
惠州男子为讨债3万元 追杀妇孺造一死三伤(组图)
&惠州男子为讨债3万元&追杀妇孺造一死三伤&&&09:09:21来源:&南方都市报作者:我有话说(0人参与)&&1月12日晚7时许,博罗县园洲镇影湖路一栋住宅二楼,一名男子在讨债未果的情况下,挥舞着弹簧刀疯狂伤人,致欠债人8岁儿子死亡,妻子、长子和小女儿不同程度受伤。事发后,犯罪嫌疑人逃离现场。目前,伤者仍在医院治疗,博罗警方成立专案组,正在全力缉拿疑犯。&1&2 3 4 5 下一页
本报讯(记者 杨小刚)一对恋人住进旅社,第二天从门缝里收到一张字条:你们被偷拍了…
昆明机场今日航班计划进出港共计754架次,截止当天17:00,实际执行进港159架次、出港221架次。根据气象预报,预计未来2天,昆明机场将阶段... 祥鹏航空1月10日取消以下航班:8L(昆明-腾冲),8L9875/6(昆明-桂林-厦门),8L9813/4(昆明-丽江),8L9941/2(昆明-大理),8L9883/4(昆明...
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泳装,表示极大关注。据悉,昭熙身穿的泳装是女装品牌STYLENANDA的服饰。整个花纹元素及性感款式,预计将在2015年夏天备受广大女性的... 排行
前阵子圣诞假期,可安回国,见到我的第一句话就是:我终于知道我当年在无锡为什么怎么着都找不到男朋友了!"为什么呢?""碰不到可以驾驭我的人,周围全是错位的感觉。" 可安从小就和别的姑娘不一样,眼光一直比同龄人高、远--同龄人在看"美少女战士"的时候,可安在看《虎口脱险》,对于...
当地时间日凌晨,一艘中国渔船在距离韩国济州市遮归岛西南方向164公里的海域与一艘国籍不明的船舶相撞并沉没,事故造成中国渔船上13名人员中10人失踪,其余3人已获救。 (责任编辑:宋雅静) 精彩图片推荐
在 2015 ChinaBang 中国行杭州站活动中,杭州玖菱后科技有限公司介绍了他们的 社团通 产品,这是针对大学校园内社团活动提供的一个公告板服务。 公司起了"玖菱后科技"这样的名字,主要是因为他们服务的主要是 90 后的群体。在团队成员亲身经历中,他们发现了社团当中的几个问题...
0比0被墨西哥队逼平,这让中国女足的队员们很是郁闷,但本着从备战女足世界杯的角度出发,早点发现问题反而是好事,昨天比赛结束以后,队员们也表示,相比较结果,更为看重的是比赛的过程。 这次女足深圳四国赛十分的重要,主要原因就是将确定出征世界杯的队员名单大框架,所以队员们...周边其他 周边酒店 周边景点
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Xinbo Ruan, Soft-Switching PWM Full-Bridge Converters:
Topologies, Control, and Design, in press, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,
Chichester, 2014.
阮新波,彭力,熊健. . 高等教育出版社,20116
阮新波,陈敏. . 机械工业出版社,20135
Xinbo Ruan and Yangguang Yan, “A novel zero-voltage and
zero-current-switching PWM full bridge converters using two diodes in
series with the lagging leg,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Electronics, vol. 48, no. 4,
pp. 777-785, Aug. 2001.
Xinbo Ruan, Linquan Zhou and Yangguang Yan, “Soft-switching
PWM three-level converters,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, vol. 16, no. 5,
pp. 612-622, Sep. 2001.
Xinbo Ruan, Dayu Xu, Linquan Zhou, Bin Li and Qianhong
Chen, “Zero-voltage-switching PWM three-level converter with two clamping
diodes”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 790-799, Aug.
Xinbo Ruan and Jiangang Wang, “Calculation of the resonant capacitor of the
improved current-doubler-rectifier ZVS PWM full-bridge
converter,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Electronics, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 518-520, Apr.
Xinbo Ruan, Bin Li, Jiangang Wang, and Jinzhong Li,
“Zero-voltage-switching PWM three-level converter with
current-doubler-rectifier,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, vol. 19, no. 6,
pp. , Nov. 2004.
Xinbo Ruan and Bin Li, “Zero-voltage and
zero-current-switching PWM hybrid full-bridge three-level converter,”
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 213-220, Feb.
Xinbo Ruan, Zhiying Chen and Wu Chen,
“Zero-voltage-switching PWM hybrid full-bridge three-level converter,”
IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 395-404, Mar.
Ke Jin, Xinbo Ruan, and Fuxin
Liu, “Improved voltage clamping scheme for ZVS PWM three-level
converter,” IEEE Power Electronics Letters, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 14-18, Mar.
Ke Jin and
“Hybrid full-bridge three-level LLC resonant
converter - A novel dc-dc converter suitable for fuel cell power system,”
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. , Oct.
Ke Jin, Xinbo Ruan, and Fuxin Liu, “An improved ZVS PWM three-level
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 54, no.
1, pp. 319-329, Feb.
Fuxin Liu, and Xinbo Ruan,
“ZVS combined dc-dc converter - A topology suitable for high input voltage
and wide input voltage range applications,”
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. , Apr.
Ke Jin, and Xinbo
multi-resonant three-level converters,” IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 54, no.
3, pp. , Jun.
“Zero-voltage-switching PWM hybrid full-bridge three-level converter with
secondary-voltage clamping scheme,”
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 55, no.
2, pp. 644-654, Feb.
Wu Chen, Xinbo
Ruan and Rongrong Zhang, “A novel
zero-voltage-switching PWM full bridge converter,” IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics, vol. 23,
no. 2, pp. 793-801, Feb.
