如果一旦战争爆发 做什么生意能赚钱呢

印度人承认:一旦战争爆发 中国能核打击美国
 & China tests ballistic missiles with the longest range in the world, capable of striking US or Britain with TEN nuclear warheads  中国试射洲际导弹,射程世界最远,能携带10枚核弹头,能打到美国和英国  China has tested a weapon which could be used to strike London and the United States with nuclear warheads.  The Dongfeng-41 missile, which has the longest range of any ballistic rocket in the world, can carry up to ten nuclear warheads.  中国试射一种导弹,能携带核弹头,打到伦敦和美国,东风-41导弹,是世界洲际导弹中射程最远的,能携带10枚核弹头。  US Pentagon officials are said to have slammed China for testing the ‘intercontinental weapons’, which have a maximum range of around 8,700 miles.  China hit back at its critics today, saying it was perfectly ‘normal’ to carry out ballistic missile launches.&   据称,五角大楼的官员谴责中国试射“洲际武器”,该武器的最大射程约8700英里。对此,中国做出回击,称试射洲际导弹是完全正常的。&&&&&&& 印网友评论:  US media site Washington Free Beacon, citing unnamed Pentagon officials, reported that China had carried out a test of its DF-41 long-range missile on April 12.  美国媒体《华盛顿自由灯塔》,引述未透露姓名的五角大楼官员的话,称中国于4月12日试射了东风-41远程导弹。  runbyidiots, widebay, Australia, 8 minutes ago  America Thinks that it Should Police the World,And tell other Nations what they can do and what not to do. And America Is the Only one Nation to have the Big Stick.  美国认为自己是世界警察,对其他国家发号施令,美国认为只有自己才能拿着大棒。  centerlane, ketchikan, United States, 18 minutes ago  And the US has more naval firepower with its subs and carriers,[ nuclear and conventional] than the rest of the world combined.  美国有潜艇,有航母,美国海军的实力比其他国家海军加起来更强  John MacRae, Sydney, Australia, about 2 hours ago  Their re entry vehicles have improved a lot since Obama approved the supercomputer sales to them.  他们的再入飞行器进步很大,因为奥巴马已经批准向他们出售超级计算机。  Donk, Donkland, United Kingdom, about 2 hours ago  Russia, China and North Korea have all been heavily investing huge sums of money in their military. In Britain and Europe? It’s cut, cut, cut… When are our so called “leaders” ever going to move into the real world?  俄罗斯、中国和朝鲜在军队上投入巨资。英国和欧洲呢?不断地削减军费,我们所谓的“领导人”什么时候能回到现实世界呢?  John Buis, Rotterdam Netherlands, Netherlands, 2 hours ago  All with technology they STOLE from us! Thx to our naive INCOMPETENT gouvernments.  技术是从我们这里偷走的!多亏了我们幼稚的无能政府  MagenD, Savannah, United States, 1 hour ago  Stole from us?! We gave it to them!!!  从我们这里偷的?是我们给他们的!  Jon Sims, Ningbo, China, 49 minutes ago  You mean.. Printing? Paper, Gunpowder? Compass etc etc..Actually that all came from China.. without it life would never have managed to move forward..  你是指印刷术?造纸术?火药?指南针?实际上,这些都来自中国…没有这些发明,生活就永远无法改善…  Howard Snell, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 3 hours ago  It’s ok trump will negotiate with them  没事的,特朗普会找他们谈判的  Tom, Swansea, United Kingdom, 3 hours ago  So tell me why exactly are we so keen to do so much business with them? Are they a threat or not?  为什么我们如此热衷和他们做生意?他们是否是威胁?  Ishkandar, London, 2 hours ago  So stop posting on this site using Chinese made technology and go back to pencil and paper !!!  别用中国技术来发帖了,回去用纸和笔吧!  Tom, Swansea, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago  Designed on California. Built in China. That’s the difference  加州设计,中国生产,这是有区别的  Justme0, Anytown, United States, 4 hours ago  The longer the flight, the easier to shoot down.  飞得越远,就越容易被击落  MagenD, Savannah, United States, 3 hours ago  It flies at Mach 25…. good luck with that!!!  25马赫的速度啊,好运!  Up South, Melbourne, Australia, 4 hours ago  Chinese rockers, eh ?  中国火箭?  Dame Gertie Gussett, Dorking, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago  If their military equipment is anything like the old tat products they ship to the West, we have nothing to worry about.  如果他们军事装备的质量和卖往西方的中国货一样,那么我们也就没啥好担心的  i really hate idiots, somewhere in the world, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago  We’re going to regret giving China all our money and access to our technology. At some point they are really going to flex their muscles, and then who is going to take them on  后悔援助中国了,后悔把技术给他们了,假以时日,他们会出来秀肌肉的。到时候,谁来应战?  uws, UK, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago  So what if they test missiles? They’re not breaking any laws  他们试射导弹又怎么了?他们没有违反任何法律啊  Drivel, Grimm, China, 5 hours ago  While in January the US tested 15 minuteman missiles  美国一月份试射了15枚民兵导弹  David, Bristol, 5 hours ago  China is gonna become the next superpower  中国将会成为下一个超级大国  David, Norwich, Portugal, 5 hours ago  It’s only ok if the us does the tests, is it?  只能美国试射导弹,是吗?  Barivision, London, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago  Don’t worry folks, if it’s made in China and is like other things they produce, the nose cone will fall off!  各位,别担心,如果是中国制造,如果跟其他中国货一样,那么导弹的前锥体会掉下来的!  devon123, queens, United States, 7 hours ago  They are sending the message that if war broke out, they have the capability to reach any part of the US with nuclear weapons.  他们是在传达这样一个信息,即一旦战争爆发,他们有能力对美国任何一个地方进行核打击  AbdulWajid, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago  Go China. About time America realized they are not the policemen of the world!  中国加油,美国是时候认识到自己并非是世界警察  I am not Joe King, leeds, 6 hours ago  WTF is going on in the world? It looks bad for mankind, there will be no winners in the end  世界怎么啦?对人类不利,最终不会有赢家
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&『原创』主题: 假如朝鲜战争爆发 股票就是灾难.
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荐股大赛排名:1总收益率:14160.32%平均收益率:30.00%推荐次数:472成功次数:456今日访问量:125 荐股大赛排名:9总收益率:6173.18%平均收益率:21.29%推荐次数:290成功次数:239今日访问量:67 荐股大赛排名:10总收益率:73466.47%平均收益率:20.54%推荐次数:3576成功次数:2869今日访问量:64【导读】:美国和台湾在三峡工程上的态度不同,台湾则是希望中国自悬达摩克利斯剑;而美国则被中国认定是天敌,想到有人敢动三峡大坝,美国必然首当其冲。...
  钓鱼岛争端可能引发轰炸,可考虑核爆黄石超级火山灭亡美国  轰炸三峡被国防部纳入《军事力量年度报告》  三峡围堰基坑充水  媒体报道称,美国国防部在送交国会的《军事力量年度报告》中指出,台湾为了吓阻大陆,可能考虑瞄准大陆基础设施,例如。  此言一出,立刻在和台湾引起巨大震动。    两岸问题专家谭慎格称,国防部能公开讨论台湾如何进行报复,是非常重要的一件事,而攻击“绝对是个好主意”。  对这个意识形态上与格格不入,综合国力的增长速度又远远超过美国的国家,美国有着一种深深的不信任感。苏联解体之后,不断崛起的就成为美国最主要的防范目标。
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