苹果all ears english这个功能在哪里

Ears是什么意思?iPhone X刘海屏设置教程
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Ears是什么意思?iPhone X刘海屏设置教程
  苹果发布iPhone X后,强大的人脸识别功能受到了广大果粉的追捧,但由于其异性屏,也遭到了诸多吐槽,就连果粉们也担心的时候会变成齐刘海。在iPhone X的设置中,果粉们会发现新增了不少新设置选项,比如不少果粉都知道的&Ears&选项。那么在iPhone X中Ears是什么意思,开启和关闭这个功能有什么区别呢?其实,Ears和iPhone X刘海屏设置有关系,下面当客小编详细介绍下。
  总所周知,iPhone X采用了异型全面屏设计,屏幕下方是不规格的,多了一个刘海,这就是所谓的&Ears&。
  其实,Ears 是一个英文单词,中文含义为&耳朵&,而在iPhone X中,Ears也可以看作是手机屏幕上的一只耳朵,不过我们已经习惯称之为&刘海&。
  iPhone X开启 Ears 功能后,屏幕上会有刘海,也就是异型屏显示,这种刘海造型,有些人喜欢,但也有人不习惯,尤其是在一些场景下,刘海屏会影响画质显示、影响照片显示,甚至是游戏体验,如下图所示。
  iPhone X刘海屏影响视频画面的完整性
  iPhone X刘海屏影响屏幕画面效果
  iPhone X刘海屏遮挡了游戏画面完整性
  显然,在很多时候,iPhone X的这种刘海屏对用户使用有时候是有影响的,尤其是对于强迫症朋友,这种刘海简直分分钟看不下去。
  苹果公司显然也意识到了这个问题,因此在iPhone X设置中可以对刘海屏进行设置,而这个设置功能的命名就是&Ears&,在开启Ears功能,就是刘海屏显示,而如果关闭&Ears&功能,则iPhone X则为正常屏幕显示,不会影响画面的完整性,如下图所示。
  因此,Ears 就是iPhone X刘海屏控制开关,开启为刘海屏显示,关闭则为普通正常屏幕显示器,只不过屏占比相对会小一些,但不会影响画面的完整显示。
  好了,现在大家知道iPhone X设置中的Ears是什么意思了吧,简单来说,字面意思是耳朵的意思,但iPhone X中其实就是刘海屏的开关控制设置选项。
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嘲讽Android!苹果连发4支iPhone 5广告
  此前推出了一支平面广告和一支视频广告,极力嘲讽最新发布的 5毫无创意,无论是外型,还是性能,都不如三星旗下的Galaxy 。而苹果也在上周连推了四支电视广告,对iPhone 5的性能以及外型设计做出了进一步的说明。
  这四支iPhone 5电视广告延续了苹果广告的一贯风格,简约干净,没有过多夸张的渲染,仅仅深入简出地介绍iPhone 5的新功能。不过,广告中,iPhone 5也顺带调侃了一把Android的大屏幕。
苹果连发4支iPhone 5电视广告
  苹果iPhone 5电视广告:Thumb
  这段名为“Thumb”的iPhone 5电视广告,主要讲述了iPhone 5的外观设计,即其采用的是4.0英寸屏幕,因为这样大的屏幕最能体现单手拇指操作。在这段iPhone 5的电视广告中,苹果还调侃了一把Android平台的大屏幕,并称其大屏幕的设计与苹果低调的气质不相符。视频:苹果iPhone 5广告Thumb  苹果iPhone 5电视广告:Cheese
  这段名为“Cheese”的iPhone 5电视广告,主要介绍了iPhone 5的全景拍摄功能。
  视频:苹果iPhone 5广告Cheese  苹果iPhone 5电视广告:Physics
  这段名为“Physics”的iPhone 5电视广告,主要展示了iPhone 5的4.0寸屏幕和超薄设计。
  视频:苹果iPhone 5广告Physics  苹果iPhone 5电视广告:Ears
  这段名为“Ears”的iPhone 5电视广告,主要介绍了iPhone 5的新配件“Earpod”耳机,展示这款Earpod耳机适合各种不同耳形的用户。
  视频:苹果iPhone 5广告Ears  
Copyright & 1998 - 2017 Tencent. All Rights Reserved嘲讽Android!苹果连发4支iPhone 5广告
  【PConline 欣赏】三星此前推出了一支和一支,极力嘲讽苹果最新发布的iPhone 5毫无创意,无论是外型,还是性能,都不如三星旗下的Galaxy S3。而苹果也在上周连推了四支电视广告,对iPhone 5的性能以及外型设计做出了进一步的说明。  这四支iPhone 5电视广告延续了苹果广告的一贯风格,简约干净,没有过多夸张的渲染,仅仅深入简出地介绍iPhone 5的新功能。不过,广告中,iPhone 5也顺带调侃了一把Android的大屏幕。苹果连发4支iPhone 5电视广告  苹果iPhone 5电视广告:Thumb  这段名为&Thumb&的iPhone 5电视广告,主要讲述了iPhone 5的外观设计,即其采用的是4.0英寸屏幕,因为这样大的屏幕最能体现单手拇指操作。在这段iPhone 5的电视广告中,苹果还调侃了一把Android平台的大屏幕,并称其大屏幕的设计与苹果低调的气质不相符。视频:苹果iPhone 5广告--Thumb  苹果iPhone 5电视广告:Cheese  这段名为&Cheese&的iPhone 5电视广告,主要介绍了iPhone 5的全景拍摄功能。视频:苹果iPhone 5广告--Cheese  苹果iPhone 5电视广告:Physics  这段名为&Physics&的iPhone 5电视广告,主要展示了iPhone 5的4.0寸屏幕和超薄设计。视频:苹果iPhone 5广告--Physics  苹果iPhone 5电视广告:Ears  这段名为&Ears&的iPhone 5电视广告,主要介绍了iPhone 5的新配件&Earpod&耳机,展示这款Earpod耳机适合各种不同耳形的用户。视频:苹果iPhone 5广告--Ears&相关阅读:中国好声音!《中国好声音》漫画版图片集夜叉王登场!《仙剑5前传》龙溟人物设定蓬勃生命力!唯美二十四节气植物摄影北漂的一定要看!飞屋环游记创意摄影赏怪物大揭秘!暗黑3从未公布的怪物原画赏&
大小:472.98 MB
大小:18.86 MB
授权:免费> Enhanced Ears Hearing Aid
应用大小:31.1 MB
语言:法语, 英语, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙语
运行环境:需要 iOS 8.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。
简介:Enhanced Ears turns your iPhone into a heari...
Enhanced Ears Hearing Aid应用说明
