l论文的格式是否通过 selected是通过还是没有通过呢

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Dear Prof. Dr....:
Thank you for submitting your manuscript for publication in Energy & Fuels.&&It has been examined by expert reviewers whose reviews are enclosed.&&The reviewers have expressed serious reservations about this work that I don’t believe could be addressed through a standard major revision.&&In light of the comments received, I am unable to accept the manuscript for publication in Energy & Fuels.&&I think it would be better suited to publication in a more petrologically related journal
With sincere regards,
Richard G. Mallinson
Associate Editor
编辑不认可,重投估计没戏,修改后还是改投吧~ 重投的话要过好长时间吧,好好改改,时间紧就改投 编辑建议改投,所以重投被录取的可能性不大 可以,但是悲剧的可能性还是很大的,不如另投 重找别的期刊吧,一般两个专家大修,编辑肯定是大修的,还有最后一句,说明编辑不感兴趣,再找其他期刊吧,从参考文献,期刊点评。。 I think it would be better suited to publication in a more petrologically related journal
按照副主编的意见,楼主还是参考审稿意见仔细修改后改投更为合适,可以参考SCI期刊点评工具http://emuch.net/bbs/journal.php选择合适的期刊 可以重新投,没问题的。编辑也是人,只要你认真的回答问题,他还是会很大概率重新考虑的,但是每个编辑习惯不一样,如果只是返回原来的审稿人,你的论文大概率被接收;有的编辑喜欢重新再找审稿人,那和新投稿件没有区别了。 最好另寻他处吧,可能会好点。 最好是另投其他期刊 个人认为改好后盖头其他期刊比较靠谱。:hand::hand::hand:中文名: 科学大师的论文集作者: Stephen.L.AdlerJ.D.EshelbyEmile WolfLinus PaulingAlan HoffmanChen Ning YangKarl AbrahamR.P.FeynmanDonald.E.KnuthHans A BetheKai Lai ChungJ. Robert Schrieffer资源格式: PDF版本: 扫描版出版社: Cambridge University PressSpringerWorld Scientific书号: 地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 请尽量用网盘下载 因为是比较冷门的资源哈 我经常会撤下来让给我发布的其他的资源, 并且我因为个人原因经常会去外地,几天都会上不了网。 如果网盘链接有问题请发站内信给我~/bk_imgs/705/5.jpg Adventure in Theoretical Physics-selected Papers with Commentariesby Stephan L.Adler  史蒂文·阿德勒,Stephen L. Adler,1939年出生,犹太裔美国理论物理学家,普林斯顿高等研究院教授。他是量子场论中最优美的结果—Adler-Bell-Jackiw反常的发现者之一。他的论文奠定了目前的基础粒子物理模型的基础。 http://www.ias.edu/files/images/faculty/adler.jpg He received an A.B. degree at Harvard University in 1961 and a Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1964.He has won the J. J. Sakurai Prize from the American Physical Society in 1988, and the Dirac Medal of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in 1998, among other awards.Adler's seminal papers on high energy neutrino processes, current algebras, soft pion theorems, sum rules, and perturbation theory anomalies helped lay the foundations for the current standard model of elementary particle physics./images?q=tbn:eM-GGvx_bMRvbM:/bk_imgs/168/8.jpg Collected Works of EshelbyBy J.D.Eshelby细观力学的科学家 他和他的合作者开创了细观力学的方法论。他的演讲清晰明了又十分生动有趣,并且他的文学功底也相当深厚。他懂得Sanskrit(一种我从来没有听说过的语言)。接下来简单说一下细观力学:固体力学的分支,用连续介质力学方法分析具有细观结构(即在光学或常规电子显微镜下可见的材料细微结构)的材料的力学问题。其研究尺度可从10纳米到毫米量级,随研究对象不同而异。细观力学是固体力学与材料科学的交叉学科,其发展对固体力学研究层次的深入以及对材料科学规律的定量化表达都有重要意义。(源自百度百科)John Douglas Eshelby (21 December 1916 - 28 December 1988) was a scientist in micromechanics. His work has shaped the fields of defect mechanics and micromechanics of inhomogeneous solids for fifty years and provided the basis for the quantitative analysis of the controlling mechanisms of plastic deformation and fracture.Eshelby was born at Puddington Cheshire, the son of Captain Alan John Eshelby and his wife Phoebe Mason Hutchinson. He was educated at St Cyprian's School and was due to go to Charterhouse School but appears to have taken a place somewhere else. He was then at Bristol University. Eshelby taught himself the theory of elasticity for his thesis on ‘Stationary and moving dislocations’. After holding several early research posts he worked in the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University and was elected a Fellow of Churchill College. He was then appointed Reader in the Faculty of Materials (Theory of Materials) at the University of Sheffield where he became Professor in 1971. He was awarded by the Timoshenko Medal in 1977. He retired in 1982 and the Eshelby Memorial Bursary was founded in his memory.The scientific phenomenon called "Eshelby's inclusion" is named after this scientist, and points at a ellipsoidal subdomain in an infinite homogeneous body, subjected to a uniform transformation strain. Eshelby was clear and amusing as a lecturer, and prepared his lectures with great care, but was not keen on doing experimental work. He was well versed in Sanskrit (among other classical languages)and was an avid second-hand book buyer.Emil Wolf Selected Works With Commentaries/images?q=tbn:fw3c3sxZcB4elM:http://static.bookdepository.co.uk/assets/images/book/small/.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/ce/Emil_Wolf.jpg Emil Wolf (born July 30, 1922) is a Czech born American physicist who made advancements in physical optics, including diffraction, coherence properties of optical fields, spectroscopy of partially coherent radiation, and the theory of direct scattering and inverse scattering.他是一位捷克出生的美国物理学家,在物理光学(?)里有极多的贡献。 他还成功地预言了一种新的现象,具有蓝移和红移的效应但是却不是多普勒效应造成的。这个现象以他的名字命名为 "Wolf Effect."Linus Pauling Selected Papers in 2 Volsby Linus Pauling/images?q=tbn:hwArL4FxFoc62M:/IMAGE_FOLDER/-yl.jpg /images?q=tbn:GNfr138Ei2sGbM:http://osulibrary.oregonstate.edu/specialcollections/coll/pauling/catalogue/09/w.jpg Linus Carl Pauling (February 28, 1901 – August 19, 1994) was an American chemist, peace activist, author, and educator. He was one of the most influential chemists in history and ranks among the most important scientists in any field of the 20th century[1][2]. Pauling was among the first scientists to work in the fields of quantum chemistry, molecular biology, and orthomolecular medicine. He is one of only 4 individuals to have won multiple Nobel Prizes.[3] He is one of only two people to have been awarded a Nobel Prize in two different fields (the Chemistry and Peace prizes), the other being Marie Curie (the Chemistry and Physics prizes), and the only person to have been awarded each of his prizes without sharing it with another recipient.他是一位美国化学家,和平主义者,行动主义者,作家和教育家。 他是历史上最具有影响力的化学家之一,在20世纪的科学界的影响力也很少有其他人能达到。 他是全世界仅有的四个多次获得诺贝尔奖的得主之一。(分别为化学和和平奖,并且都是独得的)举世罕见的天才,我只能这样评价了。Selected Works of Alan Hoffman/images?q=tbn:eYctIVrj3KvT7M:/images%3Fq%3Dtbn:npzCG-OhbsHQ5M:/images/attorney_large/alan_hoffman.jpg http://ecx./images/I/41AREBE0CBL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg Alan J. Hoffman, born May 30, 1924 in New York City, is a mathematician and IBM Fellow Emeritus, T. J. Watson Research Center, IBM, Yorktown Heights, N.Y. He is founding editor of the journal Linear Algebra and its Applications, and holds several patents. Hoffman and Robert Singleton constructed the Hoffman–Singleton graph, which is the unique Moore graph of degree 7 and diameter 2.A.Hoffman是当代美国数学家,日生于纽约市,年在军队服役,1950年获哥伦比亚大学博士学位,其后在普林斯顿高等研究院等院所从事数学研究和教学,现任职于IBM的Watson研究中心。他是线性规划、组合最优化及图谱研究的先驱者之一,其研究领域还涉及线性不等式、组合及矩阵论。他和其合作者发现许多重要的基本概念和定理,其中不少以他们的名字命名。他获得过多种荣誉称号,先后担任10多个国际数学刊物编委。Selected Papers of Chen NingYang 这小子我就不多说了。 个人来说不喜欢他。但是人家的科学成就的确够强悍。http://ecx./images/I/316P5CHVN1L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f8/CNYang.jpg/160px-CNYang.jpg Selected Papers of Karl Abraham /images?q=tbn:Dx6GB_w19jCCHM:http://www.indepsi.cl/ferenczi/galeria/imagenes/Psicoa17.jpg Karl Abraham (3 May 1877 – 25 December 1925) was an early German psychoanalyst, and a correspondent of Sigmund Freud, who called him his 'best pupil'.He founded the Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute, and was the president of the International Psychoanalytical Association from 1914 to 1918 and again in 1925. 德国的精神分析学大师。弗洛伊德称他为自己的“最出色的学生”。他创建了柏林精神分析研究所,并且在国际精神分析协会里担任过主席。Selected Papers of Richard P. Feynman http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/81/Feynman_and_Oppenheimer_at_Los_Alamos.jpg/180px-Feynman_and_Oppenheimer_at_Los_Alamos.jpg http://ecx./images/I/41QB5MCPCNL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg 这家伙, eternal kid, 拿了诺贝尔奖自己都不稀罕~理查德·费恩曼(Richard Phillips Feynman, )是当代最受爱戴的科学家之一。他不但以其科学上的巨大贡献而名留青史,而且因在“挑战者”号航天飞机事故调查中的决定性作用而名闻遐迩。他还是一个撬开原子能工程保险柜的人,一个会敲巴西邦戈鼓的“科学顽童”。他与施温格(Julian Seymour Schwinger, )和朝永振一郎(Sin-itiro Tomonaga, )因在量子电动力学方面所做的对基本粒子物理学具有深刻影响的基础性研究,共同分享了1965年度诺贝尔物理学奖。Selected Papers on Computer Sciencehttp://ecx./images/I/51H5MANCEEL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg /images?q=tbn:_a1Q35p59VfDXM:http://www.stanfordalumni.org/news/magazine/2006/mayjun/images/features/knuth_don.jpg Donald Ervin Knuth (born January 10, 1938) is a renowned computer scientist and Professor Emeritus of the Art of Computer Programming at Stanford University.Author of the seminal multi-volume work The Art of Computer Programming ("TAOCP"), Knuth has been called the "father" of the analysis of algorithms, contributing to the development of, and systematizing formal mathematical techniques for, the rigorous analysis of the computational complexity of algorithms, and in the process popularizing asymptotic notation. Knuth是顶级的计算机科学家, 现在斯坦福大学任教。经典的"the Art of Computer Programming"就出自他的笔下。Selected Works of Bethehttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5f/Hans_Bethe.jpg/225px-Hans_Bethe.jpg http://ecx./images/I/41HZ62M2JJL._SL500_AA240_.jpg Hans Albrecht Bethe (German pronunciation: ['hans 'alb???t 'be:t?]; July 2, 1906 – March 6, 2005) was a German-American physicist, and Nobel laureate in physics for his work on the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis. A versatile theoretical physicist, Bethe also made important contributions to quantum electrodynamics, nuclear physics, solid-state physics and particle astrophysics. During World War II, he was head of the Theoretical Division at the secret Los Alamos laboratory developing the first atomic bombs. There he played a key role in calculating the critical mass of the weapons, and did theoretical work on the implosion method used in both the Trinity test and the "Fat Man" weapon dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. For most of his career, Bethe was a professor at Cornell University.德国裔的美国物理学家。在物理学的多方面都有杰出的贡献。二战期间他是Los Alamos实验室的头头(我记得是Feynman去的那个实验室) 他一生中绝大部分时间都是在康奈尔大学。 Selected Works of Kai Lai Chunghttp://ecx./images/I/41fIuntDGeL._SL500_AA240_.jpg 钟开莱(Kai Lai Chung, 1917年~2009年),华裔数学家、概率学家。  浙江杭州人,1917年生于上海。1936年入清华大学物理系,1940年毕业于西南联合大学数学系,之后任昆明西南联合大学数学系助教。1944年考取第六届庚子赔款公费留美奖学金。1945年底赴美国留学,1947年获普林斯顿大学博士学位。  五十年代任教于美国纽约州塞纳克斯大学(Syracuse),六十年代以后任斯坦福大学数学系教授、系主任、荣休教授。钟开莱为世界知名概率学家,著有十余部专著。  钟先生基本没什么人熟悉,就象薛定谔这个名字被很多人误认为是中国人一样,钟开莱往往被误认为西方人,或者是华裔。其实不然,钟先生是地地道道的中国杭州人士,师从华罗庚,也是中国概率论与数理统计研究的开拓者之一许宝騄的学生.Selected Works of Schriefferhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/03/Schrieffer.jpg http://ecx./images/I/51BT7SJ315L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg 施里弗(1931~ ),因发现了称为BCS理论的超导理论,与巴丁、库珀一起分享了1972年度的诺贝尔物理学奖金。  库珀是量子场论方面的专家,他对超导理论的第一项贡献是“库珀对”的发现:他证明了金属中的两个电子之间存在着通过交换声子而发生的吸引作用。由于这种吸引作用,费密面附近的电子两两结合形成所谓的“库珀对”。“库珀对”的形成使电子气的能量下降到低于正常费密分布时的能量,使得在连续的能带态以下出现一个单独的能级。这个单独能级与连续能级之间的间隔就叫做超导体的能隙。巴丁、库珀和施里弗接着试图将“库珀对”这一简单的两电子系统的研究推广到在晶体中与晶格相互作用着的所有电子组成的多体系统。通过对“库珀对”进行统计分析,施里弗得到了一个容易处理的波函数。此后,又经过一个多月的紧张工作,巴丁、库珀和施里弗证明了他们的理论确实能够解释实验上所知的各种超导现象。  少量文件是DJVU格式的: selected papers on computer sciencecollected works of Eshelby新增网盘链接:adventure in theoretical physics collected works of Eshelby Emil Wolf works with commentariesLinus Pauling selected papers in 2 volsselected papers of Alan Hoffmanselected Papers of Chen Ning Yangselected papers of Karl Abrahamselected papers of Richard Feynmanselected papers on Computer scienceselected works of Betheselected works of Kai Lai Chungselected works of Schrieffer 目录: Adventure in Theoretical PhysicsCollected Works of EshelbyEmil Wolf Selected Works with CommentariesLinus Pauling Selected Papers in 2VolsSelected Papers of Alan HoffmanSelected Papers of Chen Ning YangSelected Paper of Karl AbrahamSelected Papers of Richard Feynman with CommentariesSelected Papers on Computer ScienceSelected Works of BetheSelected Works of Kai Lai ChungSelected Works of Schrieffer


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