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为了验证这种说法,在同 时打开手机移动数据和WiFi网络的情况下,记者打开一款手机视频应用,点击下载视频。几秒钟后,记者切断了家里的WiFi后,系统立刻跳出了已经在耗费手机流量的提醒。然而在打开另外一个新闻类应用,同时切断了家中的WiFi信号后,手机系统却并未对网络切换进行提醒,的确出现了移动所提醒的情况。
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随着可穿戴技术的走热,越来越多的人开始把这类产品绑在自己的身上,并通过它们追踪各种类型的健康数据。虽然“量化自我”运动主要扎根于 Fitbit、Nike FuelBand等运动追踪类设备,但织物设计和基于纺织品的传感器可能会很快改变这一点。Sensoria Fitness就是这样一家希望打破可穿戴技术市场现有模式的技术公司,他们最近就推出了一款内含追踪传感器的运动文胸。
华为互联网品牌荣耀最近推出了首款面向可穿戴设备领域的硬件产品荣耀手环Talkband B1,与智能家居领域的荣耀立方一样,这款产品主打多功能于一身,在市场竞争中可以提供足够的差异化。wi-fi 连接老是自动断开,要不就连上了也上不了网_百度知道
wi-fi 连接老是自动断开,要不就连上了也上不了网
9300wi-fi 连接老是自动断开,这怎么回事!路由器网络什么的全没问题。要不就连接上了也上不了网
出门在外也不愁青少年长期接触 Wi-Fi 设备会致癌吗?
震惊:长期接触空气会导致死亡!!!据可靠数据统计: 世界上超过99.5%的人在连续接触空气43800天内, 会因空气的氧化作用导致器官衰竭而死亡
我来上点干货,求不喷。欢迎合理的学术讨论。文章是未发表内容,请勿转载!部分图好像裂了,非常抱歉.表格好像也出了点问题,我有时间会修复。所有论文中的观点 仅代表个人观点。其实我也是很认同Wi-Fi无害论的,大量实验也证明了Wi-Fi无害,至于题目所说的癌症,我认为是捕风捉影,希望给出足够的动物实验或者流行病学研究资料。以上……Wi-Fi Radiation on CognitionAbstractThis
paper is a literature review of possible cognitive effects of Wi-Fi radiation.
It has been reported that Wi-Fi radiation, as a kind of radiofrequency
radiation at 2450 GHz, can cause both detrimental cognitive impacts if exposed
to the brain. However studies also showed that in some cases Wi-Fi exposure can
lead to beneficial outcomes. This paper analyzes current evidence from
literature and presents the relationship between Wi-Fi exposure and cognition
on both positive and negative impacts and provides information on how the
general population can lower their risk of developing potential negative health
outcomes of Wi-Fi radiation exposure.IntroductionWi-Fi is spreading rather fast around the
globe recently. Lots of museums, schools, libraries and homes are now equipped
with Wi-Fi device (Hlungulu et al., 2010).
According to Wi-Fi Alliance, Wi-Fi is in around 25% of homes around the world,
and about 2 billion Wi-Fi devices were sold in 2013 (Wi-Fi Alliance(R),
2014). Recently some cities have developed or are developing plans to cover the
whole city with Wi-Fi spots (Afanasyev, Chen,
Voelker, & Snoeren, 2008). In 2004, Jerusalem became the world’s
first city-wide Wi-Fi covered city.(Levi, 2004)
A few month later, Mysore became India’s first Wi-Fi covered city and then in
2005 Sunnyvale became the first Wi-Fi covered city in the United States (Khan, 2004; Vos, 2005). Since then a lot more
cities developed municipal Wi-Fi systems and currently more than 28 citywide
municipal Wi-Fi projects exist within the United States (Weiss, 2007). Wi-Fi is permeating into the society very rapidly
and is now a necessity of modern life. Along with the increase
of Wi-Fi devices, concerns about the health impact of Wi-Fi radiation also arise.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that there is no convincing
scientific evidence that radiofrequency signals from wireless networks cause
adverse health effects (WHO, 2006).
