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29 Nov, 2013 @ 9:34am
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jak the man says:
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have helped pay for 7.71 hours of reddit server time.
daily reddit gold goal51%reddit gold gives you extra features and helps keep our servers running. We believe the more reddit can be user-supported, the freer we will be to make reddit the best it can be.Buy gold for yourself to gain access to  and . A month of gold pays for  231.26 minutes of reddit server time!Give gold to thank exemplary people and encourage them to post more.Yesterday's reddit gold goal100%sorted by: newHate is too strong a word. He annoys me, that's about it. I was referring to the faux philosophical stuff when I said you sound like him. Just busting your balls. Take care.
You sound like Jaden right now
I'm an anonymous person making a comment on reddit.
Men who are attention whores are douchebags.
Its like a Fivehead reddit meet-up.
Say wassup to all their foreheads for me.
Looks like an
Can confirm.
but she's not often in the spotlight.
Well, she is a baby after all.
She's not making those decisions yet.
I've never seen or read anything about this kid where I didn't think he was among the biggest of douchebags.
Or &When you think you're a fashion icon and the fashion world don't.&
What about Scotts life?
So, because he appeared calm and reasonable in the initial contact then he should be spared the death penalty?
I'm not saying he deserves the death penalty or not, I'm saying that in your mind he did until you saw that he appeared calm and reasonable at first?
His behavior before he murdered the guy has no bearing on anything.
Scott could have been returning from volunteer work in a church soup kitchen.
That also wouldn't matter whatsoever.
So you saw the cop shoot and kill the man in cold blood, stage a crime scene and lie about what happened on the radio to the dispatcher, but then another video shows him &calm and reasonable& before all of that so that other stuff isn't as bad as you initially judged it?
What part of the dash-cam video changed anything?
He still shot a man running away who posed zero threat to him and then tried to stage the scene.
Wh.. what?
This is the most underrated comment here haha
He's definitely not a gang banger if he got &sad& at that comment.
His forehead looks like its about to say
Translation: &I lied and told everyone I had these and now I have to prove it.&
In real life, when shit pops off you'll be begging for that blanket.
They got pills for that now though.
You could have tweeted this and uploaded your own content here. Good observation, though.
That's what she said.
93% found this funny.
I think people just go down the list and upvote everything.
The quality on this sub is lacking.
This would totally happen if the genders were reversed, too.
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