
真人十三张-百度 知道
真人十三张-百度 知道
时间: 09:47&& &文章来源:jinriedu&& &点击次数:838&& &参与评论 360人
  ACCRA, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) -- The candidate of the largest opposition New Patriotic Party Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has won Ghana's closely contested presidential elections, official results released here Friday by the electoral commission showed.Akufo-Addo garnered 5,716,026 votes, or 53.85 percent of the total valid votes cast, while his closest challenger, who is also the incumbent president John Dramani Mahama of the governing National Democratic Congress obtained 4,713,277 votes, or 44.40 percent.The five other candidates who contested Wednesday's presidential election in Ghana collectively polled less than 2 percent of the total valid votes cast.  《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》提出,&我国现行标准下农村贫困人口实现脱贫,贫困县全部摘帽,解决区域性整体贫困&。这意味着,在&十三五&全面小康的决胜期,我们必须打赢一场脱贫攻坚战。6年要实现7000多万贫困人口全部脱贫,这样的承诺铿锵有力。脱贫攻坚获胜的信心来自哪里?中国社会科学院副院长蔡昉告诉光明网记者,从&扶贫&到&全面脱贫&彰显着消除贫困的中国决心,精准脱贫将是&十三五&全面脱贫的关键词,而7000多万人脱贫也将成为经济新增长点。  6年7017万人的全部脱贫  国家统计局公布的《2014年国民经济和社会发展统计公报》显示,2014年我国社会保障建设取得新进展,按照年人均收入2300元(2010年不变价)的农村扶贫标准计算,2014年农村贫困人口为7017万人。离2020年我国实现全面小康社会的目标还剩下不到六年时间,要实现7000多万人口脱贫,意味着每年要减贫1170万,每月减贫100万,任务非常艰巨。  这7017万贫困人口在哪?据中国人民大学教授温铁军介绍,经过改革开放30多年的努力,我国已实现6亿多贫困人口减贫。能够靠一般的改革发展方法和措施解决的大多数贫困人口已经脱贫,剩下的贫困人口都是脱贫比较困难的人群,主要集中在秦巴山区、乌蒙山区、大小凉山彝区、高原藏区等自然资源条件差的地方,几乎没有可供开发的资源可寻;其次一些地区由于青壮年劳动力外流,老弱病残留在农村造成大量的土地撂荒,几乎不可能靠开发身边资源实现脱贫。  脱贫的信心来自哪里?  蔡昉指出,贫困人口脱贫是一个循序渐进的过程。根据扶贫效果递减规律,最早一批人脱贫相对容易,越往后这些受教育程度较低,居住在生态环境恶劣地区的人民脱贫难度比较大。&因此精准脱贫就成了关键词&,什么原因致贫、有什么需求、怎么帮扶?针对真正贫困人口的需要去精准脱贫。  &五个一批&是&十三五&规划扶贫开发进行的主要措施之一。蔡昉表示,可以通过就业、产业发展、教育、社会保障等方面的具体措施解决7017万贫困人口。即通过扶持生产和就业脱贫三千万,通过易地搬迁转移就业安置一千万,通过生态保护,从生态条件不好的地区搬迁到生态条件好的地区脱贫一千万,通过教育扶贫脱贫一批,而剩下约二千万左右的贫困人口通过扶贫和低保政策的有效衔接实现脱贫。  中国社科院学部委员、农村发展研究所研究员张晓山指出,7000多万人口脱贫有保证实现的条件,中国现在综合国力有了极大提升,我国有举国办大事的体制,贫困地区和富裕地区结对帮扶的机制也比较完善。过去三十多年的扶贫成就也积累了宝贵的经验。  改革开放以后我国农村贫困人口数量从1978年的77039万下降到2014年的7017万,贫困地区农村居民收支由2012年的4732元提高为2014年的6221元。全球赤贫人口总数急剧下降,主要原因得益于一个大国,即中国的&巨大经济进步&。联合国2015年《千年发展目标报告》显示,中国农村贫困人口的比例从1990年的60%以上下降到2014年的4.2%,中国对全球减贫的贡献率超过70%。世行行长金墉在一份声明中称,贫困人口的持续减少主要是因为发展中国家强劲的经济增长和各国在教育、医疗、社会福利等方面加大了投入。  党的十八大以来,我国提出精准扶贫新方略,即做到扶持对象、项目安排、资金使用、措施到户、因村派人、脱贫成效&六个精准&,确保各项政策好处落到扶贫对象身上。目前国家层面的扶贫大数据正在加紧完善中,全国自上而下围绕贫困农户建立一个强有力的工作体系,对12.8万个贫困村派驻驻村工作队和选派第一书记,扶贫坚持分类施策,因人因地施策,因贫困原因施策,因贫困类型施策,真正让贫困村和贫困农户得到实惠。  7000多万人脱贫是经济新增长点  中国现有贫困人口很大限度上是由于所在地区资源贫乏,缺乏较好收入的就业机会导致的。7000多万人中也有较好的劳动力,因此7017万人脱贫将成为中国经济的一个新增长点。曾有学者核算过城镇化对GDP的贡献,即一个农民进城会带动约50万人民币的GDP,贫困人口脱贫也是类似的道理。  贫困人口脱贫的过程可以有效缓解当前中国经济转型阶段所面临的产能过剩问题;城乡贫富差距的缩小使得中国城市与农村更加协调发展;同时贫困人口脱贫后能够产生更多消费,提振经济的发展。中国还有7017万贫困人口的现实也说明人口红利还没有完全释放。  有观点认为,中国的人口宏利正在消失。&这并没有什么了不起的&,蔡昉指出,人口宏利本就是一个国家在较低发展阶段上能够借以推动经济增长的因素,而恰恰是随着人均收入水平的提高,经济发展到更高阶段时这种宏利终究要消失。&未来的经济增长源泉靠人口素质的提高、靠资源更好的配置,唯独不靠人的数量&。蔡昉强调,如果一直靠人口数量那就一直是发展中国家、赶超型国家。  改革红利正在替代人口红利成为经济新增长点,而改革红利很重要是来自于城镇化、来自于脱贫以及区域经济一体化发展。蔡昉表示,过去中国经济增长中生产率提高的部分,资源重新配置的效率占到接近一半比例。随着深化改革的不断推进,我国正从过去以劳动力为优势转向以生产率更高、资源配置更高为优势,这些都是为了保持中国经济持续增长的源泉。只要能够保持中国经济中高速增长,就可以跨越中等收入陷阱,实现我国从中等收入国家到高收入国家的平稳过度。(光明网记者张琳)  更多《新常态&光明论》大型访谈系列报道请点击:  【新常态.光明论】胡鞍钢:中国已成为全球发展的中坚力量  【新常态&光明论】&十三五&是第一个百年目标的最后冲刺  【新常态&光明论】胡鞍钢:五大发展是&十三五&最大亮点  【新常态&光明论】张立群:五位一体发展理念是新突破  【新常态&光明论】&五大发展&是全面建成小康的轴心【新常态&光明论】李稻葵:中国不是世界资本波动的源头【新常态&光明论】创客说:创业要善用政策&借力打力&  【新常态&光明论】增长潜力加改革红利仍可保经济中高速增长【新常态&光明论】胡鞍钢:我给上半年经济打91.7分【新常态&光明论】专家点赞中国经济:全年增速或超7%【新常态&光明论】6大亮点支撑中国经济持续向好【新常态&光明论】新常态下中国有能力参与国际经济规则的制定【新常态&光明论】&一带一路&是适应新常态的重大战略举措【新常态&光明论】郑新立:新常态是经济发展的新动力  After a tense impasse on Capitol Hill, lawmakers in the Senate and House of Representatives passed legislation to extend a payroll tax cut for two months and continue unemployment insurance for nearly 2 million jobless Americans. The renewal comes just before the benefits were set to expire.The political standoff came to an end Friday as Congress approved the measure, first in the Senate and then in the House of Representatives. With many members already out of town for the holidays, the chambers approved the legislation in brief morning sessions. In the Republican-led House, the bill passed by unanimous consent. Speaker John Boehner presided over the meeting.“Without objection, the bill is engrossed, read for a third time and passed, and the motion to reconsider is laid on the table,” said Boehner.It was a quiet ending to a bitter political battle. For six days, Boehner and his fellow House Republicans had refused to approve Senate legislation that extended the payroll tax cut for two months. Boehner demanded that the Senate come back to work and negotiate a one-year extension. But Senate Republicans, the White House and voters, angered at the prospect of a tax increase starting January 1, put unrelenting pressure on the House Republicans.Late Thursday, they backed down, and agreed to the shorter extension. Boehner said his party fought hard and there were some technical changes to the Senate bill that they approved.Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said negotiators from both chambers will work on a full-year extension after lawmakers return to Washington in January. But Reid said he hopes Congress, especially the newer members, had a “very good learning experience” about how work gets done - by consensus. Democrats had blamed Tea Party House Republicans for holding up the bill. “People wonder why the approval rating of Congress is so low. I don’t wonder. It seems that everything we’ve done this last year has been a knockdown, drag out fight. There is no reason to do that,” said Reid.House Democratic Representative Steny Hoyer hailed the agreement as a win for the country.“This is a good day for the American people. The American people’s voice was heard. Their concerns were heard and we have responded,” said Hoyer.President Barack Obama, who signed the bill into law Friday, said after the House action that more work needs to be done on taxes and efforts to improve the economy and reduce unemployment. He also said that Americans who called, e-mailed and used social media to push for the tax bill's passage had made a difference. Had the bill not been passed, about 2 million Americans would have lost their unemployment insurance payments, and 160 million Americans would have seen their tax bills rise by an average of ,000. The bill also stops a reduction in payments for doctors who treat patients under the Medicare government health program for the elderly.  