设备管理系统外文文献pr 中英文对照对照的

急求一篇关于成本管理的中英文对照文献!中文要有5000字左右 希望各位达人相助 中英文对照的和成本管理有关的都行 比如作业成本法 价值链 现代战略成本管理之类的 要5000个字左右啊
您好: 在企业经营活动中,物流是渗透到各项经营活动之中的活动.物流成本就是用金额评价物流活动的实际情况.现代物流成本是指从原材料供应开始一直囊括到将商品送达到消费者手上所发生的全部物流费用.由于物流成本没有被列入企业的财务会计制度,制造企业习惯将物流费用计入产品成本,商业企业则把物流费用与商品流通费用混在一起.因此,无论是制造企业还是商业企业,不仅难以按照物流成本的内涵完整地计算出物流成本,而且连已经被生产领域或流通领域分割开来的物流成本,也不能单独真实地计算并反映出来. 无论是企业物流还是物流企业,如何对自身物流资源进行优化配置,如何实施管理和决策,以期用最小的成本带来最大的效益,都是它们所面临的最重要问题之一.物流被看作是制造企业最后的也是最有希望降低成本、提高效益的环节. 企业物流总成本 对物流成本进行分类可以向管理者提供更多对决策产生影响的细节问题,但企业的物流活动是按照功能的不同来组织进行的,如订单处理、运输等,而且大多数企业采用帐户划分成本,物流成本无法单独列示,因此,划分物流成本任务艰巨. 企业物流成本是指企业进行采购、销售、生产等与物流相关活动的成本总和.物流总成本是企业管理物流运作的重要指标,如何在不降低服务水平的前提下,降低物流总成本是企业的一项经营目标. 运输成本:运输成本是指企业对原材料在制品以及成品的所有运输活动所造成的费用,包括直接运输费用和管理费用.为降低物流总成本需要严格控制在运输方面的开支,加强对运输的经济核算. 存货持有成本:一般来说,存货可以占到制造商资产的20%以上.存货持有成本有些概念区分模糊,难以确定,所以,目前许多公司只是以当前的银行利率乘以存货价值再加上其它一些费用,作为存货持有成本.实际上,存货持有成本包括存货资金占用成本、存货服务成本、存货风险成本和调价损失等. 仓储成本:大多数仓储成本不随存货水平变动而变动,而是随存储地点的多少而变.仓储成本包括仓库租金、仓库折旧、设备折旧、装卸费用、货物包装材料费用和管理费等. 批量成本:批量成本包括生产准备成本、物料搬运成本、计划安排和加速作业成本以及因转产导致生产能力丧失等. 缺货损失:缺货成本是指由于不能满足客户订单或需求所造成的销售利润损失. 订单处理及信息成本:订单处理是指从客户下订单开始到客户收到货物为止,这一过程中所有单据处理活动,与订单处理相关活动的费用属于订单处理费用.IT成本指与物流管理运作有关的IT方面的成本.包括软件折旧、系统维护及管理费用等. 采购成本:采购成本指与采购原材料部件相关的物流费用.包括采购订单费用、采购计划制订人员的管理费用、采购人员管理费用等. 其它管理费用:其它管理费用包括与物流管理及运作相关人员的管理费用. 单项物流活动成本降低必将导致其它部分成本增加,处理不当,甚至有可能导致总成本的上升.物流总成本分析是进行一体化物流管理的关键,运用总成本分析法可以有效管理和实现真正意义上的降低成本. 物流总成本是企业管理物流运作的主要指标,但物流总成本本身并不能反映企业的物流运作好坏.通过物流总成本的统计分析,使企业可以从全局的角度了解自身的物流运作现状,明确目前关键的瓶颈问题以及突破口,提出解决的方法,以提高企业整体的运作绩效. 物流成本管理与控制 企业经营的一个重要目标是以最小的投入换取最大的收益.而实现这一目标的最好途径是成本管理,物流成本的控制是对成本限额进行预算,将实际成本与目标成本限额加以比较,纠正存在的差异,提高物流活动的经济效益. 一般地对物流成本加以控制可采用生产率标准、标准成本和预算检验物流绩效等方法.战略成本管理是一种全面性与可行性相结合的管理技术,使企业在产品企划与设计阶段就关注到将要制造的产品成本是多少,战略成本管理最关键的因素是目标成本. 作业基准成本法(Activity-Based Costing,简称ABC法)就是一种战略成本管理方法,作业基准成本法由R.Cooper与R.S.Kaplan在20世纪80年代末提出,所谓ABC法,是按照各项作业消耗资源的多少把成本费用分摊到作业,再按照各产品发生的作业多少把成本分摊到产品.利用ABC法可以改进优化作业链,减少作业消耗,提高作业质量,并在整个作业生命周期内进行战略成本管理. 作业基准成本法不但是一种较为先进的成本计算方法,通过作业成本管理对企业战略成本进行管理,为物流实施流程再造、业绩评价等提供成本信息,也为企业进一步改进成本控制和战略性规划与决策提供了更为有利的依据和标准. 通过对企业物流成本的分析,降低物流成本的基本途径有以下几种: 通过效率化的配送来降低物流成本企业实现效率化的配送,减少运输次数,提高装载率及合理安排配车计划,选择最佳的运送手段,从而降低配送成本. 利用物流外包降低企业物流成本,降低投资成本企业把物流外包给专业化的第三方物流公司,可以缩短商品在途时间,减少商品周转过程的费用和损失.有条件的企业可以采用第三方物流公司直供上线,实现零库存,降低成本. 借助现代化的信息管理系统控制和降低物流成本在传统的手工管理模式下,企业的成本控制受诸多因素的影响,往往不易也不可能实现各个环节的最优控制.企业采用信息系统一方面可使各种物流作业或业务处理能准确,迅速的进行;另一方面通过信息系统的数据汇总,进行预测分析,可控制物流成本发生的可能性. 加强企业职工的成本管理意识把降低成本的工作从物流管理部门扩展到企业的各个部门,并从产品开发、生产、销售全生命周期中,进行物流成本管理,使企业员工具有长期发展的“战略性成本意识”. 对商品流通的全过程实现供应链管理使由生产企业、第三方物流企业、销售企业、消费者组成的供应链的整体化和系统化,实现物流一体化,使整个供应链利益最大化,从而有效降低企业物流成本. 恕我不才,只能找到一篇论文了!深感歉意! Hello: In the business activities of enterprises, the logistics is infiltrated into various business activities of the activities. Logistics cost is to use the amount of the logistics activities of the evaluation of the actual situation. Modern logistics cost refers to the supply of raw materials from the beginning has been to include delivery of goods will reach consumers in the hands of all logistics costs. The logistics cost was not included in the financial accounting system, manufacturers will be used to charge the cost of logistics product cost and commercial enterprises put the cost of the commodity distribution and logistics costs mixed. Therefore, whether it is manufacturing enterprises or commercial enterprises, in accordance with not only difficult to complete the connotation of logistics costs to calculate logistics costs, and even the production area or have been separated from the circulation areas of logistics costs, we can not separate true calculated and reflected. Whether the enterprise