Xinbo Ruan, Bin Li, Qianhong
Chen, Siew-Chong Tan, and Chi
K. Tse, “Fundamental considerations of three-Level dc–dc converters:
Topologies, analyses and control,” IEEE Transcations on Circuits and
Systems-I, vol. 55, no.
11, pp. , Dec.
Xiaoyong Ren, Xinbo Ruan, Hai
Qian, and Qianhong Chen, “Three-mode dual-frequency dual-edge modulation
scheme for four-switch buck-boost converter,” IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 499-509, Feb. 2009.
Qianhong Chen, S.C. Wong, C.K. Tse and Xinbo
Ruan, “Analysis, design, and control of a transcutaneous
power regulator for artificial hearts,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical
Circuits and Systems, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 23-31, Feb. 2009.
Ruan, Wu Chen, Lulu Chen, Chi K. Tse, Hong Yan and
Tao Zhang, “Control strategy for
input-series-output-parallel converters,” IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics, vol.
56, no. 4, pp. ,
Apr. 2009.
Ke Jin, Xinbo Ruan, Mengxiong Yang and Min Xu, “A hybrid fuel cell power system,” IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 56, no. 4, pp.
Linlin Gu, Xinbo Ruan,
Ming Xu, and Kai Yao, “Means of eliminating
electrolytic capacitor in ac/dc power supplies for LED lightings,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, vol. 24, no.
5, pp. , May
Wu Chen, Xinbo Ruan, Rongrong Zhang and Chi K.
Tse, “Dc/dc conversion systems consisting of multiple converter modules:
Stability, control and experimental verifications,” IEEE Transactions
on Power Electronics, vol.
24, no. 6, pp. ,
Jun. 2009.
Yuehui Huang, Chi K. Tse,
Xinbo Ruan, “General control considerations for input-series
connected dc/dc converters,”
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems-I, vol. 56, no.
6, pp. , Jun.
Wangmin Fei, Xinbo Ruan, Bin
Wu, “A generalized formulation of quarter-wave
symmetry SHEPWM problems for multilevel inverters,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, vol. 24, no.
7, pp. , Jul.
Xinbo Ruan,
Kai Zhuang, “A
input-series- and output-parallel-connected inverter system
for high-input-voltage applications,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 24, no.
9, pp. , Sept.
Ke Jin, and Xinbo Ruan, “Power management for fuel cell power system cold
start,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 24, no. 10, pp. , Oct.
RuanA method of reducing the
peak-to-average ratio of LED current for electrolytic capacitor-less ac/dc
IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, vol. 25, no.
3, pp. 592-601, Mar.
Xinbo Ruan, and
Zhongchao Zhang, “A generic six-step direct PWM (SS-DPWM) scheme for
current source converter,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 659-666, Mar. 2010
Xin Zhang, Henry Chung, Xinbo
Ruan, and Adrian Ioinovici, “A ZCS full-bridge converter without
voltage over-stress on the switches,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, vol. 25, no. 3,
pp. 686-698, Mar. 2010.
Fuxin Liu, Jiajia Yan, and Xinbo
Ruan, “Zero-voltage and zero-current-switching PWM combined
three-level dc/dc converter,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Electronics, vol. 57, no.
5, pp. , May
Wu Chen, Xinbo Ruan, Qianhong
Chen and Junji Ge,
“Zero-voltage-switching PWM full-bridge converter employing auxiliary
transformer to reset the clamping diode current,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 5, pp.
, May 2010.
Ke Jin, Mengxiong Yang,
Xinbo Ruan, and Min Xu, “Three-level bi-directional converter for
fuel cell/battery hybrid power system,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Electronics, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. , Jun.
Tianzhi Fang,
Ruan, and Chi K.
Tse, “Control
strategy to achieve input and output voltage sharing for
input-series-output-series connected inverter systems,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 6,
pp. , Jun.
Xinbo Ruan,
Dongsheng Yang, Fuxin Liu, and Chi. K.
Tse, “Synthesis of multiple-input dc/dc
converters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. , Sep. 2010
Xuehua Wang,
Xinbo Ruan,
Shangwei Liu, and Chi. K. Tse,
“Full feedforward of grid voltage for grid-connected inverter with
filter to suppress
current distortion due to grid voltage harmonics,” IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics,
no. 12, pp.
Kai Yao, Xinbo Ruan, Xiaojing
Mao, and Zhihong Ye, “Variable-duty-cycle control to achieve high
input power factor for DCM boost PFC converter,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial& Electronics,
Zhihong Bai, Zhongchao Zhang,
Xinbo Ruan, “A natural soft-commutation PWM scheme for current source
converter and its logic implementation,” IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
vol. 58, no. 7, pp.
2772–2779, Jul. 2011
Xinbo Ruan, Beibei Wang, Kai Yao, Shu Wang, “Optimum injected current harmonics to minimize
peak-to-average ratio of LED current for electrolytic
capacitor-Less ac–dc Drivers,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics,
vol. 26, no. 7,
, Jul. 2011
Xiaoling Xiong, Xinbo Ruan,
Huan Xi, and Junji Ge, “Feed-forwarding the output voltage to improve
efficiency for envelope tracking
power supply based on switch-linear hybrid scheme,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. , Aug. 2011.
Fei Yang, Xinbo Ruan, Yang
Yang, and Zhihong Ye, “Interleaved critical current mode boost PFC
converter with coupled inductor,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, vol. 26, no. 9,
pp. , Sep.
