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iOS 8 for Developers - Apple Developer
iOS 8 includes over 4,000 new APIs that let you add amazing new features and capabilities to your apps. Deeper integration with iOS means you can extend the reach of your app content and functionality. And with bold new technologies for game development, you can create even more incredible, responsive, and immersive gaming experiences.
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iOS 8 SDK and Xcode 6
Get your apps ready for iOS 8 by downloading and building with the iOS 8 SDK and Xcode 6 from the Mac App Store. With Xcode 6 and iOS 8, Swift is now final, and you can submit your iOS apps written with Swift to the App Store.
Add New Capabilities
iOS 8 introduces a huge set of APIs and services, so you can create new categories of apps and features. Here are some of the most exciting new capabilities we’re unlocking.
Deliver innovative new experiences on Apple Watch that reimagine and enhance the functionality of your iPhone apps. WatchKit provides three opportunities to extend your iPhone app to Apple Watch: WatchKit apps, Glances, and actionable notifications.
App Extensions
iOS 8 lets you extend your app’s functionality and content throughout the system by supplying an app extension — code that enables custom functionality within the context of a user task. Use extensions to place the power of your app wherever your users need it most.
Your app can now use Touch ID to authenticate a user before accessing some or all content in your app. Fingerprint data is protected and never accessed by iOS or other apps. And with Apple Pay, users can quickly and securely pay for physical goods and services with a single touch.
Allows users to use Touch ID to easily and securely pay for physical goods and services such as groceries, clothing, tickets, and reservations in your app. With a single touch, users can provide your app the payment information, billing and shipping addresses, and contact information to make their purchases.
PhotoKit provides new APIs for working with photo and video assets, that are managed by the Photos app, so your app can edit photos directly in the Camera roll without having to import them first. Key features include a thread-safe architecture for fetching and caching thumbnails and full-sized assets, requesting changes to assets, observing changes made by other apps, and resumable editing of asset content.
Manual Camera Controls
The AVFoundation framework makes it easier than ever for users to take great photos. Your app can take direct control over the camera focus, white balance, and exposure settings. Your app can also use bracketed exposure captures to automatically capture images with different exposure settings.
HealthKit allows apps providing health and fitness services to access shared health-related information in one place. A user’s health information is stored in a centralized and secure location and the user decides which data should be shared with your app.
Your app can access any shared health-related information and can provide information about the user without you needing to implement support for specific fitness-tracking devices. Information can come from devices connected to an iOS device or manual entry by the user.
This is a new framework for communicating with and controlling connected devices in a user’s home. Your apps can enable users to discover devices in their home and configure them, or you can create actions to control those devices. Users can group actions together and trigger them using Siri.
Leverage the full power of iCloud and build apps with the new CloudKit framework. Now you can easily and securely store and efficiently retrieve your app data like structured data in a database or assets right from iCloud. CloudKit also enables your users to anonymously sign in to your apps with their iCloud Apple IDs without sharing their personal information.
With CloudKit, you can focus on your client-side app development and let iCloud eliminate the need to write server-side application logic. CloudKit provides authentication, private and public databases, and structured and asset storage services & all for free with very high limits.
Using a simple API in Foundation, your app can participate in Handoff to let users start an activity on one device and seamlessly resume the activity on another device.
Technology improvements in iOS 8 make it easier than ever to implement your game’s graphics and audio features. Take advantage of high-level frameworks for ease-of-development, or use new low-level enhancements to harness the power of the GPU.
SceneKit is a high-level 3D graphics framework that helps you create 3D animated scenes and effects in your apps. It incorporates a physics engine, a particle generator, and easy ways to script the actions of 3D objects so you can describe your scene in terms of its content & geometry, materials, lights, and cameras & then animate it by describing changes to those objects. SceneKit’s 3D physics engine enlivens your app or game by simulating gravity, forces, rigid body collisions, and joints. It’s also completely integrated with SpriteKit, so you can include SpriteKit assets in 3D games.
The SpriteKit framework adds new features to make it easier to create high-performance, battery-efficient 2D games. With support for custom OpenGL ES shaders and lighting, integration with SceneKit, and advanced new physics effects and animations, you can add force fields, detect collisions, and generate new lighting effects in your games. Xcode 6 also incorporates new shader and scene editors that save you time as you create your game. Create a scene’s contents, specifying which nodes appear in the scene and characteristics of those nodes, including physics effects. The scene is then serialized to a file that your game can easily load.
With extremely low-overhead access to the A7 and A8 GPU, Metal enables incredibly high performance for sophisticated graphics rendering and computational tasks. Metal eliminates many performance bottlenecks that are found in traditional graphics APIs. It’s specifically designed to exploit modern architectural considerations, such as multiprocessing and shared memory, to make it easy to parallelize the creation of GPU commands. Metal offers a streamlined API, a unified graphics and compute shading language, and Xcode-based tools.