logistics or logistics enterprises, the logistics of its own to optimize the allocation of resources, and how to implement the management and decision-making, with a view to using the least possible cost and to maximize the benefits they are facing one of the most important issues. Logistics be seen as a manufacturing enterprise is the last best hope to reduce costs and improve efficiency levels. Total cost of logistics enterprises The logistics costs can be classified managers to provide more decision-making on the details of the impact, but the logistics enterprises in accordance with the functional activities to the different organizations, such as order processing, and transportation, and accounts of the majority of enterprises to adopt cost , logistics costs can not be shown separately, therefore, the logistics costs of the task is arduous. Business Logistics refers to the cost of procurement, sales, production and logistics costs related activities combined. Logistics is the total cost of the logistics operation of the enterprise management an important indicator of how not to reduce the level of services under the premise of reducing the total cost of logistics enterprises is a business objective. Transport costs: transportation costs refers to the raw materials and finished products in all transport costs caused by the activities, including direct transport costs and management costs. To reduce the total cost of logistics need to strictly control the expenditure in the transport, the transport of strengthening economic accounting. Inventory holding costs: Generally speaking, the stock can be accounted for manufacturers of more than 20% of assets. Inventory holding costs of some fuzzy concept of distinction, it is difficult to determine, therefore, present many companies only to the current bank interest rate multiplied by the value of inventory with a number of other costs, as inventory holding costs. In fact, inventory holding costs, including the amount of funds used inventory costs, inventory costs, inventory costs and the risk of price adjustment losses. Warehousing costs: Most warehousing costs do not change with the change in inventory levels, but with the number of storage locations and variable. Warehouse storage costs include rent, storage depreciation, equipment depreciation, cost of loading and unloading of goods packaging materials costs and management fees. Volume Cost: Volume costs include production preparation costs, material handling costs, and accelerate plans for operating costs and loss of productivity because of changing products, such as lead. Out losses: out because it is not cost refers to meet customer orders or demand caused by the sale of loss of profits. Order processing and information costs: Order processing is under orders from customers start to the customer's receipt of the goods so far this process all receipts processing, order processing and related activities of the cost of order processing costs. IT costs and logistics management refers to the operation of the cost of IT. Including software depreciation, maintenance, and management costs. Procurement costs: that the procurement cost components associated with the procurement of raw materials logistics costs. Including the cost of purchase orders, procurement planning for the management of costs, procurement management, and so on. Other management costs: Other costs include management and logistics management and operation of relevant personnel management fees. Single logistics activities will