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Sky Live(TM) - Stargazing & Weather Forecast to View Clear Night Sky on the App Store
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Sky Live(TM) - Stargazing & Weather Forecast to View Clear Night Sky
By Vito Technology Inc.
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***From the developers of the world famous Star Walk stargazing guide, Apple Design Award winner*** Sky Live now works with Apple Watch to alert you of upcoming astronomical events and tell you everything going on in the sky over your location at the moment."For stargazers, Sky Live is exactly the app we've always needed to find out just how much of the stars we can see at night and when we'll be able to see our favourite constellations and planets." by Nathan Snelgrove, space photos combined with everything you need to know about stargazing conditions for your location tonight. Stargazer or not - this app will spark your curiosity. The most accurate hourly conditions for stargazing are estimated on seven criteria and summarized in one Stargazing Index that will give you all the information you need to make your plans. The formula was developed by a mathematician on the Star Walk team and takes into account: - Is there anything interesting in the sky tonight? - Can I see Saturn? - Is it going to be cloudy? - Is it going to rain? - Too much light? - Is the Moon too bright for stargazing? You will also get detailed reports on position and trajectory of the International Space Station, the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and other planets. The forecast is available for seven days ahead. If you would like your photos to be featured in the app, please send them to .
What's New in Version 1.1.0
Sky Live now works with Apple Watch to alert you of upcoming astronomical events and tell you everything going on in the sky over your location at the moment.New in the Apple Watch app— See the stargazing index, list of visible planets, phase of the moon, visibility conditions. — Receive and schedule reminders.New in the
iPhone app— New iPhone app design— New widget design— List of upcoming astronomical events— Option to choose temperature format in Settings— Option to save favorite locations
iPhone Screenshot
Apple Watch
Customer Reviews
Apple Watch update not very good
First, the iPhone version shows 4 planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn in the sky and the times to see them. I only see Venus and Mars showing on my Apple Watch. And it does not show the rise, set time. The back ground is cool but with the lite type it is just to hard to read on my Watch. See if you can re design the app so the text is bigger and maybe in a different color so it is easier to read. Maybe even a different background might be needed to make things easier to read. Swiping in from the right could show moon phases S an example. With the small screen of the apple Watch I don't think the static page works on the watch.
Crashes occasionally, but still AWESOME!!
Out of all my astronomy apps, I find myself using this one the most often. I've spent more than $10,000 on my astronomy and astrophotography gear, but the $.99 I spent on this app is probably the best investment I've ever made. The seeing rating and percentage is quite accurate, and seems to update hourly. I highly recommend this app to anyone who isn't using a sky-monitoring device. Worth every penny!
Ignore the bad reviews!
This app is great! I love the ability to just pull down my Notification Center to see what the star viewing % is!My only suggestion is that they could improve the searching for city's and places but current location is good enough. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves to look at the stars!
Customers Also Bought
Offers Apple Watch App for iPhone$0.99Category: Version: 1.1.0Size: 38.0 MBApple Watch: YesLanguages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional ChineseSeller: Vito Technology Inc.Compatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
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