
国内黄金市场介绍 ——上海黄金交易所介绍
发布日期: 19:42:47
概述: 上海黄金交易所是经国务院批准,由中国人民银行组建,在国家工商行政管理局登记注册的, 不以营利为目的,实行自律性管理的法人。遵循公开、公平、公正和诚实信用的原则组织黄金、白银、铂等贵金属交易。基本职能:(一)提供黄金、白银、铂等贵金属交易的场所、设施及相关服务;(二)制定并实施黄金交易所的业务规则,规范交易行为;(三)组织、监督黄金、白银、铂等贵金属交易、清算、交割和配送;(四)设计交易合同、保证交易合同的履行;(五)制定并实施风险管理制度,控制市场风险;(六)生成合理价格,发布市场信息;(七)监管会员交易业务,查处会员违反交易所有关规定的行为;(八)监管指定仓库的黄金、白银、铂等贵金属业务;(九)中国人民银行规定的其他职能。基本概况:一、业务介绍(一)组织形式:黄金交易所实行会员制组织形式,会员由在中华人民共和国境内注册登记,从事黄金业务的金融机构、从事黄金、白银、铂等贵金属及其制品的生产、冶炼、
员、综合类会员和自营会员。金融类会员可进行自营和代理业务及批准的其它业务,综合类会员可进行自营和代理业务,自营会员可进行自营业务。目前会员中金融类20家、综合类119家、自营类10家;据初步统计,会员单位中年产金量约占全国的75%;用金量占全国的80%;冶炼能力占全国的90%。(二) 交易方式:标准黄金、铂金交易通过交易所的集中竞价方式进行,实行价格优先、时间优先撮合成交。非标准品种通过询价等方式进行,实行自主报价、协商成交。会员可自行选择通过现场或远程方式进行交易。(三)交易品种和价格:交易所主要实行标准化撮合交易方式。目前,交易的商品有黄金、白银、铂,交易标的必须符合交易所规定的标准。黄金有Au99.95、Au99.99
& & & &现货保证金交易品种;白银准备挂牌延期交收合约。详细品种信息见交易表。交易品种表
& &(五)资金清算:中国银行、中国农业银行、中国工商银行和中国建设银行作为交易所指定的清算银行,实行集中、直接、净额的资金清算原则。(六)储运交割:交易所实物交割实行“一户一码制”的交割原则,在全国35个城市设立47家指定仓库,金锭和金条由交易所统一调运配送。(七)认定质验:交易所对于可提供标准金锭、金条企业的资格进行认定。并指定权威质检机构对交易产品质量进行监督,对质量纠纷进行检测和仲裁。(八)税收:经财政部、国家税务总局批准,产金企业通过交易所销售标准黄金、铂金,免征增值税;用金企业通过交易所购买黄金、铂金,发生实物交割的,由税收机关按实际成交价格代开增值税专用发票。(九)商业银行的作用:按照国际惯例和市场原则在供求发生变化的情况下进行调剂,参与市场交易、提供黄金抵押、租赁、代理和个人黄金买卖业务等金融服务,从而进一步活跃交易、促进流通。(十)系统服务:上海黄金交易所将积极维护和保障会员在交易中的合法权益,以会员为本,为会员的发展提供全方位服务。包括1.系统平台:上海黄金交易所的交易系统设计合理、技术先进、功能齐全,运行安全可靠、快捷,该系统可以满足未来的会员以及代理客户的黄金、白银、铂等贵金属交易需要。2.质量保证:交易所认定的可提供标准金锭企业对其提供产品的质量终身负责。3.资金安全:通过指定清算银行的全国网点进行资金清算,由交易所统一管理会员保证资金账户,确保资金的安全、方便、快捷。4.信息共享:可实时接收和查询黄金交易所的行情,国内外黄金等贵金属的交易行情、评论和相关报道。
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Using game theory knowledge analysis of market access mechanism for the gold market, explain the membership in the gold market existence is reasonable and the two business member talent difference effect. In this paper, the theoretical analysis of thought: Tianjin precious metals business micro structure is not perfect, from the perspective of market access mechanism, manifested in three aspects: integrated members of the talent, market maker talent and mem from the price formation mechanism of point of view, performance in inventory positions, not sure, maker of non independent quotation, public information and leverage differe cleaned from the perspective of mechanism, in the two aspects of odds and ends of the settlement and clearing risk. These imperfections make the risk of Tianjin's precious metals business by including credit risk, market risk, inventory risk, liquidity risk and other risk types. According to the credit risk, the application of simple non repeated game model assessment of market participants to avoid credit risk and business opportunities and the formation of waste business profit loss. The analysis of the results that the one-sided submit credit guarantee collateral method easily out of efficiency, can be considered on both sides of the application submitted collateral to the mechanism of the third party. But this kind of mechanism on both sides have transgressed the covenant differences of specific operation method, the first way of operation is third party will mortgage products each re the second is to their other mortgage products. The analysis of the results of that two kinds of operation methods under the third party mechanism to speak of collateral are useful. Analysis on market access mechanism explanation about the gold market take membership access mechanism is reasonable, however access threshold, namely member talent identification of very main. The Shanghai gold business membership structure longitudinal comparative analysis of that, over the years its membership composition gradually diversified, member reputation identified tends to severe, explain Shanghai gold business on credit risk control of reasonable and important. Of gold business business in Shanghai and Tianjin precious metals business member composed of transverse comparison analysis thinks, although strange membership access mechanism, but Tianjin precious