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留言内容:【图片】【Cartoon Network】小孩大联盟-Codename: Kids Next Door【cartoonnetwork吧】_百度贴吧
【Cartoon Network】小孩大联盟-Codename: Kids Next Door收藏
故事背景(英文:Codename: Kids Next Door,或者Kids Next Door,简称KND)是一部美国系列动画片,于美国Cartoon Network于日首播。采用30分钟两集的方式播出(除了少数几集是半小时一集)。中心角色是五个在树屋中集结,对抗大人及青少年暴行(如:作业、早睡)的十岁小孩们。这个电视系列剧是由Tom Warburton所创造,在工作人员单上以Mr. Warburton为名。“小孩大联盟”,简称“小大联”(台湾翻译),是个由全世界相当有野心的小孩子组成的相当大的秘密组织,只对13岁以下的人开放,在全世界都有他们活跃的踪迹。由于组织实在太大,只能分成不同的辖区,由某一指定地点的成员负责其方圆内一定范围的成员的所有任务和活动。比如在中国(China)的就为C区,在牙买加(Jamaica)的就为J区等。一个孩子想加入小孩大联盟很容易:只要他/她同意和全世界的伙伴们一起对抗大人们的种种“暴行”,如欺负和定规矩等,只要他/她用自己的DNA(通常为头发,指甲,甚至鼻涕)和自己选定的代号(通常为数字)输入小孩大联盟全球指挥中心(位于月球)的电脑内,他/她就会遵守小大联的各项大小戒条和规定,直到他/她13岁生日时永久退出并且被永久注销相关记忆。 “小大联”对付大人和的花招和装备多得简直无法只用一个“五花八门”来形容。他们所有的行头和武器都是用各种材料和废物拼装起来的,如破锅改成的钢盔或发射糖豆的机关枪等。小到茶杯瓶子口香糖,大到还很完整的旧汽车飞机等,全部都被他们用来改装成所谓的鲁布.哥德堡式装置来武装自己,美其名曰“二乘四科技”。本动画片的五个主人公就是最早加入这个组织的其中五名成员,他们所住的办事处兼总部是一个高达100多层的巨型树屋,所在辖区为“V区”。里面不乏个人空间和公用设施,像专门盛放奶酪的仓库,停机坪,一个由成百上千只北美硕鼠驱动的发电站,和专用的自制卫星接收机等。
Numbuh 1 / Nigel Uno (voiced by Benjamin Diskin) - sector V 一号是一个来自英国的光头男孩,人们只有极少时候才能看见他摘下他那标志性的墨镜。他也不相信除队友外的任何人。他还是个工作狂,他能将自己的私事放在工作之后(补充:海滩游乐园对他来说简直就是酷刑……)。说到他那少有的光头,还要归咎于被卷入【在快乐小孩事件中输给了lane】和numbuh 5的逃避责任在整个系列中,他有一个女朋友Lizzie Devine,可惜的是lizzle无法忍受numbuh 1 总是将KND的任务看的比她还要重要,二人的关系也就以分手告终。他也是主角五人组中唯一没有兄弟姐妹的。身为KND的领导人,numbuh1 在战斗前会发出他独有的喊叫“KND,切换到战斗模式!”
