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经验4655 米
在线时间401 小时
机型小米手机3/4 WCDMA版
adb -d shell /data/app/me.piebridge.brevent-1/lib/arm/libbootstrap.so
经验4655 米
在线时间401 小时
机型小米手机3/4 WCDMA版
2.找到 “ init.qcom.post_boot.sh” 长按 然后选择“以文本方式编辑”
echo 0 & /sys/class/leds/button-backlight/max_brightness
经验1906 米
在线时间25 小时
积分 2004, 距离下一级还需 2996 积分
积分 2004, 距离下一级还需 2996 积分
IMG_253.jpg (269 KB, 下载次数: 0)
经验4131 米
在线时间69 小时
积分 4471, 距离下一级还需 529 积分
积分 4471, 距离下一级还需 529 积分
机型小米手机3/4 WCDMA版
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经验10130 米
在线时间134 小时
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经验10130 米
在线时间134 小时
<font color="#.首先需要获取root权限,安装re管理器,打开根目录下system/etc
2.找到 “ init.qcom.post_boot.sh” 长按 ...
经验4655 米
在线时间401 小时
机型小米手机3/4 WCDMA版
echo 0 & /sys/class/leds/button-backlight/max_brightness
经验1138 米
在线时间33 小时
积分 1334, 距离下一级还需 666 积分
积分 1334, 距离下一级还需 666 积分
机型小米手机3/4 WCDMA版
经验4689 米
在线时间16 小时
MIUI 9纪念勋章
“澎湃S1 ”芯片纪念勋章
Copyright (C) 2017 MIUI
京ICP备号 | 京公网安备34号 | 京ICP证110507号俄国米粉无奈 大批小米手机被海关扣留
 作者: 闫煦 编辑:
  【IT168 资讯】俄罗斯米粉近期很郁闷,当地海关近期将列入了海关知识产权清单中,导致他们辛苦从中国海淘的全部被海关扣留,并且海关正计划把所有邮寄往俄罗斯的小米手机退回中国。这就意味着,俄罗斯米粉陷入了退不了钱,拿不到货的尴尬境地。  对此,俄罗斯小米官方也有回复,目前小米MIX、小米Note 2以及红米4X三款手机已经在当地上市,分销商Smart Orange公司目前是当地唯一合法销售小米产品的公司,拥有6家小米授权的授权店及销售点,建议米粉“从正规渠道购买”。  而大批米粉之所以选择从中国海淘小米手机,根本原因还是便宜。以小米Note2为例,俄罗斯官方售价34990卢布(约合人民币4291元),而在某海淘网站上,小米Note 2售价为27854卢布(约合人民币3322元),比官方便宜了几千卢布,俄罗斯米粉自然选择了海淘。
小米手机为什么遭俄罗斯海关封杀,这背后有什么猫腻共有389人学习了本文 | 发布时间:
& & & &日前,有媒体曝光俄罗斯消费者在阿里速卖通平台上购买的小米手机被俄罗斯海关扣下了,理由为其在非正规渠道购买,属非法物品。究竟小米手机为什么遭俄罗斯海关封杀,这背后有什么猫腻呢?& & & &据俄罗斯媒体报道,今年4月末,莫斯科、叶卡、奥伦堡等地的俄罗斯海关开始大量扣押小米手机包裹,并退回中国。普里沃尔日斯克的海关从3月起已经退了超过500件小米产品。& & & &对此,俄优选CEO陈聪表示,从物流角度,若小米手机是通过商业清关或个人邮包清关其实海关基本上是没有权力去扣押包裹的,因为目前俄罗斯有一个1000欧的个人跨境购物免税额。& & & &然而,他也指出,针对某些产品,若不符合当地的某项认证,比如技术安全认证,从技术上看可能会有风险的话,这个角度看来是可以扣押这个包裹的。& & & &当然,除了海关能否扣押跨境电商货物外,小米的授权问题也备受关注。& & & &有媒体指出,俄罗斯海关需要有俄罗斯本地经销商授权的产品才能正常通关。据悉,小米在俄罗斯目前的独家经销商为俄罗斯经销商RDC Group销售商分公司-SmartOrange。& & & &对此,陈聪认为,若速卖通和其他对俄跨境电商平台上的产品已拥有小米本身在中国区的授权,那这就是一个窜货的问题。最终授权这个事情只能看小米对两地经销商窜货的态度了。& & & &“但若速卖通上的卖家没有授权,销售小米手机只是个人,这只能归结于个人行为而不涉及窜货。”陈聪说道。
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& 2006-, all rights reserved.回复:俄罗斯网民热议小米手机,发现了一部分的SB太欺负人(有译文【android吧】_百度贴吧
dimie copycat --" 抄袭 A for apple hmmm gudluck to steve jobs 嗯哼,乔布斯悲剧了 pharmadr I will buy it instead of samsung galaxy s2 把我的三星Galaxy S2换成这个 tim China phone.....probably all fake stuff inside :P 中国手机,里面可能全是是假冒产品 Annoymous china is always the china who copy other people products...the way the presenter present, the design of presentation.....100% copying steve jobs.. 中国一直是那种抄袭别人产品的家伙..产品发布方式,外观设计,100%的抄袭乔布斯的 FrankLover amazing. waiting its release. 牛啊,等待上市 Ningning Niumai What on earth is happening? LOLOctober.. can't for you anymore :) 这世界怎么了
