怎么查询荷兰皇家邮政快递查询邮政物流呢 谁帮我查查这个

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PostNL is the leading Postal operator in The Netherlands. PostNL offers products and services on the mail, parcel and e-commerce market in The Netherlands, as well as in the UK, Germany, Italy and Belgium.
PostNL aims to integrate the physical, financial, and electronic dimensions of postal services to enable and facilitate e-post, e-finance, e-commerce and e-government services around the world.
PostNL is a sponsored top-level domain (sTLD) available exclusively for the postal sector. It is a secure and trusted electronic infrastructure on the Internet to serve the needs of the global postal community.
Postal companies have for more than 100 years connected all people even in the most extreme circumstances by maintaining a world wide postal network. The crucial assets of this network are trust, interconnectivity and visibility as a world wide brand. These assets are of high value in a fast changing world caused by the digital transition.
More than 70 per cent of the world's Posts say that electronic services are strategically important to their business. This finding provides impetus to the goal of developing the PostNL platform. The PostNL platform interconnects current and future electronic postal services and makes them interoperable in a secure and trusted environment. It will authenticate postal service providers and strengthen the postal brand globally.
PostNL intends to link the physical and digital worlds, creating a secure platform that enables postal e-services to be delivered to all citizens and businesses. Applications, such as identity management, e-shops, e-payments, e-forms, secure postal mailboxes, address management, hybrid mail and advertising mail, would have a home on this future platform.
As the designated postal operator in The Netherlands, and a proud member of the Universal Postal Union, PostNL is keen to explore the possibilities of the PostNL platform
Copyright (C)2014- All Rights Reserved互联易专注于跨境电商物流供应链服务,是唯一一家集全球邮政渠道于一身的企业
渠道名称:荷兰小包荷兰小包介绍荷兰小包是互联易与荷兰邮政(TNT POST)共同推出的一项小包业务。荷兰小包主要是立足于荷兰,依托荷兰邮政的网络渠道和清关系统,专门为跨境电商推出的一项邮寄到欧洲范围内的小包业务。荷兰小包努力打造精品小包服务,清关强,时效快,查询优,可以走带电物品。荷兰小包优势1、清关能力。荷兰小包由荷兰邮政负责清关,属于邮政清关渠道,稳定性比较好;2、时效快。目前主流的小包时效一般都在7-15个工作日,而荷兰小包邮寄到欧洲主要国家的时效只需要5-10个工作日;3、可以跟踪查询,欧洲主要国家,如英法德意等国,都可以查询到签收。追逐轨迹详尽,接近于快递;4、首重、续重以0.01KG为一个结算单位。服务介绍时效说明:5-10天左右价格说明:重量限制:不超过2KG货物尺寸:保险理赔:退件说明:跟踪查询:违禁品说明:通邮国家爱尔兰、奥地利、比利时、波兰、丹麦、德国、法国、捷克共和国、卢森堡、挪威、葡萄牙、瑞典、瑞士、斯洛伐克、西班牙、匈牙利、意大利等全球200多个国家或地区。清关事项1、必须如实申报。如实申报可以保证快捷高效的清关,否则可能导致清关延误;2、申报详细。申报过于笼统可能导致清关延误。荷兰小包操作要求1、邮包上必须具备以下几种标签;A)PPI:表示邮资已付;B)优先级邮件标志:表示此邮包是优先级邮件;C)非违禁品标识:表示邮包里面的物品合乎规定,此标签必须为黄色;D)CN22标签:邮政清关通用报关单;E)挂号条码:用于邮件的追踪和查询;F)回邮地址:荷兰的回邮地址,邮件无法投寄会先被退到这个地址;G)收件人地址2、客户需必须使用我们的客户端打印地址标签,否则可能导致延误。3、报关单上的信息必须真实且详细。申报不实,或申报过于笼统可能导致清关延误。
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