
作者:&作者本人请参看导师姓名:&学位授予单位:&授予学位:硕士学位年度:2012专业:&关键词:&&&&摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)本文旨在引见以Trados为代表的盘算机帮助翻译软件在科技英语翻译中的运用。以后,年夜多半科技学术著作、论文和材料均由英语写成,要控制这些常识,就须要翻译,同时,因为这些文献的数目增加敏捷,人们关于科技英语翻译就提出了更高的请求,既请求翻译的精确性,也请求翻译的时效性。在这类情形下,传统的纯人工翻译曾经不克不及知足人们日趋增加的翻译需求。以Trados为代表的盘算机帮助翻译软件的涌现,在必定水平上减缓了传统人工翻译与人们赓续增加的翻译需求之间的抵触。这些软件应用翻译记忆技巧,贮存已有的译文,以备舌人今后应用,极年夜地加重了舌人的任务累赘。论文第一章对以后科技英语翻译和盘算机帮助翻译的根本情形做一简略引见,指出应用Trados等软件帮助翻译势在必行。第二章剖析了科技英语的体裁学特色,以为科技英语是非常合适应用盘算机帮助翻译软件的一种体裁。第三章对机械翻译和盘算机帮助翻译停止了扼要引见,指出两者是一个既互相差别又互相接洽的概念,一种技巧的成长,势必激发另外一种技巧的变更。论文第四章分离引见了Trados的组件和翻译流程,剖析了Trados帮助翻译的优势,指出应用此类软件必能明显进步翻译效力,同时也剖析了以后Trados所存在的缺乏,提出了一些处理假想。Abstract:This paper is intended to introduce the application of computer aid in the translation of scientific and Technological English by Trados. Later, most of the scientific and technological academic books, papers and materials are written in English, to control these common sense, it is necessary to translate, at the same time, because the number of these documents is increasing, people on the translation of scientific and technical English, the request, the accuracy of the translation, but also the timeliness of translation. In this kind of situation, the traditional manual translation has been unable to meet people's increasing demand for translation. The computer is represented by Trados with the help of translation software to emerge, to a certain extent slowed down the conflict between traditional manual translation and translation of people increasing demand. These software applications of translation memory skills, storage of the existing translation, to prepare for the future application of the tongue, greatly increased the burden of the tongue. The first chapter of this paper is to introduce the basic situation of the translation of scientific English translation and computer aid translation, and point out that the application of Trados and other software to help translation is imperative. In the second chapter, it analyzes the characteristics of science and technology English, which is a kind of genre that is suitable for the application of computer to help the translation software. In the third chapter, the paper gives a brief introduction to the translation of machine translation and computer. It is pointed out that the two is a concept, which is different from each other. The fourth chapter of the paper introduces the components and the translation process of Trados, and analyzes the advantages of Trados to help the translation, and points out that the application of this software will improve the translation efficiency, and also analyzes the lack of Trados in the future.目录:摘要5-6Abstract61 导言8-10&&&&1.1 写作背景8&&&&1.2 写作目的8-9&&&&1.3 研究现状9-102 科技英语的语言特点10-12&&&&2.1 科技英语的词汇特点10&&&&2.2 科技英语的句法特点10-11&&&&2.3 科技英语的篇章特点11-123 机器翻译与计算机辅助翻译概述12-14&&&&3.1 机器翻译12&&&&3.2 计算机辅助翻译12-14&&&&&&&&3.2.1 计算机辅助软件的主要模块13&&&&&&&&3.2.2 主流计算机辅助翻译软件13-144 Trados辅助翻译的应用及评价14-20&&&&4.1 Trados组件14-15&&&&4.2 Trados辅助翻译流程15-16&&&&4.3 使用Trados辅助科技英语翻译的优势16-17&&&&&&&&4.3.1 Trados处理词语的优势16&&&&&&&&4.3.2 Trados处理句子、语篇的优势16-17&&&&4.4 Trados辅助翻译软件的不足17-20&&&&&&&&4.4.1 术语库的不足17-18&&&&&&&&4.4.2 匹配率的不足18-205 结语:机器翻译和计算机辅助翻译的前景20-21参考文献21-22致谢22原价:¥20.00元折价:¥5.00元分享到:相关文献|当前位置: &
Particularly strongly to thank my thesis advisor and selfless guidance and help, he told me, patiently to help carry out the modifications and improvements of the paper.
