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According to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 2011 announced the &corporate social responsibility& Blue Book of content, all the circumstances of our country enterprise society responsibility implementation level is low, even if is the state-owned enterprise of the top 100 is just at the beginning of the process, scored on average only 32.8 points and nearly 50% of the state-owned enterprises in the hesitation, civilian battalion enterprise top 100 average 13.3 points, social obligation to implement level was weaker, hundred foreign companies scored on average 12.5 points, over 80% of the observed delay, social responsibility disclosure serious lack of. Until the first half of 2011, China's A-share listed companies altogether just announced 531 social obligation to declare, and there are no declaration of conformity over 80%, this and the enterprise economic benefit rapid growth form bright comparison, also enable enterprises to implement the status of social obligation to enter the &view. And follow the stock market develops ceaselessly and perfect, increasingly need new skills method and object to sponsor the authorities and investors and the coherence of the evaluation of corporate social responsibility. But in the judicial level designated enterprises have the responsibility to implement social obligations, in company law amendment published in January 2006. In June 2006, the Power Grid Corp announced the first country become declaration of corporate social responsibility. In September of the same year, Shenzhen securities business introduced the listed company social responsibility guidelines, understand the listed company in the progress of the economic efficiency of enterprises and ensure shareholder rights and interests at the same time, should also actively protect investors, creditors, employees, stakeholders of the legitimate rights and interests, Frank look at the benefits related, and actively to ensure that the community civilization construction, safe environmental protection investment public welfare undertakings, thus enhancing the coordinated development of the company and society. In October 2006, the sixteen session of the six plenary session that we should strengthen the national organizations, enterprises, social responsibility&. &On the central enterprises social responsibility guidance& pointed out that the main significance of central enterprises bear social responsibility, guiding ideology, basic requirements, important content and approach, the central enterprises actively fulfill their obtained greater achievement. In all walks of life is becoming more and more attention to corporate social responsibility of the eve of the situation, I on how to assess the social obligations in the title, set out from the angle of finance, quality evaluation of financial select ten big goals and six big social obligation target construction enterprise society responsibility appraisal target system, application of statistical analysis method in rare factor analysis and calculation in Shanghai in 2006 to 20 manufacturing workers listed corporate social responsibility