithers(2006) ★★★ F(13) 157.& & F.S.Blumm - Summer Kling(2006) ★★★☆ 158.& & Feu Thérèse - Feu Thérèse(2006) ★★★ 159.& & Fiel Garvie - Caught Laughing[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 160.& & Fields - 7 from The Village(2006) ★★★☆ 161.& & Figurines - Skeleton(2006) ★★★ 162.& & Final Fantasy - He Poos Clouds(2006) ★★★☆ 163.& & Fleeting Joys - Despondent Transponder(2006) ★★★★ 164.& & Fleur - Everything is out of control(2006) ★★★★☆ 165.& & Flutwacht - Desert Fog 2[CDR](2006) ★★★ 166.& & Follow the train - A breath of sigh(2006) ★★★☆ 167.& & Fortdax - Divers(2006) ★★★☆ 168.& & Foxhole - Push-Pull(2006) ★★★★☆ 169.& & Frankel - Chatterbox(2006) ★★★☆ G(17) 170.& & Giardini Di Miro - North Atlantic Treaty Of Love, Pt.2(2006) ★★★★☆ 171.& & Glass Casket - Desperate Mans Diary(2006) ★★★☆ 172.& & Glider - One Day at a Time(2006) ★★★★ 173.& & God Is An Astronaut - A Moment Of Stillness[EP](2006) ★★★★★ 174.& & God Is An Astronaut - Tempus Horizon[Single](2006) ★★★★★ 175.& & Grails - Black Tar Prophecies Vols 1 2 And 3(2006) ★★★ 176.& & Green Carnation - The Acoustic Verses(2006) ★★★★☆ 177.& & Green Carnation - The Burden Is Mine...(Alone)[EP](2006) ★★★★☆ 178.& & Grizzly Bear - Yellow House(2006) ★★★☆ 179.& & Growing - Color wheel(2006) ★★☆ 180.& & Grunt - dead beauty-dancefloor wreck[EP](2006) ★ 181.& & Guillemots - From The Cliffs[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 182.& & Guitar - Saltykisses(2006) ★★★★ 183.& & Guitar - Tokyo(2006) ★★★★ 184.& & Gultskra Artikler - Pofigistka[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 185.& & Guster - Ganging Up On The Sun(2006) ★★★★★ 186.& & Guther - Sundet(2006) ★★★☆ H(12) 187.& & H.E.R.R. - Vondel‘s Lucifer - First Movement(2006) ★★★★ 188.& & Halma - Back to pascal(2006) ★★★★ 189.& & Halou - Wholeness & Separation(2006) ★★★★ 190.& & Hammock - Raising your voice trying to stop an echo(2006) ★★★★ 191.& & Hammock - The sleep-over series - volume 1(2006) ★★★ 192.& & Harvest Rain - Night‘s Glow[WOP 21](2006) ★★★★ 193.& & Helene - Routines(2006) ★★★☆ 194.& & Helios - Eingya(2006) ★★★★ 195.& & Hope Of The States - Left(2006) ★★★★☆ 196.& & How To Cure Dyslexia - Take It Outside(2006) ★★★☆ 197.& & Howe Gelb - ‘Sno Angel Like You(2006) ★★★ 198.& & Human Television - Look At Who You‘re Talking To(2006) ★★★ I(11) 199.& & I would set myself on fire for you - Believes in patterns(2006) ★★★★ 200.& & Ian Love - Ian Love(2006) ★★★☆ 201.& & I‘m From Barcelona - Let Me Introduce My Friends(2006) ★★★☆ 202.& & I‘m From Barcelona - Sing(with I‘m From Barcelona)[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 203.& & Imaad Wasif - Imaad Wasif(2006) ★★★☆ 204.& & Immune - Sound Inside(2006) ★★★☆ 205.