
  四叶草的梦(第1)  ~女主简介  女一:孙恩熙(茜茜)  生日:3月30日  星座:白羊  朋友:王语歆,张玥晴,魏函盈  特长:唱歌,舞蹈  长相:乌黑的秀发,长的一张可耐滴娃娃脸,有萌萌的兔牙  特点:是天生的小公主,是个女神  与男主关系:王源的远房表妹,不过关系很好  女二:王语馨(馨馨)  生日:6月29日  星座:巨蟹  朋友:孙恩熙,张玥晴,魏函盈  特长:唱歌,写词  长相:有着一双大大滴眼睛,高高的鼻梁  特点:天生的御姐,不过遇见闺蜜和哥哥就一秒萌妹纸了  与三只关系:王俊凯的亲妹妹  女三:张玥晴(玥玥,兔子)  生日:8月20日  星座:狮子  朋友:孙恩熙,王语馨,魏函盈  特长:跳舞,谱曲  长相:锥子脸,白白滴皮肤  特点:天生的冷酷无情,不过只要闺蜜卖萌她就无奈了~  女配:  姓名:魏函盈  生日:6月29日  朋友:孙恩熙,王语馨,张玥晴  特长:乐器  所属组合:lucky stay  组合担当:乐器  姓名:安琳娜  生日10月26日  朋友:王俊凯,王语馨  特长:钢琴  男主  姓名:王俊凯  别名:小凯,凯爷,凯宝,老王  英文名:Karry  生日:9月21日  身高:173cm (成长ing)  体重:51kg  星座:处女座  长项:唱歌  优点:成绩好  爱好:打球  2013正在学习:吉他弹奏  所属组合:TFBOYS  队内职务:队长 、主唱、 门面担当  生肖:兔  籍贯:重庆  粉丝名:小螃蟹  姓名:王源  英文名:Roy  昵称:王大源,源源,二源,中二源,奶源,源子(俊凯称呼)  粉丝名:汤圆  生日:11月8日  身高:167cm(成长ing)  体重:45kg  现居地:重庆  生肖:龙  籍贯:陕西  星座:天蝎  长处:爱笑,爱唱歌  优点:活泼可爱口才好  爱好:唱歌  平时休息时喜欢做什么:打篮球  队内职务:可爱担当、主唱  姓名:易烊千玺  昵称:千玺、千总、小千千  粉丝名:千纸鹤  生日 :11月28日  星座:射手座  身高: 163cm(成长ing)  爱好:拉丁舞、现代舞、民族舞、街舞、模特、魔术、书法、葫芦丝、跆拳道、变脸  所在地:北京  队内职务:舞蹈担当、普通话担当
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提供几段资料,仅供参考.内容简介: 遭遇船难而流落荒岛的英国流亡贵族鲁滨逊,在极度与世隔绝的情况下,运用水手时代训练而来的地理方位标示,天象人文观测,日移与潮汐变化登计法,与奥妙的自然搏斗,同时记录下自己的荒岛生涯,并随时等待时机与别逃离绝境.鲁滨逊在自治的日历星期五这一天,从食人族手中救出一个土著小孩,因此为他取名“星期五”作为纪念.星期五是被食人族作为祭祀的祭品带到荒岛上来的,无法再回到他的部族,随着两个人的朝夕相处,鲁滨逊面对一个与自己不同种族,宗教,及文化的人,慢慢改变了自己,两人发展成亦父亦友情谊.这份文明世界所缺少的友谊成为鲁滨
作者简介: 英国作家.生于伦敦.父亲经营屠宰业.笛福只受过中等教育,信奉不属于英国国教的长老会教派.二十多岁时,笛福已是伦敦一个体面的商人,经营过内衣、烟酒业等等,到过欧洲大陆.1692年经商破产,不得不以其他方式谋生.他给政府当过情报员,设计过开发事业.他还从事写作,早年以写政论文和讽刺诗著称,反对封建专制,主张发展资本主义工商业.1698年他发表了《论开发》,建议修筑公路,开办银行,征收所得税,举办水火保险,设立疯人院,创办女学等.1702年他在政论文《消灭不同教派的捷径》中用反语讽刺政府的宗教歧视政策,由于文笔巧妙,开始未被识破,发觉后被捕入狱6个月,并受枷刑示众.他受枷刑时散发了他的长诗《枷刑颂》,讽刺法律的不公,围观的伦敦市民把他奉为英雄.1704年至1713年,他为哈利主办《评论》杂志,制造舆论,搜集情报.1719年笛福发表了他的第一部小说《鲁滨孙飘流记》,大受读者欢迎.接着出版了《鲁滨孙飘流续记》.1720年他又写了《鲁滨孙的沉思集》.此后还相继发表了《辛格尔顿船长》(1720)、《摩尔·费兰德斯》(1722)、《杰克上校》(1722)和《罗克萨娜》(1724)等长篇小说以及《彼得大帝》(1723)等传记. Robinson Crusoeby Daniel Defoe Chapter 1: Start in Life Chapter 2: Slavery and Escape Chapter 3: Wrecked on a Desert Island Chapter 4: First Weeks on the Island Chapter 5: Builds a House - The Journal Chapter 6: Ill and Conscience-Stricken Chapter 7: Agricultural Experience Chapter 8: Surveys His Position Chapter 9: A Boat Chapter 10: Tames Goats Chapter 11: Finds Print of Man's Foot on the Sand Chapter 12: A Cave Retreat Chapter 13: Wreck of a Spanish Ship Chapter 14: A Dream Realised Chapter 15: Friday's Education Chapter 16: Rescue of Prisoners from Cannibals Chapter 17: Visit of Mutineers Chapter 18: The Ship Recovered Chapter 19: Return to England Chapter 20: Fight Between Friday and a Beard About the Author English novelist, pamphleteer, and journalist, author of Robinson Crusoe (1719), a story of a man shipwrecked alone on an island. Along with Samuel Richardson, Defoe is considered the founder of the English novel. Before his time stories were usually written as long poems or dramas. He produced some 200 works of nonfiction prose in addition to close 2 000 short essays in periodical publications, several of which he also edited.Defoe was born as the son of James