
如何提升拍摄照片的锐度 提升拍摄照片锐度的方法【图文详解】
?这里介绍几个提升锐度小技巧,一起来看看。  1.安全快门   要让照片变得锐利,第一个条件是不能在拍照时抖动!而其中一个重要原因,很多时都是来自过慢所致。手持拍摄时谨记安全快门秘诀,而安全快门计算方法非常容易,就是这样U安全快门= 1 /镜头焦距。  例如我现在用60mm的镜头拍摄,手持的安全快门就是1/60秒;用200mm拍摄,手持的安全快门就是1/200秒,尽量不要慢过1/200秒,否则就很容易手抖,使相片变得模糊。  不过也有人会问U&我有一支10mm,但为什么我用1/10秒快门都会手抖?&理论上大家按照焦距去用安全快门拍摄就不会手震,但事实上每个人手持相机都有物理限制,不可以太过长久。小编建议大家任何时候手持都不应该慢过1/60秒,否则怎样计算安全快门都有可能出现令相片不清晰。  2.开启防抖功能   开启防抖功能也可以减少相片出现抖动,从而获得更锐利的相片。现在很多新出镜头都有防抖功能,但要留意镜头防震级数。例如镜头内置四级防抖,利用200mm拍摄时,一般就是1/200秒为安全快门,而加了防抖就可以减慢至1/15秒手持也可。但要记得防抖功能不是万能的,大家手持不稳也会导致相片模糊,手持摄影的快门速度最好不慢于1/60秒。  防抖也有分机身和镜头防抖两款。机身就是相机本身已经设有防抖功能,无论安装什么镜头,不论镜头有没有防抖,都可以靠机身防抖,但目前没有多少厂商推出这个功能,所以可选空间较小。  3.最大光圈=相片素质最好?  答案当然不是啦!虽然大光圈镜头可以有浅景深效果,但全开光圈时会出现四周暗角。加上大光圈会令主体对焦清晰,但边缘地方会变得松散模糊。没错这个对人像摄影可能是好处,但对于风景摄影或广角拍摄就有问题了,试想想用大光圈拍摄一座大厦,可能大厦中间的地方会清晰,但旁边的地方显得松散,而且当时未必能看出来,回到家才发现「出事」都已经太迟了。  适当地收小光圈可将问题改善,一般收小一级光圈已经会令成像变得锐利,且景深效果其实不会相差太多。小编建议拍摄风景或建筑物时,可以将光圈收至f/5.6或f/8,这样镜头成像就会变得锐利,而且不会令其他部份松蒙或前景清后景蒙的情况,确保所有景物都能对焦正确。  4.最小光圈=相片素质最好?   看完上面那条,新手们应该又会问U那么我把光圈调到到f/22甚至更小,就可以令相片有极高锐利度t小编真想和大家说一句U少年,你太年轻了。收小光圈令光波需要缩窄范围进入光圈,再扩散开去,很容易令光波重叠或不稳定,影响光波路径,最终会降低成像画质。这个现像我们称为「衍射」。  听上去好像很复杂,简单一句,太大光圈未必最好,太小光圈也不好,风景或建筑物摄影时,最好将光圈维持在f/8Cf/11之间,太小光圈很易令画质下降。不信t大家可以试下同一个环境下用f/8和f/22拍摄,画质必定是f/8比f/22好。  再给个小秘诀大家,一些摄影师想获得成像最锐利的相片,会选择由最大光圈缩少两至三级,例如一支最大光圈为f/2.8的镜头,成像最锐利应为f/5.6Cf/8之间。不过这个数值则因人而异,最好都是亲身拍摄自行感受一下,又或者拍照后放大相片再看,细看哪个光圈值有最佳画质。  5.滤镜   如果不保持滤镜清洁,会令相片不够锐利,甚至对构图有直接影响,所以摄影人应定时清理滤镜上的手指印、油脂和灰尘。而且素质差的滤镜在透光、涂层颜色上素质有所参差,很容易出现偏光、降锐利度,从而照片不够清晰锐利。