Numbuh 2/ (Hoagie P Gilligan Jr) 有一个弟弟汤汤(Tommy)。是美国德国混血。他是个一副憨相的小胖墩,爱吃东西、说冷笑话,老是跌倒或偶尔惹点麻烦,所以他的非正式称呼有“白痴”等。不过在他那副笨拙的外表背后藏着一颗天生当发明家的心,他不光设计并建造了整个树屋(既他们五人所在的区域指挥所),而且还自己设计研发了很多“二乘四科技”的结晶。而且如果某样东西可以行走、开动或是飞行,他总是坐在驾驶员的位置上(他老是戴着一顶飞行员头盔和护目镜)因此如果用正式口吻称呼他,他应该是V区的“总技术军士”。他戴着一个老式的飞行员的帽子。numbuh 2建立所有他的部门使用的技术。他是一个肥胖的德国美国男孩有浓浓的美国式双关语。也是numbuh 1最好的朋友。他的兴趣除了飞行还喜欢侦探小说《i.n.t.e.r.v.i.e.w.s.》一集中它表明他们已经结婚
Numbuh 3 / Kuki Sanban (voiced by Lauren Tom) - Sector V Diversionary Tactical Officer
Numbuh 4 / Wallabee "Wally" Beatles (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) - Sector V Hand-to-Hand Combat Specialist五人帮之四,澳大利亚人,是五个伙伴里面个子最矮的,也头脑最不灵光的,不过他的本事也不是盖的,他是五人中的首席格斗专家,就连膀大腰圆的大力士也得敬他三分。他总是说他有超人的力量,这可能也是他想出来唯一可以吓走欺负他的人的对策。和三号截然相反,他应该被称为“最男生的男生”因为他讨厌一切所谓“可爱”的东西。他说话的腔调,谁都听得出来是纯正的澳洲腔,这可能也与他的名字有关(Wallabee一般译作“沙袋鼠”,是一种土生土长的澳大利亚有袋类动物。)。有一个弟弟乔伊(Joey)。他的正式称呼有“第一猛将”等。随着剧情不断发展,他似乎和三号产生了一种比较暧昧的关系(严格说起来应该是两人对彼此都有好感,但除了彼此之外小孩大联盟的所有成员都知道),这也是“小孩大联盟”粉丝们最关心的话题之一。还有,他不会游泳。 注:“Beatles”就是“披头四”的英文原文。这可能和他的盆底式发型有关系。
Numbuh 5 / Abigail "Abby" Lincoln (voiced by Cree Summer) - Sector V Stealth Tactical Officer五人帮之末。是他们之中最年长,最沉默寡言也是最聪明的一个,典型的美国黑人长相。说话时,尤其是说到自己时,总是爱用第三人称。有一个姊姊克莉(Cree)。她的责任心比起一号来有过之而无不及,似乎总是有着一肚子点子,而且整个故事系列中她独自执行的任务也不在少数。她特别喜欢糖果,冰激凌等甜食,而且对这些东西有关的传说和神话也相当感兴趣。一号不在的时候总是她负责V区的一切大小事务,因此她的非正式称呼有“二头儿”,“头儿副”等,正式称谓则包括“副总指挥”,“总参谋长”之类。 注:她的姓林肯,和代号五号,都是来源于五美元纸币上林肯总统的头像。
反派臭屁假仙帮 (The Delightful Children From Town The Lane)主要反派这五个乖到令人害怕的小孩是小孩大联盟最大的同龄敌人。他们总是穿着所谓的“好孩子”式服装,似乎永远都是五个人一起行动,而且不管说什么话都是异口同声。他们最显著的表现就是绝对服从任何大人的管教,尤其是他们的父亲“邪恶父亲”。在剧场版(OP: Z.E.R.O. “寻找‘零号’行动”)里,作者终于透露出他们其实原本是小孩大连盟的“Z区”成员,也是一号吉吉.乌诺的表亲,是他们的父亲用“好孩子变化器”把他们变成了现在这般模样。
其他反派:前4季度大老板先生(MR.BOSS) 除了自己小孩以外,讨厌的所有小孩(特别是自己员工的),也是86号和85号小孩的父亲,算是坏大人间的领袖。 (主要反派)牙套怪 顾名思义有戴牙套,本人是个卖糖果的。 糖胡子 喜欢抢夺小孩糖果的海盗。 古怪猫婆婆 每次出场都有一堆猫在身边。 温温先生和费伯先生 (我擦,这两个必须的高手!)你觉得楼主帅吗?温温先生这得问元芳 费伯先生马桶狂人(CV:魏伯勤(台)) 头是一捆纸巾,老是把事情搞砸,不论是小孩大联盟或坏大人都瞧不起他。 打屁屁伯爵 喜欢打小孩屁屁的吸血鬼。 肥滋滋老太婆 总是逼小孩吃油腻腻的食物的老太婆。 坏青少年 由包括5号小孩的姊姊克莉(Cree)、前小孩大联盟总指挥官274号小孩查德(Chad)等青少年组成,专门与小孩大联盟为敌,成员多来自小孩大联盟且会穿著名为“罩罩(bra)”的武装。注:以上所有反派都是大老板BOSS的手下
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Codename: Kids Next Door
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I know that a lot of you want this show back, so here is a petition created to try and get a new Kids Next Door series on TV! :D You can even watch a little preview of what they have planned for it by going to, click on the button, click on the Monkey's nose, it will change, then type in GALACTIC. Then you'll be given a video that will show you what they have planned for this series if it comes to be, and it shows how much more intense it might be, and will give you a lot to think about.