score, inc.of Erie is the empirical analysis of the research object, through analysis of annual report of the disclosure of information and compare the factor analysis results, the results show the social obligations to implement state superior. The text is divided into six chapters to open. The first chapter is the research of media, and this paper studies the background and significance of research, the content of the international hit research methods and techniques and system structure of the road. The second chapter is the basic practice. The long-standing corporate social responsibility debate, everybody talking at once. Corporate social responsibility is diversity, different historical stages have different actual description, from the more advanced the interests of the shareholders supremacy theory, interest related theory, slowly grow to the social contract theory, organized actual obligations, actual national enterprises, compassion, the actual investment and so on. At the beginning of the last century, the reality of our country industry began to open the internal review debate, from the perspective of different disciplines of corporate social responsibility stop reading: political perspective and law perspective, social perspective, management perspective, moral perspective. From the different discipline dispute open corporate social responsibility analysis, interpretation of complex diversity. The third chapter is the emphasis of this paper, from the perspective of public finance, with ten large fiscal targets (activity ratio, the rate of return on equity, quick ratio, inventory turnover rate and total asset turnover ratio, debt equity ratio, accounts receivable turnover, cost profit rate, interest guarantee ratio, the rate of return on net assets); from the object, the social responsibility is divided into 6 big targets (including the company to investors, the authorities and relevant social obligations, part of community and the relevant institutions of enterprise obligations, coherent obligations and employees at all levels of consumer and supplier should bear obligations), in 2006 20 listing Corporation, in fact from the empirical analysis and evaluation of long. The fourth chapter is the empirical research on the Erie joint-stock, stop empirical analysis of samples for coherent data from 2004 to 2006 years of social responsibility evaluation target. In this paper, using factor analysis method to the color of the ten big fiscal targets, six major social obligations of the target system to stop training. The research conclusion is: 2006 hone social obligations scores higher than
decreased compared to 2004, consistent with corporate social responsibility in the actual situation of our country was valued slowly. The fifth chapter is the use of corporate social responsibility evaluation target system, the Yili Group in 2006 fiscal targets and non fiscal target validation. The Erie joint-stock evaluation scores was 0.405, and in 2006 of the selected sample average is 6.87 * 10-8, visible Erie joint-stock enterprise society responsibility to implement state such as to the results of this evaluation, but also in the ranks of excellent, two match