
&>& > 外国网友评论:Quora问答:为什么中国经济和外交政策如此具有侵略性?
【译者注:本文译自Quora,一个类似于中国的知乎的美国问答SNS网站,用户偏向于受过高等教育的人群和社会精英群体,例如奥巴马,希拉里,林书豪等都在上面回答过问题,英语是其官方语言,不支持汉语,目前中国大陆也可以访问。】外文地址:/Why-is-China-so-aggressive-in-its-economic-and-foreign-policy/answer/Yang-188?srid=uT8t3#Quesion:Why is China so aggressive in its economic and foreign policy?问题:为什么中国在经济和外交政策方面如此具有侵略性?China claims territory of almost each of its neighbour. It hasn't even left alone the South China Sea and has gone ahead to construct artificial islands for that reason. It is flooding the markets with its products by subsidizing exports in order to destroy competitors and economies of other countries.中国几乎与它的每一个邻居都有领土争端。由于它的侵略性,它甚至不放过南海,在建造人工岛上远远走在其他国家前面。中国通过对出口进行补贴来进行市场倾销,以达到摧毁竞争者和其他国家的经济的目的。What lead to this sudden aggressive stance of China which a few decades back was just a poor developing nation?什么导致了这个前几十年还是一个贫穷的发展中的国家,如今突然立场如此具有侵略性?【译者注:选取了一个高赞回答翻译,答主貌似是在日本的中国留学生】Answer By Yang, students in Tokyo(20k Views)( Upvote 968)(Downvote)(Comments 41+)Yang(东京留学生)的回答:(20k浏览)( 赞 968)(踩)(评论 41+)1. In 1993, That year I was born.The United States claimed to have obtain the intelligence that accused China“YinHe” cargo ship to transport the production of chemical weapons to Iran,And threatened to impose sanctions on china. At the same time, the USA sent two warships and five helicopters and detained that cargo ship.After 33 days , the last box of goods were checked in“YinHe” ship , but without any chemical weapons were found.Even so,the USA government hold a tough attitude, refuse to make any apologize to China.When a chinese diplomats talk about this matter in a TV show,He said the word of “humiliation” 17 times in total.1. 1993年,我出生那一年。美国宣称获得情报,指责中国“银河”号货船运送化学武器到伊朗,并且威胁制裁中国。同时,美国派遣两艘军舰和五架直升机扣押了货船。33天之后,“银河”号最后一箱货物检查完毕,但是没有找到任何化学武器。即使这样,美国政府依然持强硬态度,拒绝向中国道歉。当时一个中国外交官在电视上谈到此事时,他一共说了17次“窝囊”。&&2. In 1996,That year I was 3 years old.There was a military crisis in the Taiwan Strait. In TV news, Chinese saw huge military exercises,But we all know China was very weak at that time.Many family began to buy food and stored at home in case of war.Later, the USA sent two aircraft carriers.The Chinese army can do nothing at that time. So this incident ended in humiliation once again.2. 1996年,那一年我3岁。台湾海峡发生了一场军事危机。在电视新闻上,中国人看到了规模庞大的军事演习,但是我们都知道那时中国还很弱。许多家庭开始购买食物和贮备物资以防战争。不久后,美国派出了两艘航空母舰,中国军队那时毫无办法。所以这次事件又以耻辱结束。&&3. In 1999,That year I was 6 years old.On May 7, 1999,NATO's American B-2 bombers fired three missiles that destroyed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia. It killed three Chinese journalists on the spot and more than 10 people were injured.Later the USA government announced that this incident was really a mistake because use of wrong map.At incident conference,The NATO Secretary drop a hint to audience that this was not a mistake,He made a face deliberately.This is a cute face like a sword engraved in Chinese heart.3. 1999年,那一年我6岁。日,北约的美国B-2轰炸机发射了3枚导弹摧毁了中国驻南联盟大使馆,当场杀害了3名中国记者,十几个人受伤。随后美国政府宣称这个事故是一个误会,因为使用了错误的地图。在事故调查发布会上,北约秘书长暗示观众这不是一个误会,他做了一个意味深长的表情,这个可爱的表情就像用一把剑刻在了中国人的心里。&&4. In 2008,That year I was 15 years old.Beijing Olympic Games held successfully,At the opening ceremony, when our five-star red flag raised, countless Chinese people burst into tears.At that time, I knew my country were stronger.4. 2008年,那一年我15岁。北京奥运成功举办,在开幕式上,当我们的五星红旗升起时,无数的中国人流下了热泪。那时,我知道我的国家在变得强大起来。&&5. In 2016,That year I was 23 years old.This is my answer to this question.Why is China so “aggressive” in its economic and foreign policy?5. 