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& & font-family:'Arial',&微软雅黑&,Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
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& & text-align:center; &
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& & height:307px; & &
& & margin: 0 auto; &
& & text-align:left; &
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& & & & position:absolute;
& & & & zoom:1;
& & z-index:9003;
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& & & & height: 307px;
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& & z-index:9002;
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& & & & WIDTH: 421px;
& & & & display: block;
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& & & & background-color:#777\9;}
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& & & & background: no-repeat 0 0;
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& & zoom:1;
& & z-index:1;
& & position:relative;
& & & & background-image: url(left-corners.png);
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& & background: transparent no-repeat right 0;
& & & & padding-right:6px;
& & & & background-image: url(right-corners.png);
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& & background: transparent repeat-x 0 0;
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& & zoom:1;
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& & overflow:hidden;
& & width:15px;
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& & float:right;
& & cursor:pointer;
& & background:transparent no-repeat;
& & margin-left:2px;
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& & background-position:0 -60px;
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& & background: transparent no-repeat 0 0;
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& & & & background-image: url(corners-sprite.gif);
& & border-bottom-color:#99bbe8;
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& & background: transparent no-repeat right 0;
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& & border-bottom-color:#99bbe8;
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& & background: transparent repeat-x 0 0;
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& & padding:5px 3px 4px 5px;
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& & & & font-weight:bold;
& & font-size: 11px;
& & font-family: tahoma,arial,verdana,sans-serif;
& & & & /*
& & border-top: #99bbe8 1
& & background-image: url(panel/white-top-bottom.gif);*/
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& & overflow:hidden;
& & zoom:1;
& & left:0;
& & top:0;
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& & background: repeat-y 0 0;
& & & & padding-left:6px;
& & zoom:1;
& & & & background-color: #fff;
& & background-image:url(panel/left-right.gif);
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& & background: transparent repeat-y right 0;
& & & & padding-right:6px;
& & zoom:1;
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& & background-image:url(panel/left-right.gif);
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& & border:0 none;
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& & padding-top:6px;
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& & background-color:#dfe8f6;
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& & & & _height:150px;
& & background: transparent no-repeat 0 bottom;
& & & & padding-left:6px;
& & zoom:1;
& & & & background-image: url(left-corners.png);
& & background: transparent no-repeat right bottom;
& & & & padding-right:6px;
& & zoom:1;
& & & & background-image: url(right-corners.png);
& & background: transparent repeat-x 0 bottom;
& & zoom:1;
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& & padding-bottom:6px;
& & zoom:1;
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/*windows end*/
/*Form begin*/
.form_text {
& & padding:1px 3px;
& & background:repeat-x 0 0;
& & border:1px solid;
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& & line-height:18px;
& & vertical-align:middle;
& & & & background-color:#fff;
& & background-image:url(form/text-bg.gif);
& & border-color:#b5b8c8;
& & & & position:relative;
& & top:-22px;
} & & &
.x-btn button{
& & border:0 none;
& & background:transparent;
& & padding-left:3px;
& & padding-right:3px;
& & cursor:pointer;
& & margin:0;
& & overflow:visible;
& & width:auto;
& & -moz-outline:0 none;
& & outline:0 none;
& & & & background:repeat-x 0 -1096px;
& & vertical-align: middle;
& & & & text-align:center;
& & & & padding:0 5px;
& & & & cursor:pointer;
& & & & white-space:nowrap;
& & & & background:url(btn.gif);
.x-btn td {
& & padding:0 !important;
.x-btn-text {
& & cursor:pointer;
& & & & white-space: nowrap;
& & padding:0;
/* icon placement and sizing styles */
/* Only text */
.x-btn-noicon .x-btn-small .x-btn-text{
& & & & height: 16px;
.x-btn-noicon .x-btn-medium .x-btn-text{
& & height: 24px;
.x-btn-noicon .x-btn-large .x-btn-text{
& & height: 32px;
/* Only icons */
.x-btn-icon .x-btn-text{
& & background-position: center;
& & & & background-repeat: no-repeat;
.x-btn-icon .x-btn-small .x-btn-text{
& & & & height: 16px;
& & & & width: 16px;