The movie had started out with a
young Celestia and Luna working at a tapioca pudding as slaves for the evil Grandfather.They however were sick of working for him and rebelled against him.He however was furious and wanted to punish them, but was blasted away by the time he reached the count of zero.33 years later, Grandfather would get his revenge on Celestia and Luna and give them another chance.After fightning away some villains, Grandfather was reawakened by Luna, however Grandfather shunned her and scared her off for good.After doing so, he got to work transforming the villianous and non...
Operation: N.E.W.
Sectors Combined
I groaned as I opened my eyes to see the bright sun shining down on me. Wait a minute, THE SUN SHINING ON ME!??!? WHERE AM I!!?! I quickly sat up and looked around to see my tree house in pieces on the ground everywhere. “Megan, Maddy where are you??” I asked. “I’m right here!!!” came a squealed voice somewhere over to my left. I guessed that it was Maddy. “And I’m over here!!!” Megan yelled.
“Alex, you here??” Maddy asked “Yeah Alex is fine” Alex replied speaking in third person as...
Operation: FUTURE KIDS
Megan opened her eyes, to find herself in a weird room. There were no windows, just lots of buttons, and switches on the walls. She stood up, but only to fall back down. She turned her head to see, if any of her friends were with her. She had only a moment’s notice, when her younger sister, Maddy came falling down on her.
"Ow! Can you land somewhere else, next time Maddy." said Louise once Maddy got off her.
"Sorry, I need to work on that." she said, while laughing and helping her sister up at the same time. She was...
Operation: Future Kids
The five twelve year olds, return to their tree house after a long day at school.
"That thing we watched was disgusting." said Numbuh two, (or Hoagie) while sitting down on the couch.
"I know! It was so gross, and it was right after lunch as well." said Numbuh four, (or Wally) while trying to get the images out of his head.
"At least now, you won't ask Numbuh five where do babies come from?,ever again." said Numbuh five, (or Abby) while trying to sound like Hoagie. They were silent for five minutes, they...
The vicar had been speaking for what felt like a full hour. Tommy was half asleep, along with Abigail’s 7-year-old niece, AJ (Short for Abigail Junior. She also has a sister called CJ-Short for Cree Junior) the service was almost over. Hoagie and Abby both said their wedding vows. Hoagie went first. He said:
“Abigail, ever since I first laid my eyes on you, when I was placed in your sector when we were in the Kids Next Door, I immediately knew that you would be the one for me. I will admit that I was trying to keep it a secret from you, but now I can honestly say I LOVE...
Operation W.E.D.D.I.N.G.S part 2 (That was the proper name for the 1st part sorry)
Hoagie and Abby ?
Now, it was just minutes until the wedding. Hoagie's heart was beating louder than a marching band. Tommy placed his hand on his bro's shoulder.
"Hoagie, just relax. Everything's going to work out just fine!" he said, trying to calm him. Hoagie took a deep breath and by now he was completely chilled. The band started playing, as Abby got out of the limousine and walked right up the long, white carpet, which had been laid against the golden sand. Hoagie's jaw just dropped, as...
