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iphone5闹钟在哪?iphone5怎么设置闹钟?iphone5闹钟设置步骤:第一步&&& 1.进入“时钟”后,点击屏幕下的“闹钟”即可查看或设置闹钟。&&& 第二步&&& 2.点击右上角的“ ”以进行闹钟的添加。&&& 第三步&&& 3.屏幕下方通过滚动轮盘设置闹钟的时间。&&& 第四步&&& 4.在“重复”选项中可以设置闹钟的周期。&&& 第五步&&& 5.在“声音”选项中可以设置闹钟的响铃方式。&&& 第六步&&& 6.在“标签”选项中可以给闹钟制定名称。&&& 第七步&&& 7.完全设置后点击右上角的“存储”即可。&&& 第八步&&& 8.设置完毕的闹钟。
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原作者:Amy-Mae Elliott
5款用于iPhone/iPod Touch的闹钟App,外观漂亮,功能贴心。特别是第一款的睡眠音响不错,值得尝试一下。
Although the iPhone’s alarm clock is functional, it has limited features. If you use your phone to wake up in the morning instead of a standalone device, then you’ll want to get the most out of it.
虽然iPhone的闹钟功能不错,但它的特色还是有限的。如果你使用手机来代替一个独立装置在早晨叫醒你的话,你可要让它充分发挥作用才行哦。 There are a large number of alarm clock apps available in the App Store, but, almost unbelievably, not all of them work, and some of them are downright duds.
在应用程序商店(App Store)有不计其数的闹钟程序,但是几乎让人难以置信的是,它们并不是都管用,有些甚至还一无是处。 We’ve tried and tested five great alarm clocks apps for the iPhone and iPod touch that can’t make getting out of bed any easier, but at least you’ll be woken in a way of your own choosing.
我们试着测试了五款不错的用于iPhone和iPod touch的闹钟程序,虽然它们没能更容易地把你床上拽起来,但至少你可以按照一种自己选择的方式醒来。 1.
Radio Alarm may be at the higher end of the pricing scale, but it’s a good looking creation that packs in a lot of functionality — you really do get what you pay for (and then some!) with this app.
Radio Alarm在价格上可能稍显高端,但它是一款表里兼修的作品,外观漂亮、功能众多——这真的是一款物有所值的应用程序。 As far as looks go, you’ve got a great retro design with a flip calendar, analogue clock and two “dials,” one for volume, which can be controlled in-app and — essential for a bedside alarm clock — a brightness control. There are three knobs that represent the three main functions: the alarm clock, the radio and the sleep options.
就外观而言,你拥有一个不错的复古风设计:一个翻页日历、一个模拟时钟和两个“刻度盘”,其中一个是程序内可控的音量调节,还有一个——对床头闹钟至关重要的——亮度调节。有三个按钮,分别代表三个主要功能:闹钟、广播和睡眠选项。 The “radio” can be listened to as a standalone Internet radio option and offers more than 30,000 stations from SHOUTcast Radio that be be browsed via genre, country or search, although you can manually add your personal fave Internet radio stations via their URL.
“广播”可以作为一个独立的互联网广播选择来收听,提供3万多个来自SHOUTcast Radio的电台,可按流派或国家浏览,还可以搜索;当然,你还可以通过URL来手动添加你个人喜好的互联网广播电台。 Alarm functionality is superb — you can choose to wake to a variety of what we’d call standard alarm sounds, your own music stored on your iDevice, one of the many Internet radio stations, one of the sleep sounds (more on that later), and there’s even the fab option to record your own sound or message to wake up to.
闹铃功能很棒——你可以选择不同的声音来叫醒你:有我们所谓的标准闹铃声音、存储在iDevice上的你自己的音乐、众多的互联网广播之一、一种睡眠音响(后面有更多介绍),甚至还有一个绝妙的选项可以录制你自己的声音或话语来叫醒你。 Alarm options include some nice touches such as vibration, the ability to “fix” the volume so you can’t turn it down accidentally, different snooze durations, and the option to have the sound “fade in” so you don’t wake with a start.
Finally, there’s an excellent selection of soothing sleep sounds, including waves, rain on a window, a campfire or the sound of seagulls. You can set the timer to turn the audio off after whatever amount of time suits you, and you can make it fade out quietly. This also works with the radio and your own music too.
最后,还有一系列极佳的仿真睡眠音响,包括波涛、雨打窗台、篝火或海鸥的叫声。你可以设置定时器来根据自己需要随时关掉声音,你还可以让它安静地渐渐隐去。这同样适用于广播和你自己的音乐。 There’s some design thought gone into this app — when you hit the radio knob a little analogue tuner comes on screen accompanied by tuning noise, and you can opt to shake your iPhone a certain number of times to stop the alarm. It’s little touches like this that make you smile.