& & In Gowan Ring - The Twin Trees(2006) ★★★★ 206.& & Instrumental Quarter - Traffic Jam(2006) ★★★☆ 207.& & Isis - In The Absence Of Truth(2006) ★★★★ 208.& & Isis & Aereogramme - In The Fishtank 14(2006) ★★★★ 209.& & Islands - Return To The Sea(2006) ★★★☆ J(15) 210.& & Jacobs Stories - Fledgling(2006) ★★★★☆ 211.& & Jakob - Solace(2006) ★★★★ 212.& & Jamie Barnes - The Paper Crane[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 213.& & Jeffrey Simmons - Farewell My Sweet Alibi(2006) ★★★☆ 214.& & Jeniferever - Choose A Bright Morning(2006) ★★★★☆ 215.& & Jenny Lewis With The Watson Twins - Rabbit Fur Coat(2006) ★★★☆ 216.& & Jessica Bailiff - Feels Like Home(2006) ★★★☆ 217.& & Jesu - Silver(2006) ★★★★ 218.& & Joan of Arc - Eventually, All At Once(2006) ★★★☆ 219.& & Joanna Newsom - Ys(2006) ★★★☆ 220.& & Jolie Holland - Springtime Can Kill You(2006) ★★★☆ 221.& & Juana Molina - Son(2006) ★★★☆ 222.& & Judah Johnson - Be Where I Be(2006) ★★★★ 223.& & Jukka Eskola Quintet - Hub Up(2006) ★★★★ 224.& & July Skies - Where the Days Go(2006) ★★★☆ K(7) 225.& & Kammerflimmer Kollektief - Remixed(2006) ★★★ 226.& & Keane - Under The Iron Sea(2006) ★★★★★ 227.& & Keef Baker - Pure Language(2006) ★★★★ 228.& & Kelley Stoltz - Below The Branches(2006) ★★★ 229.& & Kimya Dawson - Remember That I Love You(2006) ★★★ 230.& & Kinn - Karlshorst(2006) ★★★ 231.& & Kunek - Flight of the flynns(2006) ★★★★☆ L(22) 232.& & Lacrimas Profundere - Filthy Notes For Frozen Hearts(2006) ★★★★☆ 233.& & Ladyhawk - Ladyhawk(2006) ★★★☆ 234.& & Ladytron - Extended Play[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 235.& & Lambchop - Damaged(2006) ★★★★ 236.& & Lambchop - The Decline Of Country And Western Civilization Part.II - The Woodwind Years(2006) ★★★ 237.& & Lamella - Love versus Dirt(2006) ★★★ 238.& & Larvae - Dead Weight(2006) ★★★☆ 239.& & Le Sport - Euro Deluxe Dance Party(2006) ★★★☆ 240.& & Le Sport - It‘s Not The End Of World(2006) ★★★☆ 241.& & Let Airplanes Circle Overhead - Let Airplanes Circle Overhead(2006) ★★★★ 242.& & Liars - Drum‘s not dead(2006) ★★★☆ 243.& & Lilys - Everything Wrong is Imaginary(2006) ★★★ 244.& & Linkin Park - Project Revolution:The Remixes(2006) ★★★☆ 245.& & Lis Er Stille - The Construction of the AmpTrain(2006) ★★★★ 246.& & Lisa Gerrard - The Silver Tree(2006) ★★★★☆ 247.& & Lone Wolf & Cub - Wonder, Is Ground On Frost(2006) ★★★★☆ 248.& & Loney, Dear - Sologne(2006) ★★★ 249.& & Loose Fur - Born Again In The Usa(2006) ★★★ 250.& & Love Is Colder Than Death - Time[2CD][1000 Copies Limited Edition](2006) ★★★★ 251.& & Lovejoy - England Made Me(2006) ★★★☆ 252.& & Loveninjas - I Wanna Be Like Johnny C[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 253.& & Lullabye Arkestra - Ampgrave(2006) ★★★☆ M(42) 254.