各位新手别担心花钱,一块好的滤镜会陪你十年八载都没问题!  而且要在不同场合换上不同滤镜,例如想在日光蓝天下拍出更锐利,天空更蓝的照片,记得装上C-PL偏光镜减少光线折射;在光差较大的地方如日落和地面的环境,就要多加利用ND减光镜或GND渐变灰滤镜。这样拍摄相片就会令色彩更鲜明,更符合新手心中所构图出来的图像。  6.功能   这个功能不是所有相机都配备,但如果各位新手们的相机有人脸识别功能,正确对焦会方便很多。人脸识别功能不需要考虑相片中人像的位置,只要他/她出现在相中任何一处,相机或镜头就会自动识别人脸,对焦点就会自动选择最近相机的人脸。这样不需要花时间移动对焦点,可将更多时间用在构图,调整相机设定。  近年有些甚至镜头都拥有人脸识别功能,可以追踪人眼之余,更可识别左右眼。这样对拍摄人像非常有用,因为很多时候全开光圈,眼睛位置很容易走焦,利用这个功能可以确保对焦准确。  7.活用对焦方法   现在很多相机最少都有三种对焦方法,但很多新手未必留意到。以Nikon为例已经有AF-A、AF-S、AF-C、MF四种;Canon也有One Shot、AI Focus、AI Servo三种模式。懂得在不同情况运用这几种对焦方法,其实对拍摄成像清晰的相片非常有帮助。  AF-S和One Shot即代表单点对焦,例如拍摄静态物件或风景时,选好主体后半按快门对焦,相机就会锁定这段对焦距离。拍出来的相片就会主体清晰,其他景物可能会因此而变得蒙胧。给大家一个TipsU锁定对焦时可以不松手或立刻按快门,再移动相机重新构图,相机不会重新对焦,这是很多职业摄影师常做手法。  至于AF-C和AI Servo,即代表半按快门时会不断对焦。要留意相机不会发出提示表示成功对焦,很可能下一刻又转移了对焦点。这个对焦方法在拍摄动态事物时如动物、赛车非常有用,因为单点对焦太花时间,根本不够时间转换对焦点,所以小编在拍摄如赛车、动物时都喜爱用AF-C或AI Servo。  至于AF-A或AI Focus,其实就是将单点对焦和连续对焦合并,但要留意相机会按情况随时转对焦方法。这个会较难调节,小编建议大家可以选择以上两种方法,在不同情况用AF-S(One Shot)或者AF-C(AI Servo)为佳。  8.   三脚架对摄影来说很重要,因为它是最有效令画面保持清晰的工具,而且要找一个合适平台放相机,还要有好的构图并不易,所以三脚架会较为适合。如果想在夜间拍摄景物如车轨、光轨等相片依然保持清晰,更是需要三脚架。  现在某些相机都支持很高感光度,但终究高感光度会换来噪点,所以小编都是建议大家多带三脚架,不要怕辛苦,它会令你有意想不到的效果。同时长曝时要记得收小光圈、调低ISO,还要关防抖,避免防抖零件移动而令图像模糊,这样你的相片自然会变得成像锐利。  较重的脚架卸力较强,会比较稳;而近年越趋流行的碳纤也能有不错的承托力,但价钱就会相对较昂贵。如果脚架中轴有勾,可以挂相机包等随身物品,更可均匀卸力,减少相片出现震动。  9.快门线或2秒自拍倒数   延续刚才使用三脚架的秘诀,除了带三脚架之外,最好多带一条快门线,这样可以避免因双手接触相机而令相片模糊,而且快门线支持B快门,需要超长曝的画面都没问题。除了快门线,近年很多新手都会改用2秒自拍倒数,先在相机内调较好光圈快门ISO等设定,再利用自拍功能拍摄,可以避免拍摄一刻接触相机而令相片震动。不过自拍倒数不支持B快门,所以有了经验后都是建议大家买一条快门线较佳。  