
The 7-Day Detox Diet Plan | Recipes and Tips
One-Week Detox Diet Plan
Learn about going on a 7-day detox diet
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Fresh vegetables and fruit are staples of a detox diet.&
Paul Bradbury/OJO Images/Getty Images
Updated February 02, 2015.
Written or reviewed by a board-certified physician. 's .
The most common type of
is a food-based cleanse, which includes plenty of fresh vegetables, fruit, anti-inflammatory foods, and fluids. Dairy, wheat, gluten, sugar, and fried and processed foods are typically not allowed on the diet. Take the Detox Diet QuizBefore finding out more about what the diet entails, become familiar with the possible symptoms of toxicity by taking the .
What to Eat on a 7-Day Detox Diet1) What to Eat Before the Diet: Certain foods and drinks such as coffee and sugar are typically phased out before starting the diet in order to avoid headaches and other reactions. Find out how to .2) Foods to Eat: Here is a sample list of
during a 7-day detox.3) Foods to Avoid: A sample list of
on a 7-day detox.4) Sample Menu Plan: Although meals can be made from any of the allowed detox foods, it helps to have a .5) Top 20 Detox Foods: Want to know what some of the star players of the diet are? Find out our
and get tips on how to use them.The 7-day food-based detox diet is designed for a newbie, for someone who wants to do a longer cleanse (7 to 21 days), for people who aren't able to go on a more restrictive diet due to time or work constraints, or for people who are generally exhausted and require more protein in their diet (take the ). While the plan outlined here is for 7 days, it may be followed for up to 21 days.
There are many types of cleanses, from
to detoxes that allow three meals per day. While it may be tempting to make a drastic change by trying a fast, sometimes simple changes such as drinking more fluids, eating more vegetables, or eliminating wheat can have a profound effect on how we feel. The key is to choose the diet that best matches a person’s health, energy level and lifestyle.Other Steps to a Detox Diet PlanDiet is just one component of any well-designed cleanse. In addition with an eating plan, there are other important steps:1) Enhance Circulation: A lack of physical activity may result in poor circulation which can have a negative effect on health and impair detoxification and immune function. The best way to get blood pumping is to exercise. Contrast showers and
are sometimes used and can be done before or after a regular shower.2) Promote Elimination: When toxins that are stored in body cells are mobilized, they travel to our blood and should be eliminated from the body through stool, urine, or sweat or they can be reabsorbed and recirculated. Sometimes our organs of elimination are sluggish due to inactivity and poor diet. Eating
may help. Under a doctor's supervision, herbal laxatives such as
may also be used.3) Improve Digestion: Promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines in order to keep potentially harmful bacteria in check. “Bad” bacteria, in excess, may produce toxins that impair the intestinal lining, get absorbed into the bloodstream, and injure cell membranes in the body. Fermented foods (such as kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi) are an example of foods that may help to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.
can also be supplemented.Many detox diets exclude common food sensitivities such as wheat and gluten-containing foods. A properly chosen diet supports the liver by providing it with protein, antioxidants, vitamin, and other nutrients so that it can detoxify efficiently. Supplements can also be taken under your healthcare provider's supervision, such as protein powder and vitamins, antioxidants, , or .4) Mind/Body Wellness: Stress can impair the body’s detoxification systems and lead to digestive ailments, impaired immunity, and have wide-ranging effects on health. A detox diet is a time not just to let the body heal, but to allow the mind to rest. Try to incorporate mind/body practices into your detox, such as , , or .Join Our Community! Share Your Experiences on a Detox Connect and like me on Facebook: Follow me on Twitter: Common QuestionsHere are the answers to some of the more
about this type of diet.Trying to lose some weight? We’ve put together a newsletter to help you do just that, one guilt-free step at a time.
– we keep it short, simple, and sensational!Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. It is not meant to cover all possible precautions, drug interactions, circumstances or adverse effects. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen.
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Brand :Ultimate KitchenModel :UK1000MPN :UK1000Enjoy the taste and health benefits of naturally flavored water with this stylish and light weight water bottle from Ultimate Kitchen. One of our best sellers! Drinking water is healthy for you, but most of us do not drink enough of it. Why? The taste! We’d rather have juices and sugary soft drinks.Try giving your water a splash of flavor instead! The Flavor Infuser Water Bottle features an easy to use infuser for enjoying any combination of flavors for your water. Ideal for enjoying flavored water at the school, pool, gym, office, while traveling or any locations where glass bottles may not be permitted.Made with high impact and durable Tritan, this bottle is designed for enjoying naturally flavored water on the go and is a reusable, healthy and economical alternative to bottled water and soft drinks.What else do we love about this bottle? Easy to use, simply place fruit in the infuser and fill the bottle with fresh water. Holds a generous 27 fluid ounces, 100% BPA free, impact-resistant Triton. No gaskets to remove or replace. Super easy to clean!TIP: Lid opens all the way, don’t be afraid to break it. Water bottle can be used with infuser. But for best results, infuse water overnight and remove infuser before using.STAY HYDRATED&- Great way to increase your water intake and stay hydrated. &Get creative and have fun making your own water infusion&recipes.HEALTHIER ALTERNATIVE&- Drinking infused water will help you reduce/eliminate the intake of unhealthy soda drinks.SLICK DESIGN&- Our stylish and elegant water bottle with fruit infuser is made out of durable, 100% BPA FREE Plastic.EASY TO USE&- Simply place fruit inside the infuser and fill the bottle with fresh water.GREAT DESIGN&- Carrying handle makes it easy to take it with you anywhere you go: gym, office, work, hiking, travel
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