metals business membership mechanism of fairness and practicality has yet to be pay attention to. The actual measurement of coherent integrated financial market micro structure and the actual time series, the market operation of the performance of China gold market an empirical study of multi angle. The empirical study of the research subject involved to the Shanghai gold business and Tianjin precious research objects important for the functioning of the market performance of the activity and shake of the ev data like the original look, can be achieved and other reasons, the low frequency and high frequency data w research purpose, research on the performance of a single market operation, and Tianjin precious metals business the of Shanghai gold business operation performance research. Important conclusions of the empirical study include: first, the Shanghai gold business activities of empirical research, this paper gold Au (T + D) contract to stop, take multiple active goals, different time interval, hone gold futures, &Tian Tong gold& push out and &Tian Tong gold was halted three matters of the contract business activity. The results of hone invention, gold futures after the launch of AU (T+D) activity of the contract even in short time and longer term than launch activities before, but for a long time, this kind of activity improved the consequence the &launch day gold& on AU (T+D) activity affect the business contract business is very complicated, the short term &launch day gold& on the gold AU (T+D) activity affect the contract is not very obvious, long-term view, influence is gradually strengthened, and the activity is strengthened, the achievements and intuitive familiar is inconsistent, &launched through gold& in fact does not necessarily decrease the Shanghai gold exchange activity, but in a longer period of time will affect the business operations of the exact spot the &gold day& was conducted activity on the Shanghai gold exchange. Sound strange and numerous, but overall, short time market beliefs frustrated, but long-term point of view, &day gold was stopped making market belief in a quick recovery, beneficial in Shanghai gold business market activity. From the activity of the results can be seen, futures clearing business premises, such as finishing gold for the gold market approach has its active consideration according to the reality. Second, application of low frequency data, adopt GARCH model group of Shanghai gold business coherent actual gold AU (T+D) shake contract business to stop the empirical research, invention: AU (T+D) contract price fluctuation has GARCH effect, adopted the GARCH (1, 1), TGARCH (L, l), EGARCH (1, 1) and EGARCH (1, 1) compared with the characteristics of a M are shaken, can be a very good description of the contract under the EGARCH (1, 1) M model is the most appropriate description of the Shanghai gold exchange AU (T+D) shake charact asymmetric effect exist in Shanghai the gold business and the non, asymmetric effect effect is made by the internal impact is reduced to shake, (good news) effect is greater than the negative impact (bad news) the internal impact but this kin the Shanghai gold exchange gold AU (T+D) contract business industry The price of Treasury yield risk and return matching criterion. Third, the application of high frequency data, a series of empirical research on the fluctuation characteristic of day of gold &, including the statistical characteristics of yield under different frequency comparison, yield shake days discussion, form GARCH model family moved to hone and empirical& completed &empirical analysis shake the aspects of the analysis the empirical results below: 1. Department of comprehensive collecting all kinds of frequency& day gold &rate of return time series are said leptokurtic characteristics significantly, and collect the high frequency return time series of this kind of