goron goron wooooooowwwi hope they will sell it in every country, powerful droid but as cheap as mid end android from bigger famous company. wonderful.if they add tv-out/hdmi and USB OTG, i think samsung htc sony ericson LG and motorola will be in troublego go go xiaomi 哇哦哦哦哦哦哦哦 期待全球上市,堪比大公司的牛掰配置却只有中端安卓机的价格,牛掰啊 如果能增加TV,HDMI接口和USB OTG功能,我估计三星 HTC 索尼 LG和摩托要发愁了 CH Is this real? 真的假的?
skunk Its so cheap cos its designed and manufactured in china by foxconn themselves. Therefore a lot of cost is cut out. 之所以这么便宜是因为都是是富士康他们自己在中国设计和制造的。因此节省了大笔的花销。 EskeRahn Giving slide 2, it looks like it doesn't have neither UMTS nor HSDPA, but "wcdma"What a pity. 图片2看来,好像既不支持UMTS也不支持HSDPA,仅仅WCDMA 太遗憾了 alan2balls Another good reason not to look forward to the new overpriced iPhone :P 另一个好的原因是不需要期待苹果5了
Jacob will this be available worldwide? i hope it will come here in phils.. 全球都能买到嘛?希望可以在PHILS上市 Anonymous if this phone hits..android will beat ios bigtime..because of its price android will be affordable for the masses.. and ice cream sandwitch is coming... i hope xda community support this one. 如果这手机上市了,安卓将大败苹果系统 低收入人群也可以承受这样价格的安卓机子,快餐时代就要来了,希望XDA论坛能支持这款手机
达内 android,去年我在达内参加了android培训,开始试听了7天的免费课程.达内 android,达内送了我1000元的学习卡,申请了培训之后交费
· BoB & In reply to [deleted post]@ utouh HELLOOOO ......lowpriced that doesnt means low quality the same factory build iphone parts for apple. 廉价不代表质量差,和为苹果代工的工厂是一样的 Anonymous OMG. It's so cheap. O.o 我靠,这么便宜 #oneplaya Glonass - sounds interesting 看起来不错 Koss It will be available worldwide??? 全球都能买到? dexler hope this will be available in English language 期望能出英文版的 Rizal Murad Wow i want one.. :| 哇哦,我要个 shashi_n8 good day for all. nowdays everyone make a handphone. you got money, you can make phone. look now foxconn from make phone to other then now can make an own phone. beware foxconn if your product hit the market. apple will start sue you due pattent issue.... 大喜之日啊,现在每个人都有一部手机,你有钱,你就可以做,富士康从组装手机的变成了造手机的了,小心点富士康,如果这手机上市了,估计苹果会因为PATTENT起诉你(pattent不知道是什么,估计拼错了) rudian hope this is true... 期待是真的
Irad Terrible UI. It must be really bad build quality. I still can't believe the specs... It's a real computer... 垃圾系统,肯定有严重的质量问题。不敢相信这样的配置,这TM就是个电脑啊 Forget what I said... I only wish it has english onboard 当我上面的是放屁,我唯一的愿望就是能有英文版上市。 hach BIG WAWCompitition become tougher 太。。 竞争越来越激烈了 Anonymous is it me or does this phone look way similar to the iphone, i know foxconn pumps out the iphone so shouldn't they be afraid of getting sued? 我怎么感觉这手机看起来像IPhone,我知道富士康替苹果组装手机,他们就不怕苹果起诉他们?