近日,《江西日报》连续发表8篇&我们向兄弟省市学什么&系列评论员文章。这些文章既不回避问题,也不妄自菲薄;既不夸大差距,也不淡化优势;既不讳言缺点,也不忽视进步,可谓篇篇皆良药,句句皆良言。我们应该充分消化吸收兄弟省市的先进经验,把之化作实干兴赣的力量。这些年来,江西在生态建设方面所取得的成就有目共睹,但是我们在经济建设尤其是在发展工业和服务业方面却落了下风。难道是因为生态建设与经济建设就像鱼和熊掌那样,不可兼得?答案显然是否定的。看看与我们毗邻的福建省,他们的生态建设并不比我们差,但他们的经济建设照样突飞猛进。真正的原因在于,福建人的骨子里有种勇于拼搏和敢为人先的精神。正是得益于这种精神,福建人敢想敢做敢拼。他们把创业兴企作为一种自觉行为,民营经济得以蓬勃发展,擎起了地方经济半壁江山。我们学习福建的好经验、好做法,不能仅仅停留于学习他们完善的市场体系,放开政府管制、推进综合改革和自贸区建设的具体做法,而要深入学习他们敢闯、敢试、敢为的拼搏精神,因地制宜采取措施激活我们的民间力量,倾力培育江西民营经济新优势。同样地,近年来,上海自贸试验区建设风生水起,不仅为上海经济快速发展注入了强大动力,而且也为其它省市发展起到了很好的示范作用,甚至令香港、新加坡这样有先发优势的城市倍感压力。上海的成功也离不开对深化改革的自觉追求。比如,全国都实施了把工商、质监、食药监合并起来,组建&市场监督管理局&的改革。许多地方唯恐这项改革触及当事人的利益,影响社会稳定,因而只是把原来的三个单位、三块牌子、三个窗口,合并成一个单位、一块牌子、一个窗口而已,其内设机构和人员岗位几乎丝毫未变,更谈不上业务融合和资源共享。唯有上海在进行这项改革时,把新机关编制减少了三分之一,80%的人员调整到市场监管一线,此举不仅实现了监管重心下移和监管效率的上升,而且还充分实现了改革的预期目标。我们学习上海的经验,关键不在学习他们具体的做法,而在于学习他们以解决问题为导向,敢于碰硬,敢于坚持到底的改革决心。总之,每一个省市都有其特殊的省情,都必须探索适合自己的改革路线图和发展新模式。生搬硬套别人的经验并不可取。我们在学习兄弟省市好经验好做法的时候,不光要看到其良好效果,更要深入分析其取得成功的深层次原因,还要有敢于担当,勇于担责的魄力。只要我们坚持虚心学习,用心领悟,学以致用,就可以把兄弟省市的好经验、好做法内化于心,外化于行,变成我们自己实干兴赣的力量。(文/秦基伟)  IPO重启体现&稳定、修复、建设&并重⊙记者 马婧妤 ○编辑 于勇证监会6日宣布全面重启因年中市场异常波动而暂停的新股发行,同时推出五大举措,改革现行新股发行制度。此次IPO暂停仅4个月,本轮完善制度、重启发行不仅是市场回归自主调节后全面恢复基础功能的题中应有之义,也是一级市场解决突出问题、降成本、提效率,向新股发行注册制迈出的坚实步伐。从改革内容及IPO恢复的节奏安排来看,此次恢复新股发行体现了决策层&稳定、修复、建设&市场并重,统筹一、二级市场发展的政策用意;明确了以信息披露为核心、强化中介机构责任、加大投资者保护,进一步向发行注册制靠拢的改革指向。&十三五&时期,我国将进入全面建成小康社会的决胜阶段。党的十八届五中全会明确经济转型升级仍是未来五年国家发展全局中的重点和关键,服务于该整体目标,资本市场也将在改善融资结构、提高直接融资比重这一以贯之的要求下进入新的发展阶段。在这个&新阶段&,资本市场将以实现&由大向强转变&为目标,深化关键领域改革,在融资和资源配置功能的发挥上取得更加显著的进步。其中,实施发行市场改革、推进注册制的落地是近期市场发展的核心工作之一。今年年中,A股市场遭遇剧烈异常波动,管理层综合采取了包括暂缓IPO在内的一系列维稳措施,遏制了市场恐慌,避免了系统性风险的发生。既为应急性临时举措,在投资者信心恢复、市场回归自主调节后,恢复IPO就成为必要的工作。市场普遍认为,当前A股市场已从此前的&非常状态&回到&正常状态&,此时恢复新股发行必要、适当。长远看,恢复IPO是我国经济结构调整、产业升级和经济转型的客观要求;有助于激发实体经济和资本市场活力,推进大众创业、万众创新,为社会创造更多财富,促进我国经济的转型升级;有助于优化我国金融市场的融资结构,推动资本市场的健康发展;也有助于降低国民经济整体杠杆率水平,降低经济转型过程中的风险。今年7月开始的IPO暂停仅持续4个月,是历史上暂停发行时间最短的一次。即使如此,此次重启发行也并非以简单方式展开,而是同时推出了取消申购预缴款制度、完善新股定价机制、强化投资者权益维护等改革措施。其中,取消申购预缴款制度,从资金面上最大程度地降低了对二级市场的影响,降低了投资者交易成本,也减轻了未来新股申购可能给货币市场带来的扰动;2000万股以下发行采取直接定价,缩短发行周期、提高了发行效率,也节约了中小规模企业的发行成本;强化中介机构监管,建立保荐机构先行赔付制度,新出台首发及再融资、重大资产重组摊薄即期回报指导意见,则进一步加大了对投资者利益的保护。后续发行的恢复,也将循序渐进、分步骤实施,既不搞&政策一刀切&,也不搞&一拥而上&,已进入缴款程序的10家作为第一批先行启动,其他获得发行批文未缴款的18家企业分两批发行,同时初审会、发审会恢复,待新规正式实施后,企业发行全面适用新规则。这给二级市场投资者留出了适应时间,也将减轻发行重启可能带来的对股指波动的影响。专家提出,常态化的审核发行、股票的充分流通均有利于促进真正的市场化,通过市场自身的遴选确保存量上市公司是我国经济中最优秀的企业群体。目前我国流动性整体宽松,但好的投资标的资产仍旧稀缺,只要继续向市场传递市场化、法治化的改革信心和部署,并不需担心IPO重启对二级市场的冲击。可以预期,随着本轮新股发行体制改革的落实和IPO全面恢复,资本市场的自主调节功能将更好、更正常地得以发挥;在稳定、修复、建设并重的政策部署下,新股重启所带来的市场波动将得到一定平抑;发行注册制改革也将在此基础上沿着既有轨道稳步推进。  新股发行重启不改市场中期上行趋势⊙记者 王晓宇 屈红燕 ○编辑 于勇时隔四月,新股发行再启。与此同时,监管层还进一步改革并完善巨额打新、简化发行审核条件等现行的新股发行制度。机构普遍认为,年内发行规模较小,市场承压有限。而在全额市值配售的新规下,新股蕴含的无风险高收益会更加坚定二级市场持股信心,短期市场情绪或有所波动,但难以改变市场中期走强的趋势。新股发行将于本月正式启动。先期已经获得发行批文并启动发行程序的28家企业将率先重启发行。其中,10家已经进入缴款程序的公司,将在履行完成会后事项后第一批启动发行,发行时间预计在两周后;另外18家公司拟在今年年底前分两批发行。与此同时,7月初开始暂停的IPO初审会、发审会也全面恢复。按照此前公开披露的资料显示,年内先期发行的28家企业,募集资金规模大约100亿元左右。新股发行恢复牵动市场敏感的神经。华夏基金投资总监阳琨表示,新股发行重启代表市场正常功能在逐步恢复。他认为,一个完整的资本市场离不开融资,IPO暂停使得A股市场功能不健全,恢复新股发行将让市场走向常态。而此前,市场对恢复IPO也有一定预期。&年底发行的28家公司总募集资金不超过100亿,在目前日成交过万亿的大背景下,资金分流极少。此外,管理层还修改了新股申购规则,拟采用全额市值配售的方式,将进一步坚定二级市场投资者的持股信心。前几批发行的新股仍蕴含着较为可观的无风险收益,持股者心态稳定,不大会大量抛售股票,市场短期抛压有限。而流动性充裕、无风险利率下降、资产配置荒和风险偏好修复将继续推动A股走强。& 阳琨进一步分析道。南方基金权益投资总监史博认为,一个正常的资本市场需要IPO。新公司上市相当于新鲜血液再次注入这个市场,为市场增添活力。在宏观经济转型的大背景下,市场非常欢迎这些创新型公司登陆A股,并且随着这些同类型、同产业链上下游的公司上市,将有利于构建集群效应,形成大的市场热点。因此,一些新兴产业公司的直接上市,更有利于资本的有效配置。不过,按照规定,年内发行的28家公司仍将沿用既有规则。对此,国金证券首席策略分析师李立峰认为,短期可能会对市场的资金面有一定影响,但只会平滑市场上行的节奏。在部分私募看来,经历了前期的两轮下跌后,股市当前整体市盈率不高,在此位置重启IPO,反而增强了市场对未来的憧憬。&当市场处于高位时,新股发行将抽走市场资金是利空,会加速市场下跌预期。但是市场处于低位,场外资金充裕,新股恢复发行,市场反而憧憬股市未来,炒新将为上涨注入动力。&私募景良能量投资董事长廖黎辉坦言,上周的领涨板块为券商、保险和银行等蓝筹股,显然是机构资金所为,市场情绪已经恢复,场外资金充足,能承接新股发行,另外为保证新股发行顺利进行,后续一般还会有利好政策,历史上大跌后重启IPO后股市都会涨就是这个道理。星石投资总经理杨玲认为,重启IPO基本符合预期,资本市场肩负着助力经济改革转型的重任,证券市场具备基本的融资功能,因此重启IPO是应有之义,另外近期市场企稳回升,股市基本步入上升通道,市场对于重启IPO也有一定的预期,所以重启IPO并非超预期。重启IPO不改上涨趋势。杨玲认为,中国目前经历着资产配置荒,经过央行数次降准降息,市场上的流动性非常充裕,对于IPO重启,市场具备一定的消化能力。IPO重启最多会导致股市短期盘整,但中长期震荡上行的趋势不改。  【聚焦IPO重启】填补回报新规征求意见 助力中小投资者保护为加强资本市场中小投资者合法权益保护工作,引导上市公司增强持续回报能力,证监会6日公布《关于首发及再融资、重大资产重组摊薄即期回报有关事项的指导意见(征求意见稿)》。发行体制改革统筹推进 为注册制铺实道路从本轮新股发行制度调整的内容看,五项措施中有三项均为注册制改革铺实了制度道路,分别是落实以信息披露为中心的监管理念、强化中介机构监管、加强投资者保护。IPO改革重回注册制正轨在业内人士看来,更重要的是,此次IPO重启中推出的新股发行机制和种种改革举措,无一不透露出为注册制铺路的政策信号。这意味着,在被A股市场巨幅波动中断了四个月之后,新股发行制度改革重新迈向注册制。发审会本周恢复 首批10企月内发行随着新股发行的重启,IPO初审会、发审会将于本周恢复,目前在审的拟上市排队企业均已递交了截至今年6月30日的财务数据报告。也就是说,在明年1月份财务数据过期之前,仍可能有已过会未获批文的企业获得发行批文。金融业将探寻统一协调监管之路加强金融宏观审慎管理制度建设,加强统筹协调,改革并完善适应现代金融市场发展的金融监管框架,健全符合我国国情和国际标准的监管规则,实现金融风险监管全覆盖。【打新指南】IPO再度开闸 28家重启发行公司抢先看(附名单)打新操作全指南提前看 【市场观点】平安证券:IPO重启凝聚信心 市场改革加速推进中国资本市场历史上,IPO曾经8次暂停,8次重启,IPO重启对于资本市场来说,往往象征着市场信心的重新凝聚,也意味着实体经济能够享有更多资本市场所带来的红利。南方基金:IPO重启恰逢其时意在长远11月6日下午的证监会例行记者见面会上提出了IPO重启,南方基金认为,此次IPO重启恰逢其时且意在长远。IPO重启难改短期震荡冲高走势短期来看,连续大涨累积了大量获利盘,目前指数又进入8月证金救市的成本区域,指数继续冲高后震荡或难以难免。基于历史经验推测,重启IPO之前,A股或将延续振荡冲高走势,直到IPO平稳发行、上市。年线整固有利于后市上涨随着沪指开始挑战年线的压制,加上IPO重启的冲击,市场固然存在一定的整固要求,但短线休整将有利于为后市的上涨积蓄动能,并不会改变当前整体的强势格局。操作上,建议保持积极策略,逢低介入智能机器、生物、信息技术等新兴产业品种。重启IPO带来A股新弹升能量随着场外配资清理结束,内幕交易、刻意做空者清理完毕,随之而来的IPO重启就意味着A股进入新发展周期,券商的政策红利预期也预示4500点的反弹预期越发强烈。中签率是看点IPO的重启仍然会影响市场的供求关系,但以当前的市场氛围,新股不败的神话将延续,只是IPO新政会加大未来调整的压力,但愿这只是后话。减轻IPO市场冲击力的三重机制IPO暂停四个月后,证监会上周五晚宣布重启。如何减轻由此可能给股市造成的冲击,存在三重机制:选择合适时机,完善申购方式、控制新股数量,提高新股质量。前两者已在做,后者则需下大工夫。申万宏源:A股市场已进入自我修复、自我调节阶段11月6日,中国证监会宣布完善新股发行制度并重启新股发行,标志着A股市场已进入自我修复、自我调节阶段,恢复证券市场融资功能并保持合理适度的新股供给,有利于增加市场活力,促进市场持续健康发展。市场融资能力恢复 配置重心宜偏向蓝筹从配置上来看,目前宜以低估值、前期滞涨的蓝筹股为主。经过市场调整,目前蓝筹股的估值较低,同时,随着十三五规划的出台,市场对经济底线的明确,提升了投资者对于托底经济政策的预期,而蓝筹股受益将更大。IPO新政不等同市值配售 &新股不败&终将破灭暂停了4个月的IPO将再度重启,而这一次,在坚持按市值配售进行IPO之余,取消了此前申购时需全额预缴申购资金的规定,改为确定配售数量后再进行缴款,堪称最大的变化。私募:打新&抽血&效应将减弱 仍需警惕高位回调从短期看,IPO重启的冲击或使A股市场调整,不过,重启IPO将给市场带来新鲜血液与活力,是市场恢复正常的表现。  【市场动态】IPO重启披露前谁在大举抢筹券商股?在过去的五个交易日中,机构和营业部席位买卖前三名中多有券商股的身影,甚至有一券商股同时出现在买卖前三的名单中。其中,中信证券旗下营业部的身影多次出现;个股方面,兴业证券、光大证券、方正证券等颇受偏爱。23股机构扎堆进驻 估值低于牛市起点经历6月以来的恐慌性杀跌后,个股风险逐步释放,部分具有估值优势个股成为机构建仓对象。统计显示,23只股三季度获机构扎堆持有且估值低于牛市初期水平。新一轮&券商牛市&开启?从券商股的基本面来看,权益类仓位处于历史最高水平,收益具有较大弹性的同时也使得风险相应加大。此外,股灾以来,多家券商高层动荡,惨遭处罚也是不容忽略的。解密三季度大牌私募抄底路线:坚守医药 进攻主板私募三季度新进买入的股票共有116只,其中,创业板股票有15只,中小板股票有33只,主板公司占比超过一半,可见,在三季度,私募大佬们更倾向于抄底主板蓝筹公司,而对于创业板则更多持回避的态度。上周公募调研81家公司 计算机和医药受关注上周,基金公司共调研了81家上市公司,为近两个月的最高潮。被5家以上基金&组团调研&的上市公司有18家,除了关注计算机、软件信息技术服务业较多外,对医药、化学制品等关注度也很高,传统的银行地产板块也受到基金关注。  【投资机会】IPO将重启 新股受益股有望受捧重启新股发行(IPO),先按现行制度恢复前期暂缓发行的28家公司中,已经进入缴款程序的有10家公司,剩余18家公司将在年底前分批发行。市场观点普遍认为,IPO重启后,参股新股的上市公司将受益。券商股带动 A股&秋抢&行情或可延续证监会宣布重磅消息&&将在完善新股发行制度后重启IPO。剧情反转之快,令人应接不暇。相关人士表示,虽昨日已是立冬,但&秋抢&行情或许仍可继续。IPO重启后三大板块最受益IPO重启后,28只新股相关公司、券商股、券商影子股有望最直接受益。  