& & M. Ward - Post-War(2006) ★★★☆ 255.& & Machinefabriek - Lenteliedjes(2006) ★★★ 256.& & Magyar Posse - Random Avenger(2006) ★★★★☆ 257.& & Manyfingers - Our Worn Shadow(2006) ★★★★ 258.& & Maquiladora - The Gulf[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 259.& & Maritime - We, The Vehicles(2006) ★★★★☆ 260.& & Marsen Jules - Les Fleurs(2006) ★★★ 261.& & Matt Costa - Songs We Sing(2006) ★★★☆ 262.& & Matt Howden - Voyager(2006) ★★★☆ 263.& & Matthew Florianz - Niemandsland(2006) ★★ 264.& & Max Richter - Songs From Before(2006) ★★★☆ 265.& & Maximilian Hecker - I‘ll Be a Virgin I‘ll Be a Mountain(2006) ★★★★ 266.& & Maybeshewill - japanese spy transcript(2006) ★★★★★ 267.& & Melnitsa - Zov Krovi(2006) ★★★★☆ 268.& & Melodium - There Is Something In The Universe(2006) ★★★☆ 269.& & Memphis - A Little Place in the Wilderness(2006) ★★★☆ 270.& & Mesh - We Collide(2006) ★★★★☆ 271.& & Metallic Falcons - Desert Doughnuts(2006) ★★★☆ 272.& & Mewithoutyou - Brother, Sister(2006) ★★★★☆ 273.& & Mia doi todd - La ninja (amor and other dreams of manzanita)(2006) ★★★☆ 274.& & Miller & Fiam - Modern Romance(2006) ★★★☆ 275.& & Misstrip - Sibylline(2006) ★★★★ 276.& & Modern Institute - Excellent Swimmer(2006) ★★★★ 277.& & Mogwai - Mr.Beast(2006) ★★★★☆ 278.& & Mogwai - Zidane, A 21st Century Portrait(OST)(2006) ★★★☆ 279.& & Mojave 3 - Puzzles Like You(2006) ★★★★ 280.& & Mole Harness - A Present From The Future(2006) ★★★★ 281.& & Molia Falls - We Left Time[EP](2006) ★★★★☆ 282.& & Mono - You Are There(2006) ★★★★★ 283.& & Monster Movie - All Lost(2006) ★★★★ 284.& & Most Valuable Players - You In Honey(2006) ★★★☆ 285.& & Motoro Faam - Fragmen&&★★★286.& & Mountains - Sewn(2006) ★★★☆ 287.& & Muse - Black Holes and Revelations(2006) ★★★★☆ 288.& & Music A.M. - Unwound From The Woods(2006) ★★★☆ 289.& & My Brightest Diamond - Bring Me The Workhorse(2006) ★★★★ 290.& & My Chemical Romance - Life on the Murder Scene(2006) ★★★☆ 291.& & My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade(2006) ★★★★☆ 292.& & My dad vs yours - After winter must come spring(2006) ★★★★ 293.& & My Education - Moody Dipper[EP](2006) ★★★★ 294.& & My Latest Novel - Wolves(2006) ★★★★ 295.& & My Name Is Nobody - I Hope You‘re Well, I Am And I Send You My Fingers(2006) ★★★ N(13) 296.& & Namur - Songs From The Valley Of Baca(2006) ★★★☆ 297.& & Narsilion - Arcadia(2006) ★★★★ 298.& & Nathan Fake - Drowning In A Sea Of Love(2006) ★★★★ 299.& & Neil On Impression -&&The Perfect Tango(2006) ★★★★☆ 300.& & Neun Welten - Vergessene Pfade(2006) ★★★★☆ 301.& & Neutral - Luisenkirche koenigsberg[ltd ed][cdr](2006) ★★★★★ 302.& & Nightmares On Wax - In A Space Outta Sound(2006) ★★★ 303.& & Nobody and Mystic Chords of Memory - Tree Colored See(2006) ★★★☆ 304.