ay Lim LOL at the last picture. They are trying to prove that there will be no signal loss in any position you hold your phone. 看最后一张图片,他们在试图证明无论你怎么握都不会有信号问题 bbsrailfan Too iPhone-ish. It's got killer hardware, but the UI.....sorry MIUI, that iphoneclone ain't MyUI!太类似Iphone了,有顶级的硬件配置,但是系统。。。模仿Iphone的MIUI不是我的菜 Simon Amazing! I will expect he comes to Portugal too.、 牛掰!!我也期盼能在葡萄牙上市 Ash Somebody pinch me,I think I'm in dream. Unbelievable specs in unbelievable price. Pls pls pls launch it in India.来个人掐下我,我怀疑我在做梦啊,无法想像的价格搭配难以置信的配置。 拜托在印度上市吧。 Eye Seven It's a Chinese product, so we expect it to be cheap. Apple got a new buddy to sue! :)这是中国产,所以意料中的低价格。苹果有一个可以起诉的公司了 georgetown_12 Some of this device features sounds like what we can expect for the next upcoming iPhone...这些硬件指标使我们对下一代的Iphone还有什么期待?
MdN Wow. The Chinese should be doing this all the time instead of making quad-sim rip-offs with VGA cameras. I hope this is just the beginning (I know, I know, Meizu).哇哦,中国人不要再做什么小SIM卡,VGA摄像头的冒牌货了,一直专注于这样的。期待仅仅是个开始 eidbest Most welcome China, at long last, someone to break the high cost monotony and monopoly, at long last good phones based on mind-blowing specs. As soon as this brand is available in Lebanon, I'll make sure to get one. Good job, job well done, bravo China and Xiaomi.中国加油,有人开始打破千篇一律的高昂(手机)消费,至少是款拥有梦幻般配置的机子。只要一在黎巴嫩上市就买个,干的好,小米,加油中国! kp1 & In reply to Eye Seven @
18:48 from PBCq - d specs shows clearly dat it aint no cheap phone...!!硬件规格清晰的表明这不是一款便宜的手机!! TSH in a competitive market, it's good to see someone driving the price down. However, it bears remembering that often low price = cutting corners. I hope I'm wrong, but I bet that the hardware will baically be thrown together with the OS on top, and it'll be up to inventive users to make the wobbly contraption work as advertised.激励的市场竞争中,乐于见到有人能打破常规价格。显示表明通常的低价格=边角料。我期望我是错的。 joonius That's one beast specs...凶器啊!!!