ISLAMABAD, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) -- The education department of southeast Pakistan's Sindh province has announced to close all private and government schools in the province for a week, while universities are to be closed on Oct. 21 only, according to local TV channel reports. Sindh education department took this decision due to security concerns in backdrop of ongoing operation Rah-e-Nijat in South Waziristan tribal area, the private channel GEO News reported. The announcement was made by chief secretary of Sindh after twin blasts at International Islamic University Islamabad in the country 's capital Tuesday, which killed at least six people and injured 21 others. Pakistani university students gather and demonstrate after the suicide blast at Islamic International University in Islamabad on Oct. 20, 2009The private schools and academic institutions in Peshawar, the capital of North West Frontier Province, were closed Monday for three days because of terror threats in the wake of the military operations in South Waziristan. A Pakistani policeman stands guard at the site of the bomb blast at Islamabad's Islamic International University on Oct. 20, 2009Almost all private school and educational institutions in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad also remained closed on Monday amid of reports of terror threats. Meanwhile, security are being kept high alert at all international airports across the country. Pakistani Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik said Tuesday that Pakistan is in state of war and the extremists want to destabilize the country with their attacks. Pakistani security forces launched military operation in South Waziristan tribal agency bordering Afghanistan in early Oct. 17 morning. The army said that about 30,000 soldiers are in place to take on an estimated 10,000 hard-core Taliban militants in the lawless area.  WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. has imposed economic sanctions on six financiers and three shipping companies for supporting Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)'s &weapons proliferation and illicit finance efforts,& the U.S. Treasury Department announced Tuesday.The action to six individuals and three entities &is designed to counter attempts to circumvent U.S. and U.N. sanctions& and to prevent DPRK government &from accessing the U.S. financial system,& said Treasury Department in a press release.The Treasury Department alleged these individuals and entities are linked to DPRK's &procurement of weapons of mass destruction-related materials and proliferation activities.&The sanctioned individuals were associated with the Foreign Trade Bank, DPRK's primary foreign exchange bank, and Tanchon Commercial Bank, a financial arm of the Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation. The three shipping companies are sanctioned for using deliberate and evasive methods to conceal and ship arms and related material into DPRK, the Treasury Department alleged in the statement.According to the Treasury Department's designation, &any property or interest in property of the designated persons in the possession of U.S. persons or within U.S. jurisdiction must be frozen.&U.S. citizens are also prohibited from conducting business with these designated persons.  KIEV, Feb. 21 (Xinhua) -- A peace deal emerged Friday after talks between Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and his pro- European opponents, pointing to a tantalizing sign of an end to the country's months-long tumultuous unrest triggered by Yanukovych's move to backtrack a trade and economic agreement with the European Union and turn to Russia for financial aid instead.The deal, mediated by foreign ministers of Germany, Poland and France, envisages constitutional changes to reduce the president's power, formation of a national unity government within ten days and an early presidential election this year.The package of measures, widely seen as concessions made by Yanukovych to his pro-European opponents to end the bloodshed, has scored a victory for the West in its geopolitical tug-of-war with Russia.Sitting at the strategically important juncture between Russia and Europe, Ukraine has long been divided under competing influences from both powers for geopolitical interests. The recent bloody showdown between riot police and anti-government protesters starting Tuesday has further polarized the East European country.If implemented, the peace deal is likely to end the protracted crisis in the country, and also represents a major setback for Moscow in its rivalry with the Europe for influence.It remained unclear, however, whether all sides, including anti- government protesters demanding the ouster of Yanukovych, would buy the EU-brokered deal. Till now, protesters who have occupied a Kiev central square for nearly three months have shown little sign to move out.Meanwhile, a Russia mediator confirmed Friday that Moscow did not signed the deal on the grounds that certain questions regarding the agreement remained unanswered.Admitting that the talks to resolve Ukraine's crisis had produced progress, Vladimir Lukin, the Russian mediator sent to Kiev by President Vladimir Putin Thursday night, said that &there was no clarity about the parties to the talks and who will be responsible for which things.&At Ukraine's request, Putin decided late Thursday to send Lukin to Kiev for the marathon talks, which had already started with the participation of European Union (EU) mediators early in the day.&It is a mistake for Russia to join Ukrainian authorities, the opposition and EU representatives in the negotiation so late,& Rukin told local media. &One should have agreed on the format of the talks right from the start.