Chuan Yao, Xinbo
Ruan, Xuehua Wang, and Chi. K. Tse, “Isolated full-bridge-boost
converters suitable for wide input voltage range,” IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics, vol. 26,
no. 9, pp. , Sep. 2011.
Qin Wang, Jie Zhang, Xinbo
Ruan, and Ke
Jin, “Isolated single primary winding multiple-input converters, ” IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 26, no. 12, pp. , Dec. 2011.
Kai Yao, Xinbo Ruan, Chi
Zou, and Zhihong Ye, “Reducing storage capacitor of DCM boost PFC
converter,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 27, no. 1, pp.
151–160, Jan. 2012
Cheng Wan, Meng Huang, Chi
K. Tse, S.C. Wong, and
Xinbo Ruan, “Irreversible bifurcation phenomenon in power-grid
connected converter systems,” International Journal of Bifurcation and
Chaos, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. –8, Jun.
Kai Yao, Xinbo Ruan, Chi
Zou, and Zhihong Ye, “Three-phase single-switch boost power factor
correction converter with high input power factor,”
IET Power Electronics,
vol. 5, no. 7, pp.
1095–1103, July
Xinbo Ruan, Kai Yao, Siew-Chong Tan, Yang Yang, and Zhihong Ye, “A
flicker-free electrolytic capacitor-less ac-dc LED driver,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 27, no. 11, pp.
, Nov. 2012
Dongsheng Yang, Min Yang,
and Xinbo Ruan, “One-cycle control for double-input dc/dc converter,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
, vol. 27, no. 11, pp. , Nov. 2012.
Huan Xi, Qian Jin, Xinbo Ruan,
and Xiaoling Xiong, “Full feedforward of the output voltage to improve
efficiency for envelope-tracking power supply using switch-linear hybrid
configuration,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 451–456, Jan. 2013.
Fei Yang, Xinbo
Ruan, Qing Ji,
Zhihong Ye, “Input differential-mode EMI
of CRM boost PFC converter,” IEEE Transactions
on Power Electronics,
vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 1177–1188, Mar. 2013.
Xin Zhang, Xinbo
Kim, and Chi. K. Tse, “Adaptive active capacitor converter for
improving stability of cascaded dc power supply system,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
vol. 28, no. 4, pp.
1807–1816, Apr. 2013.
Meng Huang,
Siu-Chung Wong, Chi K. Tse, and Xinbo Ruan, “Catastrophic bifurcation in three-phase voltage-source
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems
Papers, vol. 60, no. 4, pp.
, April 2013.
Xiaoling Xiong, Chi K. Tse, and Xinbo
Ruan, “Bifurcation analysis of standalone photovoltaic-battery
hybrid power system,”
IEEE Transactions on
Circuits and Systems I,
vol. 60, no. 5, pp.
1354–1365, May 2013.
Xiaoling Xiong, Chi K.Tse, and Xinbo
Ruan, “Smooth and
nonsmooth bifurcations in multi-structure multi-operating-mode hybrid
power systems,” International Journal of Bifurcation
and Chaos, vol. 23, no. 5, pp.
Weiwei Li, Xinbo Ruan, Donghua
Pan, Xuehua Wang, “Full-feedforward schemes of grid voltages for a
three-phase grid-connected inverter with an LCL filter,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 2237–2250, Jun. 2013.
Cheng Wan, Meng Huang, Chi K. Tse, Siu-Chung
Wong, and Xinbo Ruan, “Nonlinear behavior and instability
in three-phase boost rectifier connected to non-ideal power grid with
interacting load,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 3255–3265, Jul. 2013.
Lin Xu, Xinbo Ruan, Chengxiong
Mao, Buhan Zhang, Yi Luo, “An improved optimal sizing method for
wind-solar-battery hybrid power system,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable
Energy, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 774–785, Jul. 2013.
Ke Jin, Ling Gu, Wenjing Cao, Xinbo
Ruan, and Ming Xu, “Nonisolated flyback switching capacitor voltage
regulator,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 3714–3722, Aug. 2013.
Huan Xi, Qian Jin, and Xinbo
Ruan, “Feed-forward scheme considering bandwidth limitation of
operational amplifiers for envelope tracking power supply using
series-connected composite configuration,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 60, no. 9, pp. 3915–3926, Sep. 2013.
Meng Huang, Chi K. Tse, Siu-Chung Wong, Cheng
Wan, and Xinbo
“Low-frequency Hopf bifurcation and its effects on stability margin
in three-phase PFC power supplies connected to non-ideal power grid,” IEEE Transactions
on Circuits and Systems I, vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 3822–3840, Dec. 2013.
Fuxin Liu, Gaoping Hu, and
Ruan, “Three-phase three-level dc/dc converter for
high input voltage and high power applications adopting symmetrical duty
cycle control,”
Electronics, vol. 29, no. 1,
pp. 56–65
Ling Gu, Ke Jin, Xinbo Ruan, Ming Xu, and Fred C Lee, “A family of
switching capacitor regulators,”
vol. 29, no. 2, –749
Donghua Pan,
Ruan, Chenlei Bao, Weiwei Li, and Xuehua Wang,
“Magnetic Integration of the
vol. 29, no. 4, –1578, Apr.
Chuan Yao,
Ruan, Weijie Cao, and Peilin Chen, “A two-mode
control scheme with input voltage feed-forward for two-switch buck-boost
dc/dc converter,”
Transactions on Power Electronics,
vol. 29, no. 4,
pp. 2037–2048, Apr.
Weiwei Li,
Xinbo Ruan, Xuehua Wang, “Grid synchronization systems of
three-phase grid-connected power converters: A complex-vector-filter
Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
vol. 61, no. 4,
pp. 1855–1870, Apr.