from a certain level to verify the construction of the target system rationality. The sixth chapter is the further consideration of the perfect corporate social responsibility evaluation. Another innovation point of this chapter is the overall analysis of the existing evaluation actual basically, from the formulation of the scale of the social responsibility accounting principles and rail system start, special growth of social contribution rate, in the construction of social responsibility evaluation system, consider setting new coherent accounting subjects and design new social responsibility accounting reporting to perfect. In this paper, an important contribution: corporate social responsibility includes the content is very rich, the adoption of the evaluation target is a target system, rather than a single target. This article establishes the evaluation of corporate social responsibility target system, the adoption of fiscal ten big targets, duty factor six big goals, and full use of factor analysis method, hard to verify the calculation of 2006 20 listed companies financial goals. It is to establish a superior social responsibility evaluation target system also need to start from the angle of finance, standard rail of finance, accounting rules and should disclose important financial and non - financial information, from the source to set up scientific, reasonable and objective indecent of corporate social responsibility evaluation target. This paper: lack of a representative sample of a certain number of limitations, lack of research and evaluation is the majority of the past samples, no new samples to select formula to stop training, which overestimates the mold to guess. At the same time in the selection of the sample did not stop for other industries will affect the calculation and analysis of empirical results. Important predictive variable selection is based on fiscal variables, financial variables in the analysis is difficult to overcome the shortcomings, application of statistical analysis also relatively shallow needs in future research to further perfect目录:摘要4-7Abstract7-91. 引言13-16&&&&1.1 研究背景13-14&&&&1.2 研究意义14-15&&&&1.3 研究思路与方法15-162. 企业社会责任理论分析16-29&&&&2.1 企业社会责任理论的多样性16-25&&&&&&&&2.1.1 西方学者眼中的企业社会责任17-18&&&&&&&&2.1.2 中国学者眼中的企业社会责任18-19&&&&&&&&2.1.3 企业社会责任在不同学科视角下的表现19-20&&&&&&&&2.1.4 企业社会责任在不同研究起点下的表现20-25&&&&2.2 企业社会责任主要争议点25-26&&&&2.3 本文的企业社会责任观点26-293. 企业社会责任评价方法29-42&&&&3.1 关于企业社会责任评价方法的观点29-31&&&&&&&&3.1.1 声誉指数法与内容分析法29-30&&&&&&&&3.1.2 利益相关者评价模型30&&&&&&&&3.1.3 其他评价方法30-31&&&&3.2 财务视觉下的企业社会责任评价指标体系31-35&&&&&&&&3.2.1 企业对员工责任的评价31-33&&&&&&&&3.2.2 企业对消费者履行社会责任的评价指标33-34&&&&&&&&3.2.3 环保和生态责任评价指标34-35&&&&&&&&3.2.4 其他企业社会责任评价指标35&&&&3.3 企业社会责任评价指标的选取35-38&&&&3.4 企业社会责任评价的模型38-40&&&&3.5 因子分析模型40-424. 企业社会责任评价的实证研究42-48&&&&4.1 企业社会责任评价样本的选取以及信息来源42&&&&4.2 企业社会责任评价指标体系实证分析42-45&&&&&&&&4.2.1 因子分析法的检验42-43&&&&&&&&4.2.2 公共因子的确定43-45&&&&&&&&4.2.3 企业社会责任得分的计算45&&&&4.3 企业社会责任评价实证研究的结论45-48&&&&&&&&4.3.1 企业社会责任综合得分的分析46&&&&&&&&4.3.2 企业社会责任因子得分的分析46-485. 企业社会责任评价方法的应用—以伊利集团为例48-52&&&&5.1 非会计基础型信息48-50&&&&&&&&5.1.1 社会责任信息与政府有关的见下表48&&&&&&&&5.1.2 与公益事业有关的社会责任信息48-49&&&&&&&&5.1.3 与员工相关的社会责任信息49&&&&&&&&5.1.4 与股东相关的社会责任信息49&&&&&&&&5.1.5 与供应商有关的社会责任信息49&&&&&&&&5.1.6 与消费者有关的社会责任信息49-50&&&&&&&&5.1.7 与环境资源有关的社会责任信息50&&&&5.2 会计基础型信息50-526. 完善企业社会责任评价的进一步思考52-60&&&&6.1 制定社会责任会计的准则和制度52&&&&6.2 考察企业担负的社会责任指标52-55&&&&&&&&6.2.1 纳税情况53&&&&&&&&6.2.2 对外捐赠53-54&&&&&&&&6.2.3 每股社会贡献率54-55&&&&6.3 企业披露时以定量的社会责任会计信息为主55-56&&&&6.4 设置单独的有关社会责任会计科目56&&&&6.5 提倡编制独立的企业社会责任会计报告56-58&&&&6.6 研究成果及不足58-60&&&&&&&&6.6.1 研究成果58-59&&&&&&&&6.6.2 存在的不足59-60参考文献60-62致谢62分享到:相关文献|文档分类:
