turing phonephone怎么预定

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turing phone如何预定的最新相关信息
全球首款液态金属手机“Turing Phone”日前开始接受预定,只要填写一些必要的信息即可。同样,从而确定产量,也没有义务必须要为消费者提供这样一款手机,用户只是预订,由于没有签署合约。预定流程很简单,TRI如果不能推出Turing Phone。当然,较之前计划的7月31日接受预定略迟数日  8月3日,用来评估消费者对这款手机的兴趣。  Turing Phone手机的预订工作,而没有义务在Turing Phone上市后必须购买一部
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首款液态金属手机Turing Phone开始预定
腾讯讯 8月3日,环球首款液态金属手机“Turing Phone”日前开始接管预定,较之前打算的7月31日接管预定略迟数日。Turing Robotics Industries(以下简称“TRI”)是环球首款液态金属手机“Turing Phone”的开拓商,他们知道Turing Phone面向的是小众市场,但却不知道凵フ叨Turing Phone的乐趣毕竟有多大。为此,TRI今天开启了Turing Phone手机的预订事变,以此来评估凵フ叨哉饪钍只睦秩ぃ佣范ú俊Tざ鞒毯芗蚱樱灰钚匆恍┬胍男畔⒓纯伞这款手机有三种配色方案:紫色和灰色、蓝色和赤色、赤色和白色。与iPhone相同,Turing Phone提供三种存储空间:16GB、64G和128GB,售价别离为610美元、740美元和870美元。虽然,用户只是预订,而没有任务在Turing Phone上市后必需购置一部。同样,因为没有签定合约,TRI假如不能推出Turing Phone,也没有任务必必要为凵フ咛峁┱庋豢钍只至于Turing Phone,,它是一款从内到外都异常安详的手机。具有防水成果,机身回收液态金属,手机设置也相等不错:·Android 5.0 Lollipop操纵体系·5.5英寸1080p屏幕·2.5 GHz高通四核骁龙801处理赏罚器·3 GB RAM·16/64/128 GB存储空间·1300万像素后置摄像头·800万像素前置摄像头·3000 mAh电池Turing Phone在机身段质上行使了一种名为Liquidmorphium的复合材质金属,硬度号称比不锈钢和钛还要高。体系方面,该机可以做到对任何通讯举办加密,并配有公钥和手机端预装的私有密钥,可以在与另一台Turing Phone通话时验证对方的身份。有业内人士称,对这款手机试用后发明其示意相等精彩。因为对用户界面举办了深度定制,传统的Android用户也许会有所不顺应。但Turing Phone首要照旧面向企业用户,而在这方面示意也确实稀奇。性价例如面,Turing Phone也许不如其他高端手机,但对这款产物感乐趣的凵フ弑囟ㄊ浅鲇谄渌矸帧=癯饪钍只纳鲜腥掌谏形慈范ǎ坝斜ǖ莱苹嵩谥泄兔拦追(谭燃)【新资讯】首款液态金属手机视频体验1507142'19''1551QQ播客【新资讯】首款液态金属手机视频体验150714
本页关键词:Phone开始预定,手机;业态,Turing Phone Preview - CNET
Turing Phone
The search for the secure smartphone continues: this time, we're taking a look at the Turing Phone. This Android smartphone will be available for pre-order later this month, and combines a unique, liquid metal chassis with a hardline focus on security.
At first blush, the Turing Phone left me... let's say skeptical. When a company you've never heard of launches a sparse website touting a (pricey) smartphone, bandies about jargon like "Liquidmorphium" and claims to be able to shut out hackers, it becomes hard to reserve judgement.
But the Turing Phone is more or less real: I've handled a pair of prototypes (and one non-functional dummy), and chatted at length with
SYL Chao, Turing Robotics' CEO. Chao's previous project was the . That smartphone was similarly focused on total encryption and security, but ran a custom operating system based on
and ultimately failed to gain much traction. The Turing Phone amends some of those missteps and looks and feels great, but Turing Robotics' claims remain theoretical, and unproven. But the device remains an intriguing concept: let's look beyond the buzzwords and to see what lies underneath.Design and build
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The Turing Phone is still in the prototype stage, but it looks and feels like something from the future. No thanks to the hardware:
the 2.5GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 processor isn't exactly state of the art, and the 5.5-inch 1,920x1,080 pixel display pales in comparisons to flagship devices like the 5.1-inch
or the 5.5-inch
-- both of those offer 2,560x1,440 pixel resolutions. It is by no means a bad display, and while my time was admittedly brief I didn't see any glaring issues -- this is a prototype model, however, so we'll need to wait and see.