&He stressed that the issue of talks between confronting sides was Kiev's domestic affair, and that Russia was just a &witness,& alluding to strong EU sway during the talks.DIMINISHED CLOUT OF YANUKOVYCHThe accord signed Friday stipulates that presidential elections will be held no later than December, instead of March 2015 as scheduled.Within hours of the deal signing, Ukrainian parliament voted to revert to a 2004 constitution that sharply limits the power of the president and gives parliament greater control over the make-up of the government, including the prime minister.The lawmakers also voted to sack Interior Minister Vitaly Zakharchenko who was blamed for this week's bloodshed.In a further sign of Yanukovych's diminished clout, the Ukrainian parliament passed a bill that would allow the release of his arch-rival, former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, which was used to be a key condition for Kiev to sign the trade pact with the EU.Tymoshenko, a key opposition leader, was convicted in October 2011 for abuse of power over a 2009 gas deal with Russia. She was also charged with embezzling an estimated 405 million U.S. dollars and evading taxes worth more than 87,000 dollars in the 1990s.The 53-year-old opposition leader, who is now receiving medical treatment in a state hospital in eastern Ukraine, has denied all charges, saying they were politically motivated.Ukraine's anti-government rallies, which started in November, turned violent Tuesday, when protesters attacked police with Molotov cocktails and set fires outside the parliament, while the police responded with stun grenades and water cannons. The standoff left at least 77 people dead and hundreds of other injured.  新华网北京12月1日电 以&创新发展、合作互信&为主题的首届金砖国家媒体峰会1日上午在北京开幕。中共中央政治局委员、中央书记处书记、中宣部部长刘奇葆出席并致辞。据悉,峰会以&创新发展、合作互信&为主题,共设&媒体在推动金砖国家发展更紧密伙伴关系中的作用&&深化金砖国家媒体交流与合作&&传统媒体与新兴媒体的互补与融合发展&三个论坛。来自金砖五国的25家媒体负责人出席本届峰会。峰会开幕式由新华通讯社社长、峰会执行主席蔡名照主持。金砖国家媒体峰会由新华通讯社倡议并联合巴西国家传播公司、今日俄罗斯国际新闻通讯社、印度教徒报、南非独立传媒集团共同发起,新华通讯社承办首届峰会。金砖国家媒体峰会为非官方、非盈利性的高端媒体交流平台,旨在建立金砖国家主流媒体高端对话交流平台和高效协调机制,通过开展机制化交流和务实合作,推动五国媒体业的创新发展,为金砖国家发展汇聚更多正能量。  GENEVA, March 15 (Xinhua) -- Syrian main opposition High Negotiations Committee (HNC) spokesman Salem al-Meslet on Tuesday cautiously welcomed Russian intentions to withdraw forces from Syria, but warned that words must be followed by action.&We heard the decision, but hearing is different from seeing things on the ground. It's important for us to see a full pull-out of the Russian troops, not only Russian troops but all foreign troops,& al-Meslet explained.&It's a positive step if they are serious about implementing that. We'll wait and see and I believe our decision will be based on what we see on the ground,& he added.UN Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, who is mediating the latest round of talks aiming to find a political solution to the crisis which started five years ago, also welcomed the development.&The announcement by President Putin on the very day of the beginning of this round of intra-Syrian talks in Geneva is a significant development, which we hope will have a positive impact on the progress of the negotiations in Geneva aimed at achieving a political solution to the Syrian conflict and a peaceful political transition in the country,& he said in a statement.  HANGZHOU, May 17 (Xinhua) -- The world's leading e-commerce company Alibaba will promote French brands to Chinese consumers through its online platforms, under a new deal with the French government signed Friday.Alibaba will help French businesses expand sales in China by providing them with express enrollment, brand promotion and marketing support on its online retail , according to the three-year cooperation deal.The deal was reached Friday night at Alibaba's headquarters in Hangzhou, capital of east China's Zhejiang Province, pursuant to a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the company's founder and chairman Jack Ma and French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius.&This agreement is a wonderful opportunity to allow more and more Chinese customers to discover new French brands through a modern system of distribution,& said Fabius during his visit to Alibaba Friday.&We are confident it will significantly widen the choice of French products available for Chinese consumers who will enjoy their well-deserved reputation of high quality and security,& said Fabius.Jack Ma said the deal embodied the company's mission to &help make it easy to do business anywhere.&Ma first discussed the possibility of the deal with Fabius during a visit to Paris in March.&This MOU is an example of how Alibaba Group can work hand-in-hand with foreign trade entities to expand global cross-border trade in order to benefit both global businesses and Chinese consumers through our marketplaces,& said Ma.Under the agreement, Alibaba Group's related company Alipay and its affiliated company China Smart Logistics are committed to support Alibaba Group's endeavors with their remittance and logistic functions.Following Friday's signing of the agreement,
will launch a French brands promotion campaign participated by more than 30 online flagship stores.The week-long &Elegance of France& campaign, beginning on May 19, will highlight exclusive product launches and specialty limited-edition items from the featured French brands.The 15-year-old Alibaba is the world's largest online and mobile commerce company. It had a gross merchandise volume of 248 billion U.S. dollars in 2013 on its three major trading platforms.  央视网消息(新闻联播):6号上午,中共中央总书记、国家主席习近平在河内再次会见越共中央总书记阮富仲,就加强党的建设、深化两国各领域合作等深入沟通交流。习近平向阮富仲介绍了中国共产党党建工作和中共十八届五中全会提出的&十三五&时期中国经济社会发展目标和理念。习近平指出,中越都重视党建工作,两党建设面临很多相似课题。我们愿同越方加强治党治国经验交流,共同提高执政能力。中越是具有战略意义的命运共同体,两国社会主义事业的前途命运息息相关。巩固中越传统友好关系,加强中越全面战略合作伙伴关系,符合两国共同利益。我们要继续加强合作,坚持互利共赢,为巩固发展两国社会主义制度、推进社会主义事业发展作出重要贡献。中越要深化传统友谊,广泛加强文化交流,加深两国人民相互理解,使中越友好更加深入人心。习近平强调,我这次访问同越南同志就进一步发展中越关系达成了广泛共识,我对此感到满意。阮富仲向习近平介绍了越南革新事业取得的成绩和越共十二大筹备情况。阮富仲表示,越方高度重视新形势下党建工作,关注中方党建和发展社会主义经验,愿同中方加强交流合作,互学互鉴。越方赞同两国增进各领域交流合作。王沪宁、栗战书、杨洁篪、王家瑞等中方陪同人员,越共中央政治局委员、中央书记处常务书记黎鸿英,越南副总理兼外长范平明等参加会见。  日,国家主席习近平在北京人民大会堂集体会见来华出席第四次中国-中东欧国家领导人会晤的中东欧16国领导人。很多年前,在日内瓦召开的一次联合国人权会议上,某国代表有意为难中国,他对中国大使说:&我要向您提一个问题&&&未等对方往下说,这位中国大使立即回了句:&中国这么大,你提一万个问题也不嫌多!&一下子把对方噎住了,引来哄堂大笑。中国的问题确实很多,历史上的苦难就不说了,单说这三年,就有&东方之星&沉船、天津港爆炸、青岛 &天价虾&、北方雾霾、股市熔断、经济下行压力加大,还有新疆暴恐事件、达赖集团搞&藏独&等等。但是,前不久,埃及总统塞西却对访问中东三国的习近平说:我们都非常认同中国道路,习主席,我就看好你,世界未来就看着中国。这个事整大了。世界未来不看好标榜为&世界领袖&、&世界警察&的美国,却偏偏看好尚有7000万贫困人口、面临各种挑战和问题的中国,岂不是怪事?其实,塞西和很多国家领导人的看法不无道理。中国国家主席习近平与俄罗斯总统普京就拿政党制度来说吧,世界上大多数国家搞的是多党制,以美国为首的西方国家对中国的政党制度更是看不惯,天天说三道四。其他国家爱搞什么就搞什么,中国从不干涉,但大家看到的是,今天这个党上台,明天那个党上台;这个党提出的主张即使是对国家、对人民有好处,是比较正确的,但那个党也得反对,目的是让你搞不成,否则就不叫反对党、在野党了。而在中国,东西南北中,党政军民群,中国共产党领导一切。中国实行的是,作为国家根本政治制度的人民代表大会制度,以及作为国家基本政治制度的中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度,还有民族区域自治制度、村民自治制度等,把过程民主与目标民主较好地结合在一起,把人民的所有力量和智慧汇聚起来,心往一处想,劲往一处使。黑格尔说:一个民族有一些关注天空的人,他们才有希望;一个民族只是关心脚下的事情,注定没有未来。