
A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one.
We have done
In attempt to create a new kind of Moving Average with my friend and colleague Dimitrios Kouzis Loukas (because i was a little bit tired of the classical set of MA everybody’s use from the last 10 years), we’ve created this new one (ALMA)..
It removes small price fluctuations and enhances the trend by applying a moving average twice, one from left to right and one from right to left. At the end of this process the phase shift (price lag) commonly associated with moving averages is significantly reduced.
Zero-phase digital filtering reduces noise in the signal. Conventional filtering reduces noise in the signal, but add delay.
The ALMA can give some excellent results if you take the time to tweak the parameters (don’t need to explain this part, it will be easy for you to find the right setting in less than hour)..
Arnaud Legoux Moving Average
Things to know
Since January 2010, the alma moving average has been downloaded more than twenty five thousand times
Because of its kernel that doesnt give too much importance to what happened in the last bar of data, the ALMA moving average filters out very well noise remaining stick to the underlying trend and when it really matters it responds much better than any other know moving averages.What is going on?
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Arnaud de BRESSON:中国投资者可抓住欧洲危机带来的机遇
日 12:26来源:东方网
作者:毛丽君 裘颖琼 曹磊
&&& 苏格兰皇家银行集团亚太区主席,法国巴黎欧洲金融市场协会主任Arnaud&de&bresson
de BRESSON表示,在欧洲危机后的阶段,中国投资者是可以抓住一些机会的。    Arnaud de
BRESSON说,第一个工作重点就是要发展长期的储蓄以及投资,这是一个非常重要的工作重点。首先一定要服务于企业,并且是长期性的;第二点要促进人们长期的储蓄。要做到这一点,一个重要的方式就是加强资产管理的组合,要发展我们的共同基金。    第二个工作重点就是要发展更多的股权市场,启动公司的融资业务,包括中小公司的融资。“今天股票市场、金融市场当中有很多受到低估的企业,可以让中国的投资者投资欧洲的股票。”    此外,还要发展可持续的融资。Arnaud
de BRESSON认为,中国非常重视可持续的发展,我们认为金融行业一定要成为这方面发展的核心,包括在投资方面。


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