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美股行情中心:独家提供全美股行业板块、盘前盘后、ETF、权证实时行情   5日早上,当全国人大代表、小米科技[微博]CEO雷军[微博]刚从代表团的中巴上下来,准备走向人民大会堂参加十二届全国人大三次会议开幕式时,就被几个眼尖的记者堵到了,走到人民大会堂的台阶前时,已被包围得水泄不通。  雷军说,小米家装不是小米投资的,两者没有关系,将来也不会进军房地产业。小米将专注手机行业,预计十年超过苹果手机。  “小米家装”跟小米无关  记者:外界有说小米要进军房地产和家装行业,是否属实?小米对进军其他行业有无打算?  雷军:小米会专注在自己的主业上,至少5年之内不会考虑像电动车之类的新行业。小米也不会做家装,媒体报道的小米家装不是小米投资的,也不是小米的业务,只是我指导了那个创业者,因为我觉得装修问题每个人都很烦,我就说假如用小米模式做,我会怎么做,他受了我的启发就做了一个叫做爱空间的装修公司,特别特别火,看来他是找到了所有人的“痛点”。这个报道被传播得极为广泛,但这不是小米的业务,也不是小米做的。  小米不会做房地产,小米会非常非常专注在自己的主业。因为我自己创业二十五六年的时间,觉得一个企业把多元化做好是非常不容易的事情。成功的观念在于极其专注。我觉得可能是因为报道,或者各种各样的原因,看起来小米什么都做,实际上我们一开始就声明了我们只做三种产品,就是手机、电视、路由器,小米发布的其他消费电子产品也是别的公司做的。  记者:今年会投资什么?会考虑上市吗?会投资国外吗?  雷军:小米的投资主要会围绕小米生态链条的展开,来促进整个小米业务的发展。五年内不会考虑上市。小米的策略会围绕小米进入国外市场,建立完善的生态链。在我们进入这些市场时,如果对小米的业务有帮助,我们都有兴趣投资。  每周换一部新手机  记者:你是微博控,一年要换几次手机?  雷军:因为我自己是做手机的,我们的每一部工程机我都用,所以我差不多每星期都要换一部新的手机,你别惊讶,比如说我现在用的小米note,就是以前的一个工程机,我自己做的手机我一定不停地用才行。  智能手机取代了很多产品,是过去十年里面最重要的发明,我觉得极大地改善了大家的使用体验,而且也使社会进入了移动互联网时代。4G时代,带宽变宽了,会有更多有趣的应用和发明,大家会有越来越好的体验。  记者:你预计今年小米销售量是多少?  雷军:小米去年的营收是743亿人民币,销售了6100万部手机,在中国市场已经排到了第一位,我觉得今年过千亿应该没有悬念,应该会超过50%的净增长,所以我觉得中国的经济新常态对移动互联网业务有影响,这些业务保持了非常强的增长。我个人认为,在移动互联网时代,跨界融合才能促进产品产业的转型升级,也能提高整个经济的发展质量。  记者:预计什么时候能打败苹果手机?  雷军:我觉得苹果是一家非常值得尊重的而且很优秀的同行,他们做得很出色,我觉得我们跟苹果应该在不同的轨道上,我们作为一家移动互联网公司,更看重手机销售量和用户的市场份额,对我们非常关键。我们预计十年时间,有一定机会成为世界第一。这也是我们未来十年努力的目标。  大学生今年创业不错  记者:移动互联网时代,给大学生就业创业带来哪些新机会?  雷军:其实机会非常非常多,现在越来越多的O2O服务其实是在手机上做的,在移动互联网上做的,所以我们应该看到像美团、大众点评等公司,发展的速度非常快。  记者:觉得香港的创业环境如何?有无计划在那边扶持一些企业?  雷军:我对香港的创业环境不是特别了解,在我印象中,香港更多的是金融、商贸、旅游环境。我觉得年轻人创业是一个很重要的选择,香港也应该改善创业环境和氛围,让更多的人拥有创业机会。  记者:对内地创业环境的改变有什么建议?  雷军:我觉得过去两三年已经有巨大的进步,但是创业环境想达到美国那样,还需要做大量的工作。我个人建议修订公司法条款,使之更适合创业环境。公司法是过去20年制定的,有些条款对现在已经不适用了。这次我会有相关建议公布。  今年大学生创业是一个不错的选择,但我个人认为不要为了创业而创业,有人认为创业是很荣耀的事情,但是创业实际上是个很苦的活,我觉得没有做好准备创业的话,其实影响挺负面的。  用“自拍神器”发照片  记者:你和董明珠的赌约还有效吗?  雷军:我跟她说我要去格力电器学习学习,她说欢迎啊。  记者:对于网友调侃的董明珠是最佳HR,您怎么看?  雷军:有两个人大代表到了格力,看来格力还是一个吸引人的平台。我觉得小米也是一个不错的平台,也欢迎其他代表考虑一下来小米。  记者:你如何看待市场上的手机加自拍杆变成自拍神器的现象?  雷军:新浪董事长曹国伟[微博]送了我他们的自拍杆,是他们新浪订制的礼品,4日我用了一下,发了很多照片。
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北回归线 Tropic Of Cancer
Once out of his sight we began to laugh hysterically. The false teeth! No matter what we said about the poor devil, and we said some good things about him too, we always came back to the false teeth. There are people in this world who cut such a grotesque figure that even death renders them ridiculous. And the more horrible the death the more ridiculous they seem. It's no use trying to invest the end with a little dignity & you have to be a liar and a hypocrite to discover anything tragic in their going. And since we didn't have to put on a false front we could laugh about the incident to our heart's content. We laughed all night about it, and in between times we vented our scorn and disgust for the guys upstairs, the fatheads who were trying to persuade themselves, no doubt, that Peckover was a fine fellow and that his death was a catastrophe. All sorts of funny recollections came to our minds & the semicolons that he overlooked and for which they bawled the piss out of him. They made his life miserable with their fucking little semicolons and the fractions which he