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Pr专业调色插件 Color Finesse Pl 3.0.10 for Premiere Pro CS – CC 2014 | CG资源网
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Synthetic Aperture Color Finesse 3.0.10 Pl for
Color Finesse 3是可以直接在 Pro中工作。你简单的访问,直接在主机应用程序的颜色校正以及通过专门的颜色娴熟的用户界面。
The Color Finesse 3 PI plug-in works directly in Premiere Pro. You get simple access to color correction directly in the host application as well as via the specialized Color Finesse user interface.
Most video editing software now has its own built-in color correction, but it’s often limited in capability, accuracy, and performance. Often you’ll need to combine several color correction filters to perform even simple correction. Each filter you add increases rounding error and image degradation. Color Finesse does all its color correction operations without needing to constantly convert formats and round, reducing errors and creating a pristine image.
Color Finesse offers more correction tools—including secondary color correction and curves—than are found in most built-in correctors.
Color Finesse 3.0新功能:
Includes 64-bit plug-ins for use with Adobe
CS5 and later and Premiere Pro CS5 and later.
The Macintosh version includes an FxPlug version of Color Finesse for use in Apple Final Cut Pro and Motion.
New Auto-Color and Auto-Exposure buttons give one-click access to your color correction starting point.
A new Vibrance control gives more refined control over image saturation. The Vibrance control is similar to that found in Adobe Lightroom.
New HSL curves let you control image saturation and lightness based on color hue.
A new Highlight Recovery tool provides a visually-pleasing way to recover overbright areas of the image which would normally be clipped.
Color Finesse can now export its color correction settings as a 3D LUT in a variety of formats, including Autodesk Lustre and Smoke, Academy LUT, Assimilate Scratch, Pogle, Truelight, Cine-tal, and LUTher.
The Color Finesse preview displays now automatically adjust to footage pixel aspect ratio, giving you a correctly formatted preview when working with anamorphic footage.
The Vectorscope has been enhanced with a zoom capability, making it easier to see detail when white and black balancing.
Color Finesse now supports the Tangent Wave control surface, in addition to our own Colorociter Colorist’s Workstation control surface.
Premiere Pro 2.0/CS3/CS4/CS5/CS5.5///CC 2014
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合作伙伴:Color Finesse 3专业调色插件 颜色校正 AE PR FCP7 64位 送教程
系统要求:Mac OSX 10.8,MacOSX 10.7 Lion,MacOSX 10.6.8
语言 : 英文版
版本:Color Finesse 3.04
支持软件: Adobe After Effects CS 3 CS 4 CS5、CS5.5、CS6.
Adobe Premiere ProCS 3 CS 4CS5 CS5.5 CS6
&Final Cut Pro 6/7
提供下载,付款时备注QQ邮箱,以便接收软件,此软件分 PC版和MAC版, 我们默认发送PC版, 如果需要MAC版的朋友, 请拍下后备注说明。
在对图像调色时,多数情况只是对亮部和暗部进行处理,而Color Finesse提供了对图像局部处理的能力,这个插件调色功能强大方便操作适用于After Effects和Premiere Pro。
Color Finesse提供了高端的颜色修正工具并提高了性能,而在此之前也仅仅是在专业的、高端颜色修正系统上才能做到;其特点是使用了32位的浮点颜色空间并有着惊人的分辩率和容度,可控制暗色调、中间调、高光的修正,可在HSL、RGB、CMY及YC6CR颜色空间上完成修正工作,自动的颜色比较和黑白灰平衡,自定义修正曲线,6个间色修正通道来选择和校正单独的失量颜色等等。“摇动”和”放大”工具用于预览图像,使它易于检查最终的修正结果,甚至当在小显示器上修正大的影片图像,也能观看修正后的图像细节。新增加了蒙版模式和ALPHA通道模式预览模式。对外部预览监视器的支持已被嵌入到新版的插件中,让你可以方便地在第二台监视器中查看颜色修正后的结果等。
Now you can have telecine-style color correction that fitsyourworkflow rather than imposing a new one. Color Finesse 3 gives you the high-end color correction and enhancement tools you need both as a plug-in for your favorite application―including After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Motion, and Premiere Pro―and as a standalone application. Because the standalone Color Finesse is not limited by restrictions imposed by a host application, it offers improved workflow, video handling, and project management.
Color Finesse 3 is cross-platform and works on systems from laptops to multi-processor workstations, without the need for specific video cards or multiple monitors. Settings move smoothly from plug-in to standalone so you can work the way you want to.