市面上有各种快门线,一般可以选择有线连接相机,而且亦有分有屏幕和无屏幕,甚至可以在快门线上再加2秒自拍都没问题,这样就可以「稳上加稳」,保证拍出成像锐利的相片。  10.   想长曝而成像又锐利的话,可以利用「反光板预升」(Mirror-Lockup)功能。当按下第一下快门后,相机只会升起反光板而不会拍摄,要再按一次快门才会正式拍摄。这个方法有助避免相机开启快门曝光时升起反光板,令相机震动而变得照片模糊。不过要留意升起反光板后,会看不到景物,所以在按第一下快门前就已经构好图和做好所有设定。  新手常会忽略这项功能,但它的重要性不比使用三脚架低。因为拍摄时反光镜升起的震动足以影响相片成像。因为每部相机反光板预升功能都不同,较高阶相机会在顶端控制圈上;初阶相机可能会收藏在菜单内,所以拍摄前必须先了解它的设定位置。结合以上各种技巧,新手们相片的锐利度绝不比专业摄影师差!  以上就是我带来的如何提升拍摄照片的锐度 提升锐度小技巧,希望对你有帮助。
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威望162620 金钱188404 帖子精华98好友居住地北京市 朝阳区注册时间最后登录
值得注意的是,5D4将配备全新的全像素双核RAW模式(Dual Pixel RAW),额外记录视差信息。后期在全像素双核RAW优化器中可以实现:
全像素双核CMOS AF
ISO100-32000,扩展ISO50 – 102400
电子优化器(Digital Lens Optimizer)校正衍射
新的Fine Detail照片风格
61个对焦点,全部f/8,-3EV(Live View下-4EV),41个十字对焦点
7张连拍,Live View下追焦连拍4.3fps
Wi-Fi(IEEE802.11 b / g / n),NFC,FTP / FTPS传输,GPS
4K 30fps (4:2:2 MJPEG,支持抓取静态照片),1080p 60fps (ALL-I, IPB),720p 120fps (ALL-I)
CF(支持UDMA7) + SD / SDHC / SDXC (支持UHS-I)
150.7mm x 116.4mm x 75.9mm,890g(加电池),800g(仅机身)
我的视觉感官被美丽感动按动快门记录,没有眼睛看到的那么漂亮,那就是失败了!比眼睛看到的还漂亮,那就成功了!!我感觉我可以不喜欢某种规格的产品或者品牌,但是我不可以不去主动的了解它和接触它,因为偏执会带来误区,误区会惩戒自己。知识上的傲慢和偏见是愚蠢的个性。 感激伤害你的人,因为他磨练了你的心态。感激绊倒你的人,因为他强化了你的双腿。感激欺骗你的人,因为他增进了你的智慧。感激藐视你的人,因为他醒觉了你的自尊。感激放弃你的人,因为他教会了你的独立。感激我的朋友和理解我的人,你们让我树立强烈的自信心。
威望162620 金钱188404 帖子精华98好友居住地北京市 朝阳区注册时间最后登录
本帖最后由 花冠摄影 于
21:28 编辑
August 19, 2016Canon Rumors2 Comments
EOS 5D Mark IV
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV and the new EF 24-105mm f/4L IS
Scroll down&&for the Dual Pixel RAW discussion.
