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新都会大厦代理家用净水器送货上门&&&& 随着大家对家庭饮水安全的重视,净水器已变身为“热门家电”,但面对性能多样、不同价位的净水器产品,很多市民犹豫不决,到底该选哪一款?天之尚环保-品质优良,环保节能。随着环境污染的日益严重,水己成为威胁人们健康的重要因素,一项统计显示,国内超过30%的河流和超过50%地下水不达标,90%以上的城市水域也遭到污染。这也让人们对生活和饮用水的健康安全问题给予了前所未有的关注,从而使净水器市场迎来了发展的黄金期。据不完全统计,全国净水器生产企业有3000多家,在市场上销售的净水器品牌及种类多达上千个,据中怡康测算,月,净水设备市场零售量407.2万台,同比增长8.7%,零售额103.6亿元,同比增长17.5%。总体形势良好,市场大门开启,潜力相当可观,行业也将伴随着工业化的推进而进一步爆发,向纵深方向发展。纵观国内净水器市场,之所以销量逐年递增,离不开净水器企业不断更新的先进技术。例如海尔净水机陶氏RO膜片,过滤精度高达0.1纳米,全封闭无菌过渡仓,避免水质二次污染。而美的净水设备采用第三代ONE-TOUCH一体式滤芯,滤芯完全密封,只需轻轻旋转即可实现换芯,并且美的智能双感应技术能实时记忆滤芯使用时间和净水量,滤芯寿命到期后会自动提醒顾客更换滤芯。沁园净水机则专门针对水质而研发出五级过滤,双出水设置,改善水质的同时改善纯净水的口感。不光依靠企业的发力,与此同时,政府部门也对净水器市场给予足够重视。早在2014年8月,《家用和类似用途的饮用水处理内芯》和《家用和类似用途饮用水处理装置》正式实施,其中对净水设备产品的质量标准提出了明确规定。在去年6月,标准化协会发布《家用和类似用途净水器的安装、维修服务规范》,标志着国内首个家用净水器安装服务维修规范标准正式出台,象征着人们对净水行业安装服务的重视性提高。今年3月,恰逢水日,家用电器服务维修协会举行会议起草《净水上门服务工程师资质认证规范》,并将于本月正式发布实施。可以看出,净水行业的规范已不止局限于产品的生产和功能标准,逐步深入到对安装服务甚至服务人员的资质要求,也标志着未来企业进入净水市场的门槛将会更高,消费者会更加受益。水是生命之源、健康之本。尽管目前国内净水行业与欧美国家家用净水器普及率相比,仍存在消费者认可度偏低的问题,但我相信,巨大的市场、先进的技术、规范的管理,总有一天会让净水器和电视、冰箱等一样,普及到每一个家庭。净水产品良莠不齐近几年,家电净水器领域呈现出蓬勃发展的态势,市面上打着净水概念的产品也琳琅满目,净水机、纯水机、软水机等不同性能的产品相继出现,净化技术也是多种多样,比如活性炭吸附、超滤膜、反渗透膜等,甚至有商家在宣传时打出美容、祛斑等旗号,功能不一而足。“生态水、活化水、能量水、氢离子水等,净水器产品五花八门,要选购一款合适的净水器还真不容易。销售人员的介绍也是听得云里雾里,最后就只能选个价格还算适中的产品。”市民张先生告诉记者,面对商家各式各样的宣传,不知道从何下手。而且不同产品对应的价格也都不一样,都无从判断。目前,净水器厂商林立,近300家品牌的净水器在市场上销售,一些小企业缺乏技术实力、创新能力,通过仿造产品进行销售,以致市场上存在以次充好、以假乱真的现象。而消费者似乎很难从中辨别出真正值得信赖的品牌、产品。一些消费者在购买到净水功能较差、售后不完善的产品时,也只能自认倒霉。查询资质辨别优劣记者走访了解到,大部分消费者对净水器知之甚少,只看产品介绍和宣传语难以对净水器产品有准确的理解,如何识别优劣成为消费者选购时的必学课题。“大家可以先从知名大品牌看起,选择国内驰名品牌的净水器。如果是不熟悉的品牌,不妨检查净水器的检测报告和资质证明,看该品牌是否有国家部门批注的卫生许可证,是否通过了国家技术监督部们的鉴定,是否符合国家《生活饮用水水质标准》。这是确保购买到正规净水器的必要条件。”在采访中,一家品牌净水器授权经销商告诉记者。净水器同所有家电产品一样,选择大品牌就意味着选择了多重保障,如净水效果、产品质量、服务质量等。此外,消费者应当选择线下专卖店或者线上旗舰店等正规渠道购买,避免上当受骗。与其他家电品类不同,净水器需要频繁维护才能保证出水水质良好、达到正常使用寿命。因此,选购净水器,售后服务也应充分重视,消费者可关注商家三包期限、范围以及售后是否完善,能否定期做好维护工作。根据水质按需选购目前市场上净水器并没有统一的选购标准,很多消费者都是凭外观、滤芯数量、价格结合来对比性比价。事实上净水器并非滤芯多、价格高就越好。选购时,消费者应该根据自己需求,合理选择。有专家认为,如果家里的水质污染不是很严重,选择过滤级别稍微低的净水器就可以有效地去除水中的泥沙、铁锈、异味等普遍污染物。如果只是洗衣服、洗菜、洗澡等家庭生活用水,选择软水净水器最为合适,可以轻松地解决水质过硬的问题。如果家庭用水需要直接饮用,就需要选择过滤级别稍高的净水器。此时,要格外注意滤芯的种类。滤芯决定着净水器的净水效果。目前,净水器滤芯主要有微滤膜、超滤膜、纳滤膜、RO膜等,RO净水器凭借优秀的净水效果,已占据超过80%的市场份额;超滤机可以保留水中对人体有益的矿物质,也可作为选项之一;至于纳滤机,目前更多的是概念炒作。需要提醒的是,滤芯使用后会吸附水中杂质、重金属等物质,如不及时更换与清洗会滋生细菌,消费者在选购时要清楚滤芯的更换周期与费用详情。随着大家对家庭饮水安全的重视,净水器已变身为“热门家电”,但面对性能多样、不同价位的净水器产品,很多市民犹豫不决,到底该选哪一款?净水器市场产量预测现在工业化社会的演进,使的水污染不在是一个地方的问题,而是全国普遍性的问题,不仅仅是城市面临的问题,还是农村面临的问题。这些年,净水器市场容量年增长率达到50%。预计到2019年全国家用净水器市场普及率将达到20%——30%,约1亿家庭的拥有量,年平均增长率为30%,我国净水器保有量超过9000万台,每年增长速度近30%。然而,净水器市场高速增长的背后,品牌参差不齐、安装复杂、保养困难等诸多问题也一直笼罩着整个行业。据不完全统计,2014年净水机企业已超过4500家,缺乏技术创新是净水行业的难言之隐。从2010年到2015年,不同技术类型的产品价格都是在走高的趋势当中,其中反渗透产品的增速最快,而低端同质化产品生存空间越来越小。随着多方监管的趋严以及行业竞争门槛的提升,将会给净水行业带来新的变化。而参与行业竞争,就一定要深度聚焦用户关注点,通过挖掘消费者评价数据,找准消费者需求点。事实上,目前消费者对安全饮水的需求,已经远高于对价格的敏感。净水器企业面对越发激烈是市场竞争,只有深度聚焦用户,提升产品、服务水平,才能赢得胜利。在同质化日益严重的净水机市场,容家净水器智能、免装、废水不废的特点代表了整个行业的发展方向,是适应消费者需求的产品,受到广大消费者青睐。&&& 在今年的“水日”峰会上,卫生经济学会理论与政策专委会秘书长陈秋霖先生表示:“美国经济学家保罗·皮尔泽写过一本书——《财富第五波》,他把人类社会的财富分为五波,第一波农业,第二波工业,第三波金融,第四波信息产业。有意思的是,的四波财富最终汇集于一波——健康财富。正在进入一个 “健康+”的时代。”从各类养生文、保健品的逐渐兴起,我们也可看出很多人更注重身体的健康,在意自己的生命。确实,变老的每个人的必修课,但是变健康却是人生的选修课,关键在于自己的选择。那么,回归本质,健康的根本在于什么,笔者认为水既是万物之源,也是百病之首。据了解,上的疾病多与饮水不洁有关,所以解决饮水不洁的问题就是解决身体疾病的根本。家庭中我们采用自来水烧开、桶装水、瓶装水等方式来解决家庭成员的饮水问题,但实际上,这些方式也有一定的危害,瓶装水虽好,但是不经济,常年累月,对于普通家庭也是一笔不菲的开支。为了解决这些问题,也有很大一部分家庭开始选购净水器来代替以往的饮水方式。事实证明,净水器也是目前唯一能有效解决饮水不洁的问题,净水器不仅能滤除水中有害物质,还可将水加热制冷,实现即滤即饮的快速又安全的饮水方式。最后,净水器只是保证家庭的饮水安全,防止病从口入。