有一个网站,耳朵里面好像有层膜有经典库存,8月新片这些链接,然后点出来一大堆H资源,网址好像改了,新网址发我 重谢

[摇滚爵士]Led Zeppelin Bootleg 现场录音下载
  谢谢,正在下.  那个tele还是jeff beck 送给他的.丢的那把black beauty是keith richards送的.去年他又定做了一把black beauty,后来觉得太重,退回厂家了(还是上岁数了,).另做了一把轻的.重的那个让darkness的吉他手捡了个落儿.  上面好多是在录音棚里使的.现场用的也就那么几个.  
  说到jimmy的家,最有名的是这个tower house.闹鬼的那个早就卖了.这里有照片,是十九世纪建筑大师William Burges自己住的.前两年出版burges 的作品图集,jimmy 同意让作者进去拍的.这个房子是唯一一个不对公众开放的Burges作品.  估计等他走了以后,会捐出来吧.现在他也不住在那里了.  
  整理的时候发现的,顺手传上来:  led zeppelin 1969年的一段视频.  /?d=DLKIBO6T  
  AXL的guns n roses5-12日的一段录像.  提取:  /?d=3EW30A6K  小场地反而好些.昨天他们在rio音乐节上的演出也看了,还有darkness也去了.不得不同意hicomehere的一句话.跟三四十年前led zeppelin比,几十年没什么进步.  现在的乐队舞台很好,灯光很眩,歌手乐手很酷,可就是不知道缺点什么?,等着看今天的carlos santana和roger waters吧    
  两位辛苦了~~要出去玩几天,星期一晚上才回来。。更新的别太快了:)    回来再给你们摇旗呐喊~~
  谢谢SOUND姐了,最近没上网,过来一看又传了 那么多好东西
  好东西收了,帖子要踢一个。  谢谢………………
  那就灌一把水,最价钱的吉他,the most valuable guitars:  (还没买这本杂志,不知道他们的评选标准是什么,可能是保险费用.)    1. Jimi Hendrix 1968 White Strat $5 million  2. Paul McCartney Hofner Bass $3.5 million +  3. Jimmy Page 1958 Les Paul $1.9 million  4. Jimmy Page EDS1275 (doubleneck) $1.5 million  5. Eric Clapton &Blackie& strat $1 million +  6. Eddie Van Halen &Frankenstein& $1 million - priceless   7. David Glimour #0001 Strat 1 million - priceless  8. Stevie Ray Vaughan &No. 1& strat $600,000 +   9. Brian May &Red Special& $500,000 - priceless  10. Kurt Cobain's Jag-Stang $190,000 +
  那回看darkness 的吉他是那把black beauty我还觉得很好看,原来是jimmy定的,rio3在传呢,前两天忙的喘气的工夫都没有,不好意思。
  这两天日子特殊,正在杂谈那边溜哒,转过来一看怎么这个贴子冒上来了.呵呵.  有什么不好意思的,工作第一.娱乐第二.也不急在一时.  对啦,整理东西的时候发现,有woodstock 69的录音,(可惜不全),第一张有richie heavens的5首.如果想听的话,我可以传上来.  还有两三个led zeppelin的老视频.    
  每次都看jimmy那衣服都成水洗得了,他也不脱  ----------------------------------------------  我见过一张现场照片是topless的.不过好象是排练.几个人都是.他们排练的时候,基本上是不让人进去的.有一回开例,让Atlantic的老板Ahmet Ertegun和他的朋友参观,算是很特殊的待遇呢.  公开的是打死也不会的.私下就...嘻嘻,不能说了,太八卦了.                  
  灌两段Ahmet Ertegunde 采访.  (想起来,还有一张2001年jimmy和robert在瑞士montreaux参加sun records公司纪念会的录音.我也找时间传上来吧.是Ertegunde 做的介绍,还说他自己能坐在台下听这两个人的表演是莫大的荣幸.不知道今年的演出会怎样?)    问:  &What do you remember about first seeing Zeppelin perform?&  答:  &We had already signed them. They were the most dynamic band I had ever seen. They had a presence onstage like no other. They were very different from The Who, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles or Cream - the big British groups that preceded them. They had a mystique, an aura all to themselves. They didn't do interviews. They didn't want any singles released from their albums. They weren't interested in television. Plus there were their antics on the road, some of which, but not all, were exaggerated. They look back at those days with sentimentality, nostalgia for a different time and period when crazy things were going on. The late 60s and 70s were very different times, the time of revolution, of revolutionary ideas. Young people revolted against traditional establishment values. They were in the forefront of that, always on the cutting edge.  The music they made had sorrow, pathos, happiness and a great deal of love.&  问:  &How would you characterise Jimmy Page and Robert Plant as people?&  答:  &They are dissimilar - two totally different people - each a personality uopn themselves. They have their own charecteristics, sensitivities, opinions and way of life.  Robert is more outgoing , outspokenand has a dynamic personality. He's very charming. He has a really flamboyant personality on and off stage. He's thoughtful and sensitive.  Jimmy Page is quieter with more of an artisitic temperament. He is deeply thoughtful, has a sweet personality, is very friendly and has a great musical inspiration, which is reflected in his character. He has the soul of an artist, sometimes unpredictable.  They both love to have a good time- their one common trait - and I have a great time with them both.  One night in Barbados we went to a nightclub with a whole group of friends. Later, some people dropped out , and there were just a few of us, including Jimmy. We went to a nightclub for locals, not tourists, that had a little reggae band. I asked Jimmy if he felt like sitting in and he said that he would love to. We went over to this band , and this was at the very height of Led Zeppelin's popularity, and I said that this was Jimmy Page. They sort of nodded and said &So what?& I said &You know Led Zeppelin?& They didn't know who Led Zeppelin were. Jimmy said &Can I borrow your guitar and play a little bit?& The guy said &No man! I don't lend my guitar to nobody man!& We finally got them to let Jimmy play a little bit, and, of course, they were astounded. They never heard anybody play guitar like he did. Nobody in the world plays like Jimmy does.&  
  /?d=6C62J6LF    中间断了一次,不过好待发完了,rio3
  /?d=6C62J6LF    中间断了一次,不过好待发完了,rio3
  downloading now. thanks.   
