求毕业论文摘要在线日语翻译器 不要日语翻译器器直译 在线等 谢谢

Sand monk is our country ancient novel "journey to the west" in the figure, he looks ugly, but simple and honest personality, abide by the Buddhism commandment, bears the burden of responsibility.求翻译成韩语 不要翻译器翻译的 很急 在线等 谢谢啦徐志摩这首《偶然》,很可能仅仅是一首情诗,是写给一位偶然相爱一场而后又天各一方的情人的。不过,这首诗的意象已超越了它自身_百度作业帮
求翻译成韩语 不要翻译器翻译的 很急 在线等 谢谢啦徐志摩这首《偶然》,很可能仅仅是一首情诗,是写给一位偶然相爱一场而后又天各一方的情人的。不过,这首诗的意象已超越了它自身
求翻译成韩语 不要翻译器翻译的 很急 在线等 谢谢啦徐志摩这首《偶然》,很可能仅仅是一首情诗,是写给一位偶然相爱一场而后又天各一方的情人的。不过,这首诗的意象已超越了它自身。我们完全可以把此诗看作是人生的感叹曲。人生的路途上,有着多少偶然的交会,又有多少美好的东西,仅仅是偶然的交会,永不重复。无论是缠绵的亲情,还是动人的友谊,无论是伟大的母爱,还是纯真的童心,无论是大街上会心的一笑,还是旅途中倾心的三言两语,都往往是昙花一现,了无踪影。那些消逝了的美,那些消逝的爱,又有多少能够重新降临。时间的魔鬼带走了一切。对于天空中的云影偶尔闪现在波心,实在是“不必讶异,更无须欢喜。”更何况在人生茫茫无边的大海上,心与心之间有时即使跋涉无穷的时日,也无法到达彼岸。每一个人都有每一个人的方向,我们偶然地相遇,又将匆匆地分别,永无再见的希望。那些相遇时互放的“光亮”,那些相遇时互相倾注的情意,“记得也好,最好你忘掉”。
徐志摩这首《偶然》,很可能仅仅是一首情诗,是写给一位偶然相爱一场而后又天各一方的情人的。서지모의 이 은 단 한편 시일수도 있지만 우연...&& 查看话题
翻译软件不行?网上有很多翻译的软件可以试试. 楼主试试google翻译吧,然后自己调顺序。 可以到此版块发布:http://emuch.net/bbs/forumdisplay.php?fid=278 : Originally posted by annieyook at
翻译软件不行?网上有很多翻译的软件可以试试. 谢谢。试过了。老师说不行。好忧伤。 搞笑的很。自己毕业还翻译不出自己的摘要?
你学习这个专业干什么呢 :D 这个确定是比较蛋疼啊,本科的要求哦,慢慢翻译了给老师改改,你也不可能全部都是人家给你翻译啊! Foam extinguishing agent is the most common and effective save oil fire extinguishing agent. Existing ordinary two-phase foam extinguishing agent is very easy to broken under the action of the fire, the shortcomings of easy again. Added in the normal foam liquid solid particles (cenosphere) and then using the physical and mechanical stirring way filling the air in great quantities, form contains air, water and solid particles of the three-phase foam extinguishing agent. Gum Arabic (xanthan gum) aqueous solution, cenosphere and foam compound with three-phase foam system are obtained. This paper emphatically carried out the following several aspects:
1. The additive of hollow microsphere, three-phase foam foaming performance impact. When gum Arabic content lower than 1%, xanthan gum 1%, cenosphere three-phase foam foaming height changed little, and when the gum Arabic content more than 9% (1% xanthan gum), after the bubble, the mixture of foaming capacity is decreased obviously. For different system of foaming agent, and synthetic foam foaming ability.
2. The additive effect on cenosphere three-phase foam stability. Arabic gum and xanthan gum on performance of hollow microsphere, the stability of the foam mixture has significant effect. Results show that the bubble concentration was 1%, cenosphere adding amount was 1%, the Arabic gum and xanthan glue solution were 1% and 1% respectively, the amount of cenosphere three-phase foam stability performance is best.
3. The additives on cenosphere three-phase foam alcohol burn resistance performance impact. Arabic gum and xanthan gum burning experiments show that when the concentration of gum Arabic was 1% (1% xanthan gum concentration), the hollow glass microballoon adding amount was 1%, the foam liquid concentration was 1%, the three-phase foam forming dense layer heated surface, can isolate effectively to internal heat transfer, increase the fire resistance obviously.
4. Additives on cenosphere three-phase foam extinguishing and reburn resistance effects. Oil pan fire extinguishing experiment showed that adding gum Arabic cenosphere three-phase foam (S) than the ordinary two phase synthetic foam extinguishing time is long. Adding xanthan gum cenosphere three-phase foam (S/AR) and the ordinary two phase synthetic foam extinguishing time, there was no significant difference compared with the ordinary alcohol resistant foam extinguishing time, adding xanthan gum cenosphere three-phase foam (AR) of extinguishing time is 1 times of ordinary alcohol resistant foam.
Add the Arabic gum and xanthan gum reburn resistance of hollow microsphere, three-phase foam has a decisive role. Compared with the synthetic foam, add Arabic gum and xanthan gum cenosphere three-phase foam under the flame thermal radiation can form dense solid layer, which showed a better ability to resist again. 楼主,google翻译不错的,可以试一试求日语翻译,不要翻译器的哈。谢谢, 求日语翻译,不要翻译器的哈。
求日语翻译,不要翻译器的哈。谢谢 中温白土のS嗡跷侍猡扦工沥细Фサ喙哇备诺硭─辘蓼筏郡6连蛙用。成田さんに无ければ余明中に闻きます。 小猪的媚媚 求日语翻译,不要翻译器的哈。谢谢
中温白土 是专业名词么
这个求确认翻译如下:关于中温粘土的收缩问题,土的方面有问题么已经拜托成田先生了如果没有的话 明天天亮了再去询问(或者听取)你看看吧 亲


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