teswftpairingg 怎么调试

Some might say pairing a pop band with the Stratford is a marketing gimmick.
Chu conceded that oil is a unique fuel, pairing high energy density with ease of transport.
He had dozens of such smaller damaged boats piling up for pairing on his lot.
Companies such as French Bubbles operate Champagne pairing events, matching bubbly with sushi, chocolate and cheese.
This natural pairing taps the passion many collectors share for both cars and mechanical timepieces.
Thirty cases of wine and thousands of tent visitors later, the pairing was well received.
Bernstein, said the Merck-Serono pairing seemed to make sense for investors in both companies.
And Tag On, LG's NFC-based device-pairing feature, makes accessing content even simpler and more convenient.
Ms. Cornejo likes pairing the skirts with mannish button-down shirts and biker or army jackets.
The 12-year pairing with Woods has been very lucrative to the man known as Stevie.
While this may seem an unorthodox pairing, it has allowed them to make some novel insights.
One-tap Near Field Communication (NFC) allows proximity pairing between the tablet and other NFC-enabled mobile devices.
So which Act is which in this show and in this pairing of images?
Every acquisition represents a unique pairing between buyer and seller, at a unique moment in time.
As far as the pairing of autism with winemaking, it is a natural fit.
The traditional creative conclave of art director and copywriter is increasingly not the optimum pairing these days.
But a pairing with the CDU would stretch the Greens' capacity for creative inconsistency to the limit.
The European pairing found themselves trailing for most of the opening nine holes, finishing two shots behind.
This is one line that delivers on its fashion promise, pairing updated basics for a good value.
Fisher contends that dating online is a reversion to an ancient, even primal approach to pairing off.
Among supporters of the pairing, many people cited Biden's foreign policy experience as an advantage for Obama.
As the 2012 season ended, the pairing had reached a nadir: Rodriguez was benched during the playoffs.
Try pairing the ice cider, Cristal de Glace, with a jar of their homemade maple-onion confit for a perfect marriage.
By comparison, only one sector pairing—industrials and consumer cyclicals—had a higher correlation over the past five years.
The document is then signed and handed in to the pairing whip and either accepted or rejected.
Plus, Target gets the added cache of pairing its name with Neiman Marcus, the paragon of luxury.
But should the two be barred from pairing, that may make NBC a more attractive Vivendi target.
Secondly Kozloff overlooks that there is more natural symmetry in Brazil-Africa ties than in possibly any other pairing.
De Jongh is one of three international debutants and will form an all-Stormers centre pairing with Jaque Fourie.
Both the Utah and Arizona cases involve an alleged FLDS practice of pairing underage girls with older men.
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