这个话说得好,但是,只懂得&关注天空&,连个国民经济和社会发展中长期规划都做不出来,就有&未来&了?某邻国,也算是大国了,修一条马路,十年前就看见桥墩子起来了,十年之后去看,修了一半的桥墩子仍保持原样。不像中国,做完国家&一五&计划,就做&二五&计划,做完&十二五&规划,就做&十三五规划&,一届接着一届往前推。现正在按照&四个全面&战略布局,为实现&两个一百年&目标和实现中华民族伟大复兴的&中国梦&,奋勇前进。中国国家主席习近平与美国总统奥巴马说到问题,哪个国家和地区没有?伦敦在上世纪八十年代仍被称作&雾都&,还上了中小学课本,老师讲课时说是大西洋气候形成的独特一景,现在知道了,那是雾霾。美国时不时地发生警察枪击黑人事件,美国人到世界各地都担心安全受到威胁,这个日子过得舒心?当然,中国也有自己的问题,但中国解决问题的办法截然不同,以习近平为总书记的党中央走的是&创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享&的发展路子;在国际上从不干涉别国内政,尊重别国选择,做劝和促谈工作。无论是扶贫攻坚战略,还是&一带一路&战略,哪一点不受到世人钦佩?这三年,习近平理政治国、治边稳藏取得的巨大成就,已经证明并将继续证明:世界的未来看好中国,没错!(中国西藏网 文/姚茂臣)  DAR ES SALAAM, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- At least 11 people were killed and over 200 others were injured on Saturday as an earthquake measuring 5.7 hit northwestern Tanzania, said police.The earthquake jolted Tanzania's northwest regions of Kagera and Mwanza on the shores of Lake Victoria.Kagera regional police commander Augustino Olomi said at least 11 people have been killed in the earthquake and over 200 others injured.Salum Kijuu, the Kagera regional commissioner, told Xinhua in a telephone interview that the morning earthquake also left tens of hundreds of houses and other property damaged.&It is too early to give the exact number of injured people, and the number of damaged property, including houses,& said Kijuu, adding that rescue teams had been deployed to affected areas.&But we think the damage is huge. Most of the victims have been rushed to hospitals but we are facing a problem of shortage of medicines,& said Kijuu.He said the earthquake hit the areas beginning at 9:27 a.m. local time, sending people into panic with most of them abandoning their properties.Emelensiana Benjamin, a resident of Kagera region, said the earthquake left houses with huge cracks.&The situation is worrying because some of the houses could fall down anytime,& she told Xinhua by phone.She said the earthquake was also reported in Simiyu and Mara regions, adding that many people came running from their houses when the earthquake hit.&Panic and fear engulfed many residents across the region because they did not know what was happening,& she said.Augustino Nduganda, an officer with the Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) in Mwanza region, confirmed that there was a huge earthquake, but he said it was too early to give details.  JERUSALEM, July 20 (Xinhua) -- Israel has agreed to release a certain number of Palestinian prisoners, Israeli International Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz revealed on Saturday.&There will be some release of prisoners,& the minister told local radio, without giving specific numbers.The latest development came after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry just ended his round of efforts that he had been exerting since March 20 to resume direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.On Friday, Kerry met with Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat in Jordan and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah.According to a well-informed Palestinian source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, Kerry had taken upon himself to free 350 Palestinian prisoners, including 100 prisoners detained before Israel and the Palestinians signed Oslo peace accords in 1993.  WASHINGTON, March 10 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama welcomed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the White House on Thursday, eyeing to promote cooperation on climate change and boost trade between the neighboring countries.The U.S. and Canada will work together to implement the climate change agreement reached last year in Paris, and commit to join and sign the agreement &as soon as feasible&, the White House said in a statement.In an effort to achieve climate change commitments, the leaders pledged to reduce methane emissions by 40-45 percent below 2012 levels by 2025 from the oil and gas sector, the world's largest industrial methane source.&Both of our nations are threatened by rising seas, melting permafrost, disappearing glaciers and sea ice,& Obama said at a joint press conference with Trudeau at the White House. &We are focusing on making sure the Paris agreement is fully implemented and we're working to double our investments in clean energy research and development.&Both leaders also highlighted the need to further facilitate trade between the U.S. and Canada, who enjoy the largest bilateral trade and investment relationship in the world, according to the White House.Every day, almost 400,000 people and some 2 billion U.S. dollars worth of goods and services cross the U.S.-Canadian border, making the two economies deeply integrated.&We want to make it easier to trade and invest with one another,& Obama said, referring to steps that include reducing bottlenecks and streamlining regulations.Trudeau's visit to the White House is the first official visit by a Canadian Prime Minister to the U.S. in 19 years. It comes as an indication of a thaw in bilateral ties after years of frosty relationship due to the controversial Keystone XL pipeline project.Despite the advocacy of the project by Stephen Harper, Trudeau's predecessor, Obama rejected the project last November, citing environmental concerns.In an interview with CBC Radio, Canada's national public radio broadcaster, Canada's new ambassador to the United States David MacNaughton said the focus on the Keystone XL pipeline project has strained Canada-U.S. relations, making it difficult for the two countries to make progress on other major initiatives.&There's no question that that particular dispute sucked all the oxygen out of the room in terms of the relationship,& said MacNaughton.  