However, lots of epidemiological, in vitro, and in vivo research studies have
been conducted to explore the health impact of Wi-Fi radiation (Reviewed in
Foster, 2013). Current research shows that Wi-Fi exposure has influence on
reproductive health (Sommer et al., 2009),
cognitive abilities (Russell, 2013),
immune system (Shandala, 1983; G. I. B.
Vinogradov, G. V.; Naumenko, G. M.; Levin, A. D.;Trifonov, S. I., 1985; G. I.
D. Vinogradov, I. D., 1974), and many other aspects. This paper focuses
on reviewing the effect of Wi-Fi on cognition.What is Wi-FiWi-Fi,
wireless fidelity, also wifi or WiFi, is the name of a local wireless
information technology that enables electronic devices to connect to the
internet via 2.5 GHz electromagnetic wave. (Wi-Fi Alliance(R),
The name ‘Wi-Fi’ is defined by
Wi-Fi Alliance as "wireless local area network (WLAN) products that are
based on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers'
(IEEE) 802.11 standards" (Wi-Fi Alliance(R), 2014).
Wi-Fi Alliance certified Wi-Fi equipments abide the IEEE (Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineers) 802.11 standard and bear the official logo of Wi-Fi
Alliance shown in Figure 1.Wi-Fi
signals, as radiofrequency radiation (RFR) at 2.4 GHz, defer from cell phone
GSM (originally Groupe Spécial Mobile, now Global System for Mobile
Communications) signals and other common cell phone communication signals in
its frequency, and the specified comparison is shown in Table 1.Radiofrequency Radiation (RFR)Radiofrequency
radiation (RFR) in total, is a part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum
with high frequency (3 kHz to 300 GHz) (D’Andrea, 2007). The energy
of RFR is not enough to cause ionization but RFR can affect cells physically
and chemically and can cause beneficial or harmful effects (Michaelson, 1987).Radiofrequency
radiation as electromagnetic wave, has two major properties, frequency and
intensity. As mentioned before, the Wi-Fi radiation has frequency 2450 MHz. The
intensity of RFR is measured as power transferred per unit area and in SI (Le Système International d'Unités)
standard has the unit of W/m2. However considering radiation to
biological systems, Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is often used to measure the
amount of radiation absorbed. (ICNIRP, 1998) The unit of SAR is W/kg. SAR is
usually averaged either over the whole body, or over a small sample volume (typically
1 g or 10 g of tissue) (Jin, 1998). SAR for RFR over a certain tissue
with known electromagnetic field can be calculated as:Where
is the electrical conductivity of the tissue,
E is is the root mean square electric field, and
is the density of the tissue. SAR measures
exposure to fields between 100 kHz and 10 GHz (ICNIRP, 1998).Wi-Fi Safety DosageExposure
dosage is a crucial aspect of Wi-Fi radiation and other RF radiation. The SAR
mentioned before is often used to describe the dosage of exposure.
Figure 2 shows the comparison of a few
radiofrequency radiation sources and their exposure dosages at a home.The
data in Figure 2 indicate that the radiation of Wi-Fi is very low (smaller than
0.1%) of WHO guidelines for radiofrequency radiations, and is relatively low
compared to other RFR sources. The WHO guideline for RFR exposure measured in
SAR is 4 W/kg (WHO, 2006). Some other SAR
standards are also provided in the Table 2. However, this guideline only
considers the thermal effect of RFR and further influences are not considered
(Foster, 2013). According to a
study in 2009, SAR of Wi-Fi devices radiation on human is around 0.05 to 0.17
W/kg (Monebhurrun and Letertre). This is quite low compared to standards made
by WHO and other organizations. However, the study only shows the average SAR
over a 10g sample tissue. It is possible that in a smaller sample, e.g. 1g, there
is a bigger SAR value. Also, the relationship between SAR over 10g sample
tissue and 1g sample tissue is not a simple linear relationship (Wang et al.,
2008). That means, it is not 10 times SAR of 10g tissue than 1g tissue.