Update: Digicame-info also posted a detailed specification list. I added the Dual Pixel RAW information leaked at Nokishita Camera (see below):
Newly developed 30.4MP CMOS sensor
Dual Pixel CMOS AF
Dual Pixel RAW: One of the RAW file recording both the normal image and the parallax information. Digital Photo Professional of the “Dual Pixel RAW Optimizer” in the can: three of image processing
Image Micro-adjustment: by using the depth information, fine adjustment enables the position of the maximum sharpness and resolution
Bokeh Shift: to change the position of the previous blur (original: repositions the viewpoint of foreground bokeh for a more pleasing result)
Ghosting Reduction: reduces the ghost and flare
Image processing engine DIGIC6 +
New noise processing algorithm that reduce the noise more effectively
ISO 100-32000 (extended sensitivity ISO 50, ISO 51200, ISO 102400)
DLO (Digital Lens Optimiser) diffraction correction (adds fine detail in the Picture Style)
Auto-Focus 61 points. Corresponding to F8 in all of the distance measuring point. Focusing down to -3EV (live view -4EV)
Seven AF area selection modes, including a “large zone AF”
100% field view in optical finder, magnification 0.71 times
Electronic level (2-axis)
LCD monitor 3.2 inches 1.62 million dots
Touch panel
150,000-pixel RGB + IR metering sensor
252 zone photometry
EOS iSA system
EOS iTR system
Continuous shooting up to 7 frames/sec (OVF is used)
Servo AF live view continuous shooting 4.3 frames/sec.
Touch Shutter
Mirror vibration control system (MVCS)
Anti-flicker system
Wi-Fi built-in (IEEE802.11 b/g/n)
EOS’s first FTP/FTPS transfer function (wireless file transmitter required)
GPS built-in
GPS logger function
4K 30fps video mode (MJPEG)
4K 30p 4: 2: 2 support Motion JPEG
Full HD 60 fps (ALL-I, IPB)
HD 120 fps (ALL-I)
JPEG images of 8.8MP from 4K video in the camera
0.25 times the HD 120fps high frame rate movies for slow motion
CF (UDMA7) and dual-card slot of SD/SDHC/SDXC (UHS-I)
Built-in interval timer and valve timer
Durability of the shutter 15 million times 150,000 actuations
Magnesium alloy body
Weather sealing (dust and water)
The size is 150.7mm x 116.4mm x 75.9mm (5.93 x 4.58 x 2.98 inches)
Weight: 890g/1.96lbs (battery, including memory card), 800g/1.76lbs (body only)
21:27 上传
我的视觉感官被美丽感动按动快门记录,没有眼睛看到的那么漂亮,那就是失败了!比眼睛看到的还漂亮,那就成功了!!我感觉我可以不喜欢某种规格的产品或者品牌,但是我不可以不去主动的了解它和接触它,因为偏执会带来误区,误区会惩戒自己。知识上的傲慢和偏见是愚蠢的个性。 感激伤害你的人,因为他磨练了你的心态。感激绊倒你的人,因为他强化了你的双腿。感激欺骗你的人,因为他增进了你的智慧。感激藐视你的人,因为他醒觉了你的自尊。感激放弃你的人,因为他教会了你的独立。感激我的朋友和理解我的人,你们让我树立强烈的自信心。
威望162620 金钱188404 帖子精华98好友居住地北京市 朝阳区注册时间最后登录
21:32 上传
佳能新镜EF 24-105mm F4L IS II和EF 16-35mm F2.8L III更详细的规格也泄露了,24-105mm售价1099美元(合7289人民币),16-35mm售价2199美元(合14586人民币)。
佳能EF 16-35mm F2.8L III
最大尺寸:88.5 x 127.5 mm,790g
佳能EF 24-105mm F4L IS II
最大尺寸:88.5 x 127.5 mm,795g
我的视觉感官被美丽感动按动快门记录,没有眼睛看到的那么漂亮,那就是失败了!比眼睛看到的还漂亮,那就成功了!!我感觉我可以不喜欢某种规格的产品或者品牌,但是我不可以不去主动的了解它和接触它,因为偏执会带来误区,误区会惩戒自己。知识上的傲慢和偏见是愚蠢的个性。 感激伤害你的人,因为他磨练了你的心态。感激绊倒你的人,因为他强化了你的双腿。感激欺骗你的人,因为他增进了你的智慧。感激藐视你的人,因为他醒觉了你的自尊。感激放弃你的人,因为他教会了你的独立。感激我的朋友和理解我的人,你们让我树立强烈的自信心。
威望256770 金钱79625 帖子精华5好友居住地北京市 东城区注册时间最后登录
威望162620 金钱188404 帖子精华98好友居住地北京市 朝阳区注册时间最后登录
09:58 上传
我的视觉感官被美丽感动按动快门记录,没有眼睛看到的那么漂亮,那就是失败了!比眼睛看到的还漂亮,那就成功了!!我感觉我可以不喜欢某种规格的产品或者品牌,但是我不可以不去主动的了解它和接触它,因为偏执会带来误区,误区会惩戒自己。知识上的傲慢和偏见是愚蠢的个性。 感激伤害你的人,因为他磨练了你的心态。感激绊倒你的人,因为他强化了你的双腿。感激欺骗你的人,因为他增进了你的智慧。感激藐视你的人,因为他醒觉了你的自尊。感激放弃你的人,因为他教会了你的独立。感激我的朋友和理解我的人,你们让我树立强烈的自信心。