& & Norfolk & western - A gilded age[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 305.& & North Sea & Rameses III - Night Of The Ankou(2006) ★★★ 306.& & Northaunt - Horizons(2006) ★★★ 307.& & Nouvelle Vague - Bande A Part(2006) ★★★ 308.& & Novy Svet - Faccia A Faccia(2006) ★★☆ O(9) 309.& & Oceanographer - On Leaping From Airplanes(2006) ★★★☆ 310.& & Ohsees - The Cool Death Of Island Raiders(2006) ★★★ 311.& & Omne Datum Optimum - Opus Mago Cabalisticum(2006) ★★★★ 312.& & Omr - Superheroes Crash(2006) ★★★★☆ 313.& & Once We Were - Contra(2006) ★★★★☆ 314.& & One Second Bridge - One Second Bridge(2006) ★★★☆ 315.& & Orplid - Sterbender Satyr(2006) ★★★★ 316.& & Orval Carlos Sibelius - Orval Carlos Sibelius(2006) ★★★ 317.& & Ostinato - Chasing the Form(2006) ★★★★ P(20) 318.& & Paavoharju - Uskallan(2006) ★★★ 319.& & Paik - Monster Of The Absolute(2006) ★★★☆ 320.& & PAJO - ) ★★★★ 321.& & Panda & Angel - Panda & Angel[EP](2006) ★★★★ 322.& & Pandatone - What has nature done for me recently(2006) ★★★☆ 323.& & Paradigm - Simulacre(2006) ★★★☆ 324.& & Phelan Sheppard - Harps Old Master(2006) ★★★☆ 325.& & Phon°noir -&&Putting Holes Into October Skies[Quatermass](2006) ★★★★ 326.& & Pia Fraus - Nature Heart Software(2006) ★★★☆ 327.& & Piano Magic - Incurable(2006) ★★★★ 328.& & Pillow - Flowing seasons(2006) ★★★★ 329.& & Pinback - Nautical Antiques(2006) ★★★☆ 330.& & Placebo - Meds(2006) ★★★★★ 331.& & Polar - Surrounded By Happiness(2006) ★★★★ 332.& & Portal - Gone But Not Forgiven(2006) ★★★☆ 333.& & Portastatic - Who Loves The Sun(2006) ★★★ 334.& & Postal Blue - Road to happiness[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 335.& & Primal Scream - Riot City Blues(2006) ★★★ 336.& & Primary Shapes - Here There Everywhere(2006) ★★★☆ 337.& & Psapp - The only thing i ever wanted(2006) ★★★☆ Q(0) R(16) 338.& & Rafael Toral - Space(2006) ★★ 339.& & Raising the Fawn - The Maginot Line(2006) ★★★★ 340.& & RAISON D‘êTRE - Metamorphyses(2006) ★★ 341.& & Rameses III - Matanuska(2006) ★★★ 342.& & Randomnumber - Golden Acre Sleeps(2006) ★★★☆ 343.& & Ratatat - Classics(2006) ★★★☆ 344.& & Recondita Stirpe - Recondita Stirpe(2006) ★★★★☆ 345.& & Red Sparowes - Every Red Heart Shines Toward The Red Sun(2006) ★★★★☆ 346.& & Red Sparowes & Gregor Samsa - Split[EP](2006) ★★★★☆ 347.& & Robin Guthrie - Continental(2006) ★★★★☆ 348.& & Rockettothesky - To Sing You Apple Trees(2006) ★★★★☆ 349.& & Roger Joseph Manning JR. - Solid State Warrior(2006) ★★★☆ 350.& & Rome - Berlin[cmi156](2006) ★★★☆ 351.& & Roommate - Songs The Animals Taught Us(2006) ★★★☆ 352.& & Rose Melberg - Cast Away the Clouds(2006) ★★★☆ 353.& & Russian Circles - Enter(2006) ★★★★☆ S(42) 354.& & Saltillo - Ganglion(2006) ★★★★ 355.