2016年,这一年我23岁。这就是我的答案。Picture text:I have endured for so many years, just waiting for an opportunity.I am working so hard not want to prove I’m so great.I just want to tell others, I must get back what I have lost.为什么中国在经济和外交政策方面如此具有“侵略性”?图片文字:“我忍了三年,就是在等一个机会。我要争一口气不是为了证明我了不起。而是要告诉人家,我失去的东西一定要拿回来。” &外国网友评论翻译:外文:/Why-is-China-so-aggressive-in-its-economic-and-foreign-policy/answer/Yang-188?srid=uT8t3#【译者注:评论主要选取外国人的一些评论,因为这个答案下面的大部分评论被中国人占领了。】Jeremy M. Thompson 30 votesThanks for this answer. I stand with you in solidarity. Climb your mountain of success!谢谢回答。我坚决支持你们,登上你们成功的巅峰!&Alex Russo 39 votesThank you for the great answer, I do hope people in the west would be more understanding now, thought I doubt it. I find it ironic how the west claims the Chinese are brainwashed by propaganda while in truth the Chinese understand both sides of the story, while people in the west are (usually) quite one sided. They tend to strongly believe that China is being all “Aggressive!!!” Or that China is a big bad bully. (I know not all think this way, but hey, the vast majority do seem to.)谢谢你精彩的回答,我确实希望西方人如今能更理解中国,但是实际不然。我发现讽刺的是,西方宣称中国人被宣传洗脑,但是实际上中国人了解双方的故事,但是西方人(通常)只了解一个方面。他们严重倾向于相信中国一直“有侵略性”!!!或者中国是一个巨大的恶霸。(我知道不是所有西方人都这么想,但是,嘿,大多数似乎是这么想的。)I understand where they are coming from, and why what the western media says can be so convincing, but I just want to say- who’s the one brainwashed by propaganda now? It isn’t too hard to do a little research and try to un derstand different points of view. You don’t even have to ageee, simply seeking to understand is enough.我知道他们来自哪儿,以及为什么西方媒体说得那么令人信服,但是我只想说,现在谁才是被宣称洗脑的一方?做一点调查去了解不同的观点,一点都不难。你甚至都不用赞同哪种观点,仅仅试图了解一下就够了。P. S. I’m not saying China isn’t being aggressive, some actions are slightly extreme, but you’ll be surprised by how the western media manipulates it to become so much more.P. S. 我不是说中国不具有侵略性,他们有些做法些微的有些极端,但是你会惊奇于,西方媒体如何把这种些微的极端操纵成非常离谱。&Triou Ye 5 votes(回复Alex Russo)One thing to be added, English in China is a compulsory course since primary school, that provides us a chance to know the both sides, but… On your side, it seems not many people know Chinese. I think this is also a factor that causes the difference.有一件事要补充的是,英语在小学就是中国的必修课程,这给我们提供了一个机会去了解事情的两方面,但是…,在你们那一边,似乎没有很多人懂中文。我想这也是造成差异的一个因素。&Triou Ye 2 votes(回复Alex Russo)Thank you man, I had terrible experiences when explaining such political topics to westerns but being called brainwashed…it’s tiring…谢谢你,我有过向西方人解释有关政治话题时但被西方人说我被洗脑的痛苦经历…真累…&Jack Zhang (回复Triou Ye)We don’t need to explain that, we just prove it.我们无需解释,我们只要证明就行了。&Steven Williams(回复Alex Russo)This is nonsense. People are just as dumb all over the world and eat up anything they’re told.你在胡说。世界上的人还没有笨到别人说什么就信什么。Joe Lee 7 votesI still remember that year when America bombed our Embassy, and that time I was at Primary school, the Chinese people could do nothing except protest. When recalled this event, I can’t help downing tears, it’s really a humiliation, we need to be stronger, and get back what we have lost. And China is on the way to revival.我依然记得那年美国轰炸我们大使馆,那时我正在上小学,中国人除了抗议什么也不能做。当我回忆起这件事时,我眼泪不禁流了下来,这实在是奇耻大辱。我们必须更强大,然后拿回我们失去的东西,中国正在复兴的道路上。