Test and Submit Your iOS 8 Apps
iOS 8 is in the hands of hundreds of millions of customers. Build, test, and submit your iOS 8 apps to the App Store today.
Test for Compatibility
iOS 8 supports iPhone 4s or later, iPod touch (5th gen), and iPad 2 or later. New apps and app updates submitted to the App Store should support iOS 8 and be optimized for iOS devices with Retina display.
Review and Follow Guidelines
All apps submitted to the App Store are reviewed based on a set of technical, content, and design criteria. Make sure to use these guidelines and resources before submitting your app for review.
Submit to the App Store
Use Xcode 6 with iOS 8 SDK to compile, validate, and submit release versions of your iOS 8 apps to iTunes Connect. For more details on how to prepare, submit, and promote your app to the App Store, read .Now Accepting WatchKit AppsApple Watch will be in the hands of customers on April 24. Get your WatchKit apps ready and submit them for review now. To learn more, read .
(1-800-MY-APPLE), visit an , or find a .
Copyright (C) 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.52TI_BLE_Sample_Applications_Guide-第4页
8.1.3 Accelerometer OperationThe keyfob uses SPI to interface to a 3 axis accelerometer on the KeyFobDemo. The accelerometer must be enabled & ACCEL_ENABLER_UUID& by writing a value of “01”. Once the accelerometer is enabled, each axis can be configured to send notifications by writing “01 00” to the characteristic configuration for each axis & GATT_CLIENT_CHAR_CFG_UUID&. In addition, the values can be read by reading &ACCEL_X_UUID&, &ACCEL_Y_UUID&,&ACCEL_Z_UUID&.8.1.4 KeysThe simple keys service on the keyfob allows the device to send notifications of key presses and releases to a central device. The application registers with HAL to receive a callback in case HAL detects a key change.The peer device may read the value of the keys by reading &SK_KEYPRESSED_UUID&.The peer device may enable key press notifications by writing a “01” to &GATT_CLIENT_CHAR_CFG_UUID&.A value of “00” indicates that neither key is pressed. A value of “01” indicates that the left key is pressed. A value of “02” indicates that the right key is pressed. A value of “03” indicates that both keys are pressed.8.1.5 ProximityOne of the services of the proximity profile is the link loss service, which allows the proximity reporter to begin an alert in the event the connection drops.The link loss alert can be set by writing a value to &PROXIMITY_ALERT_LEVEL_UUID&.The default alert value setting is “00”, which indicates “no alert.” To turn on the alert, write a 1-byte value of “01” (low alert) or “02” (high alert). By default, the link does not timeout until 20 seconds have gone by without receiving a packet. This “Supervision Timeout” value can be changed in the “Connection Services” however the timeout value must be set before the connection is established. After completing the write, move the keyfob device far enough away from the USB Dongle until the link drops. Alternatively, you can disconnect the USB Dongle from the PC, effectively dropping the connection. Once the timeout on the keyfob expires, the alarm will be triggered. If a low alert was set, the keyfob will make a low pitched beep. If a high alert was set, the keyfob will make a high pitched beep and the LED will blink. In either case, the keyfob will beep ten times and then stop. Alternatively to stop the beeping, either a new connection can be formed with the keyfob, or the button can be pressed.8.2 Software DescriptionThe application is implemented in the file keyFobDemo.c.8.2.1 InitializationThe initialization of the application occurs in two phases: first, the KeyFobApp_Init function is called by the OSAL. This function configures parameters in the peripheral profile, GAP, and GAP bond manager. It also sets up the KeyFobDemo example services along with standard GATT and GAP services in the attribute server. Then it sets an OSAL START_DEVICE_EVT event. This triggers the second phase of the initialization, which can be found within the KeyFobApp_ProcessEvent function. During this phase, the GAPRole_StartDevice function is called to set up the GAP functions of the application. Then GAPBondMgr_Register is called to register with the bond manager.8.2.2 Event ProcessingThe application has two main event processing functions, KeyFobApp_ProcessEvent and KeyFobApp_ProcessOSALMsg.Function KeyFobApp_ProcessEvent handles events as follows:???? SYS_EVENT_MSG:
Service the OSAL queue and process OSAL messages. KFD_START_DEVICE_EVT:
Start the device, as described in the previous section. KFD_ACCEL_READ_EVT: Read accelerometer and set timer for periodic reads. KFD_BATTERY_CHECK_EVT:
Read battery level and set timer for periodic reads.? KFD_TOGGLE_BUZZER_EVT: Toggle buzzer on proximity state.Function KeyFobApp_ProcessOSALMsg handles OSAL messages as follows:? KEY_CHANGE: Handle key presses.8.2.3 CallbacksThe application callback functions are as follows:??? PeripheralStateNotificationCB:
This is the GAP event callback. It processes GAP events for startup and link connect/disconnect. ProximityAttrCB:
Receive info on link loss and setup from proximity service. AccelEnablerChangeCB: Handle enabling of accelerometer.9 SimpleBLECentralThe SimpleBLECentral project implements a very simple BLE central device with GATT client functionality. It makes use of the SmartRF05 + CC2540EM hardware platform. This project can be used as a framework for developing many different central-role applications. More information on the SimpleBLECentral project can be found in [1].10 SimpleBLEPeripheralThe SimpleBLEPeripheral project implements a very simple BLE peripheral device with GATT services, including configurations for the CC2540DK-MINI keyfob as well as the SmartRF05 + CC2540EM hardware platforms. This project can be used as a framework for developing many different peripheral-role applications. More information on the SimpleBLEPeripheral project can be found in [1].11 Soft Command Trigger- BLE Remote ControlThis sample project implements the Soft Command and Battery profiles in a BLE peripheral device to provide an example of a Soft Command device like a remote control. The application implements the &Trigger& role of the Soft Command profile and the &Battery Reporter& role of the Battery profile. The project is based on following specification:? Soft Command Draft Specification d05r02 (UCRDD)The project can be opened with the following IAR workspace file:C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC\Projects\ble\SoftCmd\CC2540DB\softcmd.eww 11.1 Project OverviewThe project structure is very similar to that of the SimpleBLEPeripheral project. The APP directory contains the application source code and header files. The project contains one configuration, CC2540DK-MINI Keyfob Slave, using the keyfob hardware platform.11.1.1 User InterfaceWhen not connected, the keyfob's right button is used to toggle advertising on and off. When in a connection, the keyfob's left button sends &Soft Command 0& and the right button sends &Soft Command 1&.11.1.2 Basic OperationPower up the device and press the right button to enable advertising. From a Soft Command target peer device, initiate a device discovery and connection procedure to find and connect to the Soft Command trigger device. Once connected the application performs service discovery to find the Generic Control service on the peer device. The peer device may discover the Command Enumeration service. The peer device may also discover and configure the battery service for battery level-state notifications.If the Generic Control service is discovered then soft commands will be sent to the peer device when a button is pressed.If the peer device initiates pairing then the devices will pair. Only &just works& pairing is supported by the application (pairing without a passcode).11.2 Software DescriptionThe application is implemented in the file softcmd.c.11.2.1 InitializationThe initialization of the application occurs in two phases: first, the SoftCmd_Init function is called by the OSAL. This function configures parameters in the peripheral profile, GAP, and GAP bond manager. It also sets up the Soft Command service and the battery service along with standard GATT and GAP services in the attribute server. It also initializes GATT for client operation. Then it sets an OSAL START_DEVICE_EVT event. This triggers the second phase of the initialization, which can be found within the SoftCmd_ProcessEvent function. During this phase, the GAPRole_StartDevice function is called to set up the GAP functions of the application. Then GAPBondMgr_Register is called to register with the bond manager.11.2.2 Event ProcessingThe application has two main event processing functions, SoftCmd_ProcessEvent and softCmd_ProcessOSALMsg.Function SoftCmd_ProcessEvent handles events as follows:???? SYS_EVENT_MSG:
Service the OSAL queue and process OSAL messages. START_DEVICE_EVT:
Start the device, as described in the previous section. START_DISCOVERY_EVT:
Start service discovery. BATT_PERIODIC_EVT:
Check the battery level and send notification if it changed.Function softCmd_ProcessOSALMsg handles OSAL messages as follows:?? KEY_CHANGE messages:
Call function softCmd_HandleKeys to handle keypresses. GATT_MSG_EVENT messages:
Call function softCmdProcessGATTMsg to handlemessages from GATT.11.2.3 CallbacksThe application callback functions are as follows:??? softCmdGapStateCB:
This is the GAP event callback. It processes GAP events for startup and link connect/disconnect. softCmdPairStateCB:
This is the GAP bond manager state callback. It processes events for pairing start and pairing complete. softCmdBattCB:
This is the battery service callback. It handles enabling or disablingperiodic battery measurements when notifications of the battery level-state are enabled ordisabled.11.2.4 Service DiscoveryThe application performs service discovery for the Generic Control service. Discovery is initiated when a connection is established to a peer device with which there is no existing bond. Discovery starts when the discovery delay timer expires, which sets event START_DISCOVERY_EVT. This will result in execution of function softCmdDiscStart. However if a pairing procedure is in progress when the timer expires discovery will be postponed until pairing completes. This is done in case the peer device requires security before its characteristics are read or written.The service discovery procedure is as follows:1. Discovery the Generic Control service by UUID.2. If found, discover all characteristics of the service to find the Generic Command ControlPoint and Command Enumeration characteristics.3. If the Command Enumeration characteristic is found, read the characteristic.If the Generic Command Control Point characteristic is discovered then discovery of the service is deemed successful.The handles of discovered characteristics of interest are stored in array softCmdHdlCache.The main service