&#x2022; Anonymous Take that Apple! Eat your iPhone with signal loss while covering the phone! How ridiculous ..扔掉苹果吧!当你的IPhone被环绕握住信号丢失的时候!太绝了! &#x2022; trias believe me. Never trust with china product even with high technical specification. We in indonesia have a lot experience with china product. So disapointing相信我,即使是中国的高科技产品也不要相信。在印尼的我们饱受中国产品摧残。 太悲催了 &#x2022; Rivj Now this is what the rest of world need to know about china, when nokia is still fooling us an apple is keeping their high tech To only it's family members, while is samsung that is trying to Feed the world. If I where foxconn, I'll sell dis phone in every village in the world现在轮到西半球的人民了解下中国了,当诺基亚仍然在愚乐我们,苹果一直致力于提高苹果家族的高科技含量,三星在蚕食全球的时候,如果我是富士康,我将在全球的每一个村庄售卖此机。 &#x2022; N8ter SE SE SE!!! wakeup!!SE(可能指的是株式会社史克威尔艾尼克斯——软件业) 该醒醒了 &#x2022; DJScope sounds almost too good to be true. lets see how much developer support it will get. hopefuly cyanogen aswel看起来好的有点假。看看它能得到多少开发支持(应该是软件开发上的,其实是安卓系统),同样期待CM(安卓系统深度改造组织,MIUI发展于CM之上) &#x2022; Anonymous The icon looks so much a lot like phone xD.. but still a very phone :)图标跟IPhone太像了,不过仍然是款不错的手机。
&#x2022; L00k_CWill this have also dual sim cards, dual standby, as all chinese phones?If yes then I am selling my Galaxy S2 phone.... &#x2022; i'll buy one if...it also has gyroscope, hdmi or some kind of tv out, and front camera.如果小米有陀螺仪,HDMI或者其他的TV输入接口和前置摄像头的话我会买。 &#x2022; wings& In reply to Eye Seven @
08:08 from uFmp - click to readcan Samsung match the PRICE !!!三星能给这样的价格么? &#x2022; wingsFoxconn not only making iPhone for Apple, they OEM many world's Top Brand, they have 1 million workforce in China.Of course we still have to wait for the review & user opinion before purchase (maybe),because the price is a killer, let say other mobile top brand score 95 marks & Xiaomi score only 75~80, it still consider as a good phone. Moreover majority user won't realize the performance difference in daily use.富士康不仅仅为苹果代工,很多的国际顶尖品牌都由他们代工,他们在中国有1亿的工人 当然,在买之前我们得等具体的评测和使用反馈(可能的话) &#x2022; Tech JunkieMy first thought "That looks exactly like an iPhone".My second thought "Apple are going to sue them".Then I thought "Apple won't sue them. They make their parts".With those specs and that price, if it turns out to be a quality handset that's very competitive. Although since it's made in China it'll probably be exclusive to China.第一印象:真TM像IPhone第二印象印象:苹果要起诉他们了 我又想,苹果不会起诉他们,他们做了自己的事 这样的配置价格,如果日后证明质量靠谱那么小米手机非常有竞争力。尽管是中国制造,很可能以后为成为中国独有。 &#x2022; im speechlessholy crab! This phone is very good with the price! Hope it will available soon! Omg我靠!这样价格的手机已经很不错了,希望能很快买到!!!啊啊啊啊啊啊 &#x2022; Anonymouswhoo hoo. i hope it ships all over the world. just love it哇哦,我希望M1能登陆全球,大爱 &#x2022; brut23lmao hahah OMG the iphone is made by foxconn lmfao nowonder apple has to sue other companys they know they have a piece of crap lmfao hahaha omg thats so funny lol foxconn dam dats just sad lol笑死了,哈哈,苹果是富士康造的,笑死人了,这并不奇怪,苹果正在起诉别的公司,他们知道他们就是一坨屎,笑死了,哈哈,太有趣了,lol,富士康饥饿销售的话就悲剧了(猜测,不知道这DATS指什么) &#x2022; badsferaI think this could be the real iphone killer because the price因为这价格我想小米手机可能会成为真正的IPhone杀手。 &#x2022; brut23& In reply to Tech Junkie @
11:17 from s%Q% - lol iphone made in china lmfao回Tech Junkie 哈哈,IP也是中国造的,笑死我了 &#x2022; Gem86& In reply to TSH @