& & Sambassadeur - Coastal Affairs[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 356.& & Saso - The Middle Ages(2006) ★★★★★ 357.& & Say Hi To Your Mom - Impeccable Blahs(2006) ★★★★ 358.& & Saycet - One Day At Home(2006) ★★★★☆ 359.& & Scanners - Violence Is Golden(2006) ★★★☆ 360.& & Sebastien Tellier - Sessions(2006) ★★★★ 361.& & Seekonk - Pinkwood(2006) ★★★★ 362.& & Semifinalists - Semifinalists(2006) ★★★☆ 363.& & Shamrain - Deeper Into The Night[MCD](2006) ★★★☆ 364.& & Sierpinski - Evening Water Project(2006) ★★★☆ 365.& & Sigur Ros - Saeglopur[EP](2006) ★★★★ 366.& & Silent Poets - Sun(2006) ★★★★ 367.& & Silversun Pickups - Carnavas(2006) ★★★★ 368.& & Sirka Ragnar - I Am, You Are, He She It Is(2006) ★★★☆ 369.& & Six by Seven - Club Sandwich at the Peveril Hotel(2006) ★★★★ 370.& & Sleeping At Last - Keep No Score(2006) ★★★★ 371.& & Small Sails - Small Sails(2006) ★★★★ 372.& & Small Sins - Small Sins(2006) ★★★☆ 373.& & Smoosh - Free To Stay(2006) ★★★☆ 374.& & Snow Patrol - Eyes Open(2006) ★★★★ 375.& & Soffy O - The Beauty Of It(2006) ★★★☆ 376.& & Some by sea - On fire(2006) ★★★★ 377.& & Sonic Youth - Rather Ripped(2006) ★★★★ 378.& & Soulsearch - Liedersammlung(2006) ★★★☆ 379.& & Soundpool - On High(2006) ★★★☆ 380.& & Sparklehorse - dreamt for light years in the belly of a mountain(2006) ★★★★ 381.& & Sparrows, Swarm and Sing - ‘O Shenandoah Mighty Death Will Find Me(2006) ★★★☆ 382.& & Spider - The Way To Bitter Lake(2006) ★★★ 383.& & Stafrænn Hákon - ...Sprengir ílát[EP](2006) ★★★ 384.& & Stahlwerk 9 & Cold Fusion & Rukkanor - Triumvire(2006) ★★★☆ 385.& & Stars of Track and Field - Centuries Before Love and War(2006) ★★★★☆ 386.& & Stephen Merritt - Showtunes(2006) ★★★ 387.& & Sting - Songs from the Labyrinth(2006) ★★★★ 388.& & Stuart A. Staples - Leaving Songs(2006) ★★★☆ 389.& & Stworywodne - Black muds, bad big village(2006) ★★★ 390.& & Subtract By Two - Agoniser Ecrire[EP] ★★★ 391.& & Sufjan Stevens - The Avalanche(2006) ★★★★ 392.& & Sunday Morning – Take These Flowers To Your Sister(2006) ★★★☆ 393.& & Super XX Man - X(2006) ★★★★ 394.& & Swearing At Motorists - Last Night Becomes This Morning(2006) ★★★☆ 395.& & Syntaks - Awakes(2006) ★★★☆ T(80) 396.& & Tanakh - Ardent Fevers(2006) ★★★★ 397.& & Tara Jane O‘Neil - A Raveling[ep](2006) ★★★☆ 398.& & Tara Jane O‘Neil - In Circles(2006) ★★★☆ 399.& & Tara King th. - A Sigh Of Relief(2006) ★★★★☆ 400.& & Taylor Deupree - Northern(2006) ★★★ 401.& & Teitur - Stay Under The Stars(2006) ★★★☆ 402.& & Televise - I don‘t know why(2006) ★★★★ 403.& & Televise - Songs To Sing In A & E(2006) ★★★★ 404.& & Tender Trap - 6 Million People(2006) ★★★ 405.& & Tenebre - In Everything Give Thanks(2006) ★★★★ 406.& & Tex La Homa - Into Timeless Shadows[EP](2006) ★★★★ 407.