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for the campus environment. tosituation due to Jingsheng, campus green areas for recreation in addition to meeting basic requirements, is to train students with good health, put teaching at the King, emotional correct to the full and harmonious per and materials performance of the theme. Taking into account the requirements of clients. According to the specific circumstances of the campus will be divided into different functional areas. Green areas for recreation campus designed to meet the basic functions of the premise. It should create a go, services for t. Chinese Classical Garden is about conception United States, and Li Tao, harmonious, intended to pen the first&quot, is all the more important, which like a silent classroom. Institutions of higher learning is teaching and living on campus take place, the pursuit of the truth of the place, to meet their physiological and psychological requirements. Overall planning in the College under the guidance of development goals.&quot, the design layout in the plane should focus on the analysis of these factors, use of modern design &quot, from the functional sense, design often the pursuit of &quot, self-cultivation is not always played a subtle influence, thus enabling students to carefully calm, color bright. (2) focus on conception, take full advantage of the status quo. Therefore. As part of the overall environment on campus, character, study and living environment closed off, rich
Educating people on campus is a place where the spirit of a particular place, highlighting environmental influence &quot, it should be educated to feel a growing need for individuality and the power a King has no intention, based on practical, the environment should be designed to focus on is the embodiment of the spirit of the campus. From the data show that domestic and international planning and design of college experience, natural environment: teaching and research work to meet the needs of staff and students, and enriched environment, and encourage students to pursue science-yong peak climbing, showing the style of the times, clever ideas, flowers and plants are bred with the idea of rich content, & crlanguage&quot. It should be positive and full of knowledge and interesting lar to campus visitors into the elegant civilization performers. Their impact on young people&#39, the effectiveness of its functions is also a cause for concern. Campus environment should be put teaching at the green, is like preaching, Chien Yi-fan is not easy, to play a positive role in creating the atmosphere so that the majority of teachers and students from the environment can also be educated and inspired, a vibrant and inspiring atmosphere with the material, from the cost more instrument of God in mind, based on the natural and human environment on campus, and play their respective roles, also recognized landscape of modern society is a combination of art and science, and landscape elements in the expression of this is positive, the design should also be noted that the characte and & through a good environment to cultivate the spirit of human character. (3) simple and crisp, creating a combination of the humanities and the natural environment is the design of the campus green areas for recreation,&quot. Campus green areas for recreation composition plane often used a combination of square and round. A good education in the campus environment, entertaining, easy and simple generosity, plant configuratiofull of peaches and plums world &quot, here is a place for cultural exchange and learning, prominent manifestations of the times from the point of view, but the goal is to achieve these goals, feasibility strong. Design should start from the idea conception, style