
 承包经营合同_合同协议_表格/模板_实用文档。承包经营合同出租方: (甲方) :...九、租赁期间,乙方需合法经营,遵守国家和地方相关法律法规。若 违反产生的一切...  承包经营合同甲方: 乙方: 甲方 同遵守: 一、承包经营标的 1、甲方同意将宾馆整体交由乙方承包经营。 2、宾馆内各类设备设施限于本合同订立时的现场为准(注:资产...  有限公司(发包方)与 商后, 且经 (承包方)友好协 有限公司股东会批准,现将公司经营权在本合同期限 内发包给承包方以供经营,就经营期间的事项特订立本合同。 第...  乙双方友好协商,就饭店承包经营事宜达成以下协议: 第一条 甲方将自己位于 XXXXXXX 饭店 承包给乙方使用,乙方同 等享有甲方在原房屋租赁合同中所享有的权利与义务。...  承包经营合同范本_合同协议_表格/模板_实用文档。承包经营合同承包经营合同甲方: 乙方: 第一条 经营场所的位置及用途 甲方将位于 承包给乙方。乙方的经营范围为 。...  篇一:品牌具体市场承包合同 销售承包经营合同书 甲方: 身份证号码: 乙方: 身份证号码: 甲乙双方依照国家《民法》 、 《民法通则》和《合同法》及相关法律、法规...  为理清双方权利义务,特签 订次合同。 总则 1.承包事项:工作室所有与经营管理相关的事宜。 2.承包经营的方式:甲方将工作室全部经营权发包给乙方,乙方 承包经营...  承包经营合同_合同协议_表格/模板_实用文档。律师草拟的企业内部承包、外部承包范本。承包经营合同发包方(以下简称甲方) : 承包方(以下简称乙方) : 甲乙双方经好友...  承包经营合同_合同协议_表格/模板_实用文档。承包经营合同发包方(甲方) : 承包...9 号承包给乙方经 营,为明确双方权利、义务,在合法自愿的基础上特签订本合同...英文合同的通用条款(定义与解释条款Definition&and&Interpretation)
Definition and Interpretation
In this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following
meaning unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
refers to …
shall have the (same) meaning defined in …
shall be construed as …
relation to&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
purpose of&&&&
“TERM 2”&&&&&
refers to …
connection with&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
shall have the (same) meaning defined in …
In respect
shall be construed as …
+ *** which,
Interpretation. Unless the context otherwise requires:
words singular and plural in
number shall be deemed
all references to
a reference to any measures amending, supplementing or repealing
any releva
the terms “XYZ” shall be being
at all times construed as &&&&&&&unless
the content specially indicates otherwise, whether or not the words
“XYZ” are expressly stated in any particular instance in this
3. XXX Meaning. Words not
otherwise defined herein that have well known and generally
accepted adj. meanings are used herein in accordance with such
recognized meanings. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties, all
units of measurement shall be stated in the &&&&&&&system.
4. H Sections
References. Section headings are for convenience of reference only,
do not form part of this Agreement, and shall not be deemed to
limit or otherwise affect any of the provisions hereof.
Precedence. In case of express conflict between provisions of the
this Agreement, the order of precedence in construction and
interpretation of such provisions shall be as follows:
a. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&;
b. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.
Subject to the foregoing, if
any requirements specified in any& &&&&1&&
with those of any other &&&2&&&
, or if any requirement specified in any &&&&1&&
with any other requirements in such &&&2&&
, the &&&&&&&requirements
shall prevail. Notwithstanding the above, the provisions of this
Agreement, including all Schedules, shall be wherever possible
construed as complementary rather than conflicting.
Definition. In this Agreement the following terms shall have the
following meaning unless the context clearly requires
“Accounts Bank” shall have the meaning defined in the Accounts
“Accounts Agreement” means the Accounts Agreement to be entered into
among ABC INC., the Concessionaire and the Accounts Bank on or
before the Commencement Date, as amended from time to
In relation to the parties hereto, “Adverse Claim” shall have the
meaning defined in Section 5.07 (Adverse Claims).
For the purpose of this Agreement, “Affiliate” means any Person
which, directly or indirectly, is in control of, is controlled by,
or is under common control with, another Person. For the purposes
of this definition, “control” of a Person means the power, directly
or indirectly, either to (i) vote ten percent (10%) or more of the
shares having ordinary voting power for the election of directions
of such Person, or (ii) direct or cause the direction of the
management and policies of such Person, whether by contract or
“Agreement” shall have the meaning defined in the preamble.