  Page & Plant   Bootleg-- Montreaux Jazz Festival  setlist:  Intro  Intro 2  Good Rockin' Tonight  My Buckets Got A Hole In It  Heart In Your Hand  Candy Store Rock  Endless Sleep  How Many More Years  My Baby Left Me  Baby Lets Play House    /?d=WWXQO402  
  /cn/?d=WK0TJM95    rio4,come on:&
  谢谢.  今天传的这套是1969年录音质量和演出水准最好的一套.  看到不少人讲到现在音乐环境,乐队现状.  不妨听听当年led zeppelin的现场,那自信,勇敢,真诚,充满生命力和才华横溢的声音.感受一下当年这只刚成立的年轻乐队,冲破层层阻力制约,在短短的的一年里横扫世界的力量.说不定能得到些许启发.  Bootleg-- Texas International Pop Festival,
  Dallas  soundboard recording,remastered.  Intro  The Train Kept A' Rollin'  I Can't Quit You  Dazed And Confused  You Shook Me  How Many More Times  Communication Breakdown  Bootleg--
[Texas International Pop Festival] Video Soundtracks  Communication Breakdown  Dazed And Confused  How Many More Times  I Can't Quit You  intro  train kept on rolling  You Shook Me  提取:  /?d=IB20VLPV  /?d=J6NABBSJ  小段视频,前面已经传过了.  /?d=DLKIBO6T  
  还有一张,音乐节上同一天的BBKING录音.  Bootleg-- Texas International Pop Festival, Dallas TX  1. Introduction   2. Sweet Sixteen   3. Please Accept My Love   4. Introduction of the Group   5. Everybody Wants To Know Why I Sing The Blues   6. Don't Want A Soul Hanging Around   7. That's Wrong Little Mama   8. How Blue Can You Get?   9. Whole Lot of Lovin'   10. Everyday I Have The Blues     king 今年的告别巡回正在进行,前些日子在伦顿,在他准备弹琴之前,全场起立向他致敬.他后来让他孙子代他鞠躬致谢.  对观众,bbking总是心存感激,他是糖尿病,现在都是座着表演,但每次结束后,都会站着同观众握手几分钟.这么多年过去了,还有着那个少年的热诚,用衣服裹着吉他(太穷了,买不起琴盒),奔跑在大雨中,赶着去录自己的第一首歌.还有着那个年青人的感动,面对剧院外夹道欢迎他的长头发白人孩子们,不敢相信自己的眼睛......    提取:  /?d=0MUQF7X1  
  刷了半天才进来,还好已经贴上了.那就灌点水吧.  今天看到的一张allman brothers 乐队的经典照片.可以说是六十年代独立自由,个人解放,回归自然的嘻皮运动的象征.  美国最好的jam乐队, 这么多年下来,一个是grateful dead.一个就是allman,他们的音乐也算是美国精神的写照吧.
  hahahahaha,光猪六壮士就从这来的吧:〉    rio5在传呢,今天最后一个,比较小
  /?d=4E0UCBJ3    rio5    完嘞,看看有没有问题
  断断续续看完了.十二万分感谢.  最喜欢的先是no quarter,jimmy 手上用12弦吉他,用脚来控制回音.制造出来的声音简直是surreal. 然后是whole lotta love里用Theremin ,现在的设备敏感度高了好多诶,离很远就可以影响声波.jimmy真是sooooo brilliant.  总之每一首歌都那么出色,非常用心的编排.robert的声音表现力比现在那帮年青的强太多了.  不行了,我也得去多搞点DVD.据说日本巡回里的DVD更棒,我也觉得rio这场里heartbreaker还是差了一点点.但since i've been loving you绝了.比led zeppelin时期的还有味道.  花高价买他们这些质量不太好的boot,也比买其他好多乐队的正式东西觉得合算.  其实现在jimmy
  这里是richie havens在woodstock的五首.缺那个'freedom'.(不过94年那张里有)  track list:  Richie Havens Intro  High Flyin' Bird  Unknown Song  I Can't Make it Anymore---------很喜欢这首.  With a Little Help From My Friends  Hey Jude  /?d=8KBA9XNX  
  这个是给overthehills的.  Bootleg-- Madison Square Garden NY [Evening] CD1  提取:  /?d=YI4M94PA    顺便贴两段音乐会的回忆.作者是在摇滚乐的故乡Memphis长大的.也是Atlantic音乐公司在当地的代表.  回忆一:  The audience was anxious for the show to begin and started clapping their hands and stomping their feet while shaking the rafters. At that moment the house lights went down and the band finally took the stage. Fans rushed into the isles and charged towards the stage. Police and Fire Marshals scrambled to preserve safe passages by holding the crowd advancement at stage front. Within seconds the music began and it's intensity forced me backwards. The huge cabinets of speakers were pulsating with electrified sound vibrations. Vocalist Robert Plant pranced back and forth across the stage like a caged animal releasing pent-up energy. The bass and drums pounded my chest with a ferocious invisible force. Jimmy Page swaggered to the front of the stage while playing a blistering guitar break on his lustrous sunburst Les Paul. Page coolly puckered his lips for expressive punctuation while bending his guitar neck for a wavering effect. The band went through their repertoire of bastarized blues standards with a sledgehammer effect.  回忆二:  The band sent a supersonic trance into the audience with a slaying effect. As a Memphis-boy, I'd grown-up during an era of music legends whereas not easily impressed and thought I'd seen just about everything. But on the evening of this event, I think I died and went to heaven.    现在看他们的音乐会,虽然是隔了一层屏幕,感受不到现场的百分之一,就已经开心死了.估计要是真有机会看现场,非晕了不行.
  两位辛苦!  前两天看到有人把整个69 woodstock都贴出来了,不过连接已经失效了,不然可以共享一下,郁闷:(
  rio 的since i've been loving you你也喜欢吧,呵呵,我觉得整场的结构很好,wanton song开头干净利落,观众叫了一场的rock and roll最后结尾感觉都恰到好处,所以他俩大龄青年要是状态好的话,真希望还有机会看到他们的现场,祈祷吧
  看那观众采访puckered什么意思,是说那样扁得撅着嘴么,想起rio那场疯狂的观众,有一个john boahem 的大标语老是出现,不过也有一个人拿的是jim morrison 地头像,巨逗
  94-96 这次的page/plant巡回是他们MTV no quarter的延伸,所以每到一个地方会同当地的交响乐团合作,还有北非洲的两组人马,民谣部分还有个hurdy gurdy高手助阵.声音结构就更丰富了.但他们控制的很好,没有滥用.就是going to california这首,觉得弦乐部分用多了.(我是同原来的民谣风格比.),他们没有唱rain song,可惜了.MTV里rain song处理的特别好,弦乐的烘托,jimmy的琴声,让这首歌分外美丽.不过有了since i've been loving you也知足了.太美了.还有最后的four sticks和kashmir.连那些乐手们都自我陶醉了.  不过话说回来,还是JPJ厉害,一个人就顶了几十个人.记得看pink floyd的鼓手nick写的回忆录,说70年在bath festival,他们带着管弦乐队去的(好象是atom heart mother 的时候),到那一看,led zeppelin就一个JPJ.羡慕半天.后来这两个乐队关系也挺好的,特别是JPJ,老互相搀和着搞点东西.    我也觉得同以前比结构紧凑了,减少了很多的medley还是挺明智的,不断变化,与时俱进.80年巡回,stairway差不多就是最长的了.毕竟年青一代对那些老歌也不熟悉.可以把更多时间留给kashmir.可惜没有看到jimmy用弓.555555  昨天把rio这场转到DVD,看到半夜.虽然声音图象都不太好.一开始有点别扭,可是越看越吸引,声音也变立体了,画面也清楚了.跟台下的那帮疯狂观众似的,看也看不够,听也听不够.RIO的观众真热情,不过jimmy是女婿回门,应该的,应该的.
  puckered lips
  祈祷吧  -------------------------------  放心吧,那些演出商们比我们祈祷的还厉害呢.  现在jimmy身体没问题,就是家里事多.记得去年他的录音工程师有个访问,就说到led zeppelin的唱片,搞点什么新意思之类的.jimmy 也挺敢兴趣.记者就问,是不是有戏.工程师回答的挺干脆的.不可能,他现在好多精力都放在家里和孩子们身上.没那么多时间搞这些.也看到有人说jimmy现在的外出行程安排都是围着孩子们的日程转.我昨天还琢磨呢,今年确定的两个演出,六月底和八月初正是学生暑假.谁知道开学以后他还会不会出来.  应该让eric clapton这个老劳模给他做做思想工作,人家孩子更小,还吃奶呢.再让jeff beck这个急脾气多催催才行.  阿门!!