Li Zhang, Xiaoyong Ren, and Xinbo Ruan, “A band-pass filter incorporated into the
inductor current feedback path for improving dynamic performance of the
front-end dc-dc converter in two-stage inverter”
IEEE Transactions
on Industrial
Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
vol. 61, no. 5,
pp. 2316–2325, May
Chenlei Bao, Xinbo Ruan, Weiwei
Li, Xuehua Wang, Donghua Pan, and Kailei Weng, “A step-by-step design
method of the injected-grid-current regulator and
capacitor-current-feedback active-damping for LCL-type grid-connected inverter,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (Accepted)
Fuxin Liu, Zhicheng Wang, Yunyu Mao, and
Xinbo Ruan, “Asymmetrical half-bridge double-input dc/dc
converters adopting pulsating voltage source cells for low power
applications,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics(Accepted)
Donghua Pan, Xinbo Ruan,
Chenlei Bao, Weiwei Li, and Xuehua Wang, “Capacitor-current-feedback
active damping with reduced computation delay for improving robustness of
LCL-type grid-connected
inverter,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics(Accepted)
Yang Yang, Xinbo Ruan, Li
Zhang, Jiexiu He, and Zhihong Ye, “A feed-forward scheme for an
electrolytic capacitor-less ac/dc LED driver to reduce output current
ripple,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics(Accepted)
Dongsheng Yang, Xinbo Ruan, and
Heng Wu, “Impedance shaping of the grid-connected inverter with LCL filter to improve its
adaptability to the weak grid condition,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics(Accepted)
Fuxin Liu, Yue Chen, Gaoping Hu, and
Xinbo Ruan, “Modified three-phase three-level
dc/dc converter with zero-voltage-switching
characteristic - Adopting asymmetrical duty cycle control,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics(Accepted)
Kaiqin Yan, Qianhong Chen, Jia Hou, Xiaoyong
Ren, and Xinbo Ruan, “Self-oscillating contactless resonant converter
with phase detection contactless current transformer,” IEEE Transactions
Wu Chen, Guangjiang Wang, Xinbo
Ruan, Wei Jiang, and Wei Gu, “ Wireless input voltage sharing
control strategy for input-series output-parallel (ISOP) system
based on positive output voltage gradient method,” IEEE Transactions
on Industrial
Youjun Zhang and Xinbo
Ruan, “AC-AC converter with controllable
phase and amplitude,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Xinbo Ruan and Yangguang Yan, “An improved zero-voltage
and zero-current-switched phase-shifted full-bridge converter,”, in
Proc. IEEE APEC, 1998.
Xinbo Ruan and Yangguang Yan, “Soft-switching techniques
for pwm dc/dc full-bridge converters,” in Proc. IEEE PESC,
2000, pp.634-639.
Xinbo Ruan and Yangguang Yan, “Soft-switching techniques
for pwm three-level converters,” in Proc. The 3rd
International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2000,
Qianhong Chen, Yan Zhu, Daohong Ding, Xinbo Ruan and Yangguang
Yan, “A novel power factor correction circuit applicable for motor
drives,” in Proc. The 3rd International Power Electronics an
Motion Control Conference, 2000, pp..
Xinbo Ruan, Linquan Zhou and Yangguang Yan, “A novel
zero-voltage and zero-current-switching pwm three-level converter,” in
Proc. IEEE PESC, 2001.
Xinbo Ruan, Dayu Xu and Yangguang Yan,
“Zero-voltage-switching pwm three-level converter with two clamp diodes”,
in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2001,
Xinbo Ruan, Jiangang Wang and Yangguang Yan, “An improved current-doubler-rectifier zvs pwm
full-bridge converter”, in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2001, pp..
Huamin Xu, Xinbo Ruan and
Yangguang Yan, “A novel single-switch single-stage ac/dc converter,” in
Proc. IEEE PESC, 2001,
Xinbo Ruan, Dayu Xu and Linquan Zhou, “A Simplified Zero-Voltage-Switching PWM
Three-Level Converter with Two Clamping Diodes,” in Proc. IEEE APEC, 2002,
Xinbo Ruan, Bin Li and Jinzhong Li,
“Zero-Voltage-Switching PWM Three-Level Converter with
Current-Doubler-Rectifier,” in Proc. IEEE APEC, 2002,
Xinbo Ruan, Bin Li, and Qianhong Chen, “Three-Level
Converters -- A New Approach in High Voltage DC-to-DC Conversion,” in
Proc. IEEE PESC, 2002,
Xinbo Ruan and Bin Li, “Zero-Voltage and
Zero-Current-Switching PWM Hybrid Full-Bridge Three-Level Converter,”
in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2002,
Yundong Ma, Xinbo Ruan, and
Yangguang Yan, “Zero-Voltage and Zero-Current-Switching PWM Push-Pull
Three-Level Converter,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2002, pp..
Dong Li, Xinbo Ruan, and
Yangguang Yan, “A Hybrid Single-Switch PFC Pre-regulator,”, in Proc.
IEEE PESC, 2002, pp.
Ruan, Jian Wei, and Yali Xue, “Three-Level
Converters with the Input and Output Sharing the Ground,”
in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2003, pp. .