01:04 from vaeT - click to read Unlikely, once you've done the trick once with a far more complicated and crammed design (iPhone), even with a different group of workers you have the expertise in-house to make phones properly. China has had interesting releases earlier, this is no exception. Expect this to get slowed down significantly to reach the US/Europe markets, if it will reach us at all. This would kill every single bit of competition from the midrange segment upwards all the way to flagship phones.Awesome stuff.回TSH 这不是第一次了,中国早前就发布了一款很有意思的产品(译者注:可能指的是魅族M8)。除非有意阻缓M1欧美市场的上市,如果上市了,那么将力压所有的旗舰机。
yup! more Law suit from cupertino回复mickwa 哦也!更多的低配版IPhone (库珀蒂诺:美国加利福尼亚州西部的一个城市,位于圣何塞西部) &#x2022; Anonymous It's another iPhone look rip-off, why all of this manufacturers copy iPhone design? Try to copy Sony Ericsson, Samsung, HTC or Nokia Design for a change. 另一个IPhone的剽窃版,为什么这么多的制造商都剽窃IPhone?就不能抄抄索尼,三星,HTC或者Nokia改变下? &#x2022; AppleFanBoy There's a lawsuit in the coming days...低配版IPhone即将到来…… &#x2022; BappadityaWhen will it be available in India?I just can't wait.印度什么时候可以拿货?等不及了…… &#x2022; SamC& In reply to dan @
06:50 from PNf{ - click to readNow ur SGS2 of 1.2 to 1.6 ... it may be this china phone will make it from 1.5 to 2.0?? Who knows? anyhthing can happen just like your case =)回dan 现在你的GalaxyS2从1.2GHz超频到1.6,中国的手机不能从1.5到2.0?老兄,万事皆有可能…… &#x2022; hellyeah& In reply to Eye Seven @
08:08 from uFmp - click to readi am surprised by the price of it. dontthink samsung can compete with the price.回Eye Seven 被价格惊到了,三星是无法跟这样的价格竞争的。 &#x2022; Harimavolume producing of this phone will be start in october, so presumably we can buy it around november.it has a battert of 1900-ish mAh, but the CPU MSM8260 is a 1.2 GHz one, they made it 1.5 GHz which will certainly consume alot more power. also it is a cortex-a8 CPU, personally i dont really think it can beat tegra 2 in most ways. it doesnt have a front camera, and the back camera sux although it is said to be 8.0 mega pixels.my point is, it is a very good phone, but not as good as you may think it is. some stats sound great, but once you look deeper you will see the flaws.anyway, the good thing is, this is a root-loaded phone. custom roms are officially supported. also since the company has experience of making MIUI, i believe their software system can be really cool有信息表明这手机会在10月份上市,最早我们可以在11月份买到。 小米手机内含1900mAH电池,但是CPU是1.2GHZ的MSM8260,超频至1.5GHz肯定会加大电量损耗。尽管是Cortx-A8的处理器,个人认为这并不能完虐Tegra2。 小米手机没有前置摄像头,后背的摄像头是800万像素的。 我认为,这的确是很一款很不错的产品,但并不是你们想象的那么完美,有一些参数看起来很High,但是一旦你深入发觉你就会发现不足之处。 不管如何,总的来说,这是一款可以刷机的手机,手机系统由制作MIUI的公司官方支持,我相信他们的软件体验会非常棒的。 &#x2022; Baloque& In reply to gee @
16:59 from ib3{ - click to read yeah,,,malaysia ..回gee 是的,马来西亚!! &#x2022; ELIPSThis phone might sound good, but I think it would be like all other Chinese stuff: cheap and not good at all! It is impossible to buy good phone for only 215 euros! Samsung, LG and HTC are not crazy!这手机看起来蛮不错的,但是我坚信和其他的中国产品一样,廉价而垃圾!215欧元买这样配置的手机根本不可能!三星 LG HTC 他们还没犯傻! &#x2022; Anonymousreading through all the comments, dont jump to conclusions...I'm telling u that if there is one china made product thats worth buying this year, this is THE one. The team that made this phone showed amazing dedication and passion. This phone has gone through tests tougher than every phone out there. It may look just like iphone, but who doesn't look like iphone??? planes look like birds, so what????