Enhanced Ears turns your iPhone into a hearing aid. It is easy to use - all you need is your iPhone and headphones.
Tap the ON switch, and you are ready to hear conversation or the TV much better!Enhanced Ears works by assessing your hearing and then compensating for hearing loss.We recommend using the iPhone 5, 5S, 6 or 6 Plus.Some advantages over a traditional hearing aid:-Upgradable-No need to replace batteries- just recharge your iPhone-User adjustableNOTE- Headphones or earbuds without a built-in microphone are required.See
for more information. Also see
for some informative articles on hearing loss and tinnitus.
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02:46:39.964---- 02:46:39.980----15.6001APP截图: (点击图片查看大图)
“A witty, clever and imaginative book…I love that the animal is slowly viewed by students because it helps to build
their critical thinking skills and learn body parts and different aspects of animals. Overall a wonderful app.” – User review from Frances Amato
Teach your children basic body parts through this fun, simple app. We start by seeing the tails, toes, eyes, ears, then, the rest of its body gently appears, creating a delightful surprise for little ones. Soon, they’ll be recognizing and
The app builds early learning and literacy skills by having the word for each body part appear when touched.
“Clever! Like the simplicity without making it babyish. Like the repetition and the regular subtle animations that occur to keep attention. Oh, and 1 more thing – a kid’s voice!”
-- User review from “EveryWay”
"Despite its similarity to "Heads, Shoulders, Knees, And Toes," it feels just homespun and direct enough to charm." - Kirkus Reviews
The app is based on the print edition book "Tail Toes Eyes Ears Nose" by Marilee Robin Burton.
Key features:
★ Three ways to experience the book.
★ "Read to me" - Experience the different animal parts shown and narrated in a delightful manner. Once the different body parts are identified the whole body is revealed with the sound of the animal. At this point the child can interact with the page until they are ready to move to the next page.
★ "Auto Play" - same as "Read to Me" except the page advances automatically once the animal has been revealed.
★ "Read myself" - There is no narration. the child can touch a body part to hear it being spoken aloud. Once all the body parts on a page have been touched, the animal body is revealed.
Features on each page
★ Professional narration
★ Image and word association vocabulary builder - when an image is touched the associated word is spoken and the written word displayed.
"Once the animal is revealed, the child narrator makes a noise approximating that animal’s, a winning choice when canned sound effects would have been easier and more obvious" - Kirkus Reviews
Please rate and review the app. Your feedback means a lot to us!
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苹果i派党友情提醒,最新版本 1.0.5 中的新功能:Optimized performance


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