However, the study only takes into account the effect Moreover, SAR is not the
only aspect of radiation. Duration of radiation is another important measure. Thereby,
the definition of a “safe dosage” is still under debate and needs further
investigation to clarify. Since some studies showed that there is long-term low
dosage effects of Wi-Fi exposure, there is great necessity to explore about the
possible health outcomes of Wi-Fi radiation
(Buchner, 2011).MethodA
literature search in PubMed and Google Scholar used keywords Wi-Fi radiation
and cognition. References in the articles identified in the databases were also
evaluated for inclusion. The inclusion criteria were primary animal and human
studies of relationship between Wi-Fi and cognition. Articles were excluded if
they are 1) review, case report, 2) studies on radiation
frequency 900 MHz instead of 2450 MHz; 3) studies that did not focus on
and 4) non-English publication. Time of publication was not
limited in literature selection. A total of 11 animal studies and 3
epidemiology studies were selected.Summary of
Effects or No Effect on CognitionBoth
negative effects and neutral effects were discovered under different
situations. 2 animal studies found no effect on working memory while 3 animal studies
found negative effects. It is also found in one animal study that there is no
effect on anxiety and in another that there is no effect on stress. However
negative results were found in pubertal brain development, level of heat shock
protein, as well as structural changes in brain tissues. It is quite confusing
that different outcomes were observed under the same condition in Cobb et al.’s
study and in Lai et al.’s study, despite from the fact that both of the papers
utilized Male Sprague-Dawley (CD-VAF/Plus) rats (250–300g) in the same kind of
cages, at the same temperature (23℃), 12h light-dark cycle, with the
same exposure mechanism developed by Guy et al (1979). The reason that led to
the difference is thereby confounding. Cobb et al. stated that the level of
Physostigmine used in Lai et al.’s study, as well as the way Lai et al. trained
the rats might be the reason of negative impacts. However, no solid conclusion
can be achieved from the information given and further investigation is needed.
Noticeably, Lai et al. found that radiation time threshold is between 20 to 45
minutes for 0.6 W/kg (1989). This may be used to predict the threshold
radiation time with respect to SAR in human cases. In a later study, it is
found that under similar conditions and SAR 1.2 W/kg, the result of Water-Maze
running experiment for rats also showed negative impact on working memory (Wang
and Lai, 2000). Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that Wi-Fi radiation
causes working memory dysfunctions under certain conditions.Also,
as previously mentioned, the WHO proposed SAR threshold for Wi-Fi radiation is
4W/kg. Studies have shown that Wi-Fi radiation with SAR varying from 0 to 4
W/kg does not have any impact on stress (A?t-A?ssa et al, 2010). However it has
also been reported that 1.04W/kg SAR may lead to brain structural changes in
the frontal cortex, brain stem and cerebellum, thereby impairing the oxidative
stress and inflammatory cytokine system (Eser et al, 2013). It was also
discovered in that study that the negative impact on rat’s brain formation of
2450 MHz Wi-Fi radiation is higher than that of 900MHz and 1800MHz radiation
(Eser et al, 2013). In epidemiological studies, both projects show negative
impact on psychophysiological outcomes such as EEG and HRV as well as IQ
(Maganioti et al, 2010; Havas et al, 2010). It was also discovered that the
level of heat shock protein HSP-90, often used as biomarkers of cell damage in
the neuro system due to its role as intracellular chaperones for other
proteins, becomes imbalanced when exposed to Wi-Fi radiation (Jorge-Mora et
al., 2010).Therefore,
the following deductions are possible: 1) Wi-Fi radiation has impact on working
memory unde 2) Wi-Fi radiation has no impact on stress
within the SAR standard of WHO; 3) Wi-Fi radiation leads to impairment of brain
structures and funct 4) Wi-Fi radiation leads to lower
psychophysiological outcomes and lower IQs. Positive
Impact on CognitionBesides the possible
negative impacts, very noticeably, research studies show that Wi-Fi radiation
has positive effects on cognitive functions. In 1992, researchers questioned
the common belief at that time that radiation is only detrimental to health
(Wolff). The possible mechanism of beneficial outcomes of ionizing radiation is
adaptive response, the phenomenon that low dose exposure to radiation or other
DNA altering substances can lead to lighter detrimental effects when exposed
later to a higher dose of that agent. This supports the 1984 discovery that
pre-exposure of human lymphocytes to low-dosage ionizing radiation induced an
adaptive response as decreased susceptibility to chromatid break induced by a
subsequent high dose radiation (Olivieri et al). This
is comparable to radiofrequency radiation, which is just lower in energy.