Color Finesse gives you full creative control over the color, mood, and look of your images quickly, easily, and accurately. The difference is visible when you use the best tool for the job.
Color Finesse as a Plug-in - Above and Beyond Built-in Color Correction
The Color Finesse 3 PI plug-in works directly in After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, and other hosts. You get simple access to color correction directly in the host application as well as via the specialized Color Finesse user interface.
Most video editing software now has its own built-in color correction, but it's often limited in capability, accuracy, and performance. Often you'll need to combine several color correction filters to perform even simple correction. Each filter you add increases rounding error and image degradation. Color Finesse does all its color correction operations without needing to constantly convert formats and round, reducing errors and creating a pristine image.
Color Finesse offers more correction tools―including secondary color correction and curves―than are found in most built-in correctors.
Three-point color correction is a powerful tool, but not when you're stuck with fixed definitions of what a highlight, midtone, and shadow is. Those definitions need to change from scene to scene, so Color Finesse gives you a simple tool to let you decide on the definitions, making three-point correction more intuitive and more effective.
And Color Finesse is a true 32-bit floating point color corrector, not just "floating point capable" and not in only a few correction tools.
Color Finesse as a Standalone Application - Color Correction Without Limits
The Color Finesse 3 standalone application focuses on just one thing: being the best color correction tool possible. Create your own projects or import one from Final Cut Pro via XML. Perform your color correction and output your final footage, or export it back to Final Cut.
Color Finesse 3 plays well with others. It handles QuickTime movies as well as image sequences. It supports image types from JPEG to BMP to TIFF to Targa to Cineon to DPX. It can import and export settings in ASC CDL, Photoshop, Discreet, and Quantel formats. It can preview footage via video cards from AJA, Blackmagic, and others.
Color Finesse 3 HD+ handles footage of all sizes, from standard def to HD to film.
Color Finesse 3 Feature Highlights
Available as both a plug-in and a standalone application.
Plug-in available in 32- and 64-bit flavors for compatibility with Adobe CS5 applications.
Macintosh version available as FxPlug for use in Final Cut Pro and Motion.
Uses 32-bit floating-point color space for incredible resolution and latitude.
User configurable control over shadows, midtones, and highlights, as well as overall correction.
Performs corrections in HSL, RGB, CMY, and YCbCr color spaces.
Automatic color matching and black, white, and gray balance.
Auto-Color and Auto-Exposure buttons give one-click access to your creative color grading starting point.
Custom correction curves in both RGB and HSL formats.
Vibrance control gives refined control over image saturation.
Six channel secondary color correction for selecting and correcting individual color vectors.
Reference images and split-screen wipe facilitate accurate color grading and matching.
Smart chroma and luma limiting ensures that even extreme color changes stay within "legal" limits without harsh clipping.
Highlight Recovery tools provides a visually-pleasing way to recover overbright areas of the image which would normally be clipped.
Waveform monitor, vectorscope, histogram, and correction curve displays give full visibility into the correction process.
Export color correction settings as 3D LUTs in a variety of formats, including Autodesk Lustre and Smoke, Academy LUT, Assimilate Scratch, Pogle, Truelight, Cine-tal, and LUTher.
Fully optimized for multiple processors and SSE/SSE2 on Intel processors and AltiVec (Velocity Engine) on PowerPC.
The plug-in has a simplified interface giving you access to the most commonly used color correction controls directly in the host application.
Scrub through the clip you're correcting and preview your work with realtime playback.
Direct communication with video preview hardware without additional software. Supported hardware includes FireWire/DV (Mac), Blackmagic (Mac/Windows) and AJA (Mac).
Preview lookup tables (LUTs) allow for accurate previewing.
Supports Colorociter Colorist's Workstation and Tangent Wave for tactile hardware control.
Includes User's Guide in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.
What's New in Color Finesse 3.0
Includes 64-bit plug-ins for use with Adobe After Effects CS5 and Premiere Pro CS5.
The Macintosh version includes an FxPlug version of Color Finesse for use in Apple Final Cut Pro and Motion.
New Auto-Color and Auto-Exposure buttons give one-click access to your color correction starting point.
A new Vibrance control gives more refined control over image saturation. The Vibrance control is similar to that found in Adobe Lightroom.
New HSL curves let you control image saturation and lightness based on color hue.
A new Highlight Recovery tool provides a visually-pleasing way to recover overbright areas of the image which would normally be clipped.
Color Finesse can now export its color correction settings as a 3D LUT in a variety of formats, including Autodesk Lustre and Smoke, Academy LUT, Assimilate Scratch, Pogle, Truelight, Cine-tal, and LUTher.