CAIRO, April 23 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian and U.S. navies launched on Sunday a joint exercise in the waters of the Red Sea, Egypt's army said in a press release.According to the release, the drills, dubbed &Eagle Salute 2017,& come as part of an Egyptian army's plan for joint exercises with friendly countries to improve mutual military capabilities on the use of latest technologies.Italy, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait and Pakistan are participating in the exercise as monitors.The exercise includes a wide range of activities such as planning and organizing joint combat operations, both day and night, in coordination with air force elements.The combat scenarios involve securing maritime areas against various threats.Other activities include search-and-rescue training and inspecting and raiding suspect ships, with the participation of naval and special units from both sides.The bilateral relations between Egypt and the United States deteriorated after the Egyptian military ousted former Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in 2013, which led Trump's predecessor Barack Obama to cancel the joint Egyptian-U.S. military exercise of Bright Star.The ties, however, have improved under the new U.S. administration of Donald Trump, who has pledged to support the key ally with 1.3 billion U.S. dollars annually in military aid.  A key British executive of Rupert Murdoch's global media empire has resigned amid the firestorm over the phone-hacking and police bribery scandal that has triggered investigations on both sides of the Atlantic.Rebekah Brooks stepped down Friday as chief executive of News International, the British subsidiary of Murdoch's News Corporation. Brooks was a former editor of News of the World, the tabloid at the center of the scandal. Murdoch abruptly shut down News of the World last week after revelations it had illegally obtained voicemail or text messages of private citizens, including a murdered teenager and the families of dead soldiers.Why she made decision In a statement released Friday, Brooks said her &desire to remain on the bridge,& is drawing attention from the company's &honest endeavors& to fix the problems of the past. She will be replaced by Tom Mockridge, the head of News Corporation's Sky Italia television unit.
ReutersJames and Rupert Murdoch (C) and a minder leave the Stafford Hotel in St James's Place, central London July 10, 2011. Brooks has agreed to testify before the British parliament next week about the phone hacking and police bribery scandal that has also forced Murdoch to abandon his -billion bid to acquire full control of British Sky Broadcasting, a satellite television company. Murdoch and his son James, who heads News Corporation's international operations, will also testify before parliament next week, after initially refusing to do so. US inquiryIn the U.S., the Federal Bureau of Investigation has begun a probe into whether News Corporation employees tried to hack into the phones of victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and their families, or tried to bribe police for information. The probe was started after Congressman Peter King, who represents the New York district where many of the 3,000 victims of the September 11 attacks lived, asked the FBI to investigate.U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters in Australia Friday the Justice Department has received a number of requests from lawmakers to look into the allegations involving News Corporation, and is &progressing in that regard& through the appropriate law enforcement agencies.Media ownershipMurdoch's company has several lucrative news and entertainment outlets in the U.S., including the country's top business newspaper, The Wall Street Journal, and a major television news outlet, Fox News Channel. Meanwhile, British police have arrested a ninth suspect in connection with the phone-hacking scandal. He is Neil Wallis, the 60-year-old former executive editor of the News of the World who left the paper in 2009 and is now a public relations executive. Wallis was held on &suspicion of conspiring to intercept communications.&Wallis was the deputy editor of the newspaper under Andy Coulson from 2003 to 2007. Coulson, the communications director for British Prime Minister David Cameron from 2007 until earlier this year, was arrested in the investigation earlier this month.  【光明理论&习主席出席G20峰会系列谈五】作者:中国人民大学重阳金融研究院研究员 胡玉玮当前世界经济正处于深度调整时期,各国经济复苏进程反复曲折,地区之间冲突不断。在此背景下,作为全球首要经济论坛G20的最高级别会议-领导人峰会正逢其时,相信世界的目光现在都聚焦在土耳其旅游胜地安塔利亚。  关注低收入国家、实现包容性增长2008年全球金融危机期间,以金砖国家为代表的新兴市场为防范世界经济进一步恶化起到了至关重要的作用。如今,新兴市场的经济增长速度自2010年起出现持续下滑趋势,而其中影响最大的是低收入国家。鉴此,本次峰会强调G20不应仅仅关注G20国家的事务,更应关注、支持低收入国家的经济社会发展,毕竟全球50%的贫困人口生活在非G20国家。具体措施包括加大对低收入国家的财政援助,如建立和加强环境变化基金&Climate change fund&。另外,鼓励低收入国家积极参加各类国际对话机制,增加其在国际社会发出声音的机会,进而加强其国际话语权。例如,本次土耳其峰会就邀请阿塞拜疆、非洲发展新型伙伴关系成员(NEPAD)等非G20集团的发展中国家参加相关会议,这实际上也是安塔利亚峰会三大主题之一&包容性发展-inclusive growth&的具体表现。  加强宏观调控合作、共建稳健全球经济在全球经济联系日益密切,国际化进程不断加快的今天,一国宏观政策调整的影响力已不仅限于本国,更会对周边、甚至全球市场产生&溢出效应&。例如自从去年美联储宣布退出量化宽松以来,国际资金纷纷逃离新兴市场,进而引发全球金融市场和经济形势的波动。此外,我国今年8月11日汇率政策的市场化调整也对周边国家市场产生一定程度上的短期影响。在此背景下,一国政策的全球&溢出效应&使得G20对话机制更加有益和重要,因为19个成员国和欧盟均是国际经济秩序的利益攸关者和系统性重要参与者。鉴此,通过G20平台加强占全球90%经济量成员之间的宏观经济协调将尤为必要。2015年9月份召开的G20财长/央行行长会议就强调各国,特别是大国之间在为提升本国经济而采取相关货币、财政政策时,需加强国际协调和沟通。另外,土耳其政府在公布的本次峰会优先话题时,第一项即呼吁通过成员国之间的宏观政策合作来共同应对全球经济的下行压力。  中国表现值得期待、再为全球经济贡献力量作为全球第二经济体、第一大贸易国,中国的一举一动都将受到G20成员国,乃至全球的关注。我国领导人积极历届G20领导人峰会,为世界经济的复苏和增长提出惠及全球的&中国解决方案&。结合刚刚结束的18届五中全会和&十三五规划的建议&,此次G20峰会为我国提供一个恰逢其时的国际平台,向世界传达和阐述未来五年我国经济发展路径,及将如何为全球的复苏注入新的动力。首先,我国政府将坚持开放政策、着力实现合作共赢。近一段时间有部分外资企业从中国撤离,转战周边国家,如东南亚地区。其主要动因是国内劳动力成本上升等结构性原因,完全是正常的商业行为,而不应错误认为是中国投资环境的恶化。&十三五&期间,我国将继续加大开放力度,如全面实施准入前国民待遇加负面清单制度,内外资企业将一视同仁,平等对待等一系列政策。相信在一个更加透明、公平的国内投资环境下,更多的外国企业将会加大对我国投资,进而继续分享我国未来经济的快速增长。其次,基础设施投资是今年土耳其峰会的优先话题之一。结合我国&十三五&规划,基建投资可以成为我国为全球经济提供新发展动力的一个重要抓手。自去年布里斯班峰会以来,G20对基础设施投资更加关注。本次峰会三大主题之一的&投资-Investment&主要指基建投资。据预测目前全球在基础设施领域的缺口高达上万亿美元,而落后的基础设施已经成为制约全球经济,特别是低收入国家经济提升的一个重要原因。&丝路基金&,&金砖银行&,&亚洲基础设施投资银行&,&一带一路&等新的国际机制都会极大促进全球基础设施建设。因此,通过多方合作,有机结合中国产能优势、发达国家先进技术和发展中国家巨大市场,可以实现国际经济的大合作,大发展,同时也体现了我国政府一贯坚持的&共商、共建、共享&发展理念。2015年安塔利亚G20领导人峰会已经拉开序幕,各国领导人即将登场亮相,在一个全球合作共赢、包容性增长成为主旋律的今天,让我们期待一个圆满、成功的G20峰会吧!【光明理论&习主席出席G20峰会系列谈一】接棒在即,中国社会不妨多了解G20【光明理论&习主席出席G20峰会系列谈二】巴黎恐袭与中国在G20的&为&与&不为&【光明理论&习主席出席G20峰会系列谈三】包容、落实、投资:中土共谋发展迎良机【光明理论&习主席出席G20峰会系列谈四】应对巴黎恐袭挑战,G20既要&治标&更要&治本&  WASHINGTON, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) -- A senior U.S. diplomat said Friday she is optimistic that the U.S. and Cuba could open embassies before the Summit of the Americas slated for April 10-11.Roberta Jacobson, U.S. Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere, made the remarks following the second round of talks between Washington and Havana to re-establish diplomatic relations.Josefina Vidal, head of the Cuban foreign ministry's U.S. division, told reporters that progress had been made in the talks, but added that differences remained.Friday's talks continue the dialogue initiated by the two sides on Jan. 22 in Cuban capital Havana and are a key step in implementing the new U.S. policy toward Cuba announced by President Barack Obama in December last year.  