However the biological mechanism of how RFR causes adaptive is still unclear.
In 2014, Vijayalaxmi et al. reviewed about Adaptive response in mammalian cells
exposed to non-ionizing radiofrequency fields however all research cases
mentioned used 900 MHz (GSM) or 1950 MHz (UMTS) radiation. It is possible that
similar mechanism works for 2450 MHz Wi-Fi radiation. Supporting this, positive
cognitive effects of Wi-Fi radiation have been evidenced in animal research. It
has been reported that triple transgenic mice that has Alzheimer’s disease
properties achieve better in Barnes Maze Test after being exposed to Wi-Fi
radiation (2400MHz) for 2 hours per day and SAR 1.6 W/kg (Banaceur et al, 2013).
Besides Wi-Fi radiation, long-term low-dose exposure to 900 MHz and 1800 MHz RF
radiation is also reported to give rise to increase in resistance to ionizing
radiation and bacterial infection in in vitro human blood studies (Vijayalaxmi
et al, 2013 Sannino et al, 2013, Cao et al, 2011, Jiang et al, 2012, Zeni et
al, 2012). Therefore, 2450 MHz Wi-Fi radiation can be beneficial to cognition
and may be of great interest in treating Alzheimer’s disease.From the research result now it is possible
that 2450 MHz Wi-Fi radiation can both have beneficial and harmful effects on
cognition. Therefore it is a tricky problem to minimize the negative effects
and optimize the positive effects of Wi-Fi radiation. Noticeably, it is
reported that workers at radar stations who are exposed to radar microwaves (2
to 18 GHz) have shorter reaction time compared to the control group (Mortazavi,
2013). However it is mentioned in the same paper that radar workers have lower
performance in short-term memory compared to control group. Similarly, the
potential to induct both beneficial and detrimental effects on cognition of
Wi-Fi radiation is of great interest for further studies.Biological Mechanisms of Wi-Fi’s
Effects on CognitionDifferent
biological mechanisms have been proposed to explain the cognitive effects of
Wi-Fi radiation. It is found that as a kind of non-ionizing electromagnetic
radiation, Wi-Fi may cause various changes in brain and related regions. One
possible mechanism involves Protein Kinase C (PKC). Studies have shown that PKC
plays vital roles in different phases of the expression of Long-Term
Potentiation (LTP), a well-characterized form of synaptic plasticity that
fulfils many of the criteria for a neural correlate of memory (Suzuki, 1994;
Cooke and Bliss, 2006). It has been shown that statistically significant
decrease in PKC activity in hippocampus due to chronic exposure to 2.45 GHz RFR
at specific absorption rate 0.11W/kg (Paulraj and Behari, 2006). This alters
the hippocampus function and thereby exerts an influence on cognition. Recent
study shows that decreased level of PKC activities in hippocampus associates
with impaired cognition (Yabuki et al, 2013). This is due to PKC’s regulation
of enzymes like ornithine decarboxylase can be altered due to exposure of
electromagnetic waves, thereby influencing cognition (Byus et al, 1988). It
seems that hippocampus is an important target for Wi-Fi radiation. Known as the
key place of memory, hippocampus involves different kinds of biochemical
processes that influences neurobehavioral and cognitive outcomes (Eichenbaum et
al., 1992). Therefore, alterations in structure of and key biological processes
in hippocampus cause cognitive dysfunctions. Accordingly, the alteration of PKC
level in hippocampus due to Wi-Fi radiation can cause negative impacts on
et al. (1989) proposed a different mechanism which involves hippocampus. Increase
in concentration of cholinergic receptors occurred in frontal cortex and
hippocampus of rats after ten 45-min 2450 MHz radiation sessions (Lai et al.,
1989). However, despite from the fact that choline uptake receptors in
hippocampus, frontal cortex and other regions are closely related to cognitive
outcomes and interrupted cholinergic receptors concentrations cause negative
cognitive effects, the exact relationship between cholinergic receptors and
cognition is too complex and not yet well studied (Sarter and Parikh, 2005).