这款应用程序还融入了一些设计理念——当你点击广播按钮时,一个小的模拟调谐器出现在屏幕上,伴随着的还有调谐的噪音;你还可以选择把你的iPhone摇动若干下来停止闹铃。这些细微之处都足以让你会心一笑。 Developer: EnSight Media Cost: $1.99
开发者:EnSight Media 费用:1.99美元 2.
There’s more retro to be had here with a classic, realistic flip clock design that can be jazzed up with a choice of 65 backgrounds, three colors for the numerals, portrait or landscape display and two different time display formats.
这里还有一个经典写实的翻页时钟设计给你带来更多的复古风,多达65款的背景选择、3种数字颜色、横向竖向显示以及2种不同的时间显示格式,更使其倍显活泼。 That’s it as far as th simplicity is the key word here, and that theme continues with the settings which are bound to only one screen.
We can imagine the one-screen design will be too fiddly for anyone with big fingers, but it works for us — you can just zip around the screen touching various areas to change the settings. With the ability to set two alarms, you can leave the default alarm noise to wake you or select a song from your device.
我们可以想象得到,单屏设计对于大手指的人来说是一种手指灵活性的挑战,但对我们还好——你可以只是触摸屏幕上的不同区域来移动屏幕以更改设置。通过可以设置两个闹铃的功能,你可以在保留默认闹铃的同时,再从设备里选择一首歌曲作为闹铃来叫醒你。 Features include a snooze button, the ability to dim the screen for use on a bedside table and sound effects for when the time flips over. With simple, but perfectly decent alarm functionality, it’s a good-looking app for design lovers.
特色功能有:一个小睡按钮、作为床头使用的可变暗屏幕的功能以及时间翻页时的音效。闹铃功能简单朴实却恰如其分,是一款给设计爱好者的外观漂亮的应用程序。 Developer: Exedria Cost: $0.99
开发者:Exedria 费用:0.99美元 3.
Another good-looking app, Nightstand Central’s design is somewhat reminiscent of HTC phones. With a big, easy-to-read flip clock, the date and the weather for your current location are also displayed. You can choose backgrounds from a selection of beautiful pre-loaded images or ones from your device, either as a static display or slideshow of multiple images.
另一个漂亮的应用程序Nightstand Central的设计有点让人联想到HTC手机。有着大的、易读的翻页时钟,同时还显示日期和你当前位置的天气。你可以从一系列预装的漂亮图片中或从你的设备中选择背景图片,可以是单幅静止显示,也可以是多幅图像的幻灯播放。 The customization is great — you can move the clock and change its size by tapping on the screen with two fingers, have it display portrait or landscape, have alarms displayed, and to keep up with the weather, show the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit or not at all.
定制化功能不错——你可以用两个手指轻触屏幕来移动时钟并改变它的尺寸、让它按水平或垂直方式显示、显示闹铃、跟踪天气、按摄氏或华氏显示温度或不显示。 On the alarm front, you can set as many alarms as you’ll ever need with an interface that’s very similar to the iPhone’s. There’s also “background alarms” that can be set up for those who want to be super-sure to get out of bed. You can give alarms names and wake to a range of sounds or music from your library. Snooze times can be changed and you can make the sound fade in so as not to be too abrupt.
在闹铃方面,你可以设置任意多个所需的闹铃,界面和iPhone的非常相似。同时还可设置“背景闹铃”,以方便那些对起床需做到万无一失的人。你可以给闹铃起名字,并从库中选择声音或音乐来叫醒你。小睡时间可以更改,声音可设置渐响以让你不被突然惊醒。 The sleep timer will see you dropping off to a relaxing soundtrack (though without nearly as wide a selection as Radio Alarm, we must say), or your choice of music, while brightness control is very swanky — slide your finger on the screen to dim it.
睡眠定时会守候着你在一首轻松音乐的陪伴下慢慢睡去(虽然我们必须说没有像Radio Alarm那样宽泛的选择),或是你自己选择的音乐,亮度控制很拉风——在屏幕上滑动手指就可以让它变暗。
Lastly, Nightstand Central’s bonus feature is the “flashlight” (a white screen basically, but adequate illumination in the dead of night), which you can turn on and off by shaking your handset.