always got wrong. They were even going to fire him once because he came to work with a boozy breath. They despised him because he always looked so miserable and because he had eczema and dandruff. He was just a nobody, as far as they were concerned, but, now that he was dead, they would all chip in lustily and buy him a huge wreath and they'd put his name in big type in the obituary column. Anything to throw a little refl they'd make him out to be a big shit if they could. But unfortunately, with Peckover, there was little they could invent about him. He was a zero, and even the fact that he was dead wouldn't add a cipher to his name.
&There's only one good aspect to it,& says Joe. &You may get his job. And if you have any luck, maybe you'll fall down the elevator shaft and break your neck too. We'll buy you a nice wreath, I promise you that.&
  天快亮时我们坐在多姆饭店的露天咖啡座上,早已把可怜的佩克奥弗忘得干干净净。我们在&黑人&舞厅里乐了一下,乔的思想又回到那个永恒不变的消遣上来了&女人。到了这个时辰他的一夜休息时间已快结束,他的烦躁不安也达到了狂热程度。他想到今夜早些时候放过去的女人和那些一叫就来、关系稳定的情侣,可惜他对她们已感到厌烦了。这也不可避免地使他想起他的格鲁吉亚女人- 最近她一直在追逐他,乞求他收容她,至少直到她找到工作。他说,&我不在乎偶尔请她吃一顿,可我不能长期养着她&&她会把别的女人都赶走的。&这个女人最使他不快的是身上一点肉也没有。他说,&就像抱着一具骷髅上床一样。那天夜里我出于同情收留了她。你知道这个发疯的婊子替自己干了什么?她把那个地方全刮光了&&上面一点儿毛也没剩下,叫人反感,是吗?也挺好玩的,像是疯了。它不再像女人的下体了,倒像一只死蛤或是别的什么。&他向我描述好奇心激发起来后他如何下床去找手电筒。&我叫她叉开两条腿,把手电照在上面。当时你若看到我就好了&&真是好玩极了。它叫我激动起来,竟把她全忘了。我一辈子从来没有这样认真地看过一个女人的下体,你会以为我从前从来没有看过。我越看越觉得没劲,它只是告诉你那儿没有什么,尤其是剃过以后,是毛使它变得神秘起来了。这就是为什么一座雕像打动不了你的原因,只有一次我在一座雕像上看到过一个真正的女人下体&那是罗丹的作品。以后你也该看看&&她的腿叉得很开&&我记得这个雕像没有脑袋,你可以说只有一个下体。老天,看起来可怕极了,问题在于她们全都是一模一样。她们穿着衣服时你看到她们会产生各种想法,你会给予她们一种个性,而她们当然是没有个性的,不过只是两条大腿之间有一道缝而已。你会生它的气,甚至不愿再看它一眼。这是一场幻觉,你为虚无缥缈的东西发脾气&&为一道长毛的缝或一道没有毛的缝发脾气,这是完全没有意义的,所以它吸引我去看,我仔细看它,准看了十分钟或是更长时间。你这样以超然的态度看着它,脑子里便会产生一些古怪的念头。性本来是十分神秘的,接着你发现这也没有什么 -只是一个空洞而已。如果你发现里面有一支口琴不会觉得好玩吗?或是一本日历?可是里面什么也没有&&什么也没有。它令人厌恶。它差一点儿叫我发疯&& 喂,你知道我后来干了什么?我同她很快睡了一次便转过身去背对着她,对了,我拿起一本书看。你可以从书中学到点儿什么,即使是一本坏书&&可是一个女人,那纯粹是浪费时间。
Toward dawn we're sitting on the terrasse of the D?me. We've forgotten about poor Peckover long ago. We've had a little excitement at the Bal N&gre and Joe's mind has slipped back to the eternal preoccupation: cunt. It's at this hour, when his night off is almost concluded, that his restlessness mounts to a fever pitch. He thinks of the women he passed up earlier in the evening and of the steady ones he might have had for the asking, if it weren't that he was fed up with them. He is reminded inevitably of his Georgia cunt & she's been hounding him lately, begging him to take her in, at least until she can find herself a job. &I don't mind giving her a feed once in a while,& he says, &but I couldn't take her on as a steady thing& she'd ruin it for my other cunts.& What gripes him most about her is that she doesn't put on any flesh. &It's like taking a skeleton to bed with you,& he says. &The other night I took her on & out of pity & and what do you think the crazy bitch had done to herself? She. had shaved it clean& not a speck of hair on it. Did you ever have a woman who shaved her twat? It's repulsive, ain't it? And it's funny, too. Sort of mad like. It doesn't look like a twat any more: it's like a dead clam or something.