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跨国公司破产中的债权人权益保护上传用户:nxiyxiqumi资料价格:5财富值&&『』文档下载 :『』&&『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)贸易银行作为金融业的重要构成部门,已远远逾越其国界走向全球。不论是对一个国度,照样对全部世界,贸易银行壮大的功效使得人们不能不存眷它们。本文重要商量跨国银行一旦破产,应当若何来应对因破产而发生的司法成绩。我国曾经有学者开端看重跨国破产的研讨,不外,在国际,笔者还没有见专门研讨跨国银行破产司法轨制的结果。本论文的写作重要是树立在国际对通俗跨国公司破产研讨结果和国外对跨国银行破产研讨结果的基本上完的。本文的重点部门,重要是参考国外实际结果和欧洲的理论来加以评论辩论的,进而提出本身的一些意见。本文的重要内容包含以下几个方面起首,对跨国银行破产的相干司法概念做一些初步剖析,就此部门而言,本文重要应用了比拟和援用论证法。 其次,本文第二部门具体引见跨国银行破产所惹起的各类司法成绩。这些成绩包含跨国银行破产的行政干涉成绩,跨国银行破产域外效率的实际与理论,国际金融生意业务中的背约扎差成绩,和付出和证券结算体系的风险成绩。本文第三部门阐述处理跨国银行破产相干司法成绩的门路。作为一个样板,本部门引见了信贷机构重整和清理的欧洲指令;不外,因为世界列国司法轨制的多样性息争决成绩的庞杂性,今朝最好的方法是经由过程列国慢慢认同同一的示范法的门路来获得调和。本文第四部门就我国应若何应对跨国银行破产司法成绩,揭橥了笔者的一些意见我们国度应该积极介入国际协作与调和;参考世界先辈的跨国银行破产司法轨制,尽早树立、健全跨国银行破产司法轨制。另外,在跨国银行破产实用准绳上,应该采取无限制的广泛性准绳。最初,本文对有关成绩做了一些总结性的阐述。Abstract:Commercial banks as an important component of the financial industry sector, has been far beyond its borders to the world. Whether for a country, so all of the world bank, trade growth effect makes people not concern them. This paper discuss the transnational bank bankruptcy, should be how to deal with the bankruptcy and the occurrence of judicial performance. China has some scholars start value research, transnational insolvency in the international, however, I also did not see the special research of transnational bank insolvency legal system results. The writing of this paper is to establish an important in international research results on popular bankruptcy of Multi-National Corporation and foreign research results of transnational bank insolvency basically. The main parts of this thesis, is an important reference to foreign actual results and European theory to comment on the debate, and put forward some opinions of itself. The main contents of this thesis contains following aspects of the chapeau, the transnational bank insolvency coherent concept of justice to do some preliminary analysis, this department. In this paper, an important application were compared and invoke the argument. Secondly, this paper introduces second specific departments of multinational bank bankruptcy caused by the various judicial results. The result contains the transnational bank insolvency administrative interference results, the theory and practice of transnational bank insolvency, and the extraterritorial efficiency, international financial business have transgressed the covenant tie bad grades, and pay and securities clearing system risk score. In this paper, the third part expounds the treatment of transnational bank insolvency judicial way coherent results. As an example, the Department introduced the credit agencies reorganization and liquidation of the E nevertheless, because of world nations judicial rail of a variety of LED competition will result complex, is currently the best method is through the process of nations gradually the identity with a demonstration method to obtain the harmonic. The fourth part in our country should be how to deal with the transnational bank insolvency legal achievement, enunciated the author's some opinions in our country should be actively involved in international cooperat refer to the world of the fathers of the multinational bank bankruptcy legal system, as soon as possible to establish, sound of transnational bank insolvency, our law system. In addition, the utility principle of transnational bank insolvency, should take a broad principle without limit. At first, this paper made the summary elaboration on the results.目录:引言6-7一 跨国银行破产概述7-13&&&&(一) 破产与破产法概述7-10&&&&&&&&1 破产的概念7&&&&&&&&2 破产的法律特征7-8&&&&&&&&3 破产法概述8-9&&&&&&&&4 破产法的基本原则9&&&&&&&&5 破产法的社会功能9-10&&&&(二) 跨国银行概述10-11&&&&&&&&1 跨国银行与跨国公司10&&&&&&&&2 跨国性的确定10-11&&&&&&&&3 跨国商业银行与国内商业银行11&&&&(三) 跨国破产与跨国银行破产概述11-13二 跨国银行破产所涉若干法律问题分析13-43&&&&(一) 跨国银行破产的行政干预问题13-14&&&&(二) 跨国银行破产的域外效力问题14-31&&&&&&&&1 普遍性原则与地域性原则14-19&&&&&&&&2 单一实体原则与独立实体原则19-25&&&&&&&&3 无差别待遇原则以及影响无差别待遇原则若干方面25-31&&&&(三) 国际金融交易中的违约扎差问题31-34&&&&&&&&1 违约扎差31-33&&&&&&&&2 有关扎差立法的动向33-34&&&&(四) 跨国支付和证券结算系统的风险问题34-43&&&&&&&&1 跨国支付和证券交易风险34-37&&&&&&&&2 有关国家和地区的立法动向37&&&&&&&&3 欧洲结算最后指令37-43三 国际社会应对跨国银行破产法律问题的方法选择43-50&&&&(一) 公约模式--信贷机构重整和清算欧洲指令(草案)43-47&&&&&&&&1 指令草案的产生44-45&&&&&&&&2 指令草案的适用范围45&&&&&&&&3 跨国银行本国有关机关所享有的独特权利45&&&&&&&&4 债权人的平等待遇45&&&&&&&&5 重整和清算措施的相互承认45-46&&&&&&&&6 法律规则的冲突46-47&&&&(二) 现实选择--通过示范法逐步实现国际协调47-50&&&&&&&&1 采用示范法的原因47&&&&&&&&2 示范法的采用47-50四 我国应如何应对跨国银行破产法律问题50-53&&&&(一) 积极参与国际协调与合作50&&&&(二) 及时修改和完善国内有关立法50-51&&&&(三) 采用有限制的普遍性原则51-53结语53-54参考文献54-57后记57分享到:相关文献|跨国公司破产
the insolvency of transnational corporation
[gap=6379]Key words:the insolvency of transnational corporation;fair repay;equitable subornation;piecing the corporate veil
这意味着,现有的经济和政治结构不能允许BP 这样的跨国公司破产,这对任何人都没有好处。
And so the current economic and political framework cannot allow a multinational such as BP to go bankrupt; that would help no one.
As Americans were unable to afford foreign-made goods, the transnational corporations that were producing offshore for US markets were bankrupted, further eroding the government’s revenue base.
Many multinational companies went broke during the financial crisis, not to speak of small businesses.
- 来自原声例句


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