Xiaoguo Liang, Jian Wei, and
Xinbo Ruan, “An Interleaved Three-Level Forward Converter
-- Suitable for the Application of Voltage Regulator Module (VRM),”
in Proc. IEEE PESC,
Linquan Zhou, and
Xinbo Ruan,
“A Zero-Current and Zero-Voltage-Switching PWM
Boost Full-Bridge Converter,” in Proc. IEEE PESC,
Xinbo Ruan, Jian Wei
and Yali Xue, “Voltage-Sharing of the Divided Capacitors in Non-Isolated
Three-Level Converters,” in Proc. IEEE APEC, 2004,
Xinbo Ruan, and Fuxin Liu, “An Improved ZVS PWM
Full-bridge Converter with Clamping Diodes,” in Proc. IEEE PESC,
Ke Jin, and Xinbo Ruan,
“Zero-Voltage-Switching Multi-Resonant Three-Level Converters,” in
Proc. IEEE PESC, 2004,
Ke Jin, Xinbo Ruan and Fuxin
Liu, “An Improved ZVS PWM Three-Level Converter,” in Proc. IEEE PESC,
Dong Li and Xinbo Ruan, “A High
Efficient Boost Converter With Power Factor Correction,” in Proc. IEEE
PESC, 2004,
Zhiliang Zhang, and Xinbo Ruan,
“Zero-Voltage-Switching PWM Full-Bridge Three-Level Converter,” in
Proc. The 4th International Power Electronics and Motion
Control Conference, 2004.
Zhiliang Zhang, and Xinbo Ruan,
“A Novel Double Phase-Shift Control Scheme for Full-Brideg Three-level
Converter,” in Proc. IEEE APEC, 2005, pp..
Fuxin Liu, and Xinbo Ruan,
“ZVS Hybrid Three-level Converter with Low Voltage Stress and Reduced
Filter,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2005, pp. 454-459.
Dong Li and Xinbo Ruan,
“Comparison of Three Front-end DC-DC Converters for 1200W Server Power
Supply,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2005, pp. 394-398.
Zhiliang Zhang, and Xinbo Ruan,
“Full-bridge Three-Level Converter with the Flying Capacitor and Two
Clamping Diodes,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2005, pp. 425-430.
Wu Chen, and Xinbo Ruan,
“Zero-Voltage-Switching PWM Hybrid Full-Bridge Three-Level Converter with
Clamping Diodes,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2005, pp. 431-437.
Wu Chen, and Xinbo Ruan,
“Current-Doubler-Rectifier ZVS PWM Hybrid Full-Bridge Three-Level
Converter,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2005, pp. 413-419.
Ke Jin, and Xinbo Ruan, “Hybrid
Full-Bridge Three-Level LLC Resonant Converter — A Novel DC-DC Converter
Suitable for Fuel Cell Power System,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2005, pp. 361-367.
Ke Jin, and Xinbo Ruan,
“Control Strategy for Zero-Voltage-Switching Multi-Resonant Three-Level
Converters,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2005, pp. 630-634.
Xinbo Ruan, Lulu
Cheng, and Tao Zhang, “Control strategy for input-series
output-paralleled converter,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2006,
Ke Jin, and Xinbo
Ruan, “Three-level bi-directional converter — a
novel DC-DC converter suitable for fuel cell
power system,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2006,
Ke Jin, and Xinbo
Ruan, “A novel hybrid fuel cell power
system,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2006,
Fuxin Liu and Xinbo Ruan,
“Voltage clamping scheme for
zero-voltage-switching PWM combined three-level converter,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2006,
Fuxin Liu and Xinbo Ruan,
“Zero-voltage and zero-current-switching PWM combined three-level
converter,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2006, pp.273-279.
Xiaolei Qi and Xinbo
Ruan, “A novel two-amplitude control strategy for the
active clamped resonant DC link inverter,” in Proc. IEEE PESC,
Xiaohui Qu and Xinbo
Ruan, “A Scheme for Improving Input Current
Zero-Crossing Distortion of Single-Phase Power-Factor-Correction
Converters,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2006, pp..
Tao Wu, Xinbo Ruan, “Standardization
of input/output impedance specifications of buck converters based on the
system integration concept,” in Proc. IEEE IPEMC, 2006,
Xinbo Ruan and
Rongrong Zhang, “Zero-voltage-switching PWM three-level converter with
interleaved complementary modulation,”
in Proc. IEEE APEC, 2007, pp.
Wanmin Fei, Yanli Zhang, and Xinbo
Ruan, “Solving the SHEPWM nonlinear equations for three-level
voltage inverter based on computed initial values,” in Proc. IEEE APEC,
2007, pp. .
Fuxin Liu and Xinbo Ruan,
“Optimization schemes for soft-switching PWM combined three-level
converter,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2007, pp. 280–285.
Fuxin Liu and Xinbo Ruan,
“Analysis of the body diode reverse recovery of MOSFETs in ZVS PWM
combined three-level converter,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2007, pp.
Mengxiong Yang, Ke Jin, Xinbo
Ruan and Min Xu, “Soft start strategy for bi-directional dc-dc
converter,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2007, pp. 161–164.
Wu Chen, Xinbo Ruan and
Rongrong Zhang, “A high
efficiency ZVS full-bridge converter with reset winding,” in
Proc. IEEE PESC, 2007, pp. 201–206.
Jiajia Yan and Xinbo Ruan, “A
soft switching driving circuit for ultrasonic motor,” in Proc. IEEE
PESC, 2007, pp. 559–562.
Qianhong Chen, Yang Feng, Linquan Zhou, Jian
Wang and Xinbo Ruan, “An improved active clamp forward
converter with integrated magnetics,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2007, pp.
Lanlan Yin, Qianhong Chen, Bo Peng, Jian Wang
and Xinbo Ruan, “Key issues of clamping
diodes in DCM phase-shift full-bridge converter,” in Proc. IEEE PESC,
2007, pp. .
Xiaoyong Ren, Zhao Tang, Xinbo
Ruan, Jian Wei, and Guichao Hua, “Four switch Buck-Boost
converter for telecom DC-DC power supply applications,” in Proc. IEEE
APEC, 2008, pp..