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Canon Announces the EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR
By Canon Rumors | August 24, 2016& & & & | Canon DSLR News
10:11 上传
MELVILLE, N.Y., August 25, 2016 – Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, is proud to announce the EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR camera, the next generation of the popular and versatile 5D series of Canon professional DSLR cameras. Building on this legendary legacy, the EOS 5D Mark IV propels the series forward with a fusion of features and enhancements targeted to please even the most discerning creative eyes.&&The camera’s 30.4 megapixel 35mm Full Frame Canon CMOS sensor offers stunning image quality while the DIGIC 6+ Image Processor delivers 4K 30P video and up to and seven frames per second (fps) continuous shooting.&&To make video shooting even easier, the camera also features Canon’s propriety Dual Pixel CMOS AF, even when shooting 4K to help ensure sharp focus and subject tracking.
“Canon’s EOS 5D series of DSLR cameras has a history of being at the forefront of still and video innovation. And today, we add to this family of cameras the EOS 5D Mark IV– the first in our 5D series to offer 4K video and built-in Wi-Fi and NFC connectivity,” said Yuichi Ishizuka, president and COO, Canon U.S.A., Inc. “In developing this new DSLR camera, we listened to the requests of current EOS users to create for them a modern, versatile camera designed to help them create and share beautiful still and video imagery.”
“Outdoor photographers will really appreciate the new EOS 5D Mark IV, as it offers more resolution, better detail in the shadows, and improved speeds in autofocus and frame rate,” reported acclaimed nature photographer and Canon Explorer of Light George Lepp. “With the fabulous resolution of 4K video and the ability to make beautiful prints from a frame of that video as an added bonus, this camera sets a new mid-range standard for nature photography.”
In addition, Canon is also introducing two new L-series EF lenses – the Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L III USM Ultra-Wide Zoom Lens and EF 24-105mm f/4L IS II USM&&Standard Zoom Lens– offering fantastic edge-to-edge sharpness across the imaging plane, as well as improved durability and performance.
EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR Camera Specifications:
New 30.4 Megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor for versatile shooting in nearly any light, with ISO range 100–32,000; expandable up to 50–102,400.
4K Motion JPEG video (DCI cinema-type 4096 x 2160) at 30p or 24p; in-camera still frame grab* of 4K 8.8-M multiple video options include Full HD up to 60p, and HD up to 120p.
Superb Dual Pixel CMOS AF for responsive and smooth AF during video or Live V LCD monitor has full touch-screen interface, including selection of AF area.
Excellent performance — up to 7.0 fps** continuous shooting speed with high performance DIGIC 6+ Image Processor for improved speed and excellent image quality.
61 AF points with expanded vertical coverage with 41 cross-points, and AF possible at all 61 AF points with many lens + extender combinations effective at f/8.
