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《卡斯特桥市长》是托马斯?哈代1886年写成的一部重要小说。故事发生在19世纪的英国,小说中的主人公——亨查德勤奋努力,发家致富,从一个无名小子爬到市长的宝座,最终因性格的弱点而受到命运的捉弄,最终在贫困孤独中凄惨地死去。 迈克尔?亨查德年轻时是个打草工,为人正直、善良。在一次喝醉酒时,以区区五几尼的价钱,就把他的妻子和女儿卖给了一个水手——纽森。酒醒生,他幡然悔悟,发下重誓,二十年绝对滴酒不沾。后来,通过努力工作,他生意亨通,受人尊敬,还当上卡斯特桥市长。十八年后,当他决定要娶他的情人露西塔时,他的前妻出现了。他前妻以为她的水手丈夫葬身大海了,便带了她的女儿——伊丽莎白?简来找亨查德。于是,他又与前妻重归于好。亨查德却由于对生意合伙人法尔弗雷的嫉妒、排挤,加之他生性倔强执拗,结果生意失败,并失去市长的公职。前妻死后,他意外地发现他的女儿伊丽莎白并不是他的亲生女儿。他为此感到非常烦恼,开始冷落伊丽莎白。她只好搬出去和亨查德的旧情人露西塔同住。本来打算与亨查德结构的露西塔后来与法尔弗雷相爱并嫁给了他。法尔弗雷成了亨查德生意和爱情上的竞争对手。破产和羞辱使他陷入狼狈的境地,而且他有伤风化的卖妻行为也开始流传开来。落魄不堪的他靠给法尔弗雷干活来养活自己。伊丽莎白成了他惟一的慰藉。可好景不长,纽森回来并与女儿伊丽莎白相认。在伊丽莎白与法尔弗雷的婚礼上,他受到了冷遇。于是他默然离开了卡斯特桥市,在孤独中悲惨地离开人世。
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The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886) is a tragic novel by English author Thomas Hardy, which is set in a fictional rustic England of 19th century. Through steady effort and industry, the protagnist, Michael Henchard , becomes the Mayor of Casterbridge and also a successful merchant from a nobody. But the fate teases his inherent character flaws relentlessly. At last, he dies with nothing but poverty and solitude. At the beginning of the novel, Michael Henchard is a young hay–trusser, righteous and kind. Spurred by alcohol, he decides to auction off his wife and baby daughter, Elizabeth-Jane, to a sailor, Mr. Newson, for onlt five guineas. Once sober the next day, he swears not to touch liquor again in twenty years.Eighteen years later, he becomes a successful and respectful merchant as well as the Mayor of Casterbridge. Yet just as Henchard is about to marryr Lucetta, Susan unexpectedly appears in Casterbridge with her daughter, Elizabeth-Jane, for she believes that her sailor husband has been lost at sea. Therefore, Henchard is reunited with Susan and the fully grown Elizabeth-Jane. But Henchard loses both of his business and office becasue of his jealousy and grudge against the business partner Farfrae and his natural disposition,obduracy. After Susan's death, he happens to know that Elizabeth-Jane is not his biological child,which vexes him very much and makes him grow cold and cruel towards her. She has to make a move and live with Lucetta, Henchard's former mistress. Lucetta, whose original intention is to marry Henchard, acturally falls in love with Farfrae and becomes his wfie. Hence, Farfrae has been Henchard's rival both in business and love. Bankrupcy and humiliation in addition to the immoral action of selling his wife makes like a drowned mouse. He has to work for Farfrae in order to make a living. Pathetically,he loses his only soothingness, Elizabeth, who is reunited with her biological father,Newson. Having received little attention
The Mayor of Casterbridge ? Thomas Hardy's 1886 novel written an important. The story took place in 19th century Britain, the main character in the novel
Hang Chad hard work, build up family fortunes , From a nameless boy climb up the mayor's throne, the ultimate result of the weakness of character by Play cat and mouse with the fate of the final in poverty to die alone in misery. ? Hang Chad Michael is a young man playing the grass, people, integrity, kindness. In a drunk, to just five for the price of Nigeria, put his wife and daughter to sell a sailor
Newsom. sober up, he Fanran repent, under the weight of the oath, the 20years absolute keep in the pin. Later, through hard work, his business prosperous and respected, but also when the bridge on the Lancaster mayor. 18 years later, when he decided to take a wife Lucy tower of his lover, his exwife emerged. His exwife that her husband killed sailors of the sea, they brought her daughter
Elizabeth Jane came ? Hang Chad. So, he and his exwife back in the good. Hang Chad because of the business partner of Alfred the jealousy, exclusion, coupled with his stubborn nature Stubbornly contrary and disobedient, results of business failure, and lost the mayor's public office. His exwife after his death, he accidentally found his daughter Elizabeth was not his own daughter. He is very troubles began coldshouldered Elizabeth. She had to move out to Chad and the Hang tower of the old lover Lucy live. Mr Frederick had intended to Chad and the structure of the tower Lucy was in love with the law Alfredsson and married him. Law Alfredsson became Hang Chad business and love on the competitors. Bankruptcy and humiliation he caught in a difficult situation of the state, and the sale of wives he indecent acts have begun to spread open. Lapo he can not rely on the law Alfredsson to work to support themselves. Elizabeth became his only consolation. Can be a flash in the pan , Newsom and his daughter Elizabeth a


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