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SOMA 2015 for mac (0) 《活体脑细胞》
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《SOMA》(又称《活体脑细胞》)是由《失忆症》系列开发商Frictional Games制作的科幻恐怖游戏,游戏希望为玩家们带来一波新的恐怖狂潮。本作使用的是《失忆症》引擎的升级版,而玩家在游戏中将扮演一名被困在一个噩梦般世界中的无助的人。
Screenshot 软件截屏:
System requirements 系统要求:
OS X 10.7 or Later
Links password 下载密码(百度云链接密码):
&&&&&&&&百度云密码: 4yd6
Download links 下载地址:&
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Publisher's description
Freegate is an anti-censorship software that provides users secure and fast Internet access. Freegate works by tapping into an anti-censorship backbone, DynaWeb. This way, you can access web sites overseas as fast as your local ones. Freegate requires no installation or changes in your system.