看完前面的评论,根本不需要结论,告诉你们,如果今年确实有值得购买的中国产品的话,那么肯定就是这款手机!制作这款手机的团队投入了惊人的激情和精力!这款手机经历了远超现在手机的压力测试。看起来有点像IPhone,但哪款手机不像了?飞机还想像小鸟呢?然后? &#x2022; lukeI do not think that chinese tech has no bright future.Unless you use it ,you can not criticise it .我相信中国高科技肯定有个光明的未来 除非你用过它,否则你就没权指责它。 &#x2022; Chris Leonardseriously get a grip , all you slaters give some companies a break i think that its nicew to see so many manufacturers releasing new handsets . the quality is going to be good as with iphone. i really dont get the whole fan boy thing that seems to destroy what could be a great device. big deal about what the phone looks like as said the phone does look a iphone its a great looking phone. specs look to be great and to romm that comes with the phone is amazing probably the best Andriod romm out there. wise up guys we should be supporting all not ripping smaller manufacturers to peices. i will be looking in to this phone for myself for sure. lets just hope that the uk gets to see daylight of this phone.哥来个总结,我认为你们这些家伙的评论过于苛刻,我们应该乐于见到更多的制造商发布更新的手持终端,质量应该跟IPhone越来越接近。 我没有看到有什么能特别恼人的地方够给这款牛掰的产品减分。 这款手机就算跟Iphone有点像又怎么样? 配置确实牛掰,而且内置的安卓ROM可能是现在这么多人中最好的。 别2了孩子们,我们要支持这种低利润的小型制造商。 我肯定会为自己买个的 就让我们期待小米手机能在英国公开上市吧。 &#x2022; anonymousif xiaomi cn sell dis phone at usd310, yet they cn stil make a profit out of it shows hw much htc n samsung had ripped us off all these while.......htc sensation in my country cost more than 2 times of this xiaomi phone, n dis phone is even more powerful than htc sensation!如果小米在中国销售310美元,那么他们还是有赚的,这也表明HTC 三星在我们这剥削了多少啊,我们这的HTC的要比小米贵2倍,但小米却比HTC给力多了。 &#x2022; user& In reply to ELIPS @
14:15 from mD6u - click to readWell, I have to disagree with you, I have bought 2 tablets:iPad for really expensive price and Android tablet from China for about 200usd include worldwide shipping. This tablet had 1.2Ghz CPU A8 Armv7, Capacitive screen, Android 2.3, 512MB RAM. I thought that I will be going to use this Android tablet for minor stuffs while iPad for most other things, But in fact I am now only using this Android tablet because iPad doesn't have most features I ever need but this tablet has it all such as Flash player support, HDMI Output built-in that transfer both 1080p videos and audio and doesn't turn off the tablet's screen when connected to a big screen TV which is really convenient, MicroSD-HC Slot built-in, USB host to connect USB 3G Modem or keyboard or mouse or USB Storage devices. In fact, I can not even play IPTV stream on iPad while it works just fine on Android tablet. So now I have no idea why the hell did I bought this ipad for such a high price if it is not even a good mp4 player.&#x2022; user回ELIPS 嗯哼,不同意你的观点,我有2台平板电脑,1台昂贵的IPAD,一台200美元包括运输费从中国买的安卓平板。安卓这台包括1.2GHz Armv7架构的CPU,电容触摸屏,安卓2.3系统,512M内存。我原本以为我会用IPAD处理大部分的事而安卓的只是偶尔用用,但事实上因为IPAD没有我经常用到的功能,大部分时间我用的是安卓平板,比如,它能支持Flash player,HDMI高清输出并且当和TV相连时不需要关闭屏幕,这相对于IPAD更加方便,内置MicroSD卡接口,USB接口可以插3G调节器,键盘,鼠标或其他的USB存储工具。更郁闷的是,能在安卓平板上看的IPTV竟然在IPAD上却看不了。所以现在我就搞不明白当初我发什么神经买一个连好用的MP4都比不上的IPAD! & In reply to wesleyjah @