discovery function is softCmdDiscGenCtrl. This function is executed when a discovery-related GATT message response is received. The service discovery state is maintained in variable softCmdDiscState.11.2.5 Sending Soft CommandsFunction softCmdSend is called when a button is pressed during a connection. This function calls GATT_WriteNoRsp to sends a write command protocol message containing the soft command value to the peer device.12 TimeApp- BLE WatchThis sample project implements time and alert-related profiles in a BLE peripheral device to provide an example of how Bluetooth LE profiles are used in a product like a watch. The following profiles are implemented:???? Time Profile, Time Client role Based on Time Profile Draft Specification d09r08 Alert Notification Profile, Alert Client role Based on Alert Notification Service Draft Specification d09r02 Network Availability Profile, Network Monitor role Based on Network Availability Draft Specification d05r04 (UCRDD) Battery Profile, Battery Monitor roleBased on Battery Profile Draft Specification d09r06The project can be opened with the following IAR workspace file:C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC\Projects\ble\TimeApp\CC2540\TimeApp.eww12.1 Project OverviewThe TimeApp project structure is very similar to that of the SimpleBLEPeripheral project. The APP directory contains the application source code and header files. The project contains one configuration, CC2540EM Slave, using the SmartRF05EB + CC2540EM hardware platform. 12.1.1 User InterfaceThe SmartRF05EB joystick and display provide a user interface for the application. The joystick and buttons are used as follows:???? Joystick Up:
Start or stop advertising. Joystick Left:
If connected, send a command to the Alert Notification control point. Joystick Center:
If connected, disconnect. If held down on power-up, erase all bonds. Joystick Right:
If connected, initiate a Reference Time update.The LCD display is used to display the following information:? Device BD address.? Connection state.? Pairing and bonding status.? Passcode display.? Time and date.? Network availability.??? Battery state of peer device. Alert notification messages. Unread message alerts.12.1.2 Basic OperationWhen the application powers up it displays &Time App&, the BD address of the device, and a default time and date of &00:00 Jan01 2000&. To connect, press Joystick Up to start advertising then initiate a connection from a peer device. The connection status will be displayed. Once connected, the application will attempt to discover the following services on the peer device:? Current Time Service? DST Change Service? Reference Time Service? Alert Notification Service? Network Availability Service? Battery ServiceThe discovery procedure will cache handles of interest. When bonded to a peer device, the handles are saved so that the discovery procedure is not performed on subsequent connections. If a service is discovered certain service characteristics are read and displayed. The network availability status and battery level will be displayed and the current time will be updated.The application also enables notification or indication for characteristics that support these operations. This allows the peer device to send notifications or indications updating the time, network availability, or battery status. The peer device can also send alert notification messages and unread message alerts. These updates and messages will be displayed on the LCD.The peer device may initiate pairing. If a passcode is required the application will generate and display a random passcode. Enter this passcode on the peer device to proceed with pairing.The application advertises using either a fast interval or a slow interval. When advertising is initiated by a button press or when a connection is terminated due to link loss, the application will start advertising at the fast interval for 30 seconds followed by the slow interval. When a connection is terminated for any other reason the application will start advertising at the slow interval. The advertising intervals and durations are configurable in file timeapp.c.12.2 Software DescriptionThe TimeApp application is implemented in the following files:????? timeapp.c:
Main initialization, event handling and callback functions. timeapp_clock.c:
Clock timekeeping and display functions. timeapp_config.c:
Characteristic configuration functions. timeapp_discovery.c:
Service discovery functions. timeapp_ind.c:
Indication and notification handling functions.12.2.1 InitializationThe initialization of the application occurs in two phases: first, the TimeApp_Init function is called by the OSAL. This function configures parameters in the peripheral profile, GAP, and GAP bond manager and also initializes GATT for client operation. It also sets up standard GATT and GAP services in the attribute server. Then it sets an OSAL START_DEVICE_EVT event. This triggers the second phase of the initialization, which can be found within the TimeApp_ProcessEvent function. During this phase, the GAPRole_StartDevice function is called to set up the GAP functions of the application. Then GAPBondMgr_Register is called to register with the bond manager.12.2.2 Event ProcessingThe application has two main event processing functions, TimeApp_ProcessEvent and timeApp_ProcessOSALMsg.包含各类专业文献、专业论文、高等教育、应用写作文书、幼儿教育、小学教育、生活休闲娱乐、文学作品欣赏、中学教育、外语学习资料、52TI_BLE_Sample_Applications_Guide等内容。 
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