The Color Finesse preview displays now automatically adjust to footage pixel aspect ratio, giving you a correctly formatted preview when working with anamorphic footage.
The Vectorscope has been enhanced with a zoom capability, making it easier to see detail when white and black balancing.
Color Finesse now supports the Tangent Wave control surface, in addition to our own Colorociter Colorist's Workstation control surface.
Plug-in or Application - Your Choice
Color Finesse 3 is available a both a plug-in and as a standalone application, letting you choose the way you want to do color correction. The three flavors of Color Finesse are:
Color Finesse 3 PI - The Color Finesse 3 plug-in. An After Effects-compatible plug-in, it also works in Premiere Pro and other applications. On the Macintosh, Color Finesse 3 PI also includes a compatible FxPlug for use in Apple Final Cut Pro and Motion.
Color Finesse 3 LE - The "Limited Edition" plug-in. It has the same features as Color Finesse 3 PI, except that it works only in After Effects 7.0, CS3, CS4, and CS5. This version is available only as an upgrade from the Color Finesse 1.5 or 2.1 LE plug-in which was bundled with After Effects 6.5 through CS4.
Color Finesse 3 HD+ - The Color Finesse 3 standalone application which is resolution independent. This version works with resolutions from standard def to HD to film. Orders for Color Finesse 3 HD+ will also include Color Finesse 3 PI so that you have acesss to both the plug-in and the application.
Flexible Controls
Control the gain, gamma, pedestal, hue and saturation of your images. Work in HSL, RGB, CMY, or YCbCr color spaces. Control the overall image, or work with individual color channels. Flexibility is the key to getting just the look you want, and flexibility is what Color Finesse offers with its myriad controls and tools.
Individually adjustable color channel curves (both RGB and HSL) let you define exactly how color levels will be processed. Levels control determine input and output black, white, and gray points.
Secondary Color Correction
Want to change the color of a scarf or punch up a bland gray sky? Color Finesse's six-channel secondary color corrector allows you to isolate up to six separate colors which can be adjusted for hue, saturation, and hue offset. Each of the six channels defines a color range based on up to four color samples with settable luma and chroma tolerance, and a range softness control, allowing you to easily isolate colors without harsh edges.
Single Button Color Correction
Color Finesse 3's new Auto-Color and Auto-Exposure buttons give one-click access to your color correction starting point, eliminating color casts, improper white balance, and establishing your black and white points.
Automated Color Matching
Need to match the color in one frame to a color in another frame? Color Finesse provides single-button color matching to provide natural-looking color matches without fiddling.
Smart Color Limiting and Soft-Clip
Color Finesse's 32-bit floating-point color space allows you to make radical changes in color and luma levels without clipping, but before final output you'll need to bring things back into range. Color Finesse provides accurate luma soft-clipping, as well as color limiting to meet NTSC and PAL broadcast standards.
Plug-in User Interface
The plug-in user interface gives you access to the most commonly used correction controls directly in the host application. Available controls include HSL and RGB corrections, the hue offset wheels, curves, the auto-correction buttons, and the broadcast limiter.
You don't need to invoke the full Color Finesse UI just to make simple changes, although it's always there when you want it.
High-Performance Correction
Color correction is important, but no one has all day to wait for it. That's why Color Finesse is optimized for use on multi-processor systems, and takes full advantage of the SSE/SSE2 instructions on Intel processor systems, and the PowerPC AltiVec (Velocity Engine) instructions on Macintosh G4 and G5 systems.
And as a software color corrector, Color Finesse 3 doesn't require a specific video card, specific type of slot, or limit you to workstation-style systems with multiple monitors. Use Color Finesse on a laptop, on a desktop system, or anything else you'd like.
In order to achieve this performance, Color Finesse 3 requires an Intel Pentium 4 or later system, or a PowerPC G4 or G5.
Telecine Suite Tools
Color Finesse also provides the monitoring tools you would expect to find in a telecine suite, including waveform monitor, vectorscope, histograms, and correction curve displays. Displays are available individually or in a convenient combination display.
Preview and Reference Options
While making your color corrections, Color Finesse previews your results with options for split-screen wipes to easily compare before-and-after images. The split can be done at any angle to make it easy to compare the part of the image that matters to you.
A reference gallery of images make it easy to compare frames from different scenes to accomplish color matching.
Previews can be directed to a second computer monitor for full size previews, or sent to an external video monitor via a FireWire (Mac only) or other video output device, including AJA Kona (Mac only), Blackmagic Design, and nVidia Quadro SDI (Windows only).
All previews can make use of LUTs to ensure accuracy
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