20:47 from M5qQ - click to read Strange, I have not seen touch buttons, Detachable battery, MicroSD slot in iphone. Also not seen Adobe Flash Player support there. So how can you tell that it looks like iphone?!回wesleyjah 奇了怪了,我怎么没在IPHone上看到触摸按键,可更换电池,MicroSD卡接口?同样也没看到IPhone支持AdobeFlashPlayer,你竟然告诉我说这手机像IPHone? &#x2022; uglyappleIt's a real good phone with high qualityThe staff have worked at Google/Motolola and other big companies for more than five years.Most of it's parts come from big companies, such as SHARP/QUALCOMM/FOXCONN/SONY/LG....Also it have go through many tests before it come out.It's no a copy one.确实是一款高品质的手机 这公司员工很多都在谷歌摩托等大公司工作5年以上 其中的配件很多来自大厂,比如惠普,高通,富士康,索尼,LG 而且在出厂前经历了很多测试 这并不是一款仿冒品。 &#x2022; Anonymous& In reply to luke @
16:23 from tj@@ - click to readi surport you 谢谢 我顶你
对这款感兴趣的,下面是视频。MdN Wow. The Chinese should be doing this all the time instead of making quad-sim rip-offs with VGA cameras. I hope this is just the beginning (I know, I know, Meizu).哇哦,中国人不要再做什么小SIM卡,VGA摄像头的冒牌货了,一直专注于这样的。期待仅仅是个开始 eidbest Most welcome China, at long last, someone to break the high cost monotony and monopoly, at long last good phones based on mind-blowing specs. As soon as this brand is available in Lebanon, I'll make sure to get one. Good job, job well done, bravo China and Xiaomi.中国加油,有人开始打破千篇一律的高昂(手机)消费,至少是款拥有梦幻般配置的机子。只要一在黎巴嫩上市就买个,干的好,小米,加油中国!kp1 & In reply to Eye Seven @
18:48 from PBCq - d specs shows clearly dat it aint no cheap phone...!!硬件规格清晰的表明这不是一款便宜的手机!!TSH in a competitive market, it's good to see someone driving the price down. However, it bears remembering that often low price = cutting corners. I hope I'm wrong, but I bet that the hardware will baically be thrown together with the OS on top, and it'll be up to inventive users to make the wobbly contraption work as advertised.激励的市场竞争中,乐于见到有人能打破常规价格。显示表明通常的低价格=边角料。我期望我是错的。joonius That's one beast specs...凶器啊!!!
&#x2022; Anonymous Take that Apple! Eat your iPhone with signal loss while covering the phone! How ridiculous ..扔掉苹果吧!当你的IPhone被环绕握住信号丢失的时候!太绝了!&#x2022; trias believe me. Never trust with china product even with high technical specification. We in indonesia have a lot experience with china product. So disapointing相信我,即使是中国的高科技产品也不要相信。在印尼的我们饱受中国产品摧残。 太悲催了&#x2022; Rivj Now this is what the rest of world need to know about china, when nokia is still fooling us an apple is keeping their high tech To only it's family members, while is samsung that is trying to Feed the world. If I where foxconn, I'll sell dis phone in every village in the world现在轮到西半球的人民了解下中国了,当诺基亚仍然在愚乐我们,苹果一直致力于提高苹果家族的高科技含量,三星在蚕食全球的时候,如果我是富士康,我将在全球的每一个村庄售卖此机。&#x2022; N8ter SE SE SE!!! wakeup!!SE(可能指的是株式会社史克威尔艾尼克斯——软件业) 该醒醒了&#x2022; DJScope sounds almost too good to be true. lets see how much developer support it will get. hopefuly cyanogen aswel看起来好的有点假。看看它能得到多少开发支持(应该是软件开发上的,其实是安卓系统),同样期待CM(安卓系统深度改造组织,MIUI发展于CM之上)&#x2022; Anonymous The icon looks so much a lot like phone xD.. but still a very phone :)图标跟IPhone太像了,不过仍然是款不错的手机。&#x2022; LeoGeeko This is a Killer.We are talking about the iPhone Manufacturer (Foxconn) launching its own phone, with great specs and using the second most used mod available to Android (MIUI, only behind Cyanogen).