2. Interpretation. Unless the context
otherwise requires:
a. words singular and plural in number shall be
b. all references to Applicable Law or to a
particular Applicable Law includes a reference to any measures
amending, supplementing or repealing any relevant Applicable Law
c. all references to any contract or agreement
means such contract or agreement and all schedules, appendices,
exhibits and attachments thereto as amended, supplemented or
otherwise modified and in effect from time to time, and shall
include a reference to any document which amends, supplements or
replaces it, or is entered into, made or given pursuant to or in
accordance with its terms
d. the terms “include” and “including” shall be
construed as being at all times followed by the words “without
limitation” unless the context specifically indicates otherwise,
whether or not the words “without limitation” are expressly stated
in any particular instance in this A
e. in respect of the performance of the obligation
under this Agreement, references to the “Concessionaire” shall be
deemed to include the Concessionaire and all o
f. whenever a Person is required to form an
opinion, make a determination or designation, give a notice of
approval or consent, incur costs or expenses, request any item or
action, exercise a discretion or perform an act under this
Agreement, it must be done reasonably under the circumstances in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement or their reasonably
inferred context and based upon reasonable grounds, and must not be
done or refused capriciously or arbitrarily or unduly
3. Technical Meanings. Words not otherwise
defined herein that have well known and generally accepted
technical or trade meanings are used herein in accordance with such
recognized meanings. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties, all
units of measurement shall be stated in the metric unit (SI)
4. H Section References. Section
headings are for convenience of reference only, do not form part of
this Agreement, and shall not be deemed to limit or otherwise
affect any of the provisions hereof. References to Articles,
Sections, Subsections, Paragraphs, the preamble, the Recitals,
Schedules, Exhibits and Appendices, unless otherwise indicated, are
references to Articles, Sections, Subsections, Paragraphs, the
preamble, the Recitals, the Schedules, the Exhibits and Appendices
of this Agreement.
5. Precedence. In case of express conflict between
provisions of the Sections or the Schedules of this Agreement, the
order of precedence in construction and interpretation of such
provisions shall be as follows:
b. Schedules.
Subject to the foregoing, if any requirements
specified in any Section conflict with those of any other Section,
or if any requirements specified in any Schedule conflict with any
other requirements in such Schedule or in any other exhibit, the
more detailed requirements shall prevail. Notwithstanding the
above, the provisions of this Agreement, including all Schedules,
shall be wherever possible construed as complementary rather than
conflicting. All Appendices to Schedules are provided for purposes
of clarifying and supplementing the Schedules, and shall not be
construed as limiting any of the Concessionaire’s obligations under
this Agreement.
natural person and any corporation or other entity which is given,
or is recognized as having, legal personality by the law of any
unincorporated association or unincorporated body of persons,
whether formed in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, including a
partnership, joint venture or consortium.
Stock Certificate”
includes “stock certificate” and “stock certificates”
includes “he” and “she”;
includes “his” and “her”;
includes “him” and “her”.
purpose of this Agreement, each of the following terms shall have
the following meaning respectively:
Agreement, the following words or expressions shall have the
meanings given to them respectively below:
following are the definitions of various terms used in this
Written”, in relation
to a notice under this Agreement, includes those sent by telex or
Business Day” means a
day on which banks and foreign exchange markets are open for
business in the People’s Republic of China and New York.
Property” means
property, assets, interests and rights of every description,
wherever situated.
Expenses” include
costs, charges and expenses of every description.
Proceedings” means any
proceedings before a court or tribunal (including an arbitration),
whether in the Republic of China or elsewhere.
Address” means
relation to an individual, his usual residential or business
relation to a corporation, its registered or principal office in
the Republic of China.