使用净水器饮水一定是健康就不能绝对保证了,无论是从水源、净水器本身还是从人体的需求而言,要做到绝对的健康都是一件非常困难的事情。我们之所以要选购净水器,所追求的只是用水的安全而已,而不是饮水的健康,所以在选购净水器的过程中,一定要注意不要被有些净水器的一些健康理念的噱头给忽悠了。With the attention to family drinking water safety, water purifier has been transformed into a &popular goods&, but in the face of the water purifier product performance varied and different price, a lot of people shilly-shally, in the end of the election which one day? Is environmental protection - quality, environmental protection and energy saving.With the increasingly severe environmental pollution, water has become an important factor in the threat to people's health, according to a statistics, more than 30% of the domestic more than 50% rivers and groundwater standards, more than 90% of the city have been contaminated waters. This has also given people unpcedented concern about the health and safety of life and drinking water, thus bringing the water purifier market to the golden age of development. According to incomplete statistics, the national water purifier manufacturing enterprises have more than 3000, the market for water purifiers brands and types up to thousands,According to the PRC estimates,
months, water purification equipment market sales of 4 million 72 thousand units, an increase of 8.7%, retail sales of 10 billion 360 million yuan, an increase of 17.5%. Overall situation is good, the market opens, the potential is considerable, the industry will also be accompanied by the industrialization of the further outbreak, and in depth direction.Throughout the domestic water purifier market, the reason why sales increased year by year, can not be separated from the water purifier enterprises continue to update advanced technology. For example, Haier water purifier, Dow RO diaphragm, filtration accuracy of up to 0.1 nm, fully closed sterile transition warehouse, to avoid water pollution two times. Water purification equipment and beauty of the third generation of ONE-TOUCH integrated filter, the filter is completely sealed, only need to change the core and can rotate gently, the intelligent dual induction technology can real-time memory filter using time and net water, filter life after the expiration will automatically remind the customer to change the filter core. Qinyuan water purifier is designed for Chinese quality and develop five filters, double outlet setting, improve water quality and improve the taste of pure water.Not only rely on the force of enterprises, at the same time, the government departments also pay sufficient attention to the water purifier market. In early August 2014, the &drinking water for household and similar purposes within the core& and &treatment for household and similar use drinking water treatment device& formally implemented, the quality standard of water purification equipment products required. In June last year, Chinese Standardization Association issued &household and similar water purifier for the installation and maintenance of service standards&, marking the country's first home water purifier installed Service standard was promulgated, a symbol of people pay attention to installation services for the water industry to improve. In March this year, to coincide with the world water day, Chinese household appliances Service Association meeting &drafting water on-site service engineer qualification certification standards&, and will be officially released this month implementation. It can be seen that the water purification