Chapter One: Wally and Kuki's wedding
Kuki had just finished adding the finishing touches to her wedding gown. She could not believe that her big
the day that she had dreamed of since she was a little girl in Sector V of the Kids Next Door. It was finally time for her to walk down the aisle with her husband-to-be, Wallabee Beatles. The music started playing, as she showed herself, directly in front of her future husband. She slowly walked down the aisle in her flowering, silk gown. Her hair was neatly done up, in the half-up, half-down style and she was carrying a...
Future Kids
Author note: This is the second story in my series!! Be sure to read the first if you haven't!!
Megan woke up from the pains of her stomach. She let out a small sigh, as she got up from her bed. She couldn't figure out what was wrong with her, until she saw red liquid on her bed sheets. She looked shocked, when she saw it. She quickly got her clothes on, took her bed sheets off her bed, and ran down to the laundry room. She stuffed the contents in...
This petition is to show that are many dedicated KND fans out there who want this new series to be greenlit as soon as possible. KNDs&#39; home was Cartoon Network, it is only fitting that the new series be there as well.
Submitted by
glelsey over&a&year&ago
Mr W&#39;s tumblr. He reblogs things he likes and updates it with information about projects he&#39;s worked on including Pepper Ann, Fish Hooks, and of course KND!
Submitted by
glelsey over&a&year&ago
Biography blurbs for charcters. One mistake, though.
Submitted by
kndluva over&a&year&ago
Omg 999 fans.
Posted over&a&year&ago
Just noticed we&#39;ve hit 1000 now. Greetings, 1000th fan, whoever you are!
Operation ZERO premiered in the US ten years ago today! Damn, I feel old now.
Posted over&a&year&ago
Don&#39;t feel bad, so do I. XD
We now have 900 fans!! \o/ (Still need more though because KND is awesome).
Posted over&a&year&ago
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订阅暗号:邻居小屁孩儿的评论:, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Codename: Kids Next Door, commonly abbreviated to Kids Next Door or KND, is an American
created by
for , and the 13th of the network's . The series centers on the adventures of five children who operate from a high-tech tree house, fighting against adult and teen villains with advanced 2×4 technology. Using their codenames (Numbuh 1, Numbuh 2, Numbuh 3, Numbuh 4, and Numbuh 5), they are Sector V, part of a global organization called the Kids Next Door.
The series came about as the result of . It ran from 2002 to 2008, with six seasons and 78 episodes. It also had two television films, Operation: Z.E.R.O. aired in 2006, and the series finale Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S., aired in 2008.
From left to right: Numbuh 2, Numbuh 4, Numbuh 3, Numbuh 1, and Numbuh 5
The show revolves around the main home operatives of Sector V — Numbuh One (Nigel Uno), Numbuh Two (Hoagie P. Gilligan, Jr.), Numbuh Three (Kuki Sanban), Numbuh Four (Wallabee Beatles), and Numbuh Five (Abigail Lincoln). Their mission is to fight crimes against kids (such as homework and flossing) committed by adults, senior citizens, teenagers, and other "evil" children. They make up what is known as Sector V of a worldwide organization called the Kids Next Door.
created a pilot episode, entitled "Diseasy Does It", for another planned show, Kenny and the Chimp, which was produced by . Originally, there was a group of children who called themselves "The Kids Next Door" among the recurring characters, and would often get Kenny into trouble. The plot-line was then changed to focus on the group of kids alone, and later, the kids battling adulthood. In 2001, the show's pilot episode, "No P in the OOL", won a
viewer's poll, and as a result, Codename: Kids Next Door was greenlit to become a series, while Kenny and the Chimp was not greenlit by the channel. The character Professor XXXL, that appeared in "Diseasy Does It", became a villain in Codename: Kids Next Door after Kenny and the Chimp wasn't picked up for a series. Despite this, Kenny and the Chimp did become a segment in the series.