High-affinity choline uptake transporter is the rate-limiting transporter of
choline for synthesis of Acetylcholine neurotransmitter. This transporter is a
phosphoprotein, whose production regulation involves PKC, the key protein of
the previous mechanism (Sarter and Parikh, 2005). Moreover, it is discovered
that Wi-Fi radiation influences heart rate of experimental rats (Havas et al., 2010). This psychophysiological impact
might also shed light on the cognitive outcomes.Conclusion and ImplicationsThe cognitive impact of Wi-Fi radiation
can be beneficial or detrimental. However the border between positive and
negative cognitive effects stays unclear and many studies have found no clear
relationship between Wi-Fi radiation and cognition. On one hand, it is
discovered that 1) Wi-Fi radiation has impact on working memory under certain
conditions. 2) Wi-Fi radiation has no impact on stress within the SAR standard
of WHO. 3) Wi-Fi radiation leads to impairment of brain structures at SAR only
1 W/kg. 4) Wi-Fi radiation leads to lower psychophysiological outcomes and
lower IQs. However, on the other hand, it is also
noticed that exposure to Wi-Fi radiation can be beneficial in some cases.
Therefore, special attention should be paid because it is possible that Wi-Fi
radiation can cause detrimental effects to cognition. More research should be
done to analyze and separate the relationship between factors that might
contribute to the beneficial as well as the detrimental effects. Work places,
schools and other public places should consider reducing the number of Wi-Fi
devices. Considering current epidemiology research results and the number of
people that work and live in Wi-Fi radiations, it is important to conduct more
epidemiological researches that can set up a clear model to estimate the risk
of cognitive effects due to exposure of Wi-Fi radiation. The potential risk and
benefits of Wi-Fi radiation should also be more propagated in the public. Since Wi-Fi devices are already almost
irremovable from homes, working places and other possible occasions. It is
still necessary to think about how to reduce the possible negative effects of
Wi-Fi radiation to cognition and utilize the positive effects. Nevertheless, it
is safe to reduce the general influence of Wi-Fi radiation and keep away from
Wi-Fi devices. Since the two most important aspects of Wi-Fi radiation are
radiation strength (SAR) and radiation time, the best method to reduce
radiation is to directly reduce radiation exposure in time and strength.Since
radiation intensity reduces with distance and keeping away from radiation
source can decrease the exposure, keeping a distance from Wi-Fi devices can
help reduce exposure. Due to the fact that long exposure time leads to higher
risk of negative effects of Wi-Fi radiation, it can be helpful to turn off
Wi-Fi devices when not using them. Ethernet is safer, needs less energy than
Wi-Fi. Increasing the use of Ethernet decreases exposure to Wi-Fi radiation.