inevitably lead to lower costs of the rest of the cost increase, handled properly, it could even lead to the increase in the total cost. The total cost of logistics for integrated logistics management is the key to use of the total cost analysis can be effective management and real sense of the lower cost. Logistics is the total cost of operation of the logistics business management major indicators, but the total cost of logistics itself and does not reflect the quality of logistics enterprises. The total cost of logistics through statistical analysis, so that enterprises can understand from the perspective of overall situation of their own logistics operation status quo, clearly present the key bottlenecks, as well as the breakthrough point, to propose solutions approach to improve the business performance of the overall operation. Logistics Cost Management and Control Business is an important goal for the smallest investment income for the largest. And the realization of this goal is the best way of managing the cost, logistics cost control is to limit the cost budget, the actual cost will limit with the target cost comparison, the difference between correct and improve the economic benefits of logistics activities. Generally cost of the logistics can be controlled productivity standards, standard cost and budget performance test methods such as logistics. Strategic Cost Management is a comprehensive and feasibility of combining the management of technology, so that enterprises in the product planning and design stage will be to create concern that the cost of products, strategic cost management is the most crucial factor target cost. Operating cost base (Activity-Based Costing, or ABC) is a strategic cost management, operating cost method from the baseline and RSKaplan R. Cooper in the 20th century to the late 1980s, the so-called ABC method, in accordance with the Operating How many of the consumption of resources allocated to the cost of operations, in accordance with the product to the number of operations to the cost-sharing products. ABC method can be improved by optimizing operating chain, reduce operating consumption, improve quality of operations, and throughout the operating life cycle of strategic cost management. To benchmark the cost method is not only the cost of a more advanced method of calculating operating costs through strategic cost management for enterprise management, logistics for the implementation of process reengineering, performance evaluation to provide cost information, as well as enterprises to further improve cost control and strategic planning decision-making and a more favorable basis and standards. Based on the analysis of enterprise logistics costs, reduce logistics costs of basic channels as follows: Through efficiency of the distribution companies to reduce logistics costs of the distribution of efficiency, reduce the number of transport, improving loading rate and reasonable arrangement with plans to choose the best means of transportation, thereby reducing distribution costs. Logistics Outsourcing of logistics enterprises reduce costs, lower cost of the investment companies to outsource logistics to specialized third-party logistics companies, can shorten the transit time of goods and reduce the cost of goods turnover and losses. Qualified enterprises can use third-party logistics companies直供on line to achieve zero inventory, and reduce costs. With the modernization of information management systems to control and reduce logistics cost