industry standard has not only confined to the production and function of standard products, gradually to install service and even service personnel qualification requirements, also marks the future of enterprises to enter the water market threshold will be higher, consumers will benefit more.Water is the source of life and the foundation of health. Although the domestic water industry in Europe and the United States household water purifier penetration rate than there are still consumer acceptance is low, but I believe that the huge market, advanced technology, standardized management, one day will make water purifier and TV, refrigerator and so on, spad to every family.With everyone's attention to the safety of family drinking water, water purifiers have turned into &hot home appliances&, but in the face of a variety of performance, different prices of water purifier products, many people hesitate, in the end, which election should I choose?Water purification products vary greatlyIn recent years, household water purifier field psents a booming trend, the market under the banner of net water concept products are products of water purifier, a superb collection of beautiful things, pure water machine, water softener and other different properties have emerged, purification technology is various, such as activated carbon adsorption, ultrafiltration membrane and reverse osmosis membrane, even companies have hit beauty, freckle banner in the publicity function, this is not the only one.&Ecological water, activated water, energy, water, hydrogen, ions, water, etc., water purifier products are multifarious, it is not easy to choose a suitable water purifier.&. The sales staff also introduced finally hear foggy, a fairly moderate prices can only choose products.& Zhang told reporters that the public, in the face of all kinds of publicity businesses, do not know where to start. Moreover, the price of the corresponding products are not the same, there is no way to judge.At psent, the water purifier water purifier manufacturers everywhere, nearly 300 brand sales in the market, some small enterprises lack technical strength and innovation ability, by selling counterfeit products, there is a shoddy, deceptive phenomenon on the market that. Consumers seem to find it hard to identify truly trustworthy brands and products. Some consumers in the purchase of clean water function is poor, imperfect after-sales service products, but also admitted bad luck.Inquire about qualifications and meritsThe reporter visited the learned, the majority of consumers little water purifier is known, only the product introduction and propaganda is difficult to have accurate understanding of water purifier products, how to identify the pros and cons become consumers will learn the subject.&We can first look at the well-known brands, choose well-known brands of water purifiers.&. If you are not familiar with the brand, may wish to check the water purifier test reports and certificates, to see whether the brand is endorsed by the State Department of health permits, whether through the identification of their ministry of National Technical Supervision, conform to the national standard &drinking water&. This is the necessary condition to ensure the purchase of a regular water purifier.& In the interview, a brand water purifier authorized by而在对潜在消费者进行的调查中,75%的潜在购买者未来打算购买的净水器是中低档价格的净水器&
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