Wu Chen, and Xinbo Ruan,
“Modularization structure for series-parallel connected converters,”
in Proc. IEEE APEC, 2008, pp.
Yan Li, Dongsheng Yang, and Xinbo RuanPESC,
Xiaoyong Ren, Xinbo Ruan, Hai
Qian, Mingqiu Li, and Qianhong Chen, “Dual-edge modulated four-switch
Buck-Boost converter,” in
PESC, 2008, pp. .
Tianzhi Fang, Xinbo Ruan, Lan
Xiao and Aizhong Liu, “An improved distributed
control strategy for parallel inverters,” in Proc. IEEE
PESC, 2008, pp..
Kai Zhuang and Xinbo Ruan,
“Control strategy to achieve input voltage sharing and output current
sharing for ISOP inverter,” in Proc. IEEE
PESC, 2008, pp. .
Ke Jin, Xinbo Ruan, Mengxiong
Yang and Min Xu, “Power management for hybrid fuel cell system,”
in Proc. IEEE
PESC, 2008, pp.
Qianhong Chen, Siu-Chung Wong, Chi K. Tse, and
Ruan, “Analysis, design
and control of a transcutaneous power regulator for artificial heart,”
in Proc. IEEE
Qianhong Chen, Lanlan Yin, Jian Wang, Bo Peng,
Siu-Chung Wong, Xinbo
Ruan, and Xin Chen, “Phase-shifted full-bridge PWM converter
with clamping diodes and current transformer,” in Proc. IEEE
PESC, 2008, pp.
Xiaohui Qu, Siu-Chung Wong,
Chi K. Tse,
and Xinbo Ruan, “Isolated PFC pre-regulator for LED lamps,”
in Proc. IEEE IECON, 2008, pp. .
Koulin Wu, Qianhong Chen, Ke Jin, and
Xinbo Ruan, “Integrated magnetic for hybrid full-bridge
three-level LLC resonant converter,” Proc. ICEMS 2008, pp.
Jun Zhou, Qianhong Chen, Xinbo
Ruan, Siu-Chung Wong, and Chi K. Tse, “Experimental measurement
and modeling of multi-winding high-voltage transformer,” Proc. ICEMS
Qianhong Chen, Jian Wang, Haoran Zhang,
Xinbo Ruan, “An improved two-transistor forward converter
with integrated magnetics,” Proc. ICEMS 2008, pp. .
Zhiling Liao and Xinbo Ruan,
“Control strategy of bi-directional DC/DC converter for a novel
stand-alone photovoltaic power system,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicle Power and
Propulsion Conference (VPPC) 2008.
Yan Li, Dongsheng Yang, and Xinbo
Ruan, “A systematic method for generating multiple-input dc/dc
converters,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference
(VPPC) 2008.
Xin Zhang, Wu Chen, and Xinbo
Ruan, “A novel ZVS PWM phase-shifted full-bridge converter with
controlled auxiliary circuit,” Proc. IEEE APEC, 2009, pp. .
Qianhong Chen, Ligang Xu, Xinbo
Ruan, S. C. Wong, and Chi K. Tse, “Gyrator-capacitor simulation
model of nonlinear magnetic core,” Proc. IEEE APEC, 2009, pp. 6.
Wu Chen, Kai Zhuang, and Xinbo
Ruan, “Input-series and output-parallel connected inverter system
for high input voltage applications,” Proc. IEEE APEC, 2009, pp. .
Kai Yao, Ming Xu, Xinbo Ruan,
Linlin Gu, “Boost-flyback single-stage PFC converter with large dc bus
voltage ripple,” in Proc. IEEE APEC,
2009, pp. .
Hong Yan, Xinbo Ruan and Wu
Chen, “The input voltage sharing control strategy
for input-series and output-parallel converter under extreme conditions,”
Proc. IEEE ECCE 2009, pp. 662-667.
Tianzhi Fang, Xinbo Ruan and
Chi K. Tse, “Control strategy of achieving input voltage
sharing and output voltage sharing for input-series-output-series
inverters system,” Proc. IEEE
ECCE 2009, pp.
Fei Yang, Xinbo Ruan, Ming Xu
and Qing Ji, “Designing of coupled inductor in interleaved
critical conduction mode boost PFC converter,” Proc. IEEE ECCE 2009, pp. .
Xin Zhang, Herry Chung, Xinbo
Ruan and Adrian Ioinovici, “A ZCS full-bridge converter without voltage
over-stress on the switches,” Proc.
IEEE ECCE 2009, pp.
Dongsheng Yang, Xinbo Ruan, Yan
Li and Fuxin Liu, “Multiple-input full bridge dc/dc
converter,” Proc. IEEE ECCE
Xin Zhang, Xinbo Ruan and Wu
Chen, “Small signal model for boost phase-shifted
full bridge converter in high voltage application,” Proc. IEEE ECCE 2009, pp. .
Yan Li, Xinbo Ruan, Dongsheng
Yang and Fuxin Liu, “Modeling, analysis and design
for hybird power systems with dual-input dc/dc converter,” Proc. IEEE ECCE 2009, pp. .
Qing Ji, Xinbo Ruan, Ming Xu
and F. Yang, “Effect of duty cycle on common mode conducted
noise of dc-dc converters,” Proc.
IEEE ECCE 2009, pp.
Wei Zhang, Qianhong Chen, S. C. Wong, Chi K. Tse
and Xinbo Ruan, “A Novel transformer for contactless energy
transmission systems,” Proc. IEEE
ECCE 2009, pp.