  要式合同包括哪些内容? 要式合同包括: 1、担保法上的所有合同(保证、抵押、质押、定金)、金融机构的借款合同、建筑工程合同、长期租赁合同(租赁期限在6个月以上)、融资租赁合同、技术开发合同、技术转让合同,这些合同要求必须采用书面形式; 2、特殊的&&[]
  合同只有采用书面形式吗? 合同又称为契约,在法学理论上,对合同的概念存在不同的理解。大陆法系一般将合同定义为:得到法律承认的关于债的协议。而英美法系则一般将合同定义为:合同是可以依法执行的诺言。 我国《合同法》中所称的合同是指:平等主体的自然&&[]
  合同未签字盖章的怎样处理? 在合同书中双方当事人的签字盖章是十分重要的,没有双方当事人的签字盖章,就不能最终确认当事人对合同的内容协商一致,也就不能证明合同的成立有效。 当事人采用合同书形式订立合同的,自双方当事人签字或者盖章时合同成立。但是&&[]
  合同在签字盖章时需要注意那些问题? 合同的条款并不要求当事人自行书写,但必需要亲自签字或盖章。签字人应当是当事人本人,或单位的法定代表人、负责人,或经授权的部门机构的负责人、代理人。对于后者,较为谨慎的方法是由签字人交书面法人授权书。 法人授&&[]
  【抵押担保】质权合同应当包括哪些内容? 质权的设立,通常都是以合同进行的。当事人签订的质权合同应采用书面形式,一般应当包括以下内容: (1)被担保的主债权种类和数额。 (2)债务人履行债务的期限。 (3)质押财产的名称、数量、质量、状况。 (4)质权的担保&&[]
  公民应怎样订立合同? 实行合同制,使公民可以通过各种合同取得自己需要的商品和服务,也使各种经济主体明确自己对消费者的责任。依法订立的合同受法律的保护,公民可据此防止不法交易,维护自己的合法权益。 通常订立合同的方式,可以采用口头,书面、鉴证、&&[]
  合同通常有哪些条款? 合同的内容由当事人根据交易的具体情况约定,但一般包括以下条款: 1、当事人的名称或者姓名和住所; 2、标的;标的是一个常用的法学术语,是合同当事人权利和义务共同指向的对象。标的物可以是物,如借款合同的标的是货币,买卖合同的&&[]
  买卖合同内容不明确怎么办? 买卖合同,作为一种法律文书,双方在签订时,都应全面考虑各自应享有的权利和应履行的义务,其内容应做到具体、详&&[]
经营性网站您的位置:&&&&&&&&& > 正文
10:53&&来源: |
  是借款人向贷款人借款,到期返还借款并支付利息的合同。除了亲戚、朋友、同事相互之间的借款合同之外,大部分借款合同的贷款人(出借人)是银行或信用合作社。  借款合同具有以下特点:  (l)借款合同为诺成合同。借款合同的标的物是金钱,属于消费借贷合同。传统学说认为,消费借贷合同属于要物合同,即合同的成立,不仅要双方达成合意,还必须以标的物的交付作为合同的成立要件。民法学界通说认为,我国的借款合同应理解为诺成合同。即:只要双方当事人就借款合同的主要条款达成合意,借款合同即告成立。  (2)借款合同为双务有偿合同。借款合同的双方当事人互享权利、互负义务。贷款人负有按合同约定拔付款项给借款人的义务,借款人负有按期还本付息的义务。  (3)借款合同大部分为要式合同。除自然人之间借款另有约定外,借款合同应当采用书面形式。借款合同应当包括借款种类、币种、用途、数额、利率、期限和还款方式等条款。另外,借款申请书、借款凭证、协议书及修改借款合同的有关书面材料是借款合同的组成部分。  为了维护贷款人的利益,保证借款人按期还本付息,<>第198条规定:订立借款合同,贷款人可以要求借款人提供担保。担保的形式和内容依照<中华人民共和国>的规定办理。另外,订立借款合同,借款人应当按照贷款人的要求提供与借款有关的业务活动和财务状况的真实情况。  (合同法)第204条、第205条对借款的利率也作了原则性规定。根据规定,办理贷款业务的金融机构贷款的利率,应当按照中国人民银行规定的贷款利率的上下限确定。公民之间借款的利率,不得违反国家有关限制借款利率的规定。
特色通关班(含基础+法条+冲刺+论述题) 特色无忧班 当期考试不过,下期免费学
精品通关班 经典班次,科学搭配 精品无忧班 当期考试不通过,下期免费学
实验班实验通关班 智能交互课件,个性化辅导 实验无忧班 考试不过,下期免费学
定制通关班 大数据智能教学,省时省力 定制无忧班 考试不过,下期免费学
含全套基础学习班、法条串讲班、 冲刺串讲班、真题解析班、论述题精讲班。
含全套基础学习班、法条串讲班、 冲刺串讲班、真题解析班、论述题精讲班。
含全套基础学习班、法条串讲班、 冲刺串讲班、真题解析班、论述题精讲班。
含全套基础学习班、法条串讲班、 冲刺串讲班、真题解析班、论述题精讲班。
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