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全国中小学计算机教育研究中心上海研究部课题管理办公室编制 2011 年4月— 1—填表说明一、本报表一式打印 2份(请用 A4 规格印纸,于左侧装订成册)。二、“课题类别”按照研究性质分别填写重点规划课题或青年专项课题。三、每个课题限报负责人一名。课题负责人须具高级专业技术职务。否则须由一名高级职称者或县(区)以上教育主管部门推荐。四、主要参加者:指真正参加本课题实质性研究工作者,不含课题负责人,不包括科研管理、财务管理、后勤服务等人员。五、申请书须经课题负责人所在单位领导审核,签署明确意见,承担信誉保证并加盖公章后方可上报。六、填写中如栏目篇幅不够,可自行加页。— 1—一、基本情况课题名称农村小学信息技术与学科整合的创新负责人姓名仝青顺性别男出生年月 1983.01 专业或行政职务小学一级研究专长信息技术与学科整合学历本科电子邮件 @ 邮政编码 271401 联系电话区号-(例如 021- ) 手机
工作单位山东省泰安市宁阳县东疏镇第一小学通讯地址山东省泰安市宁阳县东疏镇第一小学主要参加者姓名专业职务研究专长学历工作单位胡海龙小学一级课堂教学本科东疏镇第一小学孟红英小学一级课堂作业本科东疏镇第一小学展红梅中学二级信息技术专科东疏镇第一小学预期主要成果 C 研究报告 D 调查报告 E 实验报告— 2—二、负责人和课题组成员近期取得的与本课题有关的研究成果成果名称著作者成果形式发表刊物或出版单位发表出版时间《汉语拼音 12》孟红英发表案例《小学语文》小学语文出版社 2009.07 农村小学作文教学孟红英论文山东省教育科学研究所 2011.06 — 3—三、课题论证 1、对研究课题的论证:项目立项的依据、本课题研究的基本内容、重点和难点、省内外同类课题研究状况;研究方法、本课题的理论意义和实践意义。项目立项的依据: 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(
年)》(以下简称《规划纲要》)的颁布给教育信息化发展带来了新的机遇和挑战。《规划纲要》将教育信息化摆到非常重要的地位,明确指出:“信息技术对教育发展具有革命性影响,必须予以高度重视”。《规划纲要》还为今后十年我国教育信息化建设和发展确定了明确的方向、目标和任务,这就是必须“加快教育信息基础设施建设”、“加强优质教育资源开发与应用”、“构建国家教育管理信息系统”。这也为我国今后十年教育信息技术研究确定了的基本目标和任务。本课题研究的基本内容:农村小学信息技术与学科整合创新。农村学生的基本素质受其家庭的影响极深;其父母多在外打工,留守儿童较多,与父母交流的时间极少,更别说辅导功课。因此,不能像城市里的信息技术与课程整合一样,老师稍加点拨,就能举一反三,需要教师不断的研究,发挥信息技术与学科整合的作用,此其一。农村小学的硬件设施,也制约着信息技术与学科的整合,此其二。但是事物总是不断发展变化,不断前进、进步的。我们的信息技术硬件设施也是会不断更新换代的;更多的父母也会更加关爱自己的孩子, 关心他们的成长,学习的。重点:研究农村小学信息技术与学科整合的科学有效的方法。难点:适应农村小学有限的硬件设施,最大限度的发挥其作用。省内外同类课题研究状况:当前省内外已经有不少老师在作此项研究,但都没有作为一个课题来做,都是以论文的形式进行的,时间短,涵盖的面也小。研究方法:主要采用理论加实践的方法获得第一手的资料,同时注重成果的可行性和实用性。在研究方法上,根据具体研究内容采取调查法、教育实验法、行动研究法、实验统计法和模式研究法。本课题的理论意义:以增强教育信息化为教育现代化建设、构建学习型社会服务的能力为导向,以促进均衡为发展重点,以改革创新为动力,积极探索现代教育信息技术应用的理论、规律、模式和方法,为提高教育教学质量和效益、全面实施素质教育、培养创新人才服务。实践意义:更好的发挥信息技术与学科整合的作用;让农村的孩子更好的学习。— 4— 2、对课题实施和完成条件的论证:负责人的研究水平、组织能力和时间保证; 参加者的研究水平和时间保证;资料设备,科研手段,课题组人员分工及所在单位所能提供的经费保障。负责人的研究水平、组织能力和时间保证:负责人长期工作在教学一线, 毕业后即担任语文教师、班主任、信息技术教师,并长期管理机房、负责学校电教工作。积累了丰富的经验。多次组织学校教师进行信息技术方面的学习, 组织能力非常强。现专职任教信息技术学科,有充分的时间进行学科整合创新的研究。参加者的研究水平和时间保证:三名参加者中,全部是中青年教师,肯干, 肯钻研。对信息技术的研究比较深、透,上课都用多媒体设备。理论、实践水平都非常高。年富力强,时间充裕。个别教师还任教过信息技术学科。资料设备,科研手段,课题组人员分工及所在单位所能提供的经费保障: 资料设备:我校现在拥有一口微机室、所有班级都拥有多媒体教学设备, 现拟再增添一口微机室;更新换代部分班级的多媒体设备。科研手段:1、文献研究方法:研究国内外新的教育理论和教改发展动态以及课堂教学有效化的有关理论。借鉴已有的理论成果,支撑和构建本课题的理论框架和方法论,转变教育思想,调整教学思路。 2、调查研究方法:调查教师的心理状况、现有思想和学生学习的素质状况, 发现问题,确定操作变量;调查、总结、推广教师在实施有效教学方面拓展的新思路、运用的新方法、形成的新策略、取得的新经验;调查信息技术与学科整合后的学生发展情况,为信息技术与学科整合创新提供实例依据,并反馈、调整优质教学的实际操作。课题组人员分工: 负责人:全面统筹本课题的实施,制定研究计划、规划,协调各成员的各项工作,并参与到每位成员的工作中。各位成员分别进行各自的研究,形成理论,定期进行理论汇总,成员之间多听课,多探讨。所在单位所能提供的经费保障:为使课题研究具有科学依据,我们将通过调查、分析、研究、统计测量等手段,对本课题进行研究。在经费上我校将充分保证本课题经费的有效使用,坚持做到专款专用。力求在信息化时代的今天, 走出一条我校更新的办学之路,寻求出更好的教育教学方法。— 5—四、预期研究成果主要阶段性成果序号研究阶段(起止时间) 阶段成果名称成果形式承担人 1 2.11 制订课题研究阶段课题申请表仝青顺 2 5.11 课题研究实施阶段收集过程性材料仝青顺 3 6.12 课题研究的总结阶段实验报告仝青顺 45最终研究成果序号1 2.11 制订课题研究阶段课题申请表 2 5.11 课题研究实施1


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