
版 次:1页 数:字 数:印刷时间:日开 本:16开纸 张:胶版纸包 装:平装是否套装:否国际标准书号ISBN:5丛书名:高等学校教材所属分类:&&&&&&
当当读书客户端万本电子书免费读: 216-219&&&&DOI: 10.3969/j.issn..0106
刘超1, 谢伟东2, 李彬1, 汤红岩1
1.中交第四航务工程勘察设计院有限公司, 广东 广州 .江苏省水利勘测设计研究院有限公司, 江苏 扬州 225127
Pump selection of seawater intake pumping station in Saudi Arabia
LIU Chao1, XIE Weidong2, LI Bin1, TANG Hongyan1?
1.CCCC-FHDI Engineering Co. Ltd., Guangzhou, Guangdong 510230, C 2.Jiangsu Surveying and Design Institute of Water Resources Co. Ltd., Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225127, China
(1465 KB) &
摘要&沙特某大型海水泵站的设计、采购遵循API相关标准,项目的海水泵执行标准API 610.业主招标文件前端设计中规定海水泵按额定流量为55 000 m3/h对应扬程为16.1 m进行选型,但通过分析,得知招标文件中规定的主机容量不足;同时,投标阶段海水泵报价偏低,中标后承包商存在商务风险.为了解决技术商务风险,详细的设计通过对泵站前后水位变化情况进行分析,并优化设计,海水泵按正常流量为50 000 m3/h对应扬程为16.1 m进行选型.优化后,导叶体式混流泵运行流量范围为50 000~59 100 m3/h,效率为85%~87%,效率曲线平缓,运行范围位于高效区.优化后主机容量满足项目要求.海水泵由抽出式结构优化为非抽出整体式结构.?
关键词: &&
The design of seawater intake pumping station in a marine infrastructure project in Saudi Arabia and the purchase of the seawater intake pumps for the station should comply with the standard API 610 of centrifugal pumps for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas Industries. In bid documents of the project owner, the seawater intake pumps are subject to 55 000 m3/h capacity and 16.1 m head at the duty point. However, the transformer capacity is insufficient for the power r meanwhile the quoted price for the pumps is slightly lower, presenting a business risk for potential contractors based on a thorough analysis of the documents. To avoid this risk, the variation of seawater level in the intake is analyzed and the intake is optimized, further the capacity is altered to 50 000 m3/h for pump selection. After the selection is optimized, the selected mixed-flow pumps with diffuser can operate in a range of flow rate of 50 000 to 59 100 m3/h at a higher efficiency of 85% to 87%, showing the transformer capacity is satisfactory. At the same time, the optimized pump should be in integrated structure rather than in pull-out one. ?
Key words:
收稿日期: ;
通讯作者: 谢伟东(1957—),男,江苏如皋人,教授级高工(),主要从事水利及水力机械研究.&&&
作者简介: 刘超(1984—),男,江苏建湖人,工程师(liuc_),主要从事港口、海工等给排水、消防设计研究.
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