Foe, a butcher of Stroke Newington, whose stubborn puritanism occasionally comes through Defoe's writing. He studied at Charles Morton's Academy, London. Although his Nonconformist father intended him for the ministry, Defoe plunged into politics and trade, travelling extensively in Europe. Throughout his life Defoe also wrote about mercantile projects, but his business ventures failed and left him with large debts, seventeen thousand pounds - which he later paid off.In the early 1680s Defoe was a commission merchant in Cornhill but went bankrupt in 1691. In 1684 he married Mary T they had two sons and five daughters. Defoe was involved in Monmouth rebellion in 1685 against James II. While hiding as a fugitive in a churchyard after the rebellion was put down, he noticed the name Robinson Crusoe carved on a stone, and later gave it to his famous hero. Defoe became a supporter of William II, joining his army in 1688, and gaining a mercenary reputation because change of allegiance. From 1695 to 1699 he was an accountant to the commissioners of the glass duty and then associated with a brick and tile works in Tilbury. The business failed in 1703.In 1702 Defoe wrote his famous pamphlet The Shortest-Way with the Dissenters. Himself a Dissenter he mimicked the extreme attitudes of High Anglican Tories and pretended to argue for the extermination of all Dissenters. Nobody was amused, Defoe was arrested in May 1703, but released in return for services as a pamphleteer and intelligence agent to Robert Harley, 1st Earl of Oxford, and the Tories. While in prison Defoe wrote a mock ode, Hymn to the Pillory (1703). The poem was sold in the streets, the audience drank to his health while he stood in the pillory and read aloud his verses.When the Tories fell from power Defoe continued to carry out intelligence work for the Whig government. In his own days Defoe was regarded as an unscrupulous, diabolical journalist. Defoe used a number of pen names, including Eye Witness, T.Taylor, and Andrew Morton, Merchant. His most unusual pen name was 'Heliostrapolis, secretary to the Emperor of the Moon,' used on his political satire The Consolidator, or Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon (1705). His political writings were widely read and made him powerful enemies. His most remarkable achievement during Queen Anne's reign was the periodical A Review of the Affairs of France, and of All Europe (). It was published weekly, later three times a week and resembled a modern newspapers. From 1716 to 1720 Defoe edited Mercurius Politicus, then the Manufacturer (1720), and the Director (1720-21). He was contributor from 1715 to periodicals published by Nathaniel Mist.Defoe was one of the first to write stories about believable characters in realistic situations using simple prose. He achieved literary immortality when in April 1719 he published Robinson Crusoe, which was based partly on the memoirs of voyagers and castaways, such as Alexander