BERLIN, June 5 (Xinhua) -- The eastern part of Germany, including states of Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, faced worsening floods on Wednesday even as conditions improved as water level fell in southern Germany.In Saxony state capital Dresden, over 600 people have been evacuated and bridges been shut down as the river Elbe's water level is rising to dangerous levels and the flood peak is expected to hit the city. Part of Dresden was flooded in 2002 when the Elbe burst its banks.Other cities in eastern part of the country, including Halle, Dessau and Magdeburg, have also been on full alert as regional rivers have reached critically high levels.In the city of Passau, which has seen the worst flooding in 500 years, situation has eased as the water level of the Danube River dropped three meters overnight.German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged 100 million euros (130 million U.S. dollars) in fast and &unbureaucratic& aid to help flood-hit regions to rebuild as she visited some of the worse affected areas on Tuesday. More than 1,700 soldiers have been deployed to help the rescue work.At least two people have died in Germany due to the flooding, which has also affected central European countries including Austria and the Czech Republic.  BRUSSELS, March 10 (Xinhua) -- A two-day summit of European Union (EU) leaders and heads of state here concluded on Friday, but the fierce debate on the direction of Europe is likely to continue for a longer time.TUSK'S JOB ROWPolish fury over the re-election of European Council President Donald Tusk overshadowed the two-day EU summit.Tusk was given the green light to continue in the post until 2019 despite fierce opposition by the Polish government, which had put forward its own candidate.Afterwards, French President Francois Hollande said: &I don't see how one country could oppose this solution when all the others are in favor.&But Poland's government argued that Tusk supported the domestic opposition in Poland and has failed to protect the country's interests in the EU.Speaking on Friday, Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo refused to accept the summit's conclusion to reappoint Tusk, saying &Poland doesn't agree with this. And I definitely won't accept any document from this summit.&Instead of the traditional conclusions by the European Council, there were merely conclusions &by the President of the European Council.& As such, the summit ended without the customary accord on a final document.DEBATE ON EU FUTUREAfter Thursday's decision to reappoint Tusk, prime ministers and presidents of 27 EU members states reassembled for a second day after British Prime Minister Theresa May had left.EU leaders were meeting for the first time in the Europa building, a new 321-million-euro (341 U.S. dollars) summit venue in Brussels decorated so as to symbolize the &united patchwork& of Europe.However, when the bloc approached the subject of the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, which paved the way of European integration, the debate on which path the post-Brexit EU should follow became increasingly fierce.Some EU member states, such as France, Germany, Spain and Italy are calling for a multi-speed Europe, wherein some members could deepen their integration faster than others. However, the bloc's eastern members, who fear they will be excluded from deeper integration in the future, are against the idea.The divergence was also seen between the EU institutions. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said a multi-speed EU scenario was not going to create an &iron curtain& in Europe.&(For) some of our colleagues, this (multi-speed Europe) is seen as introducing a new dividing line, a new kind of iron curtain between the east and west. That's not the intention,& Juncker said at a press conference with Tusk on Friday.However, Tusk, who chaired the debate on Friday, urged EU member states to strive towards maintaining political unity after Brexit.&When discussing the various scenarios for Europe, our main objective should be to strengthen mutual trust and unity among 27,& Tusk said at the press conference.Talking about the &multi-speed& version of future, Tusk said he understood the reasons for the debate.&However, considering the interests of the community of 27 countries in the context of the upcoming Brexit negotiations as well as the long-term strategic interests of the EU, I will be urging everyone to strive towards maintaining political unity among the 27.&&It is clear from the debate that the unity of the 27 will be our most precious asset,& he stressed.As no document on the future of Europe emerged from the meeting of 27 EU leaders on Friday, the debate on the issue is likely to continue. The picture may only become a little clearer later this month when EU's leaders minus Britain are due to make a declaration on Europe's future at the Rome summit, in which they are expected to set out a post-Brexit road map.BREXIT CHALLENGE AHEADThe summit was the last attended by Theresa May before she triggers Article 50 at the end of this month, the start of a two-year process that will see the UK leave the EU, and Brexit cast a long shadow over proceedings.Since the Brexit referendum in June 2016, the British government has so far refused to offer any formal reassurance to the 3.1 million EU citizens living in the UK, insisting it could harm its effort to secure the rights of the 1.2 million British nationals estimated to be living in other EU countries.On the margins of the summit, the chief Brexit negotiator at the European Parliament, Guy Verhofstadt, said British citizens should be allowed to keep the benefits of EU membership.Speaking on Friday, Verhofstadt said allowing individuals to keep rights, such as freedom to travel and vote in European elections should be a priority.The former Belgian prime minister said Brexit had been a &tragedy& and a &disaster& for people in the UK and EU.Meanwhile, Juncker hinted at the possibility of readmitting Britain as EU member, saying he hoped Britain would one day rejoin the union.