& He describes to me how, his curiosity aroused, he got out of bed and searched for his flashlight. &I made her hold it open and I trained the flashlight on it. You should have seen me& it was comical. I got so worked up about it that I forgot all about her. I never in my life looked at a cunt so seriously. You'd imagine I'd never seen one before. And the more I looked at it the less interesting it became. It only goes to show you there's nothing to it after all, especially when it's shaved. It's the hair that makes it mysterious. That's why a statue leaves you cold. Only once I saw a real cunt on a statue & that was by Rodin. You ought to see it some time& she has her legs spread wide apart& I don't think there was any head on it. Just a cunt you might say. Jesus, it looked ghastly. The thing is this & they all look alike. When you look at them with their clothes on you imagine all sorts of things: you give them an individuality like, which they haven't got, of course. There's just a crack there between the legs and you get all steamed up about it & you don't even look at it half the time. You know it's there and all you think about is gettin it's as though your penis did the thinking for you. It's an illusion! You get all burned up about nothing& about a crack with hair on it, or without hair. It's so absolutely meaningless that it fascinated me to look at it. I must have studied it for ten minutes or more. When you look at it that way, sort of detached like, you get funny notions in your head. All that mystery about sex and then you discover that it's nothing & just a blank. Wouldn't it be funny if you found a harmonica inside& or a calendar? But there's nothing there& nothing at all. It's disgusting. It almost drove me mad& Listen, do you know what I did afterwards? I gave her a quick lay and then I turned my back on her. Yeah, I picked up a book and I read. You can get something out of a book, even a bad book& but a cunt, it's just sheer loss of time&&
It just so happened that as he was concluding his speech a whore gave us the eye. Without the slightest transition he says to me abruptly: &Would you like to give her a tumble? It won't cost much& she'll take the two of us on.& And without waiting for a reply he staggers to his feet and goes over to her. In a few minutes he comes back. &It's all fixed,& he says. &Finish your beer. She's hungry. There's nothing doing any more at this hour& she'll take the both of us for fifteen francs. We'll go to my room& it'll be cheaper.&
On the way to the hotel the girl is shivering so that we have to stop and buy her a coffee. She's a rather gentle sort of creature and not at all bad to look at. She evidently knows Van Norden, knows there's nothing to expect from him but the fifteen francs. &You haven't got any dough,& he says, mumbling to me under his breath. As I haven't a centime in my pocket I don't quite see the point of this, until he bursts out: &For Christ's sake, remember that we're broke. Don't get tenderhearted when we get upstairs. She's going to ask you for a little extra & I know this cunt! I could get her for ten francs, if I wanted to. There's no use spoiling them&&&Il est m&chant, celui l&,& she says to me, gathering the drift of his remarks in her dull way.