Selkirk. However, at first Defoe had troubles in finding a publisher for the book and eventually received &10 for the manuscript. Employing a first-person narrator and apparently genuine journal entries, Defoe created a realistic frame for the novel, which distinguished it from its predecessors. The account of a shipwrecked sailor was a comment both on the human need for society and the equally powerful impulse for solitude. But it also offered a dream of building a private kingdom, a self-made Utopia, and being completely self-sufficient. By giving a vivid reality to a theme with large mythic implications, the story have since fascinated generations of readers as well as authors like Joachim Heinrich Campen, Jules Verne, R.L. Stevenson, Johann Wyss (Der schweizerische Robinson), Michael Tournier (Vendredi ou les limbes du Pacifique), J.M. Coetzee (Foe), and other creators of Robinsonade stories.During the remaining years, Defoe concentrated on books rather than pamphlets. At the age of 62 he published Moll Flanders, a Journal of the Plague Year and Colonel Jack. His last great work of fiction, Roxana, appeared in 1724. Defoe's choice of a female protagonist in Moll Flanders reflected his interest in the female experience. Moll is born in Newgate, where her mother is under sentence of death for theft. Herr sentence is commuted to transportation to Virginia. The abandoned child is educated by a gentlewoman. Moll suffers romantic disillusionment when she is ruined at the hands of a cynical male seducer, she becomes a whore and a thief, but finally she gains the status of a gentlewoman through the spoils of a successful colonial plantation.In the 1720s Defoe had ceased to be politically controversial in his writings, and he produced several historical works, a guide book A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain ( vols.), The Great Law of Subordination Considered (1724), an examination of the treatment of servants, and The Complete English Tradesman (1726).Phenomenally industrious, Defoe produced in his last years also works involving the supernatural, The Political History of the Devil (1726) and An Essay on the History and Reality of Apparitions (1727). He died on 26 April, 1731, at his lodgings in Ropemaker's Alley, Moorfields.Author biographies courtesy of Author's Calendar. Used with permission.《鲁滨逊漂流记》取材于苏格兰水手亚力山大·赛尔柯克(Alexander Selkirk)独自在荒岛生活五年的真实经历,是一部回忆录式的冒险小说.主人公鲁滨逊不安于闲适平淡,一心想到海上冒险,19岁时不顾家人反对,私自离家当了水手.遭遇暴风雨时,他曾想到放弃,但一旦适应,他便决心继续冒险.没多久,他们的船受到海盗袭击,鲁滨逊被海盗掳去,沦为摩尔人的奴隶,后来获救随葡萄牙船只前往巴西,在巴西经营过种植园.在一次前往非洲贩奴途中,鲁滨逊所乘船只遭遇风暴触礁,只有鲁滨逊-人幸免于难,流落在一个荒无人烟的海岛上,开始了长达28年2个月零19天的荒岛生活.经历初期的沮丧之后,孤独无依的鲁滨逊没有怨天尤人,而是设法生存,期待将来获得营救离开荒岛.他自制木排,把触礁后尚未沉没的船上的食物、火药、工具等运到岛上,以备使用.他搭建窝篷、狩猎捕鱼、驯养山羊、种粮制磨,还自己烧陶器、缝皮衣、做面包、凿制独木舟.鲁滨逊克服种种困难,在荒岛上生存下来,并且详细记录岛上所发生的每一件事.后来,鲁滨逊从食人生番手中救下一个土著人,给他取名“星期五”.星期五心甘情愿作他的奴隶,成了鲁滨逊忠实的仆人和相依为命的同伴.最后,一艘英国船停泊在附近,鲁滨逊协助船长平息船员哗变,夺回船只,终于得以离开荒岛返回英国.完整的《鲁滨逊漂流记》共有三个部分,本书节选的是前两个部分,在第三部分中鲁滨逊再次离家远行.
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