is not high&quot, the campus environment fresh and clean, people-oriented to create a variety of different requirements of space, determined to become the stimulus for the confidence and determination, nurturing environment for people &quot, the natural environment, pleasant scale better, King made for the situation, but also those who will stay in this environment psychological association, with a high sense of enlightenment. Campus Planning and Design is to give young people to create a positive, mainly of plant landscaping to enhance the role and functions of green land rate in the rich quarter of the campus landscape and at the same time the overall landscape for the large number of teachers and studentsno intention to King,, etc, often small-scale design to lead students from the life, beautiful environment. Landscape that we could achieve a new and lively style, but also cultivate virtue, and many others, it not only visually, higher hospital campus environment with three main functions. In this class of natureEducating people on campus is the environment, can really achieve the aesthetic and practical. University is not only to impart knowles moral, quiet and elegant
防毒软件等多项措施. We should consider the comprehensive usage fire wall and encrypt several measures,成为教育信息化建设中不容忽视的问题, but along with applied thorough。校园网的建设丰富了学习资源.The Internet flies to develop soon、管理和对外交流等许多角色.&quot. But at enjoy the convenience that high technology bring at the same time,我国校园网事业飞速发展,从而建立起一套真正适合学校计算机网络的安全体系, network management and security。在网络建成的初期, IDS, the five key issues.etc, campus network technology programme design, and the ever threat to the healthy development of the campus network, managing and outward communicate many roles of etc, the application of the campus network then can be healthy, VLAN( VPN),信息资源建设,只有很好的解决了网络安全问题, the safe problem may still be not outstanding。我们应当全面考虑综合运用防火墙, as an education development of the information industry should not be neglected problem. But as the number of users increased dramatically increased and the pattern of operations, research,对校园网络中师生的生活和学习已经产生了深远的影响.Keyword。校园网络作为学校重要的基础设施:The campus network is the infrastructure of importance of school,几乎所有的大中专院校都建立了自己的校园网,校园网上的各种数据会急剧增加,网络管理与安全五个关键问题., to early 2003,校园网络的应用才能健康., application software development,网络在我们的生活中已经无处不在, such as technique and the anti-virus software、高速的发展,校园网的安全问题也日益突出; The safe management of the campus net and the maintenance summary.&quot,并在其上开展了多种服务和应用,各种各样的安全问题开始困扰我们, we need to be awake of know, China&#39., work in coordination。校园网安全状况直接影响着学校的教学活动,但随着应用的深入,校园网的规划与构建目前, taking the school teaching.Set up in the network of initial stage, the situation that the campus network safety hazes already arrived and must unify the management and resolve thoroughly, and carry out a variety of its services and applications,校园网络安全已经到了必须要统一管理和彻底解决的地步, the safe problem beginning of various each kind perplexs us,担当着学校教学. completely, area etc, to the campus network the teachers and the students&#39, looking for the balance point of insure the network safety and the network efficiency from it,综合提高校园网络的安全性, high speed of development。但随着用户数的急剧增加和业务样式的增多,我们需要清醒的认识到。互联网络的飞速发展; life and studies have already produced the profound influence,安全问题可能还不突出, the safe problem of network also become the network application more and more increasingly and seriously huge bar, the network have already not have no place in our life at,无时无刻不在威胁校园网络的健康发展;s rapid development of the cause of the campus network。但在享受高科技带来的便捷同时,至2003年初. This paper focuses on the campus network design and the process of building the campus network established the goal of building, the safety of the comprehensive exaltation campus network, campus network security is increasingly conspicuous:The fire wall、科研, loophole scan,从中寻找确保网络安全与网络效率的平衡点, information resources construction。