.x-btn-icon .x-btn-medium .x-btn-text{
& & height: 24px;
& & & & width: 24px;
.x-btn-icon .x-btn-large .x-btn-text{
& & height: 32px;
& & & & width: 32px;
/* Icons and text */
/* background positioning */
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& & & & font-size:1px;
& & line-height:1px;
& & width:3px;
& & display:block;
& & overflow:hidden;
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& & & & height:3px;
& & & & width:3px;
& & & & height:3px;
& & & & background:no-repeat 0 0;
& & & & width:3px;
& & & & height:3px;
& & & & background:no-repeat -3px 0;
& & & & height:3px;
& & & & background:repeat-x 0 -6px;
& & & & width:3px;
& & & & background:no-repeat 0 -24px;
& & & & width:3px;
& & & & background:no-repeat -3px -24px;
& & & & background:repeat-x 0 -1096px;
& & vertical-align: middle;
& & & & text-align:center;
& & & & padding:0 5px;
& & & & cursor:pointer;
& & & & white-space:nowrap;
/* Fixes an issue with the button height */
.ext-strict .ext-ie6 .x-btn-mc, .ext-strict .ext-ie7 .x-btn-mc {
& & height: 100%;
& & & & width:3px;
& & & & height:3px;
& & & & background:no-repeat 0 -3px;
& & & & width:3px;
& & & & height:3px;
& & & & background:no-repeat -3px -3px;
& & & & height:3px;
& & & & background:repeat-x 0 -15px;
.x-btn-over .x-btn-tl{
& & & & background-position: -6px 0;
.x-btn-over .x-btn-tr{
& & & & background-position: -9px 0;
.x-btn-over .x-btn-tc{
& & & & background-position: 0 -9px;
.x-btn-over .x-btn-ml{
& & & & background-position: -6px -24px;
.x-btn-over .x-btn-mr{
& & & & background-position: -9px -24px;
.x-btn-over .x-btn-mc{
& & & & background-position: 0 -2168px;
.x-btn-over .x-btn-bl{
& & & & background-position: -6px -3px;
.x-btn-over .x-btn-br{
& & & & background-position: -9px -3px;
.x-btn-over .x-btn-bc{
& & & & background-position: 0 -18px;
.x-btn-click .x-btn-tl, .x-btn-menu-active .x-btn-tl, .x-btn-pressed .x-btn-tl{
& & & & background-position: -12px 0;
.x-btn-click .x-btn-tr, .x-btn-menu-active .x-btn-tr, .x-btn-pressed .x-btn-tr{
& & & & background-position: -15px 0;
.x-btn-click .x-btn-tc, .x-btn-menu-active .x-btn-tc, .x-btn-pressed .x-btn-tc{
& & & & background-position: 0 -12px;
.x-btn-click .x-btn-ml, .x-btn-menu-active .x-btn-ml, .x-btn-pressed .x-btn-ml{
& & & & background-position: -12px -24px;
.x-btn-click .x-btn-mr, .x-btn-menu-active .x-btn-mr, .x-btn-pressed .x-btn-mr{
& & & & background-position: -15px -24px;
.x-btn-click .x-btn-mc, .x-btn-menu-active .x-btn-mc, .x-btn-pressed .x-btn-mc{
& & & & background-position: 0 -3240px;
.x-btn-click .x-btn-bl, .x-btn-menu-active .x-btn-bl, .x-btn-pressed .x-btn-bl{
& & & & background-position: -12px -3px;
.x-btn-click .x-btn-br, .x-btn-menu-active .x-btn-br, .x-btn-pressed .x-btn-br{
& & & & background-position: -15px -3px;
.x-btn-click .x-btn-bc, .x-btn-menu-active .x-btn-bc, .x-btn-pressed .x-btn-bc{
& & & & background-position: 0 -21px;
.x-btn-disabled *{
& & & & cursor:default !important;
/* With a menu arrow */
/* right */
& & & & font:normal 11px tahoma, verdana, helvetica;
.x-btn button{
& & font:normal 11px arial,tahoma,verdana,helvetica;
& & color:#333;
.x-btn em {
& & font-style:normal;
& & font-weight:normal;
.x-btn-tl, .x-btn-tr, .x-btn-tc, .x-btn-ml, .x-btn-mr, .x-btn-mc, .x-btn-bl, .x-btn-br, .x-btn-bc{
& & & & background-image:url(btn.gif);
.x-btn-click .x-btn-text, .x-btn-menu-active .x-btn-text, .x-btn-pressed .x-btn-text{
& & color:#000;
.x-btn-disabled *{
& & & & color:gray !important;
.x-btn-mc em.x-btn-arrow {
& & background-image:url(button/arrow.gif);
.x-btn-mc em.x-btn-split {
& & background-image:url(button/s-arrow.gif);
.x-btn-over .x-btn-mc em.x-btn-split, .x-btn-click .x-btn-mc em.x-btn-split, .x-btn-menu-active .x-btn-mc em.x-btn-split, .x-btn-pressed .x-btn-mc em.x-btn-split {
& & background-image:url(button/s-arrow-o.gif);
.x-btn-mc em.x-btn-arrow-bottom {
& & background-image:url(button/s-arrow-b-noline.gif);
.x-btn-mc em.x-btn-split-bottom {
& & background-image:url(button/s-arrow-b.gif);
.x-btn-over .x-btn-mc em.x-btn-split-bottom, .x-btn-click .x-btn-mc em.x-btn-split-bottom, .x-btn-menu-active .x-btn-mc em.x-btn-split-bottom, .x-btn-pressed .x-btn-mc em.x-btn-split-bottom {
& & background-image:url(button/s-arrow-bo.gif);
.x-btn-tl, .x-btn-tr, .x-btn-tc, .x-btn-ml, .x-btn-mr, .x-btn-mc, .x-btn-bl, .x-btn-br, .x-btn-bc{
& & & & background-image:url(btn.gif);
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& & & & BORDER-BOTTOM: #87a3c1 1px solid;
& & & & BORDER-LEFT: #87a3c1 1px solid;
& & & & LINE-HEIGHT: 160%;
& & & & BACKGROUND: url(btn01.gif) 0px 0px;
& & & & HEIGHT: 24px;
& & & & width: 70px;
& & & & COLOR: #333;
& & & & FONT-SIZE: 12px;
& & & & BORDER-TOP: #87a3c1 1px solid;
& & & & CURSOR: pointer;
& & & & BORDER-RIGHT: #87a3c1 1px solid;
.qqqqbtn04 {
& & & & BORDER-BOTTOM: #a2904d 1px solid;
& & & & BORDER-LEFT: #a2904d 1px solid;
& & & & LINE-HEIGHT: 160%;
& & & & BACKGROUND: url(btn01.gif) 0px -66px;
& & & & HEIGHT: 24px;
& & & & width: 70px;
& & & & COLOR: #630;
& & & & FONT-SIZE: 12px;
& & & & BORDER-TOP: #a2904d 1px solid;
& & & & CURSOR: pointer;
& & & & BORDER-RIGHT: #a2904d 1px solid;
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