这手机看起来蛮不错的,但是我坚信和其他的中国产品一样,廉价而垃圾!215欧元买这样配置的手机根本不可能!三星 LG HTC 他们还没犯傻! &#x2022; Anonymousreading through all the comments, dont jump to conclusions...I'm telling u that if there is one china made product thats worth buying this year, this is THE one. The team that made this phone showed amazing dedication and passion. This phone has gone through tests tougher than every phone out there. It may look just like iphone, but who doesn't look like iphone??? planes look like birds, so what????看完前面的评论,根本不需要结论,告诉你们,如果今年确实有值得购买的中国产品的话,那么肯定就是这款手机!制作这款手机的团队投入了惊人的激情和精力!这款手机经历了远超现在手机的压力测试。看起来有点像IPhone,但哪款手机不像了?飞机还想像小鸟呢?然后? &#x2022; lukeI do not think that chinese tech has no bright future.Unless you use it ,you can not criticise it .我相信中国高科技肯定有个光明的未来 除非你用过它,否则你就没权指责它。 &#x2022; Chris Leonardseriously get a grip , all you slaters give some companies a break i think that its nicew to see so many manufacturers releasing new handsets . the quality is going to be good as with iphone. i really dont get the whole fan boy thing that seems to destroy what could be a great device. big deal about what the phone looks like as said the phone does look a iphone its a great looking phone. specs look to be great and to romm that comes with the phone is amazing probably the best Andriod romm out there. wise up guys we should be supporting all not ripping smaller manufacturers to peices. i will be looking in to this phone for myself for sure. lets just hope that the uk gets to see daylight of this phone.哥来个总结,我认为你们这些家伙的评论过于苛刻,我们应该乐于见到更多的制造商发布更新的手持终端,质量应该跟IPhone越来越接近。 我没有看到有什么能特别恼人的地方够给这款牛掰的产品减分。 这款手机就算跟Iphone有点像又怎么样? 配置确实牛掰,而且内置的安卓ROM可能是现在这么多人中最好的。 别2了孩子们,我们要支持这种低利润的小型制造商。 我肯定会为自己买个的 就让我们期待小米手机能在英国公开上市吧。 &#x2022; anonymousif xiaomi cn sell dis phone at usd310, yet they cn stil make a profit out of it shows hw much htc n samsung had ripped us off all these while.......htc sensation in my country cost more than 2 times of this xiaomi phone, n dis phone is even more powerful than htc sensation!如果小米在中国销售310美元,那么他们还是有赚的,这也表明HTC 三星在我们这剥削了多少啊,我们这的HTC的要比小米贵2倍,但小米却比HTC给力多了。 &#x2022; user& In reply to ELIPS @
14:15 from mD6u - click to readWell, I have to disagree with you, I have bought 2 tablets:iPad for really expensive price and Android tablet from China for about 200usd include worldwide shipping. This tablet had 1.2Ghz CPU A8 Armv7, Capacitive screen, Android 2.3, 512MB RAM. I thought that I will be going to use this Android tablet for minor stuffs while iPad for most other things, But in fact I am now only using this Android tablet because iPad doesn't have most features I ever need but this tablet has it all such as Flash player support, HDMI Output built-in that transfer both 1080p videos and audio and doesn't turn off the tablet's screen when connected to a big screen TV which is really convenient, MicroSD-HC Slot built-in, USB host to connect USB 3G Modem or keyboard or mouse or USB Storage devices. In fact, I can not even play IPTV stream on iPad while it works just fine on Android tablet. So now I have no idea why the hell did I bought this ipad for such a high price if it is not even a good mp4 player.
俄罗斯……   --蓝翔拖拉机,拖拉机中的战斗机!


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