& & The Album Leaf - Into the Blue Again(2006) ★★★★ 408.& & The allstar project - Something to do with death(2006) ★★★★★ 409.& & The American Dollar - The American Dollar[self-release](2006) ★★★★☆ 410.& & The Apparitions - As This Is Futuristic(2006) ★★★★ 411.& & The Appleseed Cast - Peregrine(2006) ★★★★☆ 412.& & The Ascent Of Everest - How Lonely Sits the City(2006) ★★★★☆ 413.& & The Autumn Project - A Burning Light(2006) ★★★★☆ 414.& & The Beatles - Love(2006) ★★★☆ 415.& & The Besties - Singer(2006) ★★★☆ 416.& & The Burning Paris - Half Truths And Indiscretions The Anthology(2006) ★★★★☆ 417.& & The Charlatans UK - Simpatico(2006) ★★★☆ 418.& & The Concretes - In Colour(2006) ★★★☆ 419.& & The Decemberists - The Crane Wife(2006) ★★★★ 420.& & The Divine Comedy - Victory For The Comic Muse(2006) ★★★★ 421.& & The Eighteenth Day Of May - The Eighteenth Day Of May(2006) ★★★☆ 422.& & The Everyothers - Pink Sticky Lies[EP](2006) ★★★★ 423.& & The Fiery Furnaces - Bitter Tea(2006) ★★★ 424.& & The Flaming Lips - At War With The Mystics(2006) ★★★☆ 425.& & The Gentlemen Losers - The Gentlemen Losers(2006) ★★★☆ 426.& & The Knife - Silent Shout(2006) ★★★☆ 427.& & The Ladies - They Mean Us(2006) ★★★☆ 428.& & The Like Young - Last Secrets(2006) ★★★☆ 429.& & The Low Frequency in Stereo - The Last Temptation of The Low Frequency in Stereo Vol.1(2006) ★★★★ 430.& & The Low Lows - Fire on the Bright Sky(2006) ★★★☆ 431.& & The lucksmiths - A hiccup in your happiness[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 432.& & The Mary Onettes - Lost[EP](2006) ★★★★ 433.& & The Matinee Orchestra - The Matinee Orchestra(2006) ★★★☆ 434.& & The Meeting Places - Numbered Days(2006) ★★★☆ 435.& & The Metal Hearts - Socialize(2006) ★★★★ 436.& & The Moglass - Sparrow Juice(2006) ★★★☆ 437.& & The Monroe Transfer - Electric Old Wire Noise(2006) ★★★☆ 438.& & The Motifs - Dots(2006) ★★★★ 439.& & The Mountain Goats - Babylon Springs[EP](2006) ★★★★ 440.& & The Mountain Goats - Get Lonely(2006) ★★★☆ 441.& & The M‘s - Future Women(2006) ★★★☆ 442.& & The North Sea - Underneath The Jesus Tree(2006) ★★★ 443.& & The Pipettes - We Are The Pipettes(2006) ★★★ 444.& & The Raconteurs - Broken Boy Soldiers(2006) ★★★☆ 445.& & The Radio Dept. - Pet Grief(2006) ★★★☆ 446.& & The Red Krayola - Introduction(2006) ★★★☆ 447.& & The Servant - How To Destroy A Relationship(2006) ★★★★ 448.& & The Seven Mile Journey - The Journey Studies(2006) ★★★★★ 449.& & The Site of Future Rome - The Site of Future Rome[EP][Self-release](2006) ★★★★☆ 450.& & The Stills - Without Feathers(2006) ★★★☆ 451.& & The Timeout Drawer - Alone(2006) ★★★★★ 452.& & The Tiny - Starring Someone Like You(2006) ★★★☆ 453.& & The Vines - Vision Valley(2006) ★★★★ 454.