  这个是给陆人嘉的.  chuck berry & keith richards  Bootleg--
Annual Blues Festival, Grant Park, Chicago, Illinois   声音质量还行,算是不错的audience recording.  乐队:Keith Richards (gtr)  Chuck Berry (gtr, voc)  Matt 'Guitar' Murphy (gtr)  others   set list不全:  1. Introduction   2. Roll Over Beethoven   3. ???????????   4. Sweet Little Sixteen   5. ???????????   6. ???????????   7. Around And Around   8. Maybellene   9. Rock And Roll Music   10. Johnny B. Goode   11. It Hurts Me Too   12. ???????????   13. Reelin’ And Rockin’   14. Audience     提取:/?d=D35G2A82    
  Sound真是个好人哪:)  写了这么多,还上传了这么多。。。  无以回报~只能说声谢了!
  太客气了.  chuck berry的录音只有六个.好象都传了.记不清了.以后有好的再跟大家分享.  BB KING的东西我自己喜欢早期.90年代有一张也不错.今天传这张.  他之后是carlos santana.也是老家伙.哈哈.  
  Bootleg-- Rosengarten, Mannheim, Germany [Mannheim concert]  提取:  /?d=7Z2YCTZS    PS,这场音乐会应该还有一个Bootleg DVD.感兴趣的可以在网上搜搜.它的前两天也有一个DVD ---Bonn concert.
  前两天看到有人把整个69 woodstock都贴出来了,不过连接已经失效了,不然可以共享一下,郁闷:(  -------------------------------------------------  对了,刚看了一下,我有的janis joplin和creedence clearwater revival的部分还可以,如果需要的话,等有时间也传上来吧.jimi hendrix的部分以前传过了.  其实现在流传的BOOT都不全,好多乐队象carlos santana他们只有很少的几首歌.正式出版的boxset也不全.
  周末没传.现在补吧.  Bootleg--1969 Woodstock CD5  janis joplin--大家肯定很熟悉.不用多说了.女中豪杰,经常是拎瓶酒上台,下来的时候变空瓶子了.a wild girl with such a powerful voice. RIP janis.  setlist:  Raise Your Hand  As Good As You've Been to This  To Love Somebody  Summertime  Try  Kosmic Blues  Can't Turn You Loose  Work Me Lord  Piece of My Heart  Ball And Chain  提取:  /?d=R96E9TRM  
  我喜欢她喜欢得不得了,那声音实在是太....让人没词了,带副眼镜,老一幅受气包的样子,可是一唱歌,那种反差,实在是摇滚,撕心裂肺我觉得最适合形容她了。其实听听过一些tina turner70年代单独的作品,也是很野的,很喜欢
之前还有个唱blues 的bessie smith.那是美国的象征啊.就是当年唱片公司老板下南方搜罗人才的时候发现的.十几岁从棉花地里出来,唱响全世界.当年那些唱片公司也都是刚刚起家,设备简陋,但精神可嘉.真是脚踏实地,培养了好多人才.  去年的grammy向janis致敬,请的是英国的joss stone,也是个小姑娘,有点象她.但还是不够野.不过也算很不错了.  说起tina turner,突然觉得我们这贴里女歌手太少了.要改进.哈哈
  正在下:)  最近还要看世界杯,挺忙活~
  早上传的,这贴子难进,上午刷了好多次,基本没戏.不过,今天早上也挺运气的,买到eric clapton的票了,二十几排,还是靠derek这边的.哈哈,开心一下.  Bootleg--1969 Woodstock CD4  乐队: creedence clearwater revival---他们的主力是john fogerty 也是用吉他的.  setlist:  Born On The Bayou (Chip Monck Intro)  Green River  Ninety-Nine And A Half (Won't Do)  Commotion  Bootleg  Bad Moon Rising   Proud Mary  I Put A Spell On You  Night Time Is The Right Time   Keep On Chooglin'  Suzy Q  /?d=XWE2RH88  
  接下来的就是carlos santana的东西了.  今天的传特别有意思:  一个是santana 3 的outtakes.一个是eric clapton的Derek And The Dominoes乐队同santana的乐队一块jam的录音.  不过这里的主角即不是santana,也不是clapton.而是一位少年天才吉他手neal schon.santana乐队把拉丁节奏同blues吉他,旧金山迷幻等等结合起来,他们的前三张唱片足经证明了这只乐队的价值和才华.第特别是第三张里多了一个十五岁的小孩子,他同carlos两把吉他之间的interplay和dueling guitar solos精彩异常.  当时eric 正带他的乐队在美国巡回.因为duane allman 只能帮他一两场(留下一张非常珍贵的bootleg,前面已经传过了.).所以他一直在找新的吉他手.听说carlos这有个人才,就同乐队里的几个人赶过来,结果就是这张BOOTLEG.实验效果非常好,neal还参加了derek And The Dominoes在当地的一场演出.但他谢绝了eric的邀请,跟着carlos干了两年.之后自己成立了一只赫赫有名的乐队----journey.  现在的我们只能从当年的录音里感受这三位吉他手的精彩jam了.  Bootleg--The Third Album Outtakes and Rehearsals  CD 1   JUNGLE STRUT (ALTERNATE TAKE) ~ 5&07   EVERYBODYS EVERYTHING (INST.JAM) ~ 4&18   BALLIN (OUTTAKE) ~ 6&12   FOLSOM STREET (OUTTAKE) ~ 8&30   FRIEDNECKBONES & HOME FRIES (OUTTAKE) ~ 5&16   GUAJIRA (DEMO) ~ 5&26   TUNE IN (REHARSAL ~ 3&16)   BLUES JAM ? ~ 5&58   EVERYTHING IS COMING OUR WAY (INST.) ~ 3&26   BATUKA (JAM WITH BLUES) ~ 6&42   REHARSAL JAM 1 ~ 22&35   CD 2   REHARSAL JAM 2 ~ 6&29   JUNGLE STRUT (EXPANDED) ~ 5&29   BALLIN (EXPANDED) ~ 6&26   FOLSOM STREET (EXPANDED) ~ 10&43   GUMBO 4.29 (ALTERNATE TAKE)   JUNGLE STRUT (ALTERNATE TAKE 2) 5.29   TOUSSANT L'OVERTURE (ALTERNATE TAKE) 4.3    Bootleg-- Village Recorder Studio, San Francisco  no tracklist.just jams.    提取:  /?d=IYPGES1S  /?d=5OCW8VXN  
  留下一张非常珍贵的bootleg,前面已经传过了,这个你什么时候传过? 没瞅见亚,
  早上传的,这贴子难进,上午刷了好多次,基本没戏.不过,今天早上也挺运气的,买到eric clapton的票了,二十几排,还是靠derek这边的.哈哈,开心一下    haha 羡慕ing~居然也偷偷喜欢上我们家木头人小白了你,呵呵,还不录点什么回来,要不照点像
  还是在eric 的那一周里传的.都是他在derek and the dominoes时期的东西.他的顶峰.  音乐会是十月的.争取照点象,eric的音乐会管的挺严的.俺是遵纪守法的胆小鬼,录音可不敢,也没有设备.他们那些专门爱录bootleg的,个个跟FBI似的.70年代有个很有名的taper,每次假装成残疾人,把设备藏在轮椅里,早早地占领最佳位置,他录了好多的led zeppelin,可惜后来90年代因为抑郁症自杀时,把所有的zeppelin录音都烧了(估计是他的最爱吧).现在流传下来的是他死前同朋友们交换的那些.都是第二第三代的转录了.但他还录了stones,the who等其他乐队的,没有烧,现在他的家人手里,可能以后会慢慢流出来吧.这些taper很多是为了自己留纪念,不往外传.前一阵子,一个taper忍不住放出来led zeppelin77在西雅图的录像,我看amazon上卖一百多,还没货.也有私人卖的,质量不知道怎样.    那张boot等我翻翻DVD,再传上来吧.得给derek平反,他台下有说有笑的,台上才变木头.嘻嘻. 我觉得eric这次能请他来,真是太好了.他是公认的duane allman接班人,他叔叔就是最早的allman brothers成员,打鼓的那个,估计他是从小培养的.eric的东西,同duane在一起的时候最棒,今年能再现三十多年前的精彩,只能说上天眷顾.eric 的运气太好了,听众的运气太好了.  