&Matthew Steinberg 3 votesI understand that China has suffered humiliation for centuries at the hands of western powers….. most recently with the USA on the international stage. However, I don’t think that playing this “victim card” that “we must reclaim what is ours” will end well. Everyone will lose with this type of superiority complex and anger in national sentiment. I think a fantastic example of a country that had this type of angry and nationalistic attitude was the Third Reich. The chinese I think have every right to be angry about the past… but I don’t think that focusing on past humiliation with an emphasis on vengeance will lead to any true Rather, I’d like to see China integrate politically with the rest of the world and become a constructive member in the international community. What I feel that we have seen too often is that China is just as nationalistic and self-interest driven as the USA. I’ll be the first one to criticize the USA’s international political strategy, but the Chinese’s attitude is not particularly beneficial to anyone. It’s just flat out manipulation.我理解中国最近几个世纪里在西方的强权下遭受过羞辱…近段时间在世界舞台上大多数是被美国羞辱。然而,我并不认为扮演”我们失去的东西一定要拿回来“这种“受害人角色“会是一个好的结果。在国家情感上老是带着这种复杂的优越感和愤怒,每一个人都会输。我想最好的一个国家的例子就是,带着愤怒和民族主义态度的第三帝国(指希特勒统治下的德国)。我想每一个中国人都有权利为过去发生的事情愤怒… 但是我不认为盯着过去的耻辱,强调复仇会给任何人带来任何真正的胜利。当然啦,我乐意看到中国与世界上其他国家在政治上成为一体,变成国际社会上一个有建设性的成员。我感觉我经常看到的是中国只是和美国一样,受国家主义和自我利益至上驱动。我会做第一个批评美国国际政治政策的人,但是中国人这样的态度对任何人都没有好处。你说的这个只是赤裸裸的煽动人心。&Jackie Fall32 votesWhen USA attacked China’s embassy,i was 9-year-old,I still remember my dad sat on bed with smoking,tears in his eyes,he said repeatedly:”Lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks!”当美国袭击中国大使馆时,那年我9岁,我依然记得我爸爸坐在床上抽烟,眼泪在眼睛里打转,他不断地说:”落后就要挨打!“&Kushal Chittam 3 votesI hope lot more Chinese join Quora and learn the bullshit they’re fed by their media and the government. They’ll need to stop defending their bullying by playing a victim card and justifying as if it’s China’s right to do so now that they’re mighty and powerful. As one of the comments mentioned below they need to learn from what happened to Japan and not imitate them. To realize this is foolish you need not have a 3000 years of glorious history and wisdom, even a child can identify it.我希望越来越多的中国人加入Quora,了解到他们媒体和政府告诉他们的都是胡扯。他们需要停止扮演受害人的角色来为他们的霸凌行为辩护,弄得好像这样做是中国的权利一样,他们这样做只是因为他们现在强大而有力量。正如下面评论提到的那样,他们需要了解日本发生了什么,并且不要模仿他们。你不需要3000年的光荣历史和智慧就可以了解到,这么做是愚蠢的,哪怕一个孩子都可以分辨。&Sailing0505(回复Kushal Chittam)I agree with you.because hate blinded eyes.我同意你,因为仇恨会让人盲目。&Billal Ahmed 30 votesSalute from Pakistan to his big brother China巴基斯坦人向中国大兄弟致敬。&Triou Ye 1 vote (回复Billal Ahmed)Hello Pak friend你好,巴基斯坦朋友&Siddhant Naidu 17 votesI agree, it’s not just US, the entire west treated China that way. But the Chinese waited for all these years, only to rise resurgent and strong. And it’s not just a recent phenomenon, back in the colonial times the foreign powers waged wars on China. Even when Japan was invading China, the league of nations ignored repeated calls by China for help. China being aggressive towards these nations is justified, but the same doesn’t hold true for China’s behavior towards India, with which it shares more in common than probably any other nation. India too was oppressed by foreign powers, it was also treated like trash by the west. China is doing the same thing with India what the western nations did to it.我同意,不仅是美国,整个西方世界都这样对待中国。但是中国等了这么多年,只是为了复兴和强大。这不只是最近才有的现象,殖民时代的时候西方强权就对中国发动过战争。甚至在日本侵略中国时,当时的国际联盟无视中国不断请求帮助的声音。中国现在对这些国家有侵略性是合理正当的,但是同样的事中国对印度做就不对了,和其他国家相比,印度可能是和中国遭遇最相似的。印度同样曾经被西方强权压迫,同样被西方像垃圾一样对待,中国正在对印度做和西方国家曾经对印度做过的同样的事情。&Palash JhambThe West bullied us so lets be rude to everybody….西方人欺负你所以你就对所有人都粗鲁….&Shawn Zhang 3 votesDude, I was born in 1993 too and I feel the same as what you wrote. Can’t stop feeling powerful after this.哥们儿,我也出生于1993年,我的感觉和你写的一模一样,看完之后充满了力量。