&Non, il n'est pas m&chant, il est tr&s gentil.&
She shakes her head laughingly. &Je le connais bien, ce type.& And then she commences a hard luck story, about the hospital and the back rent and the baby in the country. But she doesn't overdo it. She knows that
but the misery is there inside her, like a stone, and there's no room for any other thoughts. She isn't trying to make an appeal to our sympathies & she's just shifting this big weight inside her from one place to another. I rather like her. I hope to Christ she hasn't got a disease&
In the room she goes about her preparations mechanically. &There isn't a crust of bread about by any chance?& she inquires, as she squats over the bidet. Van Norden laughs at this. &Here, take a drink,& he says, shoving a bottle at her. She doesn't wa her stomach's already on the bum, she complains.
&That's just a line with her,& says Van Norden. &Don't let her work on your sympathies. Just the same, I wish she'd talk about something else. How the hell can you get up any passion when you've got a starving cunt on your hands?&
Precisely! We haven't any passion either of us. And as for her, one might as well expect her to produce a diamond necklace as to show a spark of passion. But there's the fifteen francs and something has to be done about it. It's like a state of war: the moment the condition is precipitated nobody thinks about anything but peace, about getting it over with. And yet nobody has the courage to lay down his arms, to say, &I'm fed up with it& I'm through.&
No, there's fifteen francs somewhere, which nobody gives a damn about any more and which nobody is going to get in the end anyhow, but the fifteen francs is like the primal cause of things and rather than listen to one's own voice, rather than walk out on the primal cause, one surrenders to the situation, one goes on butchering and butchering and the more cowardly one feels the more heroically does he behave, until a day when the bottom drops out and suddenly all the guns are silenced and the stretcher bearers pick up the maimed and bleeding heroes and pin medals on their chest. Then one has the rest of his life to think about the fifteen francs. One hasn't any eyes or arms or legs, but he has the consolation of dreaming for the rest of his days about the fifteen francs which everybody has forgotten.
It's exactly like a state of war & I can't get it out of my head. The way she works over me, to blow a spark of passion into me, makes me think what a damned poor soldier I'd be if I was ever silly enough to be trapped like this and dragged to the front. I know for my part that I'd surrender everything, honor included, in order to get out of the mess. I haven't any stomach for it, and that's all there is to it. But she's got her mind set on the fifteen francs and if I don't want to fight about it she's going to make me fight. But you can't put fight into a man's guts if he hasn't any fight in him. There are some of us so cowardly that you can't ever make heroes of us, not even if you frighten us to death. We know too much, maybe. There are some of us who don't live in the moment, who live a little ahead, or a little behind.
My mind is on the peace treaty all the time. I can't forget that it was the fifteen francs which started all the trouble. Fifteen francs! What does fifteen francs mean to me, particularly since it's not my fifteen francs?
Van Norden seems to have a more normal attitude about it. He doesn't care a rap about the fifte it's the situation itself which intrigues him. It seems to call for a show of mettle & his manhood is involved. The fifteen francs are lost, whether we succeed or not. There's something more involved & not just manhood perhaps, but will. It's like a man in the trenches again: he doesn't know any more why he should go on living, because if he escapes now he'll only be caught later, but he goes on just the same, and even though he has the soul of a cockroach and has admitted as much to himself, give him a gun or a knife or even just his bare nails, and he'll go on slaughtering and slaughtering, he'd slaughter a million men rather than stop and ask himself why.
As I watch Van Norden tackle her, it seems to me that I'm looking at a machine whose cogs have slipped. Left to themselves, they could go on this way forever, grinding and slipping, without ever anything happening. Until a hand shuts the motor off. The sight of them coupled like a pair of goats without the least spark of passion, grinding and grinding away for no reason except the fifteen francs, washes away every bit of feeling I have except the inhuman one of satisfying my curiosity. The girl is lying on the edge of the bed and Van Norden is bent over her like a satyr with his two feet solidly planted on the floor. I am sitting on a chair behind him, watching their movements with a cool, s it doesn't matter to me if it should last forever. It's like watching one of those crazy machines which throw the newspaper out, millions and billions and trillions of them with their meaningless headlines. The machine seems more sensible, crazy as it is, and more fascinating to watch, than the human beings and the events which produced it. My interest in Van Norden if I could sit like this and watch every single performance going on at this minute all over the world my interest would be even less than nil. I wouldn't be able to differentiate between this phenomenon and the rain falling or a volcano erupting. As long as that spark of passion is missing there is no human significance in the performance. The machine is better to watch. And these two are like a machine which has slipped its cogs. It needs the touch of a human hand to set it right. It needs a mechanic.


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