Thereby it is suggested to use Ethernet whenever possible. Radiation in public
places may cause negative cognitive effects, especially to people with weaker
resistance. Reducing Wi-Fi hotspots in public places can help reduce health
risks in a larger population.Besides, the cognitive effects of Wi-Fi
radiation should be compared and analyzed with respect to other similar
mechanisms of radiation, e.g. 1800MHZ GSM. Due to the fact that many offices
and companies have Wi-Fi radiation, it is quite important to investigate the
relationship between occupational exposure to Wi-Fi exposure and cognitive
effects. ReferencesAfanasyev, M., Chen, T., Voelker, G. M., & Snoeren, A. C. (2008). Analysis of a mixed-use urban wifi network:
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Publ Health, 42(4):428–435Figure 1. Official logo of Wi-Fi (Adapted from
)Figure 2. Environmental radiofrequency radiation level
(Adapted from RadHaz Consulting, 2007)Table 1. Communication technology and corresponding
operation frequency(Adapted from Cardis et al, 2008; Dubey et al, 2008; Hardell
et al, 2006; Schwarz et al, 2008)Communication
TechnologyOperating FrequencyGSM - Global systems
for mobile communication900-1800 MHz (9x108 –
18x108 Hz)UMTS – Universal mobile
telecommunications system (3G)2100 MHz (21x108 Hz)(LTE – Long term
evolution (4G- believed to be the successor to 3G technology)1800 MHz (18x108 Hz)Wi-Fi – Wireless
Fidelity2450 MHzTable 2. Standard for SAR in human
by different organizations(Adapted from Wang et al., 2008)OrganizationStandard NameTimeMaximum SAR
(W/kg)Unit mass (g)Frequency
range (Hz)WHO20064-0-300GIEEEC95.119921.61100k-6GCENELECENV501662001210100k-300GICNIRPEN503611998210100k-10GFCCC95.119961.61-ACAARPANSA1998210100k-300GNotes.
WHO: World Health
OrganizationIEEE: Institute of
Electrical and Electronics EngineersCENELEC: European
Committee for Electrotechnical StandardizationICNIRP: International
Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection FCC: Federal
Communications CommissionACA:
Australia Community AssociationAppendix.
of Studies on cognitive effects of Wi-Fi RadiationType of
ResearchSampleSAR (W/kg)Effects onResultsReferenceIn vivoRat0.6Working memory
(Maze test)No effect(Cobb et al., 2004)In vivoRat1.2Working memory
(Maze test)No effect(Cassel et al., 2004)In vivoRat0.6AnxietyNo effect(Cosquer et al., 2005)In vivoRat0.6Working memory
(Maze test)Negative (Lai et al., 1989)In vivoRat0.6Working memory
(Maze test)Negative (Lai et al., 1994)In vivoRat1.2Working memory
(Maze test)Negative (Wang&Lai, 2000)In utero &
In vivoRat0, 0.08, 0.4, and
4StressNo effect(A?t-A?ssa et al., 2013)In vivoRatNot mentionedPubertal brain
development Negative(Sangun et al., 2014)In vivoRat1.04Structural
Changes in the front cortex, brain stem, and cerebellumNegative (Eser et al., 2013)In vivoRat0.034 ± 3.10-3,
0.069 ± 5.10-3, 0.27 ± 21.10-3Level of heat
shock protein HSP-90 Negative(Jorge-Mora et al., 2010)EpidemiologyHumanNot mentionedEEG, IQ
(gender-related)Negative (Maganioti et al., 2010)EpidemiologyHumanNot mentionedHeart Rate
VariabilityNegative (Havas et al., 2010)EpidemiologyHumanNot mentionedReaction TimePositive(Mortazavi,
2013)In vivoRatNot mentionedWorking MemoryPositive(Banaceur et
关于2B类致癌物:更多信息点进英文版可见:This category is used for agents, mixtures and exposure circumstances for which there is limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and less than sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals.
WIFI 的辐射只对低智商人群有效。
简单地说,我也是1类致癌物惹怒我,我会照你脸上打一拳。一拳下去你脸部的肌肉组织和上皮组织会发生大规模的撕裂。然后你的脸部肌肉组织和上皮组织会进行生物学愈合过程,在这个过程中巨噬细胞会分泌TGF和TNF以及其他东西。但如果你的巨噬细胞存在生理缺陷导致无法正确分泌TNF的话,TGF会导致你的脸部肌肉组织和上皮组织疯狂生长、无法抑制。从宏观的角度来说 你就得脸癌了。


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