最后,Nightstand Central的额外特色是“手电筒”功能(基本上就是一个白色的屏幕,不过足够用于夜间照明),你可以摇动你的手机来打开或关闭它。 And if you’re not picky about using your own music as an alarm, or want to try before you buy, there’s a limited but decent
of this app available too, although we think $0.99 for the full app is very reasonable.
另外,如果你在使用自己的音乐作为闹铃方面不挑剔的话,或者想在购买之前试用,这款应用程序还有一个功能有限但还不错的可用,虽然我们认为0.99美元对于完整版是一个相当合理的价格了。 Developer: Thomas Huntington Cost: $0.99
开发者:Thomas Huntington 费用:0.99美元 4.
There’s more great design here with the Alarm Clock Pro, which shares a similar feature set to Nightstand Central, but has a very different, yet equally stylish look.
Alarm Clock Pro给你带来更多的优秀设计。在功能特色方面它和Nightstand Central不相上下,外观上两者截然不同却一样时尚漂亮。 Alarm Clock Pro looks like a classic bedside alarm clock with a digital display. You can change the color of the numerals and what info is actually displayed, but as far as looks go, this app keeps it clock-like and simple.
Alarm Clock Pro看上去像一个经典的带数字显示的床头闹钟。你可以改变数字的颜色和实际显示的信息,但在外观方面,这款应用程序保持着一个简单的时钟样式。
Behind the scenes you’re looking at a very familiar iPhone interface that makes setting alarms easy. The options are similar to those we’ve seen in other apps — some pre-loaded alarm sounds, the ability to use your own music, snooze settings, fade-in options, background alarms and the great option to dim the screen with the slide of your finger.
在这些景致的背后,你看到的是非常眼熟的iPhone设置界面,让你轻松设置闹铃。选项和我们看到的其他应用程序差不多——一些预装闹铃声音、使用自己音乐的功能、小睡设置、渐隐选项、背景闹铃以及很棒的滑动手指来变暗屏幕的选项。 Alarm Clock Pro also produces a white screen as a flashlight if you shake it and a sleep timer is promised in a future update, which will be a nice addition to a very competent, no-nonsense alarm clock app.
Alarm Clock Pro同时也制造了一个一摇动手机就会出现的白色屏幕来当作手电筒,睡眠定时也承诺在将来的更新版本中会有,这对一款出色的不带忽悠的闹铃程序来说是一个不错的附加功能。 Developer: iHandySoft Inc Cost: $0.99
开发者:iHandySoft Inc 费用:0.99美元 5.
This alarm clock option doesn’t give you any meaningful way to customize the display, so it’s just as well the three-dimensional white letters on a blue background look as good as they do.
这款闹钟选择没有给你任何有意义的方式来自定义显示,所以它就是如同看上去的那样,蓝色背景上漂亮的三维白色字母。 Alarm options are simple to set up and what you’d expect. You can name alarms, set them up to go off regularly on certain days, choose from pre-loaded sounds or use your own (we had a few crashes with this part, but did get there), set snooze times, auto-snooze, and there’s a sleep timer too.
闹铃选项设置简单并如你所愿。你可以命名闹铃、设置它们在每周的特定天里定期关闭、从预装的或你自己的声音中选择闹铃声音(我们在测试该部分时有过几次程序崩溃,不过最终还是做到了)、设置小睡时间、自动小睡,还有一个睡眠定时。 However, where this app really shines is its ability to tell you the time at a touch of the screen. Hidden away in the app’s “Advanced Options” menu are some nifty perks that will let the app speak the time, say how long until the next alarm or speak the next alarm time.
You can set these up to work with one, two or three taps of the screen, and the robo-voice will speak up — a really nice feature for when you’re half-asleep fumbling with your iPhone to try and work out how much longer you’ve got in bed.
你可以设置这些在轻触屏幕一下、两下或三下时起作用,然后机器人声音就会说话——当你在半睡状态下找你的iPhone想知道你还能在床上睡多久时,这个功能真的不错。 Developer: Kirk Andrews Cost: $0.99
开发者:Kirk Andrews 费用:0.99美元 BONUS:
This app gets an honorable mention as it offers some nice functionality. In addition to being a fully featured alarm clock with radio, there’s weather data and a “news and Internet” section that you can set up to display all your favorite sites from one page, so you can quickly get your dose of morning news from within your alarm clock.
这款应用程序获得荣誉推荐是因为它提供一些不错的功能。除了作为一个功能齐全的带广播的闹钟,还有天气数据以及一个“新闻和互联网”部件,你可以设置在一个页面上显示所有你喜好的站点,这样你就可以从你的闹钟里面快速获取一些早间新闻了。 Developer:
Cost: $1.99
开发者:</ 费用:1.99美元
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