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Title: Far Cry(R) 4
Release Date: 18 Nov, 2014
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22 September
Hello Far Cry Map builders,We heard your demand for another Map Jam and well, we love to supply!So for the next three weeks, we'll be holding a Freedom Map Jam! Using the FC4 Map Editor, we want you to create a map expressing the theme of Freedom.How to participate?Publish your FC4 map between September 20 and October 11.The name of your map should start with “MJ2 - nameofmap”.You are free to use any game mode and any in-game modifier. Please do not use third-party Mods.You are free to create on any platform. Note that PC builders and Console builders will be split into 2x separate categories.Your map should highlight your vision of what “Freedom” means in Far Cry: either in narrative, level design, and/or visual. For example, it could be the freedom of attacking an outpost from any angle. Or escaping from a cell and aiming for your freedom!You can publish additional screenshots & videos to further promote your map.For more inspiration, you can take a look at the
and the . If you wish to pro-actively send us links to your images or videos, use Twitter (hashtag #FCMapJam) or email us .RulesOnly ONE map creation can be submitted per person. This includes all platforms (So choose wisely)No co-op projects or collaborations permitted. As much as we love co-op projects and collaborations, the idea is for solo projects to be created.HAVE FUN! – We cannot stress this one enough. This is what Map Jams are about.How will winners be selected?We will hold separate contests from the PC builders and the Console builders.From October 12 to 13, a selection of FC5 level designers and FC5 map editor developers will look at the maps created and vote for their favorites. The maps that get the most votes will win this Map Jam #2 (there will be others in the future).Winners in each contest (PC or Console) will be picked out of the four categories:Each category winner will receive a bundle of Far Cry 5 exclusive goodies.Good luck and happy map building!The Far Cry Community Team
Hello Far Cry Map builders, For the next two weeks, we'll be holding a Hope County Map Jam! Using the FC4 Map Editor, we want you to create a Hope County themed map. How to participate?o Publish your FC4 map between July 26 and August 9.o The name of your map should start with “MJ1 - nameofmap”.o You are free to use any game mode and any in-game modifier. Please do not use third-party Mods.o You are free to create on any platform. Note that PC builders and Console builders will be split into 2x separate categories.o Your map should highlight your vision of the Far Cry 5 setting: in gameplay, level design, and/or visual.o You can publish additional screenshots & videos to further promote your map.For more inspiration, you can take a look at the and the latest
content. If you wish to pro-actively send us links to your images or videos, use Twitter (hashtag #FCMapJam) or email us at .How will winners be selected?We will hold separate contests from the PC builders and the Console builders. On August 10, a selection of FC5 level designers and FC5 map editor developers will look at the maps created and vote for their favorites. The maps that get the most votes will win this Map Jam (there will be others in the future). For the ‘Player-Voted favorite’ category, we will run a poll with a shortlist of the best entries. The poll will remain open from August 10 to August 13.Winners in each contest (PC or Console) will be picked out of the four categories:Best Level DesignBest GraphicBest GameplayPlayer-Voted FavoriteEach category winner will receive a bundle of Far Cry 5 exclusive goodies.Good luck and happy map building!The Far Cry Community Team
About This Game
Hidden in the towering Himalayas lies Kyrat, a country steeped in tradition and violence. You are Ajay Ghale. Traveling to Kyrat to fulfill your mother’s dying wish, you find yourself caught up in a civil war to overthrow the oppressive regime of dictator Pagan Min. Explore and navigate this vast open world, where danger and unpredictability lurk around every corner. Here, every decision counts, and every second is a story. Welcome to Kyrat.
Key Features
Discover the most diverse Far Cry world ever created. With terrain spanning from lush forests to the snowcapped Himalayas, the entire world is alive…and deadly.
- From leopards, rhinos, black eagles, and vicious honey badgers, Kyrat is home to abundant wildlife. As you embark on your hunt for resources, know that something may be hunting you...
- Scout enemy territory from above in the all-new gyrocopter and then plummet back to earth in your wing suit. Climb aboard the back of a six-ton elephant and unleash its raw power on your enemies.
- Choose the right weapon for the job, no matter how insane or unpredictable that job might be. With a diverse arsenal, you’ll be prepared for anything.
Not every journey should be taken alone. Far Cry 4 allows for a second player to drop in and drop out at any point, re-imagining the cooperative experience in the true spirit of Far Cry for the next generation. You’ll now be able to discover and explore the living open world of Kyrat together.