management in the traditional manual mode, the corporate cost control by many factors, not often can not be realized all aspects of the optimal control. On the one hand, enterprises will adopt various information systems logistics operations or business can accurately handle, expeditious conduct of the other through the information system of data collection, forecasting analysis, logistics costs can be controlled the possibility. Strengthen the management of enterprise workers awareness of the cost of the work to reduce costs from the expansion of the logistics management of the various departments and enterprises, and product development, production and sale of the entire life cycle, logistics cost management, and enable employees with long-term development "strategy Cost consciousness. " On the whole process of realization of the commodities, supply chain management to the production enterprises, third-party logistics enterprises, and sales enterprise, consumer composed of the whole supply chain and systematized, and achieve logistics integration, the entire supply chain maximum benefits, thereby effectively reducing the cost of logistics enterprises. I am afraid I Fucai, only to find a thesis! Very sorry!
还算不错.如果没有时间写,开题报告+论文+程序+答辩演示都有,最后在网上找了很久,可以在网上找找付费的,我们毕业的时候也是为这个头疼了很长时间。 2.网上那种免费的毕业设计千万不能采用,老师随时都可以知道你是在网上随便下载的一套3,可以先看了作品满意以后再付款,而且同一学校不重复,不存在欺骗的性质,要么是论文不完整,你可以在百度或者GOOGLE上搜索------七七论文.计算机毕业设计可不能马虎:1,终于购买了一套毕业设计,要么是程序运行不了,主要的都是他们技术做好的成品,那个网站的名字我记的不是太清楚了,最好还是自己动动脑筋,保证论文的完整和程序的独立运行,最重要的是到处都是,好好的写一写我的建议
出门在外也不愁名&&& 称Name设备的设计、选型与前期管理规程 Instructions for Design, Model Selection and Early management of Equipment 编&&& 号 NumberSMP-SHB-003-01SMP-SHB-003-01起 草 人 Draftsman&审 核 人 Assessor&批 准 人 Ratifier起草日期 Date of draft &审核日期 Examination date&批准日期 Ratify date分 发 至 Distribute to &执行日期 Execution date1. 目的:加强设备的设计、选型工作,为满足生产和工艺要求,制定从设备规划到投产这Objective: to strengthen design and selection of equipment, meet the requirements of manufacture and technics, and regulate the early management of the phase from programming to putting into production.一阶段的前期管理工作。2. 范围:所有新购置设备固定资产。Application: all newly-purchased equipment and fixed capital.
3.责任人:公司设备部门负责人、使用部门负责人、QA负责人及管理人员。Responsible Person: responsible persons for equipment departments, using departments and QA and administrative staff.4.内容: Content:4.1 设备前期管理是指企业在设备的规划、设计、选型、购置及安装调试直至投产转固等方Early management of equipment refers to the management of equipment programming, design, model selection, purchase, installation and debugging before putting into production.面的管理工作。4.2 公司设备管理部门应设专人负责前期工作,如有重大技术改进与改造,应填写设备改造变更申请表,并配有原有设计图纸和设备变更设计图纸(及图纸版本编号),经QA确认后,将变更图纸(及图纸版本编号)存于原设计院或资料室备案。Department of equipment of the company is responsible for the early management. If is important technical improvement and alternation, application form of equipment alternation should be filled out and handed into QA along with the original and alternated design drawing (and number of drawing edition). After affirmation, alternated drawing (and number of drawing edition) should be stored and put on records in former design institute or in data room.并成立专门的技术工作管理小组负责组织技术准备工作。Also, special design management team should be established to take charge of the preparation of organizing technique.施工中严格遵守开工手续,积极协助公司领导和有关部门进行决策,为投产和设备后期管理创造条件。Work-starting procedure should be strictly followed in construction. Department of equipment should also actively assist company leader and related departments in making decisions in order to create favorable conditions for production and later management.