150,000-pixel RGB+IR metering sensor helps provide precise exposure metering, helps detect flickering lights and allows for enhanced scene recognition and face detection capabilities.
Dual Pixel RAW***, in-camera Digital Lens Optimizer during JPEG shooting and Diffraction Correction technologies.
Built-in Wi-Fi®1 and NFC2 connectivity provide easy sharing to compatible smart devices, select social media sites and the Canon Connect Station CS100 device.
Built-in GPS3 provides geotag information including auto time syncing with Universal Time Code (UTC) via satellites.
“I have owned every camera in the 5D line, so the new EOS 5D Mark IV feels like an old friend in my hands, only better” exclaimed renowned wedding photographer and Canon Explorer of Light Clay Blackmore. “It has everything a professional photographer needs to create outstanding, quality images every time. Between its ability with still images and video capture, it is the complete package and—in my opinion—the best wedding camera on the planet.”
“When working with macro beauty photography, I need fast and precise autofocus. With each breath of the subject I need to be able to check the exact placement of focus, whether on the tips of the eyelashes, the pupils or other detail of her face. The EOS 5D Mark IV&&gave me exactly the speed and precision required to capture the detail and stunning color that is a signature of my beauty work,” remarked celebrated fashion and beauty photographer and Canon Explorer of Light Lindsay Adler. “I’m always looking for ways to create visuals that help me stand out from the competition. Cinemagraphs, also known as ‘living images,’ allow me to combine still frames and video to create captivating images. Because of the EOS 5D Mark IV’s 4K and slow motion capabilities, I now have the ability to create high quality and visually compelling cinemagraphs without having to invest in an expensive cinema camera!”
The Next Generation of EOS 5D Cameras
In addition to the new Full Frame sensor, the new EOS 5D Mark IV includes a 61-point High-Density Reticular AF II system, similar to the one found in the flagship EOS-1D X Mark II, with all AF points selectable by the user (and up to 41 cross-type points depending on the lens in use). The AF system, improved over previous Canon 5D series models, includes expanded coverage across the frame that supports AF at maximum apertures up to f/8 with all 61 points for high-precision autofocus even when using EF super-telephoto lenses with an EF extender. Standard ISO range for the EOS 5D Mark IV is ISO 100-32,000 and is expandable to 50-102,400.
The EOS 5D Mark IV also introduces a new 150,000 pixel RGB+IR metering sensor with enhanced precision and performance compared to its predecessor, improving upon facial recognition and tracking as well as nature and sports scenes with fast-moving action. AF sensitivity in low light is EV-3 and EV-4 when in Live View mode. The EOS Scene Detection System can detect and compensate for flickering light sources that are often used in gymnasiums and swimming pools. When enabled, this anti-flicker system automatically adjusts shutter release timing to help reduce disparities in exposure and color especially during continuous burst shooting.
Following the groundbreaking video recording capabilities introduced in the EOS 5D Mark II and EOS 5D Mark III, the EOS 5D Mark IV takes the next leap forward offering DCI 4K video recording.&&Adding to the versatility of capturing 4K video, is Canon’s Dual Pixel CMOS AF. This proven autofocus system allows for continuous focus tracking of subjects, and can be customized by the user for optimal performance. Dual Pixel CMOS AF technology not only enhances 4K video recording, but also helps create crisp focus for 4K Frame Grab extraction of 8.8 megapixel still JPEG images, all done in camera.
Mobile Connectivity
For the first time in an EOS 5D series DSLR camera, the EOS 5D Mark IV features built-in Wi-Fi®1 and Near-Field Communication (NFC)™ 1 providing for the easy transfer of images and MP4 movies to compatible mobile devices, as well remote shooting when using the Canon Camera Connect App2. The EOS 5D Mark IV also includes a built-in GPS3 receiver with compass for precise geo-tagged information of latitude, longitude, and elevation. This is especially valuable to wildlife photographers and photojournalists who need to track their locations, as well as providing sports and wedding photographers the ability to sync a multiple-camera setup with extreme accuracy and precision. The camera’s built-in GPS can also be used to sync the camera’s time to the atomic clock, an invaluable feature when multiple photographers are covering the same event.
