
Bibliographic record number: 426710
Prusina, I Tutman, P Glamuzina, Branko
Morphological and meristical properties of endemic Neretvan rudd, Scardinius plotizza Heckel & Kner, 1858 (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae) from the Hutovo Blato wetland, Neretva River basin, Bosnia and Herzegovina
13th European congress of ichthyology / Kontautas, Antanas (ed). - Klaipeda : Klaipedos Universitetas ,
(ISBN: 978--2).
13th European congress of ichthyology
Location and date:
Klaipeda, Litva, 06-12.09.2009.
S morphometric and meri Hutovo Blato wetland
The genus Scardinius comprises a number of allopatric warm-water adapted phytophylous species living mainly in lowland lakes and still waters of rivers and streams. Recent investigation on molecular relationships and karyology among European species of Scardinius evidenced several problems in the taxonomy of the genus. The identity of several nominal species living in waters of Adriatic watersheed of Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina is still in need of further investigations. Twenty-three morphometric and nine meristic body characteristics were examined in 95 specimens of Neretvan rudd (Scardinius plotizza)(55 females and 40 males) caught in the Hutovo Blato wetland (Neretva River basin, southern Bosnia and Herzegovina). This species is endemic for Neretva River basin of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. It was found that dorsal fin (D) encountered III unbranched and 8 branched rays, anal fin (A) III unbranched and 9 branched rays, pectoral fin (P) I unbranched and 13 branched rays, ventral fin (V) with I unbranched and 8 branched rays, caudal fin (C) with 16-17 rays. Lateral line scales number is 37 – 40. Number of gill rakers on first gill arch vary from 11 – 14, average 11.988. Percentual relation between some plastic characters and standard length: head length 26.60%, depth of head at occiput 19.98%, antedorsal distance 57.38%, postdorsal distance 32.37%, body depth 29.88%, the smallest body depth 10.78%, length of caudal peduncle 17.96% ; in relation to the head length the following was determined: eye diameter 22.23%, antieye distance 31.90% ; and posteye distance 51, 08%. Also, a short description of this species and its distribution is given on the basis of analysed characters. The differences between the mean values of the measured morphometric characteristics in the males and females were not statistically significant. Modes were identical in males and females for most analysed morphometric relationship. There were no differences in meristic characters, overall shape, coloration pattern between sexes. Thus, the male and female Neretvan rudd population in the Hutovo Blato is homogeneous. Data on morphometric and meristic characteristics coresponds with the other reports and distinguished Neretvan rudd from other species of Scardinius in Balkan Peninsula.
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No peer-review
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