   早上传的:  Bootleg-- Tokyo, Japan [The Calling]  乐队:Carlos Santana & Eric Clapton,其实大家一听打击乐器的声音就知道,eric 是客人,carlos是主角.哈哈.  Disc 1:   1) Intro   2) Spiritual   3) Yaleo   4) Love of My Life   5) Put Your Lights On   6) Africa Bamba   7) Day of Celebration   8) Victory is One   9) Maria Maria   10) Europa   11) Batuka (X---with eric,下同)   12) No One to Depend On (X)       Disc 2:   1) Taboo (X)   2) The Calling (X)   3) Black Magic Woman / Gypsy Queen -----代表作品  4) Oye Como Va (encore) ---great solo  5) Apache Smooth (X)   6) Soul Sacrafice (X)   7) Dr. Solo   8) Jingo (X) ---great riff    提取:  /?d=7B8TYX50  
  sound的存货真不少:)  顺便问一句,eric clapton这次巡演在欧洲还有几场?有没有官方网站,介绍演出和卖票的?
  你去这看看,他们的下一拨演出从七月开始,意大利.  /  演出日程在这:  /tour/eric-clapton-tour-calendar-.html  哎,我借来刷一把算了:  Eric Clapton 2006/07 World Tour     The 2006 tour band will consist of:  Eric Clapton - Guitar, Vocals  Doyle Bramhall II , Derek Trucks - Guitar  Chris Stainton , Tim Carmon - Keyboards  Willie Weeks - Bass  Steve Jordan - Drums  The Kick Horns: Simon Clarke, Roddy Lorimer, Tim Sanders on Brass  Michelle John , Sharon White- Backing Vocals   The Robert Cray Band will be the support act for Europe and US / Canada. The fall tour encompasses the eastern portion of the US and Canada.
  ITALY   Ticketsales via ticketone.it   7 July 2006 (Fri) Lucca Piazza Napoleone   8 July 2006 (Sat) Perugia, Umbria Jazz Festival   10 July 2006 (Mon) Verona Arena   SWITZERLAND   Ticketsales from April 1 08:00 am (CET) via ticketcorner.ch   11 July 2006 (Tues) Moon and Stars Festival, Piazza Grande Locarno, Ticino   GERMANY (continued)   Ticketsales from Wed 23 Nov 08:00 am (CET) via eventim.de.   13 July 2006 (Thurs) Cologne Arena   14 July 2006 (Fri) Dortmund Westfalenhalle   AUSTRIA   Ticketsales from Sat 26 Nov .   16 July 2006 (Sun) Vienna Stadthalle   HUNGARY      18 July 2006 (Tues) Budapest   CZECH REPUBLIC   Ticketsales from Monday 12 December 2005   20 July 2006 (Thurs) Prague The Arena   GERMANY (continued)   Ticketsales from Wed 23 Nov 08:00 am (CET) via eventim.de.   22 July 2006 (Sat) Munich Olympiahalle   23 July 2006 (Sun) Mannheim SAP Arena   25 July 2006 (Tue) Hamburg Colorline Arena   DENMARK   Ticketsales from Mon 28 Nov 09:00 am (CET) via billetnet.dk   26 July 2006 (Wed) Augustenborg Slotspark   NORWAY   Ticketsales from Sat 26 Nov 10:00 am (CET)   28 July 2006 (Fri) Oslo Spektrum   SWEDEN   Ticketsales from Mon 28 Nov 9:00 am (CET) via ticnet.se   29 July 2006 (Sat) Stockholm Globen   FINLAND   Ticketsales from Mon 28 Nov 8:00 am (CET) / 9:00 am (EET) via lippupalvelu.fi   31 July 2006 (Mon) Helsinki Hartwall Arena   RUSSIA   Tickets will go on sale in early April: Ticket On-Sale Information.   3 August 2006 (Thurs) Moscow Red Square   United States   Onsale from 3 June 11AM   16 Sept 2006 (Sat) Xcel Energy Center, Minneapolis - St.Paul MN   Onsale from 3 June 12PM   18 Sept 2006 (Mon) Savis Center, St. Louis MO   Onsale from 3 June 11AM   20 Sept 2006 (Wed) United Center, Chicago IL   Onsale fom 10 June 10AM   21 Sept 2006 (Thur) Van Andel Arena, Grand Rapids MI   Onsale from 10 June 10AM   23 Sept 2006 (Sat) Palace, Detroit MI   Canada   Amex PreSale 6 June 10AM to 8 June, general public onsale 9 June 10AM   24 Sept 2006 (Sun) Air Canada Center, Toronto ON   Onsale 9 June 10AM   26 Sept 2006 (Tue) Scotiabank Place, Ottawa ON   United States   MSG Amex PreSale 5 June 9AM to 11 June, general public onsale 12 June 10AM   28 Sept 2006 (Thur) Madison Square Garden, New York NY   MSG Amex PreSale 5 June 9AM to 11 June, general public onsale 12 June 10AM   29 Sept 2006 (Fri) Madison Square Garden, New York, NY   General public onsale 12 June 10AM   30 Sept 2006 (Thur) Madison Square Garden, New York NY   Onsale from 12 June 10AM   3 Oct 2006 (Tue) Bank North Garden, Boston MA   Onsale from 12 June 10AM   4 Oct 2006 (Tue) Bank North Garden, Boston MA   Onsale date not yet announced   6 Oct 2006 (Fri) Mohegan Sun, Uncasville CT   Onsale date not yet announced   7 Oct 2006 (Sat) Mohegan Sun, Uncasville CT   Onsale from 12 June 10AM   9 Oct 2006 (Mon) Wachovia Center, Philadelphia PA   Onsale date not yet announced   10 Oct 2006 (Tue) MCI Center, Washington DC   Onsale from 26 August at 10AM   12 Oct 2006 (Thur) Charlottesville Arena, Charlottesville VA   Onsale date not yet announced   14 Oct 2006 (Sat) Gwinnet Civic Center, Duluth GA   Onsale date not yet announced   15 Oct 2006 (Sun) RBC Center, Raleigh NC   Onsale date not yet announced   17 Oct 2006 (Tue) New Charlotte Arena, Charlotte NC   Onsale from 15 July at 10AM   18 Oct 2006 (Wed) Birmingham-Jefferson Arena, Birmingham AL   Onsale date not yet announced   20 Oct 2006 (Fri) TD Waterhouse Center, Orlando FL   Onsale 17 June at 10AM   21 Oct 2006 (Sat) Veterans Memorial Arena, Jacksonville FL   Onsale 17 June at 10AM   23 Oct 2006 (Mon) American Airlines Arena, Miami FL   