4.3 设备管理部门负责人必须参与设计阶段的方案论证,必须做到设备的设计、选型、安装Responsible persons in the department of equipment must participate in the argumentation of project in design phase, and must ensure that the design, model selection and installation of equipment 应符合生产要求,易于清洗、消毒或灭菌,便于生产操作和维修、保养,并能防止差错meet the requirements of manufacture and the equipment is easy to wash, disinfect or sterilize, and also easy to handle and maintain. The equipment should also be able to prevent error and reduce pollution. 和减少污染。与药品直接接触的设备表面需选用304不锈钢材质为好,应光洁、平整, 304 stainless steel should be used in the contact interface, and the interface should be smooth and flat,易清洗或消毒、耐腐蚀,不与药品发生化学变化或吸附药品。easy to wash or disinfect, erode-resistant. It should not interact with drugs or absorb drugs. 设备所用的润滑剂、冷却剂等不得对药品或容器造成污染。Lube and refrigerant applied to equipment should not pollute drugs or containers. 对设备的先进性(技术、安全、节能、环保)、经济性、可靠性、可维修性、兼容性(设备相互之间的统一配合性)进行综合分析,择优确定,把好选型关。 Responsible persons in the department of equipment are responsible for the general analysis of the advancement (on technique, safety, energy sources economization and environment protection), economy, reliability, maintainability, compatibility (cooperation among all equipment) of the equipment. They will choose the best to ensure perfect model selection.4.4 接到使用部门填报的“设备购置立项申请表”,经公司级设备主管批准后,即可办理立项手续。Project proposal and confirmation procedure can be carried out when equipment purchase project proposal and confirmation application form is handed in and ratified by equipment managers.设备管理部门应做好设备订购、监制工作,应优先选用通过质量认证企业生产的设备,最好有检测报告。Department of equipment should complete the order and manufacture-supervision of the equipment, chose the enterprises that have passed quality certification first, and supply monitoring report if needed.特种设备必须购自国家认定有资质证明的企业,如有必要应先考查。Special equipment has to be purchased from enterprises that has the certification confirmed by central government. Check of the enterprise should be applied if needed. 协调安装调试中的问题,并搞好现场服务。They should coordinate the problems occurring over the installation and debugging, and serve in site.在订购设备时,设备管理部门应向设备制造公司提出供给必要的备件和资料;引进设备订货时,要根据具体情况同时订购必须的备品备件和引进部分汉字的图纸资料。When equipment is ordered, department of equipment should provide equipment manufacture factory with necessary spare parts and information. When the equipment is introduced overseas, they should order necessary spare parts and Chinese drawing data at the same time according to the situation. 4.5 设备到货后,设备管理部门应组织使用部门、档案管理员三方到场开箱验收,认真检查After the its arrival, department of equipment, accompanied by using department and file clerks, should check and accept the equipment,设备质量和数量。examine its quality and quantity carefully.检验、计量仪器开箱,还应有计量人员参加。If it should be measured, staff in charge of measurement should appear, too. 进口设备的验收,设备When checking and accepting of the imported equipment. 部门应会同商检部门和参与订货的有关人员,共同进行检验。besides department of equipment, commodity inspection authorities and person that ordered this equipment should also participate.验收时,设备部门对随箱During checking and accepting, 文件、图纸、说明书、装箱单等资料进行清点登记。department of equipment should count and record all drawing, instruction books and packing lists.Original files should be handed over to technique archives.
北京翻译公司 地址:海淀区太阳园4号楼1507室 电话:010-15892
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