&I do not like Brexit, because I would like to be in the same boat as the British. The day will come when the British will re-enter the boat, I hope,& he said.ECONOMY AND OTHER ISSUESDuring the summit, the leaders noted that for the first time in almost a decade, all 28 EU economies were expected to grow over the next two years. They agreed that this &good outlook& needed to be sustained by continued structural reform efforts and &determined action.&&Trade remains one of the most powerful engines for growth, supporting millions of jobs and contributing to prosperity,& a conclusion document released by Tusk read, adding that the bloc would remain strongly committed to a robust trade policy and an open and rules-based multilateral trading system with a central role for the World Trade Organization (WTO).The leaders welcomed the positive vote in the European Parliament on the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), saying it was &a clear signal at a time when protectionist tendencies are re-appearing.&The leaders agreed that the bloc should continue to engage actively with its international trade partners. The single-market bloc said it would resolutely advance on all ongoing negotiations for free trade agreements, including with sub-regional trade bloc Mercosur, Mexico and Japan.&Trade relations with China should be strengthened on the basis of a shared understanding of reciprocal and mutual benefits,& the document stressed.At the same time, the leaders stressed in the conclusion that the EU had to equip itself with modernized, WTO-compatible tools to tackle unfair trade practices and market distortions.&We will not hesitate to defend ourselves against unfair trading practices, wherever necessary. We want to set the global standard for free and fair trade,& Tusk said.In addition, EU priority measures for growth, migration, and the situation in Western Balkans were among the topics debated by EU leaders at the two-day summit.  导读:&十三五&规划与每一个中国人都息息相关,决定国家的命运,关乎国人的梦想和福祉。老百姓的生活会越来越好,国家在国际舞台的地位也会越来越高。党的十八届五中全会审议通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》,为我国未来五年经济和社会发展勾画出了宏伟的蓝图。可以想见,在未来几年的时间里,当这幅宏伟蓝图变成生动现实的时候,我国将全面建成小康社会,不仅各领域各方面会发生翻天覆地的大变化、有着大发展,而且与我们每个人切身利益紧密相联、息息相关的教育医疗、就业收入、环境保护等也将得到前所未来的大完善、大飞跃,人人都将成为祖国发展进步的最直接的受益者,真正共享发展成果。《建议》全文洋洋洒洒两万余字,内容详实,重点突出,描绘了中国&十三五&期间的美好愿景。按照这个《建议》,未来五年老百姓的生活将会以下在十个方面发生巨变:一是话费、电费等会很便宜。《建议》指出,加快开放电力、电信、交通、石油、天然气、市政公用等自然垄断行业的竞争性业务。前些年,电信行业缺乏竞争,没有提供更好的服务动力。但&十三五&期间,放开垄断对于消费者来说,以后话费、电费、交通费会越来越便宜。二是可以生二胎了。《建议》指出,全面实施一对夫妇可生育两个孩子政策。帮扶存在特殊困难的计划生育家庭。三是网速更快、网费更低。《建议》指出,推进数据资源开放共享。完善电信普遍服务机制,开展网络提速降费行动,超前布局下一代互联网。推进产业组织、商业模式、供应链、物流链创新。通过&双十一&我们看到了什么?往年常常是购物之后很长时间收不到东西,体验很差。而&十三五&期间,我们将可以享受到更快的网速、更低的网费、更便捷的网购服务。四是个人养老负担变轻。《建议》指出,&建立基本养老金合理调整机制;逐步提高国有资本收益上缴公共财政比例,划转部分国有资本充实社保基金;适当降低社会保险费率。&降低了老人们带来的养老压力,也减轻了年轻人的养老负担。五是股市更健康了。《建议》指出,积极培育公开透明、健康发展的资本市场,推进股票和债券发行交易制度改革,提高直接融资比重,降低杠杆率。此举将遏制投机者利用配资恶意操控股市的行为,让股市回归为实体经济服务的本位。未来股民入市可以更安心了。六是跨省就医更方便了。《建议》指出,全面推进公立医院综合改革,坚持公益属性,破除逐利机制;实现跨省异地安置退休人员住院医疗费用直接结算。&破除公立医院逐利机制&被明确提出,可见中央要重点解决&看病贵&的决心,&因病致贫、因病返贫&现象有望渐渐消除。七是教育更加普及。《建议》指出,普及高中阶段教育,逐步分类推进中等职业教育免除学杂费,率先从建档立卡的家庭经济困难学生实施普通高中免除学杂费。发展学前教育,鼓励普惠性幼儿园发展。少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强。八是城市地下管道建设。《建议》指出,加强城市公共交通、防洪防涝等设施建设。实施城市地下管网改造工程。未来,近年来新闻中屡屡爆出的城市内涝现象将很难再见到。九是农民进城落户门槛更低。《建议》指出,依法推进土地经营权有序流转。促进有能力在城镇稳定就业和生活的农业转移人口举家进城落户。维护进城落户农民土地承包权、宅基地使用权、集体收益分配权,支持引导其依法自愿有偿转让上述权益。提高技术工人待遇,完善职称评定制度,推广专业技术职称、技能等级等同大城市落户挂钩做法。未来五年&有能力&在城镇稳定就业和生活的农民进城落户,他们的土地承包权、宅基地使用权、集体收益分配权还能得到保障,免除了举家落户的疑虑。十是外来人享受城里人同等待遇。《建议》指出,深化户籍制度改革,促进有能力在城镇稳定就业和生活的农业转移人口举家进城落户,并与城镇居民有同等权利和义务。实施居住证制度,努力实现基本公共服务常住人口全覆盖。未来,外来人口将和当地居民享受同等的城市资源和公共服务,真正让进城农民和外来人员融入到城市生活中,不会被另眼相看的二等公民。另外,习主席、李总理在&十三五&规划会议上多次提及大众创业、万众创新,大力支持创业创新以及各项改革。投融资界认为,创业氛围在&十三五&期间将会迎来新的高潮,为经济增长与社会发展再添活力。&十三五&规划与每一个中国人都息息相关,决定国家的命运,关乎国人的梦想和福祉。老百姓的生活会越来越好,国家在国际舞台的地位也会越来越高。毫无疑问,面对祖国发展的宏伟蓝图,每一个中华儿女无不为祖国发展的美好未来和光辉前景而倍感骄傲,为能够生活在伟大的祖国和美好的时代而倍加自豪。但骄傲自豪的同时,我们不能漠视和忘记自身的责任和使命,而应当增强投身其中、为目标实现而努力奋斗的责任感和使命感。因为&国家兴亡,匹夫有责&。祖国并不是一个抽象空泛的概念,而是一个由你我他具体构成的组合体。我们怎么样,祖国便怎么样。如若我们每个人都没有主人翁责任感,祖国的发展进步就只能是一句空话。宏伟的蓝图让我们无限憧憬,幸福的生活让我们无比期待。但天上掉不下馅饼,人间万事出艰辛,人世间的美好梦想只有通过勤勤恳恳的奋斗才能实现;发展中的各种难题,只有通过扎扎实实的奋斗才能破解;生命里的一切辉煌,只有通过踏踏实实的奋斗才能铸就。一句话,宏伟的蓝图不会自然而然的实现,幸福的生活不会轻而易举的来到。正所谓&千里之行,始于足下&。实现宏伟的蓝图、共享幸福的生活有赖于我们全体中华儿女的齐心努力、共同奋斗。反之如若人人都只是静候旁观,个个都只想坐享其成,那么再宏伟的蓝图、再幸福的生活都只能是海市蜃楼,虚无缥缈,可望而不可即。常言道&事在人为&。人永远是成就一切事业、推动一切发展的主体性、根本性、决定性因素。面对时间紧、任务重的宏伟蓝图,很显然,实现的源泉和动力在于我们全体中华儿女。也许就我们个人而言,一个人的力量是微不足道的,但涓涓细流可以汇成江海,星星之火可以呈现燎原。只要大家齐心努力、团结奋进,众人积聚起来的力量就是磅礴伟力。在这种情形下,再艰巨的挑战和考验都能战胜和克服,美好的蓝图和目标都能实现和达成。国家有你有我也有他,国家是你是我也是他。国家是大家的家,也是每个人的家。家国兴,则人民幸福。作为祖国的一员,只有我们人人尽力,国家才有力;只有我们人人分忧,国家才无忧;只有我们人人添彩,国家才光彩。也许,我们每个人的职业分工有区别,我们每个人的能力素质有差异,我们每个人的贡献作用有不同,但面对与我们每个人切身利益紧密相联的宏伟蓝图,人人都当是参与者和建设者,任何人都不应该置身事外、旁观以待。为此,任何时候都绝不可把自己的身份看&偏&了,把自己的地位看&轻&了,把自己的作用看&小&了。任何情况下都应牢固确立祖国建设者和实干家的主人翁思想,强化与祖国同心共进的高度责任感和使命感。这既是作为国家公民应尽的责任义务,也是实现国家发展、享有个人幸福的客观要求。点击下方标题 回顾精彩内容理论漫话丨 美国真有那么&好好好&吗?独家评论丨 绿色发展是全面推进生态文明建设的必然选择独家视点丨 &十三五&时期怎样实现1亿人在城镇定居?独家图解丨 &动听&的美国故事背后真相你知多少?独家评论丨 领导干部要看清&眼睫毛&  Thailand's central bank governor says he is optimistic the country's economy will recover in early 2012 from the floods still threatening Bangkok. The governor's upbeat outlook comes as government authorities discuss multi-billion-dollar recovery and reconstruction plans.Thailand's most severe floods in 50 years have now claimed 437 lives, affected more than three million households across three quarters of the country's provinces. The estimated financial damage is already in the billions of dollars. The waters have so far inundated almost 10,000 factories, including several industrial estates, north of the city with loss of 660,000 jobs.While the pace of the inundation has slowed in Bangkok, millions of cubic meters of often fetid water is still advancing to the financial and business districts.Despite the damage and ongoing concern in Bangkok, Thai central bank governor Prasarn Trulratvorakul says economic recovery is possible if the waters recede by early December and domestic spending is revived.Speaking to journalists, Prasarn expects private consumption to lead the rebound in early 2012.&We still believe there will be recovery next year provided that the flood situation starts to improve by early December,& said Prasarn. &We should see Thailand staging a respectable comeback on the back of domestic demand revival. I would like to stress again that Thailand's fate


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