& & The Walkmen - A Hundred Miles Off(2006) ★★★ 455.& & The Whitest Boy Alive - Dreams(2006) ★★★☆ 456.& & The Workhouse - Flyover(2006) ★★★★☆ 457.& & The Year Of - Slow Days(2006) ★★★★☆ 458.& & Thee More Shallows - Monkey VS Shark[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 459.& & This Beautiful Mess - Away with the Swine(2006) ★★★★ 460.& & Thom Yorke - The Eraser(2006) ★★★☆ 461.& & Those Transatlantics - Knocked Out(2006) ★★★ 462.& & Tides - From Silence[EP](2006) ★★★★☆ 463.& & Tilly and the Wall - Bottoms of Barrels(2006) ★★★☆ 464.& & Tom Brosseau - Empty Houses Are Lonely(2006) ★★★☆ 465.& & Tom Waits - Orphans(2006) ★★★☆ 466.& & Tone - Solidarity(2006) ★★★★★ 467.& & Tortoise - A Lazarus Taxon(2006) ★★★☆ 468.& & Tortoise and Bonnie ‘Prince‘ Billy - The Brave and the Bold(2006) ★★★☆ 469.& & Tosca - Souvenirs(2006) ★★★☆ 470.& & Trespassers William - Having(2006) ★★★★ 471.& & Triple Burner - Triple Burner(2006) ★★★ 472.& & Tristeza - En Nuestro Desafio(2006) ★★★★ 473.& & Tunng - Comments of the Inner Chorus(2006) ★★★ 474.& & TV-Resistori - Serkut Rakastaa Paremmin(2006) ★★★ 475.& & Twelve - Be Careful What You Don‘t Wish For(2006) ★★★☆ U(7) 476.& & Umbrellas - Illuminare(2006) ★★★★ 477.& & Una Corda - Proper Position For Floating [1881][EP](2006) ★★★★★ 478.& & Under Byen - Samme Stof Som Stof(2006) ★★★☆ 479.& & Undo - Despacio(2006) ★★★★ 480.& & Union Of Knives - Violence and Birdsong(2006) ★★★★ 481.& & Unto Ashes - Songs For a Widow(2006) ★★★☆ 482.& & Unwed Sailor - Circles[EP](2006) ★★★☆ V(2) 483.& & Velvet cacoon - Dizzy from eternity(2006) ★★★☆ 484.& & Vetiver - To Find Me Gone(2006) ★★★☆ W(9) 485.& & Wax Tailor - Tales of the Forgotten Melodies(2006) ★★★★ 486.& & We vs. Death - we too are concerned, we are too concerned(2006) ★★★★☆ 487.& & Wechsel Garland - Easy(2006) ★★★★ 488.& & When They Know You They Will Run - Demo(2006) ★★★★ 489.& & White Whale - WWI(2006) ★★★★ 490.& & William Basinski - The Garden of Brokenness(2006) ★★★ 491.& & Windmills By The Ocean - Windmills By The Ocean(2006) ★★★★ 492.& & Wood And Wires - Wood And Wires(2006) ★★★★★ 493.& & Woven Hand - Mosaic(2006) ★★★☆ X(1) 494.& & Xela - the dead sea(2006) ★★★☆ Y(5) 495.& & Yagya - Will I Dream During The Process(2006) ★★★☆ 496.& & Yellow6 - The Beautiful Season Has Past(2006) ★★★☆ 497.& & Yo La Tengo - I Am Not Afraid Of You And I Will Beat Your Ass(2006) ★★★ 498.& & You.May.Die.In.The.Desert - Bears in the Yukon(2006) ★★★★ 499.& & Young and sexy - Panic when you find it(2006) ★★★ Z(3) 500.& & Zero 7 - The Garden(2006) ★★★☆ 501.& & Zombi - Surface To Air[EP](2006) ★★★☆ 502.& & Zucchini Drive - Being Kurtwood(2006) ★★★☆ Various Artists(18) 503.& & Various Artists - Bon Voyage(2006) ★★★★ 504.