
Sculptris合集Sculptris – 所见所得玩 3D 建模
相当震撼吧。Sculptris 压缩后才 2.9MB。滚轮是放大缩小;Alt + 按住滚轮是旋转场景;空格可以调出当前工具的设置。建模完成之后,点击右上角的 paint 按钮,可以为模型的上色和贴材质。具体用法请自行阅读 documentation.txt 文件。
下载地址:(2.9 MB):
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& current version:
Sculptris Alpha 6
Last updated: September 16th, 2013
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A straightforward application that allows users to create 3D models by choosing from a wide range of materials, and applying different effects
Sculptris is a Windows utility built specifically for helping you download 3D models in a clean working environment.
It sports a straightforward interface that gives users the possibility to choose from a wide range of materials for creating 3D designs.
Sculptris comes packed with several dedicated parameters which enable users to paint the selected area using a brush, flatten and paint bumps, fill or clear areas, use the symmetry function, and pinch or inflate the surface.
Furthermore, the application enables users to rotate the area to different angles, zoom in or out, and create a new sphere or plane scene. Plus, you can add a background image, provided that the file format is JPEG or PNG.
The generated project can be exported to OBJ file format or one supported by ZBrush GoZ . Other important features worth mentioning give you the possibility to pick the size of the brush, adjust the fog level, as well as make the program show symmetry line and UV deformation mode.
During our testing we have noticed that Sculptris offers execellent image quality and no errors showed up during our testing. It doesn&t eat up a lot of CPU and memory, so it doesn&t hamper system performance.
All things considered, Sculptris bundles many useful features for helping you create 3D models. On the downside, it lacks a help manual for understanding the function of each built-in parameter, so you need to configure them on your own.
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& file size:19.2 MB
& runs on:Windows All
& category:C: \
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sculptris alpha 7(雕刻3D建模软件)


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