The episodes are titled as the Kids Next Door's missions, denoted as "Operation:" followed by an
which often gives viewers clues as to what the episode is about. The episodes have little continuity, although occasionally missions make a reference to earlier episodes or lead to consequences in another. Season Five's "Operation: O.U.T.B.R.E.A.K." is a direct continuation of another episode ("Operation: V.I.R.U.S."), Season Six's "Operation: S.C.I.E.N.C.E." leads into "Operation: A.M.I.S.H." while another pair of Season S "Operation: R.E.C.E.S.S." and "Operation: H.A.M.S.T.E.R." occur simultaneously, the latter showing what transpires while the team is away.
Stories in the earlier episodes were often about typical childhood problems, but magnified and exaggerated. As the series progressed, a more complex and continuous storyline developed. The final season revolved around a mysterious splinter cell within the KND itself observing Numbuh One for an unknown assignment. This was concluded in the series finale Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S.
The show frequently contains references to films and other television series, especially in the later seasons, such as , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , the
franchise, , and the
film series, with Star Wars being the most prominent.
The Kids Next Door Organization is a worldwide group comprising thousands of kids joined in mutual struggle against teenage/adult tyranny. They fight villains that embody specific menaces to children overall (such as dental hygiene or school lunch). Following a , every member of the Kids Next Door chooses a number or alphanumeric code (deliberately pronounced and spelled as "numbuh") and is sent to a "sector" that acts as their home base. Sector headquarters are often tree houses of ludicrous proportions, which are often suited to their environment. This includes a base constructed beneath the Arctic ice shelf, and a base built into a large pine tree. The main headquarters of the Kids Next Door is a tree house . Kids follow their oath of protecting other kids as well as battling adulthood until the age of 13, when they are "decommissioned", a process of wiping their memories of any past KND activity and warping their minds. Such a practice has inevitably led to the creation of many KND villains who escaped decommissioning (notably Cree, formerly known as Numbuh 11, and Numbuh 5's older sister, and Chad, formerly known as Numbuh 274 and supreme commander of the Kids Next Door).
The practice of strict decommissioning at age 13 was later on revealed to be subject to exceptions: kids who have proved to be exceptional agents are offered the chance to carry on in KND as spies infiltrating the teen organization. Decommissioning has also proved reversible due to a "re-commissioning" module used four times in the series (once in Operation: E.N.D. and three times in Operation: Z.E.R.O.).
KND agents utilize a vast array of mechanical, electronic gadgets and machinery, collectively referred to as 2x4 (two-by-four) technology. The KND 2x4 technology was originally conceived as an assortment of common household objects, being put to use a theme that their weapons continued to adhere to. However, as the series progressed, the complexity of their defensive weaponry and transportation advanced to such absurd levels as to be considered science fiction, despite all of it still being constructed with nothing but household materials. In addition to the technology, many KND operatives also wear helmets similar to
or samurai helmets, an example being Supreme Leader Numbuh 362.
A common theme of the show is the introduction of a new never-before-seen device, complete with its own acronym, in a sidebar screen that temporarily interrupts the storyline. It is interesting to note that many of these devices require military-level driving or piloting skills in order for them to be operated effectively.