The phone a little heavier than my
but certainly not onerous, and far easier to slip into a pocket. The SIM card slot that sits on the left side of the device is the only real point of entry for dirt or grime, as there are no other holes on the phone. It charges by way of the "Wallaby Magstream" magnetic power cable that looks curiously like an Apple MagSafe 2 plug. The 3,000mAh battery isn't removable, and you'll need to pair a Bluetooth headset for audio, as there's no 3.5mm
jack.The premium Turing Phone promises world-class security through a chip on the phone.
Josh Miller/CNET
The Turing Phone's frame is made up of the liquid-metal alloy that the company is calling
"liquidmorphium." It's an amorphous alloy of zirconium, copper, aluminum, nickel and silver that's supposedly stronger than steel, but cheaper and more efficient to produce than titanium. I'm not a fan of jargony buzzwords, but this liquidmorphium
it feels like glass, and when polished down it takes on a mirror-finish. The liquid metal frame is also something of a fingerprint magnet, so it's probably a good thing that the 5.5-inch screen has a very narrow bezel. There's a fingerprint reader on the left side of the phone, in a perfect spot for your thumb. I'm a lefty so it makes perfect sense to me, but I imagine right-handed folk might be a little confused, at first.The phone is available in Beowulf (left), Pharaoh (center) and Cardinal (right).
Josh Miller/CNET
The back of the phone is made of a tough plastic, and houses the near-field communications (NFC) chip. There will also be a few color options to choose from: the Beowulf model offers blue accents, and its plastic back is textured to look like a serpent' the Pharaoh model offers gold accents. I'm partial to Cardinal, a simple red-and-white affair that would look at home in Neo Tokyo, or some other cyberpunk setting.Hydrophobic nano-coating will keep the phone's innards safe from splashes.
Josh Miller/CNET
The phone is also using "Binnacle Ocean Master" nano-coating technology to waterproof their device. The naming scheme gives me pause, but hydrophobic nano-coating is nothing new -- we've seen examples of the technology
in the past.
The technology goes beyond weather-sealing: your average ruggedized phone relies on a tightly sealed chassis to keep water from getting in and mucking up the works. In the Turing Phone's case, I was told that all of the phone's innards are waterproofed, so submersion becomes a non-issue. The phone has an , and Turing claims that the phone has been left underwater for up to 24 hours without issue. The Xperia Z4 that
also boasts an
has an IP68 ratingPlenty of promise -- and security promises
A sturdy chassis and waterproofed innards are great, but remember -- the point of the Turing Phone is security, and testing those claims will be difficult. It all revolves around the Turing Imitation Key, which attempts to constrain public-key cryptography onto the phone. It's a complex subject, but simple to understand: a "public key matrix" is paired with your private key, and both remain on your phone, offline.
When someone wants to communicate with you securely, they'll be able to use your public key to encrypt it, and only your private key will be able to decrypt that message.
The difference, Turing Robotics says, is that this is all happening on the phone's hardware -- other mobile-encryption services rely on transmitting data to and from third-party services. Turing's imitation Key handles all of the work right on the phone, which theoretically means there's no chance for malcontents
to sabotage the encryption or decryption processes. But we've all heard the term "hacker-proof" before.We only got to see a mockup of the Turing UI -- the phone currently runs stock Android Lollipop.
Josh Miller/CNET
The final question revolves around the software. The devices I saw were running stock versions of Android 5.1 Lollipop, but the final version will have a custom Turing interface running on top of Android. Being based on Android seems to run at odds with the hyper-secure platform Turing Robotics is aiming for,
particularly since you'll still have access to Google Play Services and the app store. We'll just have to wait and see what Turing has in store.Pricing and availability
The Turing Phone will start shipping later this year, and it'll be available for preorder on July 31 -- there will only be 10,000 units available, to start. It's available in three capacities at three price points: there's a 16GB model that will sell for $610 (?391, AU$798); a 64GB version that will sell for $740 (?474, AU$969); and the 128GB model, which will cost $870 (?580 and AU$1,120). In an attempt to sweeten the deal, Turing Robotic Industries is offering a "bonus accessories package" to folks who preorder. which will include a mobile Bluetooth keyboard, earphones, a Bluetooth headset and a mobile gaming controller.
Those high prices give me pause, but I will admit that after spending some time with a working prototype my thoughts have moved from outright skepticism to wary interest. But even if the final model lives up to its promises, this phone remains aimed at the well-heeled and security conscious, and not the average consumer. We'll have to wait and see if the final version of the hardware will address misgivings we might have about the software, or hardware.
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About The Author
Associate Editor Nate Ralph is an aspiring wordsmith, covering mobile software and hardware for CNET Reviews. His hobbies include dismantling gadgets, waxing poetic about obscure ASCII games, and wandering through airports.
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