System Requirements
Minimum:OS: Windows(R) 7 (SP1) / Windows(R) 8 / Windows(R) 8.1 / (64-bit only)Processor: 2.6 GHz Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-750 or 3.2 GHz AMD Phenom(TM) II X4 955Memory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD5850 (1 GB VRAM)DirectX: Version 11Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 30 GB available spaceSound Card: DirectX-compatible (5.1 surround sound recommended)Additional Notes: Windows-compatible keyboard, mouse, optional controller (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows recommended)
Recommended:OS: Windows(R) 7 (SP1) / Windows(R) 8 / Windows(R) 8.1 / (64-bit only)Processor: 2.5 GHz Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400S or 4.0 GHz AMD FX-8350 or betterMemory: 8 GB RAMGraphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 or AMD Radeon R9 290X or better (2 GB VRAM)DirectX: Version 11Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 30 GB available spaceSound Card: DirectX-compatible (5.1 surround sound recommended)Additional Notes: Supported video cards at the time of release: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or better, GeForce GTX 700 AMD Radeon HD5850 or better, Radeon R9 series. Note: Laptop versions of these cards may work but are NOT officially supported.
(C) 2014 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Far Cry, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. Based on Crytek’s original Far Cry directed by Cevat Yerli. Powered by Crytek’s technology “CryEngine.”
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千足金:含金量千分数不小于999的称为千足金。印记为千足金、999金、gold999或g999。万足金:含金量千分数不小于999.9的称足金。印记为“万足金”、“999.9金”、“gold999.9”或“g999.9”或AU999.9。首饰没有万足金,只有金条和黄金板料有!购买黄金首饰,首先要认清黄金首饰的质量检验标识。市场上销售的黄金首饰,多数配有质检机构的检验标识,标识明确标注首饰的金含量、重量。999金又称千足金,金含量不低于999‰;990金称足金,金含量不低于990‰;22K金的金含量不低于916‰;18K金的金含量不低于750‰;14K金的金含量不低于585‰;9K金的金含量不低于375‰。4特别需要提醒的是,18K金首饰的颜色有黄、白、红等色。白色18K金是金与镍、锌、银、铜等元素的合金,白色K金首饰不是铂(白金)制品。5黄金首饰的印记包括厂家代号、材料和纯度,如:X金990、X AU990、X足金等。其中,字母X为厂家代号。当采用不同材质或不同纯度的贵金属制作首饰时,材料和纯度应分别表示。当首饰因过细或过小等原因不能打印记时,应附有包含印记内容的标识
就万足金与千足金比较而言, 虽然其含金量仅差0.09%,但是万足金饰品对工艺的要求却近乎苛刻,曾经一度都是行业不可逾越的一道鸿沟,更是对传统制作工艺的一项挑战。通常情况下,存在连接点的黄金饰品由于工艺需要,必须使用焊料,焊料分为高焊、中焊和低焊三种,黄金含量分别为940‰、920‰和840‰。足金、千足金饰品一般都使用黄金含量超过90%的焊料,以保证饰品的黄金纯度。其焊料所占的比重在0.2%左右。其他K金饰品中焊料的含量稍高,但不会超过8%。焊料成分主要是以金、铜、锡合金为原料的。随着技术的发展,直到2007年“无焊料焊接技术”的出现才解决了这一历史难题,解决了多年来因黄金首饰焊点成色低而造成成品成色下降的这一行业难题。现在万足金饰品通常采用世界领先的“SFR-9999 黄金熔接工艺”,精选上等黄金原料,整个加工过程中无须使用任何熔接焊料,才能保证成品成色完全超过千足金99.9%的标准,并达到了99.99%高纯度成色。
千足金也就是纯度为99.9%万足金 纯度为99.99%999金又称千足金,金含量不低于999‰;按照国家对贵金属命名的规定,750金就是18K金,990金就是金含量不低于99%,现在被称为足金,千足金就是金含量不低于99.9%,商家所称的万足金宣称金饰产品成色≥99.99%,实际上是个噱头,因为国家规定千足金就是成分最高的金首饰。国家关于《首饰贵金属纯度的规定及命名方法》标准“金及其合金纯度千分数最小值”为999的也可以表示为“千足金”,这是该国家标准中纯度最高的黄金首饰的成色标准,而该标准中并没有“万足金”的规定。   万足金”实际上是赚了一个空子,目前我国的贵金属检验标准中还没有“万足金”的定义,在销售首饰不能进行破坏性检验的前提下,用目前的无损检测方法,国内的检验机构无法检验这种“万足金”是否具有“9999”纯度。从另一方面讲,也就是说一旦消费者购买了这种“万足金”首饰,怀疑其含量是否≥99.99%时,是没有办法检测的。国家首饰检验中心的国家标准规定只有千足金、足金,没有万足金这个概念。所谓超过千足金,也不过就是说它符合千足金,检验中心不会说他超过千足金就是万足金,只能说它是千足金。
千足金和万足金区别: 1、千足金:含金量大于等于999.0‰的称为千足金,是首饰成色命名中的最高值,...
24K 是我们说的足金(99金),18K是K金就是750金。,千足金是目前最好的金9999金。万足金...
有区别的! 千足金是指含金量达到了99.9%的黄金,换句话说千足金就是黄金。 9999金是含金量等于...
千足金和万足金的颜色有细微区别。黄金的纯度越高,色泽越深。其他区别是: 1、千足金,含金量不小于99...


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