&Yuvaraj GanesanYes yes China wants to get back what it has lost!! that’s ridiculous. I has aggressively occupied Tibet,Back stabbing India ( when we Indians wer saying the slogan Indi-chini-bahi-bahi – means India and china r brothers) in 1962 without any formal war notification again a coward and aggressive movement. And Vietnam,Korea…etc and now south china sea…好,好,中国要得到他失去的东西!!真荒谬。你们的侵略性,往印度背后捅刀子(当我们印度人还在喊口号Indi-chini-bahi-bahi,意思是中印人民亲兄弟),1962年在没有正式宣战的情况下,进行了懦弱和侵略性的行动。还有越南,韩国…等等,还有南海…&Busy MindsWhile China understands the pain…why is it doing the same with other small countries. if it wants revenge..it can settle with USA. Your answer is not correct.既然中国知道被侮辱的痛苦…为什么要对其他小国家做同样的事呢?如果想要复仇,找美国解决就行了。你的答案不正确。&Saumya Shikhar4 votes ShowChina suffered so much under US pressure over the years that it is using the same tactics to target weaker countries?NIce.中国多年饱受美国压迫,所以用同样的方法对待更弱的国家?干得不错。&BobbyAs a Chinese,Thanks for what you have done.作为一个中国人,谢谢你所写的内容。&Eve YuSo proud for being a Chinese person我很自豪我是中国人。
(如果觉得五毛网不错的记得帮我们多多推广分享一下)五毛网Quesion:Why is China so aggressive in its economic and foreign policy?问题:为什么中国在经济和外交政策方面如此具有侵略性?China claims territory of almost each of its neighbour. It hasn't even left alone the South China Sea and has gone ahead to construct artificial islands for that reason. It is flooding the markets with its products by subsidizing exports in order to destroy competitors and economies of other countries.中国几乎与它的每一个邻居都有领土争端。由于它的侵略性,它甚至不放过南海,在建造人工岛上远远走在其他国家前面。中国通过对出口进行补贴来进行市场倾销,以达到摧毁竞争者和其他国家的经济的目的。What lead to this sudden aggressive stance of China which a few decades back was just a poor developing nation?什么导致了这个前几十年还是一个贫穷的发展中的国家,如今突然立场如此具有侵略性?【译者注:选取了一个高赞回答翻译,答主貌似是在日本的中国留学生】Answer By Yang, students in Tokyo(20k Views)( Upvote 968)(Downvote)(Comments 41+)Yang(东京留学生)的回答:(20k浏览)( 赞 968)(踩)(评论 41+)1. In 1993, That year I was born.The United States claimed to have obtain the intelligence that accused China“YinHe” cargo ship to transport the production of chemical weapons to Iran,And threatened to impose sanctions on china. At the same time, the USA sent two warships and five helicopters and detained that cargo ship.After 33 days , the last box of goods were checked in“YinHe” ship , but without any chemical weapons were found.Even so,the USA government hold a tough attitude, refuse to make any apologize to China.When a chinese diplomats talk about this matter in a TV show,He said the word of “humiliation” 17 times in total.1. 1993年,我出生那一年。美国宣称获得情报,指责中国“银河”号货船运送化学武器到伊朗,并且威胁制裁中国。同时,美国派遣两艘军舰和五架直升机扣押了货船。33天之后,“银河”号最后一箱货物检查完毕,但是没有找到任何化学武器。即使这样,美国政府依然持强硬态度,拒绝向中国道歉。当时一个中国外交官在电视上谈到此事时,他一共说了17次“窝囊”。2. In 1996,That year I was 3 years old.There was a military crisis in the Taiwan Strait. In TV news, Chinese saw huge military exercises,But we all know China was very weak at that time.Many family began to buy food and stored at home in case of war.Later, the USA sent two aircraft carriers.The Chinese army can do nothing at that time. So this incident ended in humiliation once again.2. 1996年,那一年我3岁。台湾海峡发生了一场军事危机。在电视新闻上,中国人看到了规模庞大的军事演习,但是我们都知道那时中国还很弱。许多家庭开始购买食物和贮备物资以防战争。不久后,美国派出了两艘航空母舰,中国军队那时毫无办法。所以这次事件又以耻辱结束。3. In 1999,That year I was 6 years old.On May 7, 1999,NATO's American B-2 bombers fired three missiles that destroyed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia. It killed three Chinese journalists on the spot and more than 10 people were injured.Later the USA government announced that this incident was really a mistake because use of wrong map.At incident conference,The NATO Secretary drop a hint to audience that this was not a mistake,He made a face deliberately.This is a cute face like a sword engraved in Chinese heart.3. 