& & Various Artists - Days Of Summer(2006) ★★★★ 505.& & Various Artists - Forseti Lebt(2006) ★★★★ 506.& & Various Artists - Future Folk(2006) ★★★★ 507.& & Various Artists - Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense[NF003](2006)Part1 ★★★★ 508.& & Various Artists - Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense[NF003](2006)Part2 ★★★★ 509.& & Various Artists - Je T‘aime(2006) ★★★★ 510.& & Various Artists - Legend And Lore:Dark Folklore And European Myths(2006) ★★★★☆ 511.& & Various Artists - Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited(2006) ★★★★ 512.& & Various Artists - Pitchfork Music Festival ) ★★★☆ 513.& & Various Artists - Pop The Question(2006) ★★★☆ 514.& & Various Artists - Silva(2006) ★★★ 515.& & Various Artists - SLEEP WITH 4AD(2006) ★★★★ 516.& & Various Artists - The Judas Kiss Present:Past, Present and Forever(2006) ★★★★☆ 517.& & Various Artists - The Sound the Hare Heard(2006) ★★★★ 518.& & Various Artists - To Elliott From Portland(2006) ★★★☆ 519.& & Various Artists - VAWS Vol.II[VAWS 217](2006) ★★★☆ 520.& & Various Artists - 出道紀念日(小白兔橘子四週年合輯)(2006) ★★★★★ 日文(16) 521.& & Akeboshi - Yellow Moon(2006) ★★★★☆ 522.& & Aki Tsuyuko - Hokane(2006) ★★★ 523.& & Asobi Seksu - Citrus(2006) ★★★☆ 524.& & B‘z - MONSTER(2006) ★★★★☆ 525.& & Chihei Hatakeyama - Minima Moralia(2006) ★★★ 526.& & CYCLE HIT
Spitz Complete Single Collection ★★★★★ 527.& & CYCLE HIT
Spitz Complete Single Collection ★★★★★ 528.& & Joe Hisaishi - Asian X.T.C.(2006) ★★★☆ 529.& & Salyu - Name(2006) ★★★★ 530.& & Salyu - Tower(2006) ★★★★☆ 531.& & The Back Horn(爆轟樂團) - カオスダイバー(Chaos Diver)[Single](2006) ★★★★ 532.& & Yuichiro Fujimoto - The Mountain Record(2006) ★★★ 533.& & おおはた雄一-ふたつの朝(2006) ★★★☆ 534.& & 東京事變 Tokyo Jihen - 大人Adult(2006) ★★★★ 535.& & 元ちとせ - ハナダイロ(2006) ★★★★ 536.& & 中孝介(ATARI KOUSUKE) - それぞれに(2006) ★★★★ 中文(16) 537.& & 8mm sky(八厘米天空) - Finders Keepers(2006) ★★★★☆ 538.& & 21 Gram – Demo(2006) ★★★★ 539.& & 48V - 南方(southward)[Demo](2006) ★★★★ 540.& & 1976 - 耳機裡的新浪潮(2006) ★★★★ 541.& & Echo(迴聲樂團) - 無奈|被溺愛的渴望(2006) ★★★★☆ 542.& & Tizzy Bac - 我想你会变成这样都是我害的(2006) ★★★★ 543.& & Tizzy Bac - 夏季热[EP](2006) ★★★★ 544.& & 粉红A - 她来了(2006) ★★★★ 545.& & 胡椒猫 - 我看见幽浮(2006) ★★★ 546.& & 壞碑唇 - 搞三搞四(2006) ★★★★ 547.& & 黄耀明 - 若水(2006) ★★★★ 548.& & 麦田守望者 - 我们的世界(2006) ★★★★ 549.& & 莫文蔚 - 如果没有你(2006) ★★★★☆ 550.& & 惘闻 - RE:RE:RE:(2006) ★★★★☆ 551.& & 張懸 - My Life Will(2006) ★★★★ 552.& & 自然卷 - C‘est La Vie 2.5 资源回收(2006) ★★★★ 以下为所有552张的封面,顺序从左到右,从上到下和清单顺序完全一致: 001-100screen.width*0.7) {this.resized= this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor=‘hand‘; this.alt=‘Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out‘;}
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