Numbuh 1 / Nigel Uno (voiced by )
Numbuh 2 / Hogarth "Hoagie" Pennywhistle Gilligan, Jr. (voiced by Benjamin Diskin)
Numbuh 3 / Kuki Sanban (voiced by )
Numbuh 4 / Wallabee "Wally" Beatles (voiced by )
Numbuh 5 / Abigail "Abby" Lincoln (voiced by )
Numbuh 86 / Fanny Fulbright (voiced by )
Numbuh 362 / Rachel McKenzie (voiced by )
The Delightful Children from Down the Lane / Sector Z (voiced by Benjamin Diskin, Dee Bradley Baker, and Cree Summer)
Father / Benedict Uno (voiced by
in Father mode and
in Benedict mode)
Mr. Boss (voiced by Jeff Bennett)
Numbuh 11 / Cree Lincoln (voiced by Cree Summer)
Numbuh 274 / Chad Dickson (voiced by )
Knightbrace / Jasper Jelly (voiced by )
Stickybeard (voiced by )
Toiletnator / Lou Pottingsworth III (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker)
Crazy Old Cat Lady (voiced by )
Grandma Stuffum (voiced by Grey DeLisle)
Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb / John Wink and Timothy Fibb (voiced by Tom Kenny and Dee Bradley Baker)
Henrietta "Heinrich" Von Marzipan (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker and )
Ice Cream Men (voiced by Tom Kenny, Dee Bradley Baker, , and Daran Norris)
Senior Citizen Squad (voiced by Candi Milo, Tom Kenny, and Dee Bradley Baker)
Numbuh 0 /Montgomery "Monty" Uno (voiced by
in adult mode and
in Numbuh 0 mode)
Numbuh 49(-Temporary)/Numbuh Vine /Elizabeth "Lizzie" Devine (voiced by Grey DeLisle)
Numbuh T/Trillion/ Thomas "Tommy" Gilligan (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker)
Mushi Sanban (voiced by )
Numbuh 6 / Bradley the Skunk (animal sound effects by Dee Bradley Baker)
Numbuh 9 / Maurice (Voiced by )
Numbuh 83 / Sonya (Voiced by )
Numbuh 84 / Lee (Voiced By Janice Kawaye)
Count Spankulot (Voiced by )
There are six seasons, each with 13 episodes (two half-length episodes counting as one), adding up to 78 episodes altogether. There have been two TV movies, the first taking place between the second and third episodes of season 6 (Operation: Z.E.R.O.), and the second at the end of season 6 (Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S.), which served as the series finale.
, an education and advocacy group that promotes safe technology and media for children, wrote that the "silly cartoon is too violent for youngest viewers."
In 2005, the series won the Best Television Series for Children Award at the
for "Operation: A.R.C.H.I.V.E.", which was written by
and storyboarded by Guy Moore and Quack Leard.
The following year, "Operation: L.I.C.O.R.I.C.E." won the Festival's Collideascope Award for Television Animation for Children.
(July 2016-October 2016; February 2017-March 2017; January 2, 2018 – present)
Two DVDs in two volumes were released of the series, totaling sixteen episodes by .
Episode count
Release date
Sooper Hugest Missions: File One
October 26, 2004
May 15, 2006
2a ("Operation: I.-S.C.R.E.A.M."), 4a ("Operation: P.I.R.A.T.E."), 7 ("Operation: L.I.C.E." / "Operation: L.I.Z.Z.I.E."), 8a ("Operation: T.H.E.-F.L.Y."), 13 ("Operation: G.R.O.W.-U.P."), 14a ("Operation: C.A.T.S."), 15a ("Operation: S.P.A.N.K.") and 16a ("Operation: S.U.P.P.O.R.T.")
Extras: Six 2x4 TECH S.P.E.C.S., exclusive KND Game Boy Advance Cheats, and bonus episode of : ""
Cartoon Network Halloween 2: Grossest Halloween Ever
August 9, 2005
37a ("Operation: T.R.I.C.K.Y.")
Sooper Hugest Missions: File Two
August 23, 2005
2b ("Operation: C.A.N.N.O.N."), 9b ("Operation: C.A.M.P."), 10b ("Operation: C.H.A.D."), 15b ("Operation: D.A.T.E."), 19a ("Operation: S.H.A.V.E."), 25b ("Operation: T.R.I.P."), and 31b ("Operation: T.R.A.I.N.I.N.G.")
Extras: Bonus episode of : "Crushed!" and hints and tips of
Cartoon Network: Christmas Rocks
October 4, 2005
11a ("Operation: P.I.A.N.O.".)
Cartoon Network Halloween 3: Sweet Sweet Fear
September 12, 2006
36b ("Operation: J.E.W.E.L.S.".)
Cartoon Network Christmas 3
October 3, 2006
57 ("Operation: N.A.U.G.H.T.Y.")
4 Kid Favorites: The Hall of Fame Collection Vol. 2
June 23, 2015
Sooper Hugest Missions: File One
4 Kid Favorites: The Hall of Fame Collection Vol. 3
June 23, 2015
Sooper Hugest Missions: File One, instead of Sooper Hugest Missions: File Two
On an episode of
entitled "Sickly Sweet", a scene depicts Grim watching Codename: Kids Next Door. Also, in , Numbuh Three makes a cameo as Grim's replacement. Also, in the
episode "Taking Nemo / Once Upon a Toon", Numbuh One cameos as one of the cartoon characters who has forgotten his identity. The show was also referenced in the
song "Tough Kids." In the 2004 film , the show is playing on Miles's mother's television set.
Stories featuring the Kids Next Door have been featured in the comic series Cartoon Cartoons, Cartoon Network Block Party, and Cartoon Network Action Pack. The characters are also featured in the books 2x4 Technology Handbook and Sooper Secrets and Boomerang Bloopers, both by Alison Wilgus.
was launched by
in July 2005.
Two video games were released for the series:
in 2004 for the
in 2005 for , , and . Several browser games were also released on the Cartoon Network website. The MMORPG style game Operation: B.E.S.T. was playable for a brief time in 2005, but was shut down shortly thereafter.
In , Numbuhs One through Five, and villains Father, Toiletnator, and Stickybeard appear as non-playable characters. KNDefense armor and 2x4 Tech weapons are available for players, Sector V's treehouse can be explored, and KND S.C.A.M.P.E.R.s can be used for transport. In , Father and Numbuh 1 are playable, Sector V Treehouse and the C.O.O.L.-B.U.S. are arenas, and Numbuh 2 and Stickybeard are assist characters. In the console versions, Toiletnator is a playable character, Numbuh 4 is an assist character, and KND Moonbase is an arena.
On January 31, 2008, during a Q&A session on , when Tom Warburton was asked if "Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S." was in fact the true finale of Codename: KND, Warburton said that it was not necessarily meant to be the finale, stating that a revival could be made in the future.
Warburton had unsuccessfully pitched a Galactic: Kids Next Door spin-off several times to Cartoon Network executives, and at one point he considered to make a
as a pilot for the potential spin-off series. Following having any response, Warburton eventually decided to create a pitch that would be distributed over the internet
in order to try and get the series approved with help from fans. Warburton wrote the script and collaborated with others who had worked on the series to produce an -style pitch. On March 19, 2015, a video was posted on
of what appears to be an animatic of a sequel series featuring Numbuh 1 and the Galactic KND, entitled Galactic: Kids Next Door. On April 1, 2015, a fan-made petition was started on
to make G:KND a real series, which was also signed by Warburton himself and by voice actor Dee Bradley Baker. Rat Animation also showed interest in the project. Warburton later noted that the executives at Cartoon Network had noticed the response but were not interested in a continuation to KND, though he remained confident to get the sequel approved in the future.
. Metacritic.
. . February 21, 2001.
Baisley, Sarah (January 16, 2008). .
. November 9, 2006.
Ball, Ryan (December 5, 2002). .
"". Codename: Kids Next Door. Season 4. Episode 11. .
"". Codename: Kids Next Door. Season 2. Episode 13. .
"". Codename: Kids Next Door (TV Movie). Episode M1. .
. Animation Magazine. August 7, 2006.
Bynum, Aaron H. (August 8, 2006).
Animation Insider. Archived from
on March 26, 2009.
. TWC Central 2017.
. 2017.
. 2017.
, Tom Warburton, "The G:KND EXPERIMENT (part 3)". Warburton Labs ,Jun. 5, 2015.
, Tom Warburton "The G:KND EXPERIMENT (part 1)". Warburton Labs ,Jun. 1, 2015.
Numbuh Vine (31 March 2015).
&#8211; via YouTube.
, Tom Warburton. "The G:KND EXPERIMENT (part 9)". Warburton Labs, Jun. 19, 2015.
, Tom Warburton. "G:KND-- ANIMATED!!!". Warburton Labs, Sep. 12, 2016.
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