1999年,那一年我6岁。日,北约的美国B-2轰炸机发射了3枚导弹摧毁了中国驻南联盟大使馆,当场杀害了3名中国记者,十几个人受伤。随后美国政府宣称这个事故是一个误会,因为使用了错误的地图。在事故调查发布会上,北约秘书长暗示观众这不是一个误会,他做了一个意味深长的表情,这个可爱的表情就像用一把剑刻在了中国人的心里。4. In 2008,That year I was 15 years old.Beijing Olympic Games held successfully,At the opening ceremony, when our five-star red flag raised, countless Chinese people burst into tears.At that time, I knew my country were stronger.4. 2008年,那一年我15岁。北京奥运成功举办,在开幕式上,当我们的五星红旗升起时,无数的中国人流下了热泪。那时,我知道我的国家在变得强大起来。5. In 2016,That year I was 23 years old.This is my answer to this question.Why is China so “aggressive” in its economic and foreign policy?Picture text:I have endured for so many years, just waiting for an opportunity.I am working so hard not want to prove I’m so great.I just want to tell others, I must get back what I have lost.5. 2016年,这一年我23岁。这就是我的答案。为什么中国在经济和外交政策方面如此具有“侵略性”?图片文字:“我忍了三年,就是在等一个机会。我要争一口气不是为了证明我了不起。而是要告诉人家,我失去的东西一定要拿回来。”评论翻译译者:比木鱼来源:龙腾网 /bbs/thread--1.html外文:/Why-is-China-so-aggressive-in-its-economic-and-foreign-policy/answer/Yang-188?srid=uT8t3#【译者注:评论主要选取外国人的一些评论,因为这个答案下面的大部分评论被中国人占领了。】Jeremy M. Thompson 30 votesThanks for this answer. I stand with you in solidarity. Climb your mountain of success!谢谢回答。我坚决支持你们,登上你们成功的巅峰!&Alex Russo 39 votesThank you for the great answer, I do hope people in the west would be more understanding now, thought I doubt it. I find it ironic how the west claims the Chinese are brainwashed by propaganda while in truth the Chinese understand both sides of the story, while people in the west are (usually) quite one sided. They tend to strongly believe that China is being all "Aggressive!!!" Or that China is a big bad bully. (I know not all think this way, but hey, the vast majority do seem to.)谢谢你精彩的回答,我确实希望西方人如今能更理解中国,但是实际不然。我发现讽刺的是,西方宣称中国人被宣传洗脑,但是实际上中国人了解双方的故事,但是西方人(通常)只了解一个方面。他们严重倾向于相信中国一直“有侵略性”!!!或者中国是一个巨大的恶霸。(我知道不是所有西方人都这么想,但是,嘿,大多数似乎是这么想的。)I understand where they are coming from, and why what the western media says can be so convincing, but I just want to say- who's the one brainwashed by propaganda now? It isn't too hard to do a little research and try to un derstand different points of view. You don't even have to ageee, simply seeking to understand is enough.我知道他们来自哪儿,以及为什么西方媒体说得那么令人信服,但是我只想说,现在谁才是被宣称洗脑的一方?做一点调查去了解不同的观点,一点都不难。你甚至都不用赞同哪种观点,仅仅试图了解一下就够了。P. S. I'm not saying China isn't being aggressive, some actions are slightly extreme, but you'll be surprised by how the western media manipulates it to become so much more.P. S. 我不是说中国不具有侵略性,他们有些做法些微的有些极端,但是你会惊奇于,西方媒体如何把这种些微的极端操纵成非常离谱。&Triou Ye 5 votes(回复Alex Russo)One thing to be added, English in China is a compulsory course since primary school, that provides us a chance to know the both sides, but… On your side, it seems not many people know Chinese. I think this is also a factor that causes the difference.有一件事要补充的是,英语在小学就是中国的必修课程,这给我们提供了一个机会去了解事情的两方面,但是…,在你们那一边,似乎没有很多人懂中文。我想这也是造成差异的一个因素。&Triou Ye 2 votes(回复Alex Russo)Thank you man, I had terrible experiences when explaining such political topics to westerns but being called brainwashed…it's tiring…谢谢你,我有过向西方人解释有关政治话题时但被西方人说我被洗脑的痛苦经历…真累…&Jack Zhang (回复Triou Ye)We don't need to explain that, we just prove it.我们无需解释,我们只要证明就行了。&Steven Williams(回复Alex Russo)This is nonsense. People are just as dumb all over the world and eat up anything they're told.你在胡说。世界上的人还没有笨到别人说什么就信什么。&1&


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