
Navisworks | Project Review Software | Autodesk
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(includes all Subscriptions)
Navisworks(R) project review software products enables architecture, engineering, and construction professionals to holistically review integrated models and data with stakeholders to gain better control over project outcomes.
Desktop Subscription gives you access to the latest updates and releases, 1-on-1 web support, priority support in the forums, flexible licensing, and more.
Which Navisworks product is right for you?
Better control outcomes with advanced coordination, 5D analysis, and simulation tools.
Review and communicate project details through 5D analysis and simulation.
Best value
Navisworks Desktop Subscription
Benefits include:
Lower up-front cost
Access to the latest version
Flexible licensing
1-on-1 web support
Note: Navisworks 2016 software will be available soon. But you can try Navisworks 2015 now.
Please read the following terms carefully. If you do not accept, select “No thanks.”
License and services agreement
Trial privacy notice
If you are in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, and/or Australia, as part of your trial we will collect product usage information and use it to send you personalized marketing communications. &We also set a cookie that tracks your activities on our websites. &Please read further for details. &If you are in another country, this program will not apply to you.
This Trial Privacy Notice describes a data collection and use program that applies in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, and Australia. If you are from another country, you will still need to click to agree to the notice, but the program will not apply to you. &Scroll down for details on the program, including (1) the information we may collect through this product trial, (2) how we use it to send you personalized communications (including content about new products and special promotions) by email, phone, in-product and/or on
website, and (3) how we use cookies to help us understand your activity
(and subdomains like ). &We handle personal information in accordance with the Autodesk Privacy Statement.
Why we collect this information
We offer this trial period so we can learn more about how users like you work with our products. This helps us to improve them, and to provide you with more useful and personalized information about our products and services.
Product usage information
We may use in-product tools to collect information about your use of our trial product (for example: which features are used, time spent using the product). We stop collecting this product usage information when the trial period ends.
Here is a list of information we may collect, which is sent to our servers once a day in encrypted form:
· & & & &Operating system name and version
· & & & &System configuration information, such as processor, memory, and graphics card
· & & & &Autodesk product commands and operations used
· & & & &Aggregate time using the product
· & & & &Name, serial number, and version of Autodesk products on your system
· & & & &Error conditions
· & & & &Format and source of data imported or exported from Autodesk products
· & & & &IP address
We will set a cookie on your browser that will uniquely identify you as a visitor
(and subdomains like ). This cookie will help us understand your activity on our website (for example, if you view certain pages, view a webcast, or participate in a discussion forum). However, this cookie will not collect information about your activities on other websites. You can delete this cookie using your browser settings.
In return for providing you access to a fully functional product, we may communicate with you by email, phone, in-product and/or content we display on the
website. We want to give you a useful, personalized, and engaging evaluation experience. We will use the information we have collected about your trial product usage and website activity, and other information you might share with us, to help us decide what information will be most relevant and interesting to you. For example, if you indicate that you are involved in civil engineering, we may share information that we have found to be relevant to civil engineers. If you indicate that you are an experienced user or a newer user, we may communicate information to you that is designed to be relevant to your experience level.
I have read and agree to the Privacy Notice above, and I specifically agree to receive personalized marketing communications as described in the notice, as well as to the terms of the Autodesk Privacy Statement (which may include transfer of my information to other countries where Autodesk operates).
Please check both boxes to continue.
I accept the terms of the license and services agreement.
I accept the terms of the trial privacy notice above, and I specifically agree to receive personalized marketing as described in the notice.
Free 30-day trial
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Get more out of Navisworks for integrated project review with this series of videos.
Watch product workflow tutorials, read case studies and articles, and stay up-to-date with AEC industry news on your iPad.
BIM 360 Glue iPad app
Access and explore multidisciplinary BIM 360 Glue and Navisworks models online or offline, review intelligent object properties, and take simple measurements.
Free Autodesk software licenses and/or cloud-based services are subject to acceptance of and compliance with the terms and conditions of the license agreement or terms of service, as applicable, that accompany such software or cloud-based services.
Support & Learning
About AutodeskTV navi 2015年6月号/予告犯 試写会応募券:生田斗真 戸田恵梨香 - ヤフオク!
TV navi 2015年6月号/予告犯 試写会応募券:生田斗真 戸田恵梨香
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TVnavi首都圏版 2015年6月号/予告犯 試写会応募券:生田斗真 戸田恵梨香 商品説明 TVnavi首都圏版 2015年6月号/予告犯 試写会応募券:生田斗真 戸田恵梨香● TVnavi首都圏版 2015年6月号 2015年6月号 :○ 映画試写会プレゼント 応募券■『予告犯』/15組30名様:生田斗真 戸田恵梨香■愛を積むひと』/15組30名様:佐藤浩市 樋口可南子■『誘拐の掟』/15組30名様■『ジェームス?ブラウン 最高の魂を持つ男』 /15組30名様■『白魔女学園 オワリトハジマリ』 劇場招待券/15組30名様○ プレゼント&アンケート?天皇の料理番?戦う書店ガール グッズなど以上、切り抜き2ページ■ 状態?買ったばかりですが、素人切り抜き、一度は人の手に渡ったものであることをご理解の上、入札をお願いします。■ 梱包?OPP袋+封筒(折りたたんで封筒に入れます)■ 発送?普通郵便?ゆうメール?ゆうパケット?クリックポスト:164円?レターパックライト:360円?レターパックプラス:510円?ゆうパック、宅急便など■ 支払い方法(銀行振込)?ゆうちょ銀行?みずほ銀行?楽天銀行■ Yahooかんたん決済?Yahooかんたん決済にてご送金の場合、こちらの口座に振込完了後の発送になります。■ その他?オークション終了日が同日のものは同梱に応じます。?その場合、落札後に取引ナビにてご連絡お願いします。?また同梱する商品の大きさなどにより、送料の変更がある場合もあります。?同梱、送料、その他、不明な点は「出品者への質問」からお問い合わせ下さい。ただし、落札終了間際ではお答えできませんので、お早めにお願いします。 注意事項 勝手ながら、評価に問題の多い方はご入札を取り消す場合があります。オークション終了後のキャンセルはご遠慮下さい。ノークレーム?ノーリターンでお願いします。 発送詳細 ■振込手数料?配送料は落札者様負担でお願いします■着払い未対応■代引未対応■切手、図書券、金券等でのお支払い不可■海外への発送不可■原則的に13時までに振込の確認ができれば、当日中に発送致します。(平日のみ)発送元:神奈川県こちらの商品案内は 「」 で作成されました。
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