In particular, to strongly like to thank my thesis advisor, and he told me to be the selfless guidance and help, go to all that trouble to help modify and improve the paper.
Must thank my paper especially to instruct teacher intensely, he has carried on the selfless instruction and the help to me, takes great pains the help carries on the paper the revision and the improvement.
Particularly strong thanks to my thesis advisor, he conducted impartial guidance and help to me, never get tired of helping make theses changes and improvements.
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The main objective of this essay is to find out
the necessary and sufficient conditions for special integrating factor to exist in non-appropriate differential equations, in order to improve the conversion process of non-appropriate into appropriate differential equations, and derive valid solutions eventually.
求毕业论文摘要英文翻译 不要机器翻译 最好是英语专业的同学帮忙翻译一下 非常感谢!!!
求毕业论文摘要英文翻译 不要机器翻译 最好是英语专业的同学帮忙翻译一下 非常感谢!!!
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As a new public service mechanism and government management mode, privatization has become the main direction of public service reform in many countries. Recent years witnessed both the achievements and problems in the process of China’s privatization of public service. On the basis of relevant theories, this paper makes an analysis on the situation of China’s public service, discussing its characteristics and problems. Suggestions are thereafter put forward for the promotion of reform in this field.(负责的翻译)
北京环球博文翻译有限责任公司,是一家专业翻译公司和软件本地化公司,我翻译公司致力于翻译及软件本地化业务,可译英语、日语、法语、德语、西班牙语等90 多种语言。
说出您感谢的话:求高手帮忙~~ 毕业论文的英语版论文摘要。 以下是中文.不要翻译软件翻译的那种..十分感谢~~跪求 ~sb赵誉博sky|四级"Journey to the west" is a representative with rich symbolic novels are, in the works of the autho_百度作业帮
求高手帮忙~~ 毕业论文的英语版论文摘要。 以下是中文.不要翻译软件翻译的那种..十分感谢~~跪求 ~sb赵誉博sky|四级"Journey to the west" is a representative with rich symbolic novels are, in the works of the autho
求高手帮忙~~ 毕业论文的英语版论文摘要。 以下是中文.不要翻译软件翻译的那种..十分感谢~~跪求 ~sb赵誉博sky|四级"Journey to the west" is a representative with rich symbolic novels are, in the works of the author Wu Chengen focus on shaping the typical image of Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and a series of. Sun Wukong is " journey to the west " in the first heroine, is a great hero. He has infinite ability, fearless, with indomitable
he has great heroes of extraordinary magnanimity, also like to hear a com he is brave and humorous wit a good downtown. " Journey to the west " in a pig, people always put him and " lazy, egoistic ", " harm others to benefit oneself, forget honour at the prospect of profits ", not good together, although he has many shortcomings, but we didn't think his ugly and disgusting.
西游记是一部充满丰富人物性格的小说的代表,在作品西游记中作者吴承恩主要塑造了孙悟空,猪八戒和沙僧这三个典型的人物。孙悟空是第一个出场的英雄, 一个无与伦比的大英雄,孙悟空法力无限,勇敢并且带有反叛精神。他有大英雄的非凡气度,也有爱听一些恭维话的毛病。他机智勇敢诙谐爱闹。在西游记中,人们把猪八戒看成是一个懒惰,自我,损人利己,贪财忘义,不适合一起的角色。尽管他有很多缺点,我们依然不觉得他丑陋,恶心。


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