支票上写着this chop cancelledchop化疗是什么么意思

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cancelled check是什么意思
中文翻译已注销支票柱销支票;付讫支付注销支票, 付讫支票:&&&&vt. (-ll-, 〔美国〕-l-) 1.划掉,略去, ...:&&&&n. 1.(象棋)将军(!),被将军的局面。 2.(突然 ...
例句与用法1.The cancelled checks provided vital evidence for an investigation conley was already conducting .这些注销了的支票为康利已在进行的一项调查提供了极其重要的证据。2.Cancel check out取消登出3.Yesterday is a cancelled check ; tomorrow i today is the only cash you have , so spent it wisely昨天是一张废票,明天是张期票,今天才是你可以好好运用的现金。 4.The canceled checks that are returned to you provide a record of where your money was spent , and they can serve as proof that payment was received - - - - that is , canceled checks can serve as receipts寄回的付讫支票记载了你花钱的地点,当作收到款项的证据,也就是说,付讫支票可以当作收据。


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