characteris according to& stop the business time characteristics through the day in the form of gold &study found that& day gold &shake appear inverted& W &or& M &type, form, structure and the gold market of this kind of global has the very big relations, also the reaction around the world was born Up to nearly twice the effect of Huai Xinwen domain gold market sequentially the concern level, American disc is the most lively, followed by the pan European, and A (3) the day gold &contract price that shake has very significant leverage effect, due to the impact of negative internal, Hongyuan by positive internal shock (good news) (about 0. Frequency collection of research take 6 times), &Tian Tong gold contract business price and yield risk and return matching criterion, TGARCH (1, 1) model is the model in the most appropriate description of& Tian Tong Jin & (4)& has been completed &shake and empowerment& completed &actual& day pass &shake of the invention and application of the two kinds of completed shake method calculates the shake the difference is not big, but the& empowerment &has been completed shake sequence has been completed& shake of the horizontal deflection is small, the distribution shape is more close to the normal distribution, the optimal frequency for 10 min in the footwall of empowerment &completed& shake the eve of the small one. 60 * 10 4. Analysis of a series of practical and empirical based on the test of the perfect Chinese gold market gives a series of countermeasures and suggestions.目录:摘要4-7Abstract7-81. 绪论13-32&&&&1.1 选题背景及意义13-16&&&&&&&&1.1.1 为什么研究市场微观结构13&&&&&&&&1.1.2 为什么研究黄金市场的微观结构13-14&&&&&&&&1.1.3 为什么研究中国黄金市场微观结构14-16&&&&1.2 研究文献综述16-27&&&&&&&&1.2.1 关于市场微观结构的文献综述16-23&&&&&&&&1.2.2 黄金市场相关文献综述23-25&&&&&&&&1.2.3 黄金市场微观结构相关文献综述25-26&&&&&&&&1.2.4 国内相关研究26-27&&&&1.3 研究内容及结构安排27-30&&&&&&&&1.3.1 研究内容27-28&&&&&&&&1.3.2 研究方法28-29&&&&&&&&1.3.3 本文结构29-30&&&&1.4 本文创新30-322. 世界黄金市场概述32-45&&&&2.1 世界黄金供需概况32-38&&&&2.2 世界黄金市场结构38-41&&&&2.3 世界黄金市场41-44&&&&&&&&2.3.1 世界黄金市场分类41-42&&&&&&&&2.3.2 世界黄金市场分布及主要黄金市场介绍42-44&&&&2.4 本章小结44-453. 金融市场微观结构理论概述45-54&&&&3.1 狭义的金融市场微观结构46-49&&&&3.2 广义的金融市场微观结构49-53&&&&&&&&3.2.1 广义的交易机制49-51&&&&&&&&3.2.2 市场绩效51-53&&&&3.3 本章小结53-544. 我国黄金市场发展历程及主要黄金交易所介绍54-68&&&&4.1 中国黄金市场的发展历程55-58&&&&&&&&4.1.1 统购统配时期55-56&&&&&&&&4.1.2 逐步开放时期56-57&&&&&&&&4.1.3 地方黄金交易所快速发展时期57&&&&&&&&4.1.4 清理整顿与创新并存时期57-58&&&&4.2 中国黄金现货交易国家级交易所——上海黄金交易所58-65&&&&&&&&4.2.1 上海黄金交易所成立背景58-59&&&&&&&&4.2.2 上海黄金交易所发展历程59-63&&&&&&&&4.2.3 上海黄金交易所黄金相关业绩63-65&&&&4.3 中国黄金现货交易地方性平台——天津贵金属交易所65-67&&&&&&&&4.3.1 天津贵金属交易所成立背景65-66&&&&&&&&4.3.2 天津贵金属交易所发展历程66-67&&&&4.4 本章小结67-685. 我国主要黄金市场微观结构68-85&&&&5.1 上海黄金交易所市场微观结构68-73&&&&&&&&5.1.1 狭义的市场微观结构68-70&&&&&&&&5.1.2 广义的市场微观结构70-73&&&&5.2 天津贵金属交易所黄金市场微观结构73-83&&&&&&&&5.2.1 狭义的市场微观结构73-74&&&&&&&&5.2.2 广义的市场微观结构74-79&&&&&&&&5.2.3 市场结构不完美性79&&&&&&&&5.2.4 市场不完美性在市场微观结构中的体现79-83&&&&5.3 本章小结83-856. 我国黄金市场市场准入机制的比较分析85-96&&&&6.1 市场准入机制和信用风险85-86&&&&&&&&6.1.1 信用风险的治理方式85-86&&&&&&&&6.1.2 黄金市场市场准入机制与信用风险86&&&&6.2 信用风险的代理成本86-91&&&&&&&&6.2.1 代理成本的构成86&&&&&&&&6.2.2 交易利润86-87&&&&&&&&6.2.3 各类代理成本具体分析87-91&&&&6.3 中国黄金市场准入机制对比分析91-95&&&&&&&&6.3.1 上海黄金交易所市场准入机制的纵向对比分析91-94&&&&&&&&6.3.2 上海黄金交易所和天津贵金属交易所市场准入机制的横向对比分析94-95&&&&6.4 本章小结95-967. 我国黄金市场运行绩效的实证研究96-134&&&&7.1 我国黄金市场流动性的实证研究97-107&&&&&&&&7.1.1 流动性衡量指标97-99&&&&&&&&7.1.2 上海黄金交易所流动性实证研究99-107&&&&7.2 上海黄金交易所波动性的实证研究107-117&&&&&&&&7.2.1 波动性建模一般理论107-112&&&&&&&&7.2.2 上海黄金交易所波动性实证研究112-117&&&&7.3 天津贵金属交易所波动性实证研究117-133&&&&&&&&7.3.1 金融市场高频时间序列的分析117-123&&&&&&&&7.3.2 “天通金”的基本统计特征和日内效应123-133&&&&7.4 本章小结133-1348. 结论与对策建议134-143&&&&8.1 本文的主要结论及不足134-139&&&&&&&&8.1.1 本文的主要理论观点134-137&&&&&&&&8.1.2 本文的主要实证结论137-138&&&&&&&&8.1.3 本文的不足之处及研究展望138-139&&&&8.2 完善中国黄金市场的对策建议139-143&&&&&&&&8.2.1 厘清两个市场的发展定位139-140&&&&&&&&8.2.2 完善上海黄金交易所市场微观结构的发展建议140-141&&&&&&&&8.2.3 完善天津贵金属交易所市场微观结构的发展建议141-143参考文献143-151致谢151-153在读期间科研成果目录153分享到:相关文献|


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