  之前和Derek And The Dominoes合作的网址是什么呀,已经不能下了吧,我用驴下了一个,始终下不完,他们好像也没留下什么视频,好像唯一有一段,johnny cash show那个
  正在研究。。站票为什么没有写位置?  clapton真会挑时间,偏偏在世界杯期间欧洲巡演,8月份以后他也去别的地儿了。。      
  之前和Derek And The Dominoes合作的网址是什么呀,已经不能下了吧  -------------------------------------  很早了,应该已经失效了.我再传吧.是的现场.视频我以前不太留意,收集的不多.以后多注意,有好的就留着.最近看的都是年青乐队的视频,sonic yonth,mars volta,queens of the stone age,rage against the machine,radiohead,muse,pear jam,cure..    站票为什么没有写位置  ------------------------  大概是一开闸,看谁跑的快,占领有利地形.要很早去排队吧:)
  看到有人贴了Cream不少东西,本着sound的精神,找出来三张bootleg,我还没下,不知道是不是bootleg:)看过重组的一段录像,white room,clapton后边那段solo太棒了。。    rapidshare.de比较贱,下了30m以后要等大概一个钟头,提示和上次一样,用浏览器直接下,点击第一页右下角free,进入第二页,不能用工具。。估计这下完这些东西得一两天,呵呵    Recordings: Bootleg        Disraeli Gears Live (320kbps) 277Mb    http://rapidshare.de/files/7_-_Disraeli_Gears_Live.part1.rar.html    http://rapidshare.de/files/7_-_Disraeli_Gears_Live.part2.rar.html    http://rapidshare.de/files/7_-_Disraeli_Gears_Live.part3.rar.html    http://rapidshare.de/files/7_-_Disraeli_Gears_Live.part4.rar.html    http://rapidshare.de/files/7_-_Disraeli_Gears_Live.part5.rar.html    http://rapidshare.de/files/7_-_Disraeli_Gears_Live.part6.rar.html    http://rapidshare.de/files/7_-_Disraeli_Gears_Live.part7.rar.html    http://rapidshare.de/files/7_-_Disraeli_Gears_Live.part8.rar.html        Grande Ballroom (192kbps) 149Mb    http://rapidshare.de/files/7_-_Grande_Ballroom.part1.rar.html    http://rapidshare.de/files/7_-_Grande_Ballroom.part2.rar.html    http://rapidshare.de/files/7_-_Grande_Ballroom.part3.rar.html    http://rapidshare.de/files/7_-_Grande_Ballroom.part4.rar.html        Final USA Tour (192kbps) 161Mb    http://rapidshare.de/files/9_-_Final_USA_Tour.part1.rar.html    http://rapidshare.de/files/9_-_Final_USA_Tour.part2.rar.html    http://rapidshare.de/files/9_-_Final_USA_Tour.part3.rar.html    http://rapidshare.de/files/9_-_Final_USA_Tour.part4.rar.html    http://rapidshare.de/files/9_-_Final_USA_Tour.part5.rar.html  
  最近整理led zeppelin 的东西,这张挺好的,就传上来了.同时传santana早期的两场,到最后一点断了,只好重传:(  Bootleg-- Fillmore West, San Francisco [SoundBoard]  现存最早的soundboard录音,他们的第一次美国巡回.dazed and confused还没没发展成后来的宏篇巨制.但简洁有简洁的好处,里面有一段jimmy的琴同Bonham的鼓的对唱,很有意思.  I Can't Quit You  Dazed and Confused  You Shook Me  How Many More Times  Communication Breakdown
  大概是一开闸,看谁跑的快,占领有利地形.要很早去排队吧:)  ---------------------------------------  哈哈,那要裹着棉猴去了,跟骆驼祥子似的    重复刷一刷,希望这页赶快过去
  又忘了地址了:)  提取:  /?d=Z2UMLJPQ    谢谢你的cream. 独乐乐,不如众乐乐(是这么说吗?).哈哈.  Disraeli Gears Live有了,这里是一点介绍,给大家参考: 2 CDS,a mixture of Live recordings and the BBC &Disraeli Gears& Recordings  CD1 (55 min)   Marquee Club, London, 23rd May 1967   Remastered Quality: A good quality audience recording let down by a an inadequate PA but balance is still quite good. It has been noise filtered, volume levels equalised and some rough edits & odd noises tidied up. A realistic sound handling the dual stack's volume quite well.   The BBC recordings are variable - the latter ones are better quality. The off air recordings are naturally inferior (AM broadcasts). Overall sound quality is good with a bit of bass boost thickening the sound and digital noise filtering clarifying things all round, especially on the off-air.   BBC   1. Intro/Lawdy Mama (Trad arr. Clapton) [which was reworked into:] 1.47   2. Strange Brew (Clapton/Papparlardi/Collins) 3.06   3. Interview of Eric Clapton .33   Marquee Club   4. Introduction 1.13   5. Tales of Brave Ulysses (Clapton/Sharp) 3.17   5. World of Pain (Pappalardi/Collins) 4.39   7. Outside Woman Blues (Reynolds) 3.54   8. Dance the Night Away (Bruce/Brown) 4.13   9. Sleepy Time Time (Bruce/Godfrey) 6.30   10. Sweet Wine (Baker/Godfrey) 5.19   11. Rollin' & Tumblin (Morganfield) 4.42   12. NSU (Bruce) 3.28   BBC   13. I Feel Free (Bruce/Brown) (Live in Paris) 1.59   14. Take it Back (Bruce) (probably live in the studio) 3.07   15. Intro/Stepping Out (Bracken) (live in the studio) 3.35   16. Tales of Brave Ulysses (Clapton/Sharp) (live in the studio) 3.01     CD2 (65 min)   Note: The BBC recordings are configured in album order as an alternative &Disraeli Gears&.   Barbecue '67, Spaulding England, 29th May 1967 (Reviewed)   Remastered Quality: As I have made clear this is a severely flawed audience recording (not a soundboard as claimed by the commercial bootleggers!). It lacks bass and hasjust audible vocals. Bass has been boosted to a level of prescence but hardly clear and nothing could be done about the vocals. The good quality tape recording needed minimal filtering but some editing of extraneous mike/electrical noises. The drums are magnificently clear (and very live sounding) as is the guitar.   BBC recordings as above.   