Zhiling Liao and Xinbo Ruan, “A
novel power management control strategy for stand-alone photovoltaic power
system,” Proc. IEEE 6th International Power Electronics and Motion Control
Conference (IPEMC) 2009, pp. 445-449.
Kai Yao, Xinbo Ruan, Xiaojing
Mao, and Zhihng Ye, “DCM Boost PFC Converter with High Input PF,” Proc. IEEE APEC 2010, pp..
Xin Zhang, Henry Shu-hung Chung, Xinbo
Ruan, and Adrian Ioinovici, “Analysis, Optimized Design and Adaptive
Control of a ZCS Full-bridge Converter without Voltage Over-Stress on the
Switches,” Proc. IEEE
APEC 2010, pp.
Qianhong Chen, Ligang Xu, Xiaoyong Ren, Lingling
Cao, and Xinbo Ruan, “A Novel Coupled Inductor for
Interleaved Converters,” Proc. IEEE
APEC 2010, pp.
Wu Chen, Xinbo Ruan, Qianhong
Chen and Junji Ge, “A novel clamping diode current reset scheme for ZVS
PWM full-bridge converter,” Proc. IEEE ECCE 2010, pp.
Wu Chen, Xinbo Ruan, “An
improved control strategy for input-series and output-parallel inverter
system at extreme conditions,” Proc. IEEE ECCE 2010, pp.
Wu Chen, Xinbo Ruan and Junji
Ge, “A novel full-bridge converter achieving ZVS over wide load range with
a passive auxiliary circuit,” Proc. IEEE ECCE 2010, pp.
Kai Yao, Xinbo Ruan, Chi Zou
and Zhihong Ye, “Three phase DCM boost PFC converter with high input PF,”
Proc. IEEE ECCE 2010, pp. .
Fei Yang, Xinbo Ruan, Yang
Yang, and Zhihong Ye, “Design issues of interleaved critical conduction
mode boost PFC converter with coupled inductor,” Proc. IEEE ECCE
2010, pp. .
Qin Wang, Jie Zhang, Xinbo
Ruan, and Ke Jin, “A double-input flyback dc/dc converter with
single primary winding,” Proc. IEEE ECCE 2010, pp.
Tianzhi Fang and Xinbo Ruan,
“Comparison between two control strategies for input-series-output-series
inverters system,” Proc. IEEE ECCE 2010, pp.
Chuan Yao, Xinbo Ruan, and
Xuehua Wang, “Isolated buck-boost dc/dc converter for PV grid-connected
system,” Proc. IEEE International
Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) 2010, pp.
Jie Ruan, Fuxin Liu, Xinbo
Ruan, Dongsheng Yang, Yan Li, and Ke Jin, “Isolated
multiple-input dc/dc converter using alternative pulsating source as
building cells,” Proc. IEEE
International Power Electronics Conference - ECCE Asia (IPEC) 2010,
Youjun Zhang and Xinbo Ruan, “A
novel phase and amplitude controllable voltage regulator,” Proc. IEEE International Power
Electronics Conference - ECCE Asia (IPEC) 2010, pp.
Yan Li, Panpan Jing, Yulei Luo, Buhan Zhang,
Chengxiong Mao, XinboRuan, “A study on dynamic power flow
caused by the grid-connected PV systems,” Proc. IEEE PEDG 2010, pp.
Weiwei Li, Donghua Pan, Xinbo
Ruan and Xuehua Wang, “Full-feedforward scheme of grid
voltages for a three-phase grid-connected inverter with an LCL
filter,” in
Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and
Exposition (ECCE),
2011, pp. 96–103.
Fuxin Liu, Yunyu Mao, Zhicheng Wang, and
Xinbo Ruan, “Asymmetrical bridge double-input dc/dc
converters adopting pulsating voltage source cells,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and
Exposition (ECCE),
2011, pp. 421–428.
Meng Huang, Siu-Chung Wong, Chi K. Tse, and
Xinbo Ruan, “Catastrophic bifurcation in
three-phase boost rectifiers,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and
Exposition (ECCE),
2011, pp. .
Shu Wang, Xinbo Ruan, Kai Yao
and Zhihong Ye, “A
flicker-free electrolytic capacitor-less ac-dc LED driver,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and
Exposition (ECCE),
2011, pp. .
Fei Yang, Xinbo Ruan, Qing Ji
and Zhihong Ye, “The input EMI
filter design of interleaved critical conduction mode boost PFC converter
with coupled inductor,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and
Exposition (ECCE),
2011, pp. .
Wenjing Cao, Ke Jin, and Xinbo
Ruan, “Non-isolated
flyback switching capacitor voltage regulator,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and
Exposition (ECCE),
2011, pp. .
Ling Gu, Wenjing Cao, Ke Jin, and Xinbo
Ruan, “A family of
switching capacitor regulators,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and
Exposition (ECCE),
2011, pp. .
Donghua Pan, Xinbo Ruan, Xuehua
Wang, Chenlei Bao, and Weiwei Li, “Magnetic integration of an LCL filter
for the single-phase grid-connected inverter,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress
and Exposition, 2012, pp. 573–578.
Chenlei Bao, Xinbo Ruan, Xuehua
Wang, Weiwei Li, Donghua Pan, and Kailei Weng, “Design of injected grid
current regulator and capacitor-current-feedback active-damping for
LCL-type grid-connected inverter,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress
and Exposition, 2012, pp. 579–586.
Cheng Wan, Meng Huang, Chi K. Tse, S C Wong, and
Xinbo Ruan, “Irreversible instability in three-phase
voltage-source converter connected to non-ideal power grid with
interacting load,” in Proc. IEEE
Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2012, pp.