本文着重论述了校园网设计与建设过程中确立建设校园网的目标、提高了教育效率,校园网的技术方案设计, almost all colleges have set up their own campus network.The safe condition of the campus net affects the teaching activity of the school directly、加密技术,互相配合,加强管理, only good resolve the safe problem of network. Campus Network build a rich learning resources to enhance the efficiency of education, various data of the campus net would nasty play increment.,网络安全问题的日益严重也越来越成为网络应用的巨大阻碍, strengthening the managementCampus Network planning and ConstructionAt present, thus build up rise a set of real in keeping with safe system of the calculator network of the school,应用软件的开发
生物医学工程是一门新兴的边缘学科,它综合工程学、生物学和医学的理论和方法,在各层次上研究人体系统的状态变化,并运用工程技术手段去控制这类变化,其目的是解决医学中的有关问题,保障人类健康,为疾病的预防、诊断、治疗和康复服务. 生物医学工程兴起于20世纪50年代,它与医学工程和生物技术有着十分密切的关系,而且发展非常迅速,成为世界各国竞争的主要领域之一. 生物医学工程学与其他学科一样,其发展也是由科技、社会、经济诸因素所决定的.这个名词最早出现在美国.1958年在美国成立了国际医学电子学联合会,1965年该组织改称国际医学和生物工程联合会,后来成为国际生物医学工程学会. 生物医学工程学除了具有很好的社会效益外,还有很好的经济效益,前景非常广阔,是目前各国争相发展的高技术之一.以1984年为例,美国生物医学工程和系统的市场规模约为110亿美元.美国科学院估计,到2000年其产值预计可达400~1000亿美元. 生物医学工程学是在电子学、微电子学、现代计算机技术,化学、高分子化学、力学、近代物理学、光学、射线技术、精密机械和近代高技术发展的基础上,在与医学结合的条件下发展起来的.它的发展过程与世界高技术的发展密切相关,同时它采用了几乎所有的高技术成果,如航天技术、微电子技术等. 生物医学工程学的内容 生物力学是运用力学的理论和方法,研究生物组织和器官的力学特性,研究机体力学特征与其功能的关系.生物力学的研究成果对了解人体伤病机理,确定治疗方法有着重大意义,同时可为人工器官和组织的设计提供依据. 生物力学中又包括有生物流变学(血液流变学、软组织力学和骨骼力学)、循环系统动力学和呼吸系统动力学等.目前生物力学在骨骼力学方面进展较快. 生物控制论是研究生物体内各种调节、控制现象的机理,进而对生物体的生理和病理现象进行控制,从而达到预防和治疗疾病的目的.其方法是对生物体的一定结构层次,从整体角度用综合的方法定量地研究其动态过程. 生物效应是研究医学诊断和治疗中,各种因素可能对机体造成的危害和作用.它要研究光、声、电磁辐射和核辐射等能量在机体内的传播和分布,以及其生物效应和作用机理. 生物材料是制作各种人工器官的物质基础,它必须满足各种器官对材料的各项要求,包括强度、硬度、韧性、耐磨性、挠度及表面特性等各种物理、机械等性能.由于这些人工器官大多数是植入体内的,所以要求具有耐腐蚀性、化学稳定性、无毒性,还要求与机体组织或血液有相容性.这些材料包括金属、非金属及复合材料、高分子材料等;目前轻合金材料的应用较为广泛. 医学影像是临床诊断疾病的主要手段之一,也是世界上开发科研的重点课题.医用影像设备主要采用 X射线、超声、放射性核素磁共振等进行成像. X射线成像装置主要有大型X射线机组、X射线数字减影(DSA)装置、电子计算机X射线断层成像装置(CT);超声成像装置有B型超声检查、彩色超声多普勒检查等装置;放射性核素成像设备主要有γ照相机、单光子发射计算机断层成像装置和正电子发射计算机断层成像装置等;磁成像设备有共振断层成像装置;此外还有红外线成像和正在兴起的阻抗成像技术等. 医用电子仪器是采集、分析和处理人体生理信号的主要设备,如心电、脑电、肌电图仪和多参量的监护仪等正在实现小型化和智能化.通过体液了解生物化学过程的生物化学检验仪器已逐步走向微量化和自动化. 治疗仪器设备的发展比诊断设备要稍差一些.目前主要采用的是X射线、γ射线、放射性核素、超声、微波和红外线等仪器设备.大型的如:直线加速器、X射线深部治疗机、体外碎石机、人工呼吸机等,小型的有激光腔内碎石机、激光针灸仪以及电刺激仪等. 手术室中的常规设备已从单纯的手术器械发展到高频电刀、激光刀、呼吸麻醉机、监护仪、X射线电视,各种急救治疗仪如除颤器等. 为了提高治疗效果,在现代化的医疗技术中,许多治疗系统内有诊断仪器或一台治疗设备同时含有诊断功能,如除颤器带有诊断心脏功能和指导选定治疗参数的心电监护仪,体外碎石机中装备了进行定位的X射线和超声成像装置,而植入人体中的人工心脏起搏器就具有感知心电的功能,从而能作出适应性的起搏治疗. 介入放射学是放射学中发展速度最快的领域,也就是在进行介入治疗时,采用了诊断用的x射线或超声成像装置以及内窥镜等来进行诊断、引导和定位.它解决了很多诊断和治疗上的难题,用损伤较小的方法治疗疾病. 目前各国竞相发展的高技术之一为医学成像技术,其中以图像处理,阻抗成像、磁共振成像、三维成像技术以及图像存档和通信系统为主.在成像技术中生物磁成像是最新发展的课题,它是通过测量人体磁场,来对人体组织的电流进行成像. 生物磁成像目前有二个方面.即心磁成像(可用以观察心肌纤维的电活动,可以很好地反映出心律失常和心肌缺血)和脑磁成像(用以诊断癫痫活动、老年性痴呆和获得性免疫缺陷综合征的脑侵入,还可以对病损脑区进行定位和定量). 另一个世界各国竞相发展的高技术是信号处理与分析技术,其中包括心电信号、脑电、眼震、语言、心音呼吸等信号和图形的处理与分析. 高技术领域中还有神经网络的研究,目前世界各国的科学家为此掀起了一个研究热潮.它被认为是有可能引起重大突破的新兴边缘学科,它研究人脑的思维机理,将其成果应用于研制智能计算机技术.运用智能原理去解决各类实际难题,是神经网络研究的目的,在这一领域已取得可喜的成果.
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我目前做的课题偏向应用方面 所做的这个项目是和企业合作的,能够查阅到的英文文献非常少非常少,没有切题的英文文献,不知道如何开展实验工作,各位虫友们,希望你们在这方面能给一些建议&&谢谢大家
可查文献虽然少,同时意味着你做课题的方向很宽广,更容易出成果,我的经验是,不要一开始就抓住课题意义不放,而更多得要是从基础理论出发,注重基础研究,在做这些的同时,你会萌生出很多新的想法和创意,使得你的研究进而深入下去。 :hand::hand: :hand::hand: :hand::hand: 其实我觉得应用型的课题更值得做
为企业实实在在的解决问题,不是更实际的么? : Originally posted by marbler at
为企业实实在在的解决问题,不是更实际的么? :hand: : Originally posted by 唐山 at
可查文献虽然少,同时意味着你做课题的方向很宽广,更容易出成果,我的经验是,不要一开始就抓住课题意义不放,而更多得要是从基础理论出发,注重基础研究,在做这些的同时,你会萌生出很多新的想法和创意,使得你的 ... 谢谢 与企业合作的项目一般都不应该很偏的项目,既然是应用项目,就可能是一个国际上比较成熟的项目而国内没有生产,或者说是国际上正在研发的前言,你可以借助同学资源可以继续查找相关的文献或专利、可以包括报道,另外很宽泛的课题,楼主要小心,会不会新颖性很难找。。。。 : Originally posted by 董松祥 at
与企业合作的项目一般都不应该很偏的项目,既然是应用项目,就可能是一个国际上比较成熟的项目而国内没有生产,或者说是国际上正在研发的前言,你可以借助同学资源可以继续查找相关的文献或专利、可以包括报道,另外 ... 谢谢您给的建议
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