Barbecue '67   1. NSU (Bruce) 4:48   2. Sunshine of Your Love (Bruce/Brown/Clapton) 5:09   3. We're Going Wrong (Bruce) 6:06   4. Stepping Out (Bracken) 5:25   5. Rollin' & Tumblin (Morganfield) 5:01   6. Toad (Baker) 7:08   7. I'm So Glad (James) 6:03   The BBC Disraeli Gears   8. Introduction 0:09   9. Strange Brew (Clapton/Papparlardi/Collins) 2:49   10. Sunshine of Your Love (Bruce/Brown/Clapton) 4:15   11. Blue Condition (Baker) 2:47   12. Introduction 0:43   13. Tales of Brave Ulysses (Clapton/Sharp) 2:56   14. SWALABR (Bruce/Brown)/Outro 2:31   15. We're Going Wrong (Bruce) 3:25   16. Outside Woman Blues (Reynolds) 3:12   17. Take it Back (Bruce) 2:16     第二张是remastered,boot公司出版的,买的话要二十来块.One of THE great Rock concerts,声音很好,大家都收藏吧.  Disc 1:   1. Tales of Brave Ulysses (Clapton/Martin Sharp) 4.12   2. N.S.U. (Bruce) 15.53   3. Sitting on Top of the World (Chester Burnett) 4.26   4. Sweet Wine (Baker/Janet Godfrey) 13.55   5. Rollin' and Tumbling (McKinley Morganfield) 7.18     Disc 2:   1. Spoonful (Willie Dixon) 20.48   2. Stepping Out (James Braken) 11.03   3. Traintime (Bruce) 7.18   4. Toad (Baker) 17.03   5. I'm So Glad (Nehemiah James) 10.01   
  TEST  test  test  test
  怪不得长篇大论贴不上呢,分页了.  .....  第三张的资料在这里,大家参考. 我有的cream也不多,不过这三张都听过了.他们的东西就算声音差点,也都值得收藏.  FINAL TOUR USA - On the West Coast     CD1 (62 min)   Alameda County Coliseum Arena, Oakland, California, 4th October 1968   Remaster: These are a reference tape off the masters from the full concert. Quality is very good except that the guitar is undermixed (explained in the liner notes). Sound is really one for the Bruce and/or Baker fans. Remastering boosted the guitar a bit but there just wasn't enough there - the sound is very weird for such a quality recording. Performance is very poor - so bad that it has to be listened to. Sound quality 4+ (5 except for the mix)   1. White Room (Bruce/Brown) 6.34   2. Politician (Bruce/Brown) 5.16   3. Crossroads (Johnson arr Clapton) 3.57   4. Sunshine of Your Love (Bruce/Brown/Clapton) 5.12   5. Spoonful (Dixon) 17.09   6. Deserted Cities of the Heart (Bruce/Brown) 4.19   7. Passing the Time aka &Scatterfaragus& (Baker) 10.57   8. I'm So Glad 7.02   Tracks 1, 2 & 6 released on Live Cream Vol II with a different mix     CD2 (59 min)   Sports Arena, San Diego, California, 20th October 1968   Remaster: Another reference tape but the master tape is better balanced. The guitar is higher in the mix and the remaster has improved it even more. The bass and drums remain clean and clear with the drum sound more live then the official releases. Despite some equipment problems it was a good performance - Crossroads being quite reasonable and Spoonful actually producing some sparks. The LA Forum &White Room& is better then the released version except for a recording drop out. Please note that the bootleggers have wrongly attributed this recording (explained in the liner notes). This is the best boot from the final tour in terms of sound (by a very long mile!) and performance (there are a couple of as good but sound is bad). Sound - 5.   1. White Room (Bruce Brown) 6.38   2. Crossroads (Johnson arr. Clapton) 4.29   3. Sunshine of Your Love (Bruce/Brown/Clapton) 6.40   4. Traintime (Bruce) 9.47   5. Toad (Baker) 14.16   6. Spoonful (Dixon) 15.09   Track 1 recorded LA Forum 19th March
  刚传好的:  Bootleg-- Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, CA  质量: FM boardcast  CD#1: 1st set 47:04   01 Waiting 8:21   02 Treat 10:22   03 Evil Ways 8:45   04 Shades of Time 3:40   05 & Savor 5:03   06 & Jingo 10:19   07 announcer & crowd noise 0:41     CD#2: 2nd set 40:29   01 announcer intro & crowd noise 0:10   02 Persuasion 3:47   03 Soul Sacrifice 3:31   04 & drums 11:36   05 & Soul Sacrifice 20:44   06 talk: &Don't Go No Further...& & crowd noise 0:38     Carlos Santana: Guitar, Percussion, Vocals   Marcus Malone: Percussion   David Brown: Bass   Gregg Rolie: Keyboards, Vocals   Bob &Doc& Livingston: Drums     Bootleg-- Ludlow Garage, Cincinnati, OH  时间离woodstock不远.  质量:soundboard  CD 1 - Early Show   01. Waiting   02. Evil Ways   03. Treat/Shades Of Time   04. Savor/Jingo   05. Persuasion     CD 2 - Late Show   01. Conquistador Rides Again   02. You Just Don't Care   03. Fried Neckbones   04. Persuasion   05. Soul Sacrifice   06. Gumbo     提取:  /?d=ZU08R8F1
  hicomehere ,给你的, eric 和duane
Curtis Hixon Hall, Tampa, FL.  /?d=43T04JDB  抱歉晚了点,昨天传了几次都断了.    对了,上页,说到eric的cream2005年reunion的视频,正式版本的那个是在london.NY有24号的.我看着那些镜头切换什么的也象专业拍摄的.你们大家有了没有?分四部分.    
  忘了一个好消息,昨天看小道消息,jimmy的一个哥们说的,jimmy正在录音棚里忙活呢,巡回大概是新年,从远东(far east)开始,那肯定就是日本啦.  远东还有很多地方啊,不知道HK有没有戏?
  上面的消息,虽然很希望是真的,不过在想想,正在录音棚忙肯定是没错.巡回就不一定准了.没办法,谁让他是jimmy page呢,最爱搞神秘.不过有好东西出来就行.  今天速度还好,传的是santana同buddy miles合作的音乐会录像.  八几年的.图象老的点,也还不错啦.就跟买缺了大半个的官窑,也比貌似精美的仿制品强  /?d=JBBX84YC  /?d=UUT12Z23
  谢谢,我正下呢,eric 和duane一直想听他们现场怎么玩的,那个cream视频,我好像有,但是觉得一般,3人可能岁数有点大了,总感觉有点力不从心,多数是很老的blues,很慢的那种,我看看体积,不大我就传上来    
   Curtis Hixon Hall 这场真不错呀,很爽的一场。thank you,也得谢谢当年的老taper,要不这样的现场就没戏能听见了
  哪位老兄有Neil Young的现场啊?多谢了。
  哪位老兄有Neil Young的现场啊  ------------------------  他的正版出的不少,我只有四五张,BOOT VIDEO有几个,都是90以后的,有个很近的,他上电视节目,想不起来放哪了,我得去找找.
  95年介绍led zeppelin 进名人堂的那个以前传过,没有的话,我再传一边.里头老杨玩的特开心.
  那个cream视频,我好像有,但是觉得一般,3人可能岁数有点大了,总感觉有点力不从心,多数是很老的blues,很慢的那种,我看看体积,不大我就传上来  -------------------------------------------  我有了,05-10-24 NY,昨天转成DVD看了看,就是有点暗.还是正版好.现场去看了,自己留纪念吧.大家有需要的的话,我传上来也行.  不过说到岁数,有时侯体力是个问题,但还是技术和emotion更重要.system of a down里的鼓手也使用双bass drum,跟cream里的baker一样,而且我自己觉得system of a down比较突出的就是bass 和drum,他们的声音算得上够重够狠的.但跟白发仓仓的baker的比,好象还是缺点什么.不是声音轻重的问题,可能是作品本身,也可能是interplay 的灵性.  baker当年是世界第一鼓手,后来被bonham追上了.最近看一本书非常好,叫[led zeppelin--the history of a band and their music ].作者是写jimi hendrix传记的那位.他里面用了很大篇幅分析led zeppelin的每一个作品.虽然是他个人的看法,不一定全部赞成,但很有启发.为什么led zeppelin这么多年后,还有有巨大的影响力,跟他们当年的销量,名气之类的关系不大,好多当年的排行冠军,现在都被遗忘了.主要还是作品本身(录音棚和现场)的质量过硬,所以才有生命力.特别是实验性,探索性的东西.现在看sonic youth的那些噪音,也没有觉得比当年jimmy制造的惊艳多少.最近整理,把电脑里的好多metal的乐队都转出来了.只留下一些有代表性的.因为他们的好多东西类似.听多了就很无趣.还不如led zeppelin哪怕是同一首歌都演绎得各有各精彩.  对了,jimmy的新东西,据说是很东方味道的,又有hard edge.期待期待:)
  正看这本书,顺手敲些上来,大家一起参考参考:  led zeppelin第三张唱片里的&since I've been loving you&  -----  &loving you& sounds well-greased in this version--apart from Bonham's squeaky bass-drum pedal. Zeppelin had been playing the piece live all through the spring US tour and had properly settled on what to do. A slow blues in 6/8 of a type they'd already mastered, this one is particularly intriguing in its demonstration of how the band has evolved as a functioning unit since the first two albums.  With the addition of Jones's keyboards-- this time a Hammond B3, with Jones supplying the bassline on its pedals--'loving you' reaches back to the informal but closely structured studio jams that AL Kooper and Mike Bollmfield put together for their 1968 album 'Super Session'. The level of interplay between the instruments and the way they link with vocals suggests a real four-way conversation. From that point of view, this is not merely a showpiece for Plant's keening vocals but a full-scale display of Led Zeppelin's telepathic interplay within the modern blues form.  Page's solo midway through uses different scales and lines than the normal Chicago-based ideas he'd normally select, instead echoing the long-limbed augmented blues lines that Hendrix had used on similar material back in 1968 in his jam with Steve Winwood(这个bootleg以前传过了,可以对比着听听)and others. Page's playing has the freshness and spontaneity of discovery and the formal balance within a larger piece at which he always excels. Bonham's emphatic but unflashy drumming underline the quality that is the keynote of this entire seven-minutes piece.
  第四张里的black dog,分析太长了,摘一小段关于JPJ的bass.  Page was by no means the first to build up many layers of guitars in this way (black dogs里用了四个吉他tracks) but, in the wake of Hendrix, he was by far the most imaginative in the use of the technique within a rock band. His arranging and production gifts bring great depth of sound and color to the banked guitars,buttressed by the gigantic sound extracted from Bonham's drums and Jones's firm but huge bass sound. Jones never allowed his sound to become diffuse, a mere blur
in proceedings, but neither did he go for a clipped toppy sound that would have tobbed the band of its bottomless depth and a proper mesh with Bonham's drums, In songs such as &black dogs& his sound did much to give a perfect aural balance and a clarity to the music.
  tobbed  -------  应该是robbed
   第四张的stairway,分析更长,好几页,选solo这部分:  Page begins his solo over a three-chord cycle first made famous in Dylan's &all along the watchtower& and later     appearing in hundreds of songs. Intriguingly , the man who created a hit single out of Dylan's song, Jimi     hendrix,used this progression for his own meditative ballad 'hey baby(new rising sun)', a song dealing with subjects     closely related to Plant's in 'stairway'. Dylan's chord pattern awoke deep emotional and creative responses in many     artists at the time.  The harmonic underpinning of the last section certainly brought an outstanding response from PAge when it came to the     guitar solo. It is one of his greatest, for reasons that are not hard to pinpoint. It has an easy pace, rhythmic     variety, passion and lyricism, and a natural almost casual storytelling element that all the best recorded     instrumental solos possess, from Louis Armstrong onwards.  He went back to Fender Telecaster from his then customary Gibson LEs PAul because the Fender has extra bite to its     sound and allows him more legato than usual. Unususlly,he recorded the solo without wearing headphones to hear the     backing as he played. perferring instead to have the playback on big monitor speakers in the studio room.     Engineer remembered that &we played him back through them as loud as possible and he just leaned up against the speakers     with a cigarette hanging out his mouth and rattled out that solo& Richard Cole watched PAge working alone at night at     Basing Street studio &using the Telecaster and building guitar track upon guitar track until he had the powerful     instrumental harmonies he wanted, He recorded three different guitar solos, none of them similar, and finally chose     the one
he thought was the best afer agonising over them in the studio late on night.& The fressness and sponraneity     of this approach is another reason for the solo's success, along with the rich melodic possibilities that Dyaln's     minor progression offers to the soloist.
  正在传上面说的 neil young 的视频,是他2005年连着一个星期上late late night show的录像,质量很好.  我把四部分合在一起了  
  2K的速度拖了一天,终于好了  Neil young 2005-11   /?d=DN56Z0BQ
  周末好象比平时更忙,cream reunion的录像,现在才有时间传.  另外再传一个jeff beck 和carlos santana合作的音乐会.
  1.cream reunion
Madison Square Garden NYC 录像  2.Jeff beck & Carlos Santana 录音  Bootleg-- Sound Market Festival, Karuizawa-Nagano, Japan   乐队:  Carlos Santana: guitar, vocals   Jeff Beck: guitar   Steve Lukather: guitar   Simon Phillips: drums   C. Tompson: keyboards   A. Peraza: congas   Buddy Miles: lead vocals   A. Johnson: bass   Jan Hammer: keyboards   O. Vilato: timbales   R. Rekow: percussion   J. Hall: lead vocals   D. Wimbish: bass     曲目:  Intro/Primera Invasion   Black Magic Woman   Open Invitations   Starcycle   Cause We Ended As Lovers   Wild Thing   Freeway Jam   Going Down   Escape   Set 2 Super Boogies   Lotus Blues   People Get Ready   Johnny B. Goode   Love Will   Ambitious   Goodbye Pork-Pie Hat   Stop, Look & Listen   Blue Wind     提取:  /?d=TQJBFJ4V  /?d=OGLW6ZGG
  sound又更新了:)  老杨的录像看了,老家伙真是老当益壮,脑袋开刀了还能出新专辑,第三段后边的采访很有意思~
  呵呵,他还是挺幽默的.那个主持人更逗,也是个摇滚迷,很多老ROCKER上他的节目.他还整了个恶搞版的&the song remains the same&,扮robert plant唱dazed and confused,挺好玩的.    有时间就更新,细水长流,好东西也要仔细欣赏.哈哈.今天还是santana.两场音乐会,一个是和john mclaughlin,一个是和pharoah sanders.carlos 的乐队santana还是最早的那一组人马,参加woodstock的最厉害,前三张唱片,特别是第三张最是精华所在.后来倒是他同很多不同风格的音乐人的合作比较有意思.  
  1.Carlos Santana & John McLaughlin  Bootleg-- The Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, CA   01 The Life Divine   02 A Love Supreme   03 Follow Your Heart  2. Carlos Santana & Pharoah Sanders  Bootleg-- Kiefer Arena, New Orleans  1.Angels All Around Us *   2.Yaleo/Hannibal *   3.Why Can’t We Live Together ? *   4.Brotherhood */Everybody’s Everything *   5.Right On/Get On *   6.Day Of Celebration *   7.Exodus *   8.Serpents And Doves/Europa   9.Jingo   10.Savor *   11.Make Somebody Happy/Get It In Your Soul *   12.Guajira   13.Apache/Soul Sacrifice   14.Black Magic Woman/Gypsy Queen/Oye Como Va   * Featuring Pharoah Sanders     /?d=ZAJ23GRM
  led zeppelin
  哎,我回来了,去南戴河了,jeff和老桑那场我看过,80年代人特有的装束真是不敢恭维,琴弹得也都是那种一片片solo,倒是jeff的那首cause we ended as lover,弹得我心情荡漾(瞎荡漾什么呀)。很特别的声音,美,关于下在通道的事,不行你就只能下载他那个megaupload得下载条了,之后每次上默认是会员,免费的,但就是有的杀毒软件当他是病毒,需要排除一下
  今年北方是不是特热啊?   这场jeff & carlos和前面传的那个santana视频差不多是同一时期.都是和buddy miles合作的时候.  说到jeff,想起来,还有一套他今年四月在las vegas演出的录音,今天传它吧.  
  Bootleg-- Las Vegas CD1,2  band: jeff beck  setlist:  Becks Bolero  Stratus  You'll Never Know  Cause We Ended As Lovers  You Shook Me  Morning Dew  Behind The Veil  Two Rivers  Star Cycle  Big Block  Nadia  Angel's Footsteps  Ain't Superstitious  People Get Ready  Scatterbrain  Led Boots  Goodbye Pork Pie Hat  Brush With The Blues  Blue Wind  Going Down  Somewhere Over The Rainbow    /?d=4KL22OX2  /?d=3DIZ2TDJ  
  你说的是不是&who eles!&,我第一次听的时候还是很不习惯.但是挺耐听的.  jeff 离开yardbird还挺明智的.他离开后的第一个单曲就挺成功的.他是属于那种想干就干,要干得漂亮的人.记得eric 说他自己是最羡慕jeff的,寻寻觅觅,兜兜转转了半天,还不如jeff的直接了当.jeff beck傲劲我还是挺喜欢的.有阵子stones拉他入伙,去开会,一个下午人来人往,也没个结果,这家伙扭头就走,留下句话,'有这工夫,我自己一张唱片都做好了'  他的jeff beck group在68,69年的现场挺不错.其实当时他们比led zeppelin早,成绩也好,已经打开市场了.可惜和主唱rod stewart关系不好,缺乏连续性.另外他的录音棚制作经验赶不上jimmy,又不象jimi hendrix和beatles有好的制作人帮忙.  他是圈内红,虽然商业上不成功,但特别受同行尊重的.那个roger waters的amused to death就是他的吉他.    这里有个视频,不长但挺不错:  http://www.cybermuff.cz/JeffBeck-ADayIntheLife.mpg  youtube上有几个早期的视频:  /watch?v=IL7ixSWdvCc
  早晨传的,不小心把地址丢了,又重传了一回.  乐队:santana  Bootleg-- Cynthia Woods Mitchel Pavillion, Spring,TX  是他那张&all that i am&的巡回.不过这类东西第一,第二,到第三就容易审美疲劳了.现场还是停不错.两个半小时满过瘾的.  setlist:  01A_Santana FM radio anouncment   01 Peace Intro/Jingo   02 I Am Somebody   03 Put your lights on   04 Aye,Aye,Aye   05 Aranjuez/Maria Maria   06 Foo Foo   07 Europa   08 Corazon Espinado   09 Incident At Neshabur   10 Twisted   11 Carlos Talk   12 Venus/Sun Ra Freak Out   13 Yaleo   14 Bass & Drums     Disc II     01 Yaleo   02 Bass & Drum   03 Band Intros   04 Trinity (with Robert Randolph & The Family Band)   05 Boogie Woman   06 Apache/Smooth/Dame Tu Amor   07 Black Magic Woman/Gypsy Queen   08 Oye Como Va   09 Evil Ways   10 A Love Supreme (John Coltrane)    /?d=1J83IJA2
  a day in my life,很喜欢的一首歌,老觉得是一首发挥空间很大的歌,他玩得还挺帅,后面那个女吉他手不是那个给michael弹吉他,得jennifer么,弄一脑袋亮亮东西的那个,jeff的手指真是粗大,呵呵
  /watch?v=zTZ-V8B8PGk    /watch?v=JP1LS1JcgTA    感觉拿回大家虽然身体状况都不太好,但jam起来还是那么高兴,一个个哪样都特可爱,eric一口坏牙,jimmy瘦的,原来yarbird得bass吧,叼个烟头老坏蛋似的,最可气的就滚石那个鼓手,老没事偷着乐,老那样,哈哈
  这场是在 Albert Hall,有Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Steve Winwood, Bill Wyman, Charlie Watts, Kenney Jones, Andy Fairweather-Low, 后来加了Joe Cocker ,Paul Rodgers.可惜美国的演出没有出版.  还是jeff的状态最好,毕竟他的第一职业是汽车修理工,劳动人民身体好,哈哈.eric比他参加groege 的concert for bangladesh的时候好很多.jimmy太瘦了,属于半个身体进棺才的人,那阵子最倒霉的一件事是,有一次在火车站溜哒,人家警察看他可疑,从他衣服里搜到那些东西,差点进局子里. 你说他没事瞎逛个什么劲.后来他说看了这场的录像后下决心戒的,以前试过都不行.到底还是从小的朋友最铁,jeff和eric把他从自我放逐里拉出来,又介绍医生给他.不过他那人不太会去医院之类的,还是在家里种种花草什么的解压.  不过我感觉jimmy 还是很念旧的.这场音乐会不是帮ronnie lane的吗,给医学研究募捐.后来lane的病越来越重,还是jimmy 一直给他出钱治疗,到他去世.因为他那个small face的royalty钱一直没有.Rod Stewart 也帮忙了,他们好象在一个乐队待过.  
  电脑里没地了,有些乐队的bootleg只能往外转,删之前传上来几个,都是很不错的乐队.  这张是opeth的,算重金属里的black metal,但progressive/symphonic风格也挺重的.这场是他们宣传05年的新唱片'ghost reveries'的巡回,在德国的现场.  Bootleg-- Grunspan-Hamburg, Germany CD1,2  曲目没时间写了.见凉:)  /?d=EPWTPRH9  /?d=I5NLCXTP


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