Xuehua Wang, Xinbo RuanChenlei Bao, and Lin Xu, “Design of the PI
regulator and feedback coefficient of capacitor current for grid-connected
inverter with an LCL filter in discrete-time domain,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress
and Exposition, 2012, pp. .
Hao Wu, Qianhong Chen, Xiaoyong Ren,
Xinbo Ruan, S. C. Wong, and Chi K. Tse, “Analysis, design
and control of a double-input contactless resonant converter,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress
and Exposition, 2012, pp.
Zizhou Pan, Fuxin Liu,
Xinbo Ruan,
“Soft-switching analysis of a boost-integrated
bidirectional dc/dc converter,”
IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and
Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia, IPEMC 2012, pp. .
Xiaoyong Ren, Qianhong,
Chen, Lingling, Cao, Xinbo
Ruan, Siu-Chung Wong, Chi. K Tse, “Characterization
and control of self-oscillating contactless resonant converter with fixed
voltage gain,”
IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and
Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia, IPEMC 2012, pp. .
Leilei Jiang, Qianhong
Chen, Lang Mao, Xiaoyong Ren,
Xinbo Ruan,
“Asymmetrical operation analysis of multi-pulse
IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and
Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia, IPEMC 2012, pp.660-665.
Hao Wu, Qianhong Chen,
Xiaoyong Ren, Xinbo Ruan,
Siu-Chung Wong, Chi K.Tse, “A novel
control scheme for a double-input contactless resonant converter,”
IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and
Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia, IPEMC 2012, pp.867-873.
Qianhong Chen, Lang Mao,
Xiaoyong Ren, Xinbo
Ruan, Leilei Jiang, “Research of the
current-injection-based P-type 12-pulse ATRU,”
IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and
Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia, IPEMC 2012, pp.41-46.
Xiaoling Xiong, Chi K.Tse,
Xinbo Ruan,
“Bifurcation in standalone photovoltaic-battery
hybrid power systems,” in Proc.
2012 IEEE International Symposium on
Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp 389-392.
Xiaoling Xiong, Chi K.Tse,
Xinbo Ruan,
“Smooth and non-smooth bifurcations in
multi-structure multi-operating-mode systems: Case study of a power
conversion system with two energy sources,”
5th International Workshop on Chaos-Fractals
Theories and Applications (IWCFTA), 2012, pp 155-158.
Li Zhang, Xiaoyong Ren, Xinbo
Ruan, and Qianhong Chen, “Control strategy for the front-end
dc-dc converter to reduce the second-order harmonic current in the
two-stage inverter,” in Proc. IEEE Applied Power Electronics
Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2013, pp. 719-726.
Donghua Pan, Xinbo Ruan, Xuehua
Wang, Chenlei Bao, and Weiwei Li, “Robust capacitor-current-feedback
active damping for the LCL-type
grid-connected inverter,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress
and Exposition (ECCE), 2013, pp. 728-735.
Wentao Wang, Xinbo Ruan, and
Xuehua Wang, “A novel second harmonic current reduction method for dual
active bridge used in photovoltaic power system,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress
and Exposition (ECCE), 2013, pp.
Mingshuo Li, Qianhong Chen, Jia Hou, Wenxian
Chen, and Xinbo Ruan, “8-type contactless transformer
applied in railway inductive power transfer system,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress
and Exposition (ECCE), 2013, pp.
Kaiqin Yan, Qianhong Chen, Jia Hou, Wenxian
Chen, Xiaoyong. Ren, and Xinbo Ruan, “Self-oscillating
contactless resonant converter with phase detection contactless current
in Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress
and Exposition (ECCE), 2013, pp.
Jian Wang, Tianzhi Fang, and Xinbo
Ruan, “Compound control strategy for distributed
input-series-output-parallel inverter system,” in Proc.
39th Annual
Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2013,
Hengwei Zhu, Tianzhi Fang, and Xinbo
Ruan, “Distributed voltage sharing control strategy for
input-series-output-series inverters system,” in Proc.
39th Annual
Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2013,
Xing Tan and Xinbo Ruan, “Mode
analysis and optimal design of LCC resonant converter operating in DCM,”
39th Annual
Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON),
2013, pp.993-998.
Qianhong Chen, Leilei Jiang, Jia Hou, Xiaoyong
Ren, and Xinbo Ruan, “Research on bidirectional
contactless resonant converter for energy charging between EVs,” in Proc.
Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON),
2013, pp..
Qian Jin and Xinbo Ruan,
“Switch-linear hybrid envelope-tracking power supply with multilevel
structure,” in Proc.
39th Annual
Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2013,
Meng Huang, Chi K. Tse, Siu-Chung Wong,
Xinbo Ruan, and Cheng Wan, “Interacting bifurcation
phenomenon in three-phase voltage source converter connected to non-ideal
power grid,” in Proc.
39th Annual
Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2013,
Xinbo Ruan and Yangguang Yan, “Zero-voltage-switched, PWM,
phase-shifted converter employing an auxiliary resonant net,” in Proc.
IEE Power Electronics and Variable Speed Drives, 1996; pp.534-539.
Xinbo Ruan and Yangguang Yan, “Parameter design and
increasing frequency of BJT resonant dc link inverters,” in Proc. The
1st International Power Electronics and Motion Control
conference, 1994, pp.863-866.
Xinbo Ruan and Yangguang Yan, “An example of cascade
converters,” in Proc. The 1st International Power
Electronics and Motion Control conference, 1994, pp.873-876.
Xinbo Ruan and Yangguang Yan, “Analysis of three-phase
resonant dc link inverters with four bridge arms,” in Proc.
Chinese-Japanese Power Electronics Conference, 1992, pp.336-342.
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