Pricing and Availability
The Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR is currently scheduled to be available in early September 2016 for an estimated retail price of $3,499.00 for the body only††. It will also be sold as part of body-and-lens kits with the EF24-70mm f/4L lens ($4,399.00, scheduled to be available early September) †† and the EF24-105mm f/4L IS II USM lens ($4599.00, scheduled to be available late October) ††.
For an exclusive, hands-on preview, the camera will be available at the customer support centers shown below.&&Visitors can experience the camera firsthand while Canon technical experts demonstrate new product features, answer questions, and spotlight the benefits of Canon products and service.
Canon Customer Care Center, Melville, NY –
Monday, August 29, 11am-2pm
Canon Experience Center, Costa Mesa, CA –
Tuesday, August 30, 7pm-9pm
Canon Professional Service & Support Center, Itasca, IL –
Friday, September 2, 11am-2pm
New Canon EF Lenses and EOS Accessories
In addition to the new EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR, Canon is also introducing two EF-Series L-series lenses as well as a variety of EOS accessories. The new EF 16-35mm f/2.8L III USM Ultra-Wide Zoom Lens features a large diameter GMO dual surface aspherical lens and ground aspherical lens, f/2.8 aperture throughout the entire zoom range, fluorine coating, improved durability and is dust and water resistant. The new EF 24-105mm f/4L IS II USM Standard Zoom lens features an improved four-stop image stabilization as well as ghosting and flare reduction with air sphere coating. The Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L III USM Ultra-Wide Zoom Lens is scheduled to be available late in October for an estimated retail price of $2,199.00†† and the EF 24-105mm f/4L IS II USM&&Standard Zoom Lens is scheduled to be available in late October for an estimated retail price of $1,099.00††.
Additional EOS accessories include the Canon Battery Grip BG-E20, Canon Rain Cover ERC-E5S/E5M/E5L and Canon Protecting Cloth PC-E1.
我的视觉感官被美丽感动按动快门记录,没有眼睛看到的那么漂亮,那就是失败了!比眼睛看到的还漂亮,那就成功了!!我感觉我可以不喜欢某种规格的产品或者品牌,但是我不可以不去主动的了解它和接触它,因为偏执会带来误区,误区会惩戒自己。知识上的傲慢和偏见是愚蠢的个性。 感激伤害你的人,因为他磨练了你的心态。感激绊倒你的人,因为他强化了你的双腿。感激欺骗你的人,因为他增进了你的智慧。感激藐视你的人,因为他醒觉了你的自尊。感激放弃你的人,因为他教会了你的独立。感激我的朋友和理解我的人,你们让我树立强烈的自信心。
威望162620 金钱188404 帖子精华98好友居住地北京市 朝阳区注册时间最后登录
11:27 上传
我的视觉感官被美丽感动按动快门记录,没有眼睛看到的那么漂亮,那就是失败了!比眼睛看到的还漂亮,那就成功了!!我感觉我可以不喜欢某种规格的产品或者品牌,但是我不可以不去主动的了解它和接触它,因为偏执会带来误区,误区会惩戒自己。知识上的傲慢和偏见是愚蠢的个性。 感激伤害你的人,因为他磨练了你的心态。感激绊倒你的人,因为他强化了你的双腿。感激欺骗你的人,因为他增进了你的智慧。感激藐视你的人,因为他醒觉了你的自尊。感激放弃你的人,因为他教会了你的独立。感激我的朋友和理解我的人,你们让我树立强烈的自信心。
威望1030 金钱2055 帖子精华0好友居住地广西壮族自治区 桂林市注册时间最后登录
白银会员, 积分 1030, 